















use Foriegn Language to record life

use Foriegn Language to record life

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原创 the key reasons of inferior quality of software

as we all know,  maintenance is one of the core gauges of the software quality  . i think there are four reasons to cause software to hard to maintain with the frequently changes of requirements .they

2014-02-06 14:55:02 654

原创 how to invest Forex

there is a famous saying like ' follow the  trends of the Forex  ,small amount and  leverage . many a little make  mickle ,  plan your consumption  carefully on a long term basis '. if you put  a grea

2014-01-25 10:59:48 675

翻译 the introduction of the hadoop

the Apache Hadoop   delivers functionality  of reliable ,scalable and distributed computingApache Hadoop library allows for  the  distributed processing  of the large data sets across  clusters

2014-01-14 13:26:03 578

原创 ABC theory of emotion

it asserts that the emotions we experience such as frustrations  or anxiety and the result behavior ,do not come directly from the events in our lives,but  from the interpretations we made of those ev

2014-01-08 17:44:05 1577

翻译 crab effect

what is crab effect?when put crabs in the relatively low water lever, only one crab,it maybe can climb to outside of the box. but if there are many crabs, they will pyramid,the following situation w

2014-01-04 16:09:20 467

原创 第一番の日本語の日記を書いてきます2014で

皆さん、明けましておめでとうございます。久しぶりですね、長い時間で日本語の勉強じゃないです、仕事、生活で色々な原因のために、好きの言葉は忘れます。素敵ね、今日の天気は。今は僕部屋の中、ゆっきり日記を書いています。新たのとし、絶対頑張っています、自分の将来はしています。 そうですか、前の文書は英語で書く、素敵の30年の人生は行きます

2014-01-01 17:54:16 653 1

原创 this is 29

wow, i am turning to 29,nearly 30 which another big   milestone of my whole life i. let me take a  calculation . if   i have the life span of 80, the rest of  20 years from  60 years  to 20 years, by

2014-01-01 15:21:05 469

翻译 17 successful principles

1 keep the positive attitude2 have the definite goals3 walk much roads4 have the correct ways of thinking5 highly self-restricted6cultivate  leadership7 build up confidence8charming of t

2013-12-27 17:26:08 445

原创 have a close looke at kideny of huamn

Chinese medicine believes that the  kidney is the origin source of the live. and it is one of  the essential elements of keeping health. there are many causes the kidney sickness.such as  fatigue, men

2013-12-07 10:53:12 533

原创 movies couple of buying house 2

for the convenience of telling the plot ,i call the leading actress A, A goes to the capital of China ,Beijing  from Chen Duo . and works in a hospital .in this hospital she has a best friend who alre

2013-11-02 16:29:57 659

原创 movies couple of buying house

these days, i got cough ,i has  been a long time i am not sick. because i am always keeping  exercising. like goingto gym, swimming.yup,swimming now is my favorite accrobataed sport .i do enjoy

2013-11-02 15:24:57 827

原创 the concerned problems of cluster

if a web application needs a cluster,there are several concern points: HttpSession , synchronized key words will invalidate, cache management.the benefits of the cluster are : load balance and failo

2013-11-01 17:38:36 520

翻译 linux centos installs svn server with http

Install SVN (Subversion) Server on Fedora 19/18/17/16/15/14, CentOS 6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6/5.9, Red Hat (RHEL) 6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6/5.91. Change root usersu -## OR ##sudo -i2. Inst

2013-10-30 14:55:53 584

原创 as you grow older you need to shoulder much more responsibility

well, where to start it? i have to  say that i am really not good at writting.since i was kid ,i have not formed a habit of wrinting daily. as we all know ,writting is also a technique that will help

2013-10-19 16:03:37 818

原创 the writting structure of ielts

there are several styles of  IELTS  part 2 writting .like referring  to  background , quotation , story ,controversy and question . we can take background as a example, at the beginning ,the structu

2013-10-13 12:45:18 612

原创 the concepts of the rup 4+1 views

RUP,the abbreviation of the Rational Unified Process . it is one of the popular software development methodologies, it  includs initially , elebatoration , construction , delivery four phases.each pha

2013-09-16 09:43:58 661

原创 the role of project manager

i think there are the following responsibilities to work as s project manager1 organize and moderate the resources and team ,make sure all the part can work toegther2 make plans and then follow

2013-09-12 11:23:57 565

原创 several aspects of project managemnet

there are several aspects of project management are the following:1  risks recongnition and appraisal: a scale  of project:b 2 analysis of reqirements:3 communication with clients:4

2013-09-10 14:18:52 593

原创 common data structures

there are several common data structures using in almost programming languages:1 array:a  fixed sizes collection of same data type.it can be one dimenstion or two dimensinons or much more2 set:i

2013-09-09 13:33:36 626

原创 equals and hashcode method in hibernate framework

there are basically two reasons you need to override equals and hashcode method in the POJO class1 if you tend to put the instances of the persistenct classes  into the Java collecti  .like Set

2013-09-09 13:17:19 592

原创 IETLS エッセイ 、トピック:グローバルの正面と負けの影響

トピック:グローバルは肯定的方法で世界の経済に影響を与えるます、その負けの側面を忘れではならない。even though globalization affects world's economy in a positive way,its negative side should not be forgotten .since the second world war was over,

2013-09-08 22:04:45 588

原创 what should i write today?

during the weekends ,i watched some of the English comedy movies, some of them are very interesting and great.  i ponder a lot about my future career when enjoyed movies which brought me a lot of fun.

2013-09-08 15:00:16 707

原创 なんを書くはずです


2013-09-08 14:50:56 831

原创 where is difference among jpa jdbc jta

in order to a difference exists ,there should be something in common.they are all realtional database related.database transaction:a logical unit of database operations performed as a whole process.

2013-09-06 11:59:09 569

原创 states of the thread

there are serverl states of the Thread in Java1 runnable: when thread starts,but it does not mean it run immediately2 running:thread gets CPU schedule  and start to run3 waiting: thread call

2013-09-05 15:45:30 532

原创 jxl framework to manager Excel

JXL is wirtten in Java .it can using Java API to operate the Excel,like Read ,Write date ,formula to Excel.it supports font,number,data formating ,boarder,shadding ,coolor of cell etc,it is wond

2013-09-05 11:55:36 590

原创 the design principles and code analysis of hibernate lazy loading

as we all know,Hibernate is already one of the most popular ORM frameworks. and its performance is key highlight .when we use ORM framework,there will be a lot of convertions between  objects and data

2013-09-05 10:49:39 706

原创 proxy design pattern,java advanced feature

the proxy design pattern in Java is using everywhere ,but only a handful of people know it. Hibernate for lazy loading entity.Spring for AOP proxy.the definiton of proxy design:allow object level ac

2013-09-04 14:08:33 828

原创 How will you recursively search for presence of a particular text under multiple folders unix?

find myproject -type f 1xargs grep"CashEnum" {} /dev/null\;

2013-09-03 16:25:34 754

原创 Sample Shell Script To Loop Through All Files

the following shell script are looping all files of a folder ,and then find the keyword from every fileFILES=/path/to/*for f in $FILESdo echo "Processing $f file..." # take action on each file

2013-09-03 11:18:52 614

原创 the simple principles of the communication

communication ,it can be simple ,it also can be very complicated. maybe you will say communication just let someone know what is your intention and you know  what their purposes.but during a project

2013-09-03 09:55:50 694

原创 what is pmp

project management professsional exam consists five parts :1 initiate a project: initate a project2 plan:in order to achieve project,you need to make a plan and maintain it3 execute:moderate t

2013-09-02 17:58:48 587

原创 check file exist bash script

we can use [ -f  file.name ]  ,this shell to check whether exists or not.  however  we should take a close look at the writting format. there should be must a space between bracket [ ], if there is a

2013-09-02 16:54:27 1908

原创 shell script - usuage of the for loop

for varname in listdo command1 command2 ..donefor, in, do and done are keywords“list” contains list of values. The list can be a variable that contains several words separated by spaces. If l

2013-09-02 15:45:29 599

原创 common interview questions pertaining project manager

as we all know, project manager  plays a crucial and  important role in a project.let us take a look at the key features:since you are a project manager,you need relative much more project members

2013-09-02 10:57:45 688

原创 what is the difference between jpa and hibernate

maybe you have questions about JPA and Hibernate:such what is JPA ?what is Hibernate ? JPA and Hiberneate can use together?well,before we start it,we should understand of ORM , object relational map

2013-09-01 12:29:47 584

原创 common causes of the JEE application performance problems

1  application capacity can not meet the growing business needs,the reasons of causing system crashed  are the following:a) the overload of Java Heapb)the increasing CPU utilization causing the de

2013-08-31 10:30:12 463

原创 what is the difference between inner join and outer join

inner join:  as long as there is a match  between the columns in both tables, it return rows from the both tables. it likes the maths terms:intersectionSELECT column_name(s)FROM table1INNER JO

2013-08-30 22:24:37 612

原创 what are the general steps involved in JEE projects via Hibernate and Spring

the general steps involve the following:1  creating the domain objects2 creating DAO interfaces and implementations3 creating Service interfaces and implementations4 finally,using an IOC conta

2013-08-30 11:59:22 523

原创 Exception handling in java

in oop lanuage,let us take a look at the key principles of handing the errors or exceptions:1 do not try to handle system errors ,fail it fast when it happened. try to leave a audit trail of the pro

2013-08-29 15:20:05 451



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