一: 目标:从平台删除非签约虚拟证件号码对应的所有号码数据
-- 1 找出所有的非签约的的客户信息,并且建立临时表: fei_ct_cust_info
drop table fei_ct_cust_info;
create table fei_ct_cust_info tablespace tbs_data_interface as
select /*+parallel(a,10)*/ * from ct_cust_info a where a.id_type in('K','M');
-- 2 计算非签约的客户信息量
select /*+parallel(a,10)*/ count(*) from fei_ct_cust_info a--1606252
--3 关联出的客户对应的用户信息,并且建立临时表: fei_ur_user_info
drop table fei_ur_user_info;
create table fei_ur_user_info tablespace tbs_data_interface as
select * from ur_user_info a where a.cust_id in (select cust_id from fei_ct_cust_info )
--4 计算非签约的用户信息量
A库: select /*+parallel(a,10)*/count(*) from fei_ur_user_info a;--1215826
B库: select /*+parallel(a,10)*/count(*) from fei_ur_user_info a;-- 955664
-- 5 将非签约用户到导出,从一证五号平台删除
drop table fei_ur_user_info;
create table fei_ur_user_info tablespace tbs_data_interface as
select /*+parallel(a,10) parallel(b,10)*/ a.* from ur_user_info a, ct_cust_info b where a.cust_id=b.cust_id
and b.id_type in('K','M');
select /*+parallel(a,10)*/count(*) from fei_ur_user_info a;--1215826
二: 目标: 个人证件开户2063的11位的号码同步到平台
-- 1根据 需要的信息 个人证件去bs_unicodeclass_dict 找出对应的code_class 为32
select * from bs_unicodeclass_dict t where t.code_class = '32'
-- 2 根据code_class 为32 去bs_UniCodeDef_Dict 找出对应的id_type 的值:
select * from bs_UniCodeDef_Dict where code_class = '32'
--id_type: 1,F,G,3,4,5,6,7,8,A,B,D,Z,H,I,E,J,K,L,M,C,N,Y,2,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
-- 3 根据查询到的id_type 的值去客户信息表中 查询对应的客户信息,并且建立临时表:persion_ct_cust_info
drop table persion_ct_cust_info;
create table persion_ct_cust_info tablespace tbs_data_interface as
select * from ct_cust_info where id_type
in ('K','M','1','F','G','3','4','5','6','7','A','H','E','L','2','9','14','Z','J');
-- 4 计算用个人证件开户的客户信息量
select /*+parallel(a,10)*/count(*) from persion_ct_cust_info ;
--5 关联出个人证件开户的用户信息,并且建立临时表:persion_ur_user_info
create table persion_ur_user_info tablespace tbs_data_interface as
select * from ur_user_info a where a.cust_id in (select cust_id from persion_ct_cust_info );
--6 计算出对应的用户信息量
select count(*) from persion_ur_user_info ;
--7 查询出个人证件开户2063并且手机号码为11位的用户信息,并且建立临时表:persion_ur_user_2063
create table persion_ur_user_2063 tablespace tbs_data_interface as
select * from persion_ur_user_info a where a.master_serv_id='2063' and a.phone_no like '___________';
-- 8 计算出查询出个人证件开户2063并且手机号码为11位的用户信息量
select count(*) from persion_ur_user_2063 ;
-- 9 个人证件开户2063的11位的号码同步到平台
drop table persion_ur_user_2063;
create table persion_ur_user_2063 tablespace tbs_DATA_interface as
select /*+ PARALLEL(a, 8) PARALLEL(b, 8)*/
a.cust_id,trim(id_type) id_type,cust_name_encrypt,id_iccid_encrypt,
from ct_cust_info a,ur_user_info b
where a.cust_id=b.cust_id
and a.id_type in ('K','M','1','F','G','3','4','5','6','7','A','H','E','L','2','9','14','Z','J')
and b.master_serv_id = '2063' and b.phone_no like '___________';
A库:select count(*) from persion_ur_user_2063 ;--284
B库: select count(*) from persion_ur_user_2063 ;--1