获取变量的值是一个耗时的工作时,可以考虑使用lazy var.
lazy val forLater = someTimeConsumingOperation()
scala> val first :: rest = List(1, 2, 3)
first: Int = 1
rest: List[Int] = List(2, 3)
scala> def myFirstMethod() = { “exciting times ahead” }
myFirstMethod: ()java.lang.String
scala> def myFirstMethod(){ “exciting times ahead” }
myFirstMethod: ()Unit
注:和本文的其他部分不同,该章节总结自《Learning Scala》一书:Methods and Operators一节,因为《Scala In Action》一书没有集中对这个知识点的讲解
通常,scala和其他大多数的语言一样,对方法的调用使用是:infix dot notation格式,我们可以叫“小数点中辍格式”,也就是对象和方法名中间以“小数点”做中缀的方式:
<class instance>.<method>[(<parameters>)]
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与此同时,scala还提供了另外一种方法调用方式:infix operator notation格式,我们可以叫“操作符中辍格式”,也就是把方法名当做一种操作符,使用对象 方法名 参数中间以空格分隔的方式:
<object> <method> <parameter>
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scala> val d = 65.642d: Double = 65.642scala> d.roundres13: Long = 66scala> d.floorres14: Double = 65.0scala> d.compare(18.0)res15: Int = 1//对于Double类型,"+"是一个方法名。scala> d.+(2.721)res16: Double = 68.363
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,此时就是使用infix operator notation样式的合适场所!
In Scala you can also pass a function as a parameter to another function, and most of the time in those cases I provide an inline definition of the function. This passing of functions as a parameter is sometimes loosely called closure (passing a function isn’t always necessarily closure; you’ll look into that in chapter 4). Scala provides a shorthand way to create a function in which you write only the function body, called function literals.
//花括号中的部分是一个标准的函数字面量scala> evenNumbers.foldLeft(0) { (a: Int, b:Int) => a + b } //花括号中的部分是一个省略了参数类型的函数字面量,它们的类型//会通过类型推断进行确定scala> evenNumbers.foldLeft(0) { (a, b) => a + b } //花括号中的部分是一个省略了整个参数列表的函数字面量//这里有一个问题就是:如果参数列表都省略了,那么在函数体内如//要引用参数时改怎么办?于是scala就约定使用来表示参数,第一//次出现的_表示第一个参数,第二次出现的_表示第二个参数,依次类推。scala> evenNumbers.foldLeft(0) { _ + _ }
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在scala里, 一个下划线代表一个参数!
A closure is any function that closes over the environment in which it’s defined. For example, closure will keep track of any variable changes outside the function that are being referred to inside the function.
def breakable(op: => Unit) { … }
What’s this op: => Unit? The special right arrow (=>) lets Scala know that the breakable function expects a function as a parameter. The right side of the => defines the return type of the function—in this case it’s Unit (similar to Java void)—and op is the name of the parameter. Because you haven’t specified anything on the left side of the arrow, it means that the function you’re expecting as a parameter doesn’t take any parameter for itself.
如果我们需要的传入参数是一个代参数且有返回值的函数呢? 这样的函数作参数应该如何描述呢?
def foldLeft(initialValue: Int, operator: (Int, Int) => Int)= { … }
让我们这样来理解吧:既然对于函数式编程语言来说,函数是第一位(first class)的,它可以像其他数据类型一样被使用,那么当它作为函数的参数时,我们需要约定一个语法来描述这个”参数”(实际上是一个函数)的”类型”(实际上应该是这个函数的”元信息“),那么对于一个函数来说,它的”类型“应该怎样去描述呢?从语言的设计者角度来考虑的话,那当然最合理的描述方式是:陈述出这个函数的参数类型和它的返回值类型!这也正是operator: (Int, Int) => Int)所做的!简单明了,合情合理!
scala> val array = new Array[String](3)array: Array[String] = Array(null, null, null)scala> array(0) = "This"scala> array(1) = "is"scala> array(2) = "mutable"
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对于给数组赋值的语句:array(0) = “This”,这里要说明的是:不同于java中的array[0] = “This” 在scala中,[]永远是用来制定参数类型的!
scala> array.foreach(println)Thisismutable
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关于Array的基本操作应该参考scala.collection.mutable.ArrayLike这个trait,然而有趣是的,Array并没有实现这个trait. 这是非常有意思的。
关这个问题的答案是Predef! Scala的Predef会隐式地将一个Array转成一个scala.collection.mutable
.ArrayOps. 而ArrayOps 是ArrayLike的一个子类。
val files = new java.io.File(".").listFiles for(file <- files) { val filename = file.getName if(fileName.endsWith(".scala")) println(file)}
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The only thing that looks different from for loops in Java or C# is the expression file <- files. In Scala this is called a generator, and the job of a generator is to iterate through a collection.
scala> val aList = List(1, 2, 3)aList: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)scala> val bList = List(4, 5, 6)bList: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 6)scala> for { a <- aList; b <- bList } println(a + b)567678789 //yield直译是“产出”的意思,这里yield是专指把一个一个的元素加入到一个集合中去!scala> val result = for { a <- aList; b <- bList } yield a + bresult: List[Int] = List(5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9)scala> for(r <- result) println(r)567678789
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模式匹配:Pattern Matching
ordinal(args(0).toInt)def ordinal(number:Int) = number match { case 1 => println("1st") case 2 => println("2nd") case 3 => println("3rd") case 4 => println("4th") case 5 => println("5th") case 6 => println("6th") case 7 => println("7th") case 8 => println("8th") case 9 => println("9th") case 10 => println("10th") case _ => println("Cannot do beyond 10")}
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case _ to match everything else.
在下面的这个例子中展示了scala一些内置的预定义的Pattern,专门应用于case上的,例如下面例子中的:f,s, rest
scala> List(1, 2, 3, 4) match {case f :: s :: rest => List(f, s)case _ => Nil}res7: List[Int] = List(1, 2)
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val suffixes = List("th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th", "th", "th","th", "th","th");println(ordinal(args(0).toInt))def ordinal(number:Int) = number match { case tenTo20 if 10 to 20 contains tenTo20 => number + "th" case rest => rest + suffixes(number % 10)}
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What val and var do is define a field and a getter for that field, and in the case of var an additional setter method is also created. When both of them are missing, they’re treated as private instance values, not accessible to anyone outside the class.
scala> class MongoClient(var host:String, var port:Int)
scala> class MongoClient(val host:String, val port:Int)
scala> class MongoClient(host:String, port:Int)
- 字段名应以_在前缀,如_age
- getter是一个function,其命名在字段名上去除_即可,如def age=_age
- setter的定义看似有些奇怪,其实只是一些约定,熟悉以后就可以了。setter的命名是在去除字段名上去除前缀,然后在后面添加”=”后缀,对是”_=”!然后再接参数列表,再之后就和普通的函数定义没有区别了!
class Person(var firstName:String, var lastName:String, private var _age:Int) { def age = _age //age是一个function,因为没有参数,所以参数列表为空,它是为私有字段_age定义的getter def age_=(newAge: Int) = _age = newAge //“age_=”是setter的函数名!这里如果写成def age_=(newAge: Int) = {_age = newAge}看上去就不奇怪了。}
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val p = new Person("Nima", "Raychaudhuri", 2)p.age = 3
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The assignment p.age = 3 could be replaced by p.age_=(3). When Scala encounters an assignment like x = e, it checks whether there’s any method defined like x_= and if so, it invokes the method.
Primary Constructor声明的字段其读写属性是如何规定的?
scala> class Person(val firstName:String, var lastName:String, gender:String)defined class Personscala> val p=new Person("Jim","White","male")p: Person = Person@c80472cscala> p.firstNameres2: String = Jimscala> p.lastNameres3: String = Whitescala> p.gender<console>:10: error: value gender is not a member of Person p.gender ^scala> p.firstName="Tom"<console>:9: error: reassignment to val p.firstName="Tom" ^scala> p.lastName="Green"p.lastName: String = Greenscala> p.gender="female"<console>:12: error: value gender is not a member of Personval $ires6 = p.gender ^<console>:9: error: value gender is not a member of Person p.gender="female" ^
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但是注意对于Case Class,则稍有不同!Case Class对于通过Primary Constructor声明的字段自动添加val修饰,使之变为只读的。
scala> case class Person2(firstName:String)defined class Person2scala> val p=Person2("Jim")p: Person2 = Person2(Jim)scala> p.firstNameres5: String = Jimscala> p.firstName="Tom"<console>:10: error: reassignment to val p.firstName="Tom" ^
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主构造函数:Primary Constructor
<scala> class MongoClient(val host:String, val port:Int)
对于这个class的定义,实际上它也是同时声明了一个构造函数:this(val host:String, val port:Int), 它就是所谓的主构造函数!
class MongoClient(val host:String, val port:Int) { def this() = { val defaultHost = "" val defaultPort = 27017 this(defaultHost, defaultPort) }}
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class MyScript(host:String) { require(host != null, "Have to provide host name") if(host == "") println("host = localhost") else println("host = " + host)}
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package com { package scalainaction { package mongo { import com.mongodb.Mongo class MongoClient(val host:String, val port:Int) { require(host != null, "You have to provide a host name") private val underlying = new Mongo(host, port) def this() = this("", 27017) } } }}
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package com.scalainaction.mongo { import com.mongodb.Mongo class MongoClient(val host:String, val port:Int) { require(host != null, "You have to provide a host name") private val underlying = new Mongo(host, port) def this() = this("", 27017) }}
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每当你在类前声明:package com.scalainaction.mongo
import com.mongodb._
Here’s another use for _, and in this context it means you’re importing all the classes
under the com.mongodb package.
scala> val randomValue = { import scala.util.Random new Random().nextInt}randomValue: Int = 1453407425
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下面是一种类似java中的static import的方式,导入一个类的所有方法:
scala> import java.lang.System._import java.lang.System._scala> nanoTimeres0: Long = 1268518636387441000
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import java.util.Dateimport java.sql.{Date => SqlDate}import RichConsole._val now = new Datep(now)val sqlDate = new SqlDate(now.getTime)p(sqlDate)
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但是为了能实现“全局唯一”的需要,scala支持一种叫做singleton object的对象,也就是限定一个类的实例只有唯一一个的机制。
object RichConsole { def p(x: Any) = println(x)}scala> RichConsole.p("rich console")rich console
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Scala provides syntactic sugar that allows you to use objects as function calls. Scala achieves this by translating these calls into the apply method, which matches the given parameters defined in the object or class.
实际上,这是一种“约定”,只要你的object中定义了一个apply方法,你是可以直接使用object的名字作为函数名后接与 apply方法对应的参数就可以实现对这个apply方法的调用!我们看下面的这个例子:
scala> object A { | def apply(s:String)=println(s) | }defined object Ascala> A("SDFSDF")SDFSDF
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一个典型的工厂类(实际上我们这里指的是简单工厂(静态工厂)模式),通常是以static的工厂方法来create对象的,比如: Factory.createObject("objectA");
//注意:class DB的primary constructor被标记为了private!!//这意味着在class的外部将没有任何机会可以调用这个construtor.//但是作为它的companion object: object DB是唯一的例外!//Scala规定:一个Class的companion object可以访问这个class的任何私有成员!class DB private(val underlying: MongoDB) { private def collection(name: String) = underlying.getCollection(name) //with关键字是给类“混入”(mixin)一个trait! //后续针对DBCollection的多个trait的“混入”很好的诠释了 //trait的含义! def localeAwareReadOnlyCollection(name: String) = new DBCollection(collection(name)) with Memoizer with LocaleAware def readOnlyCollection(name: String) = new DBCollection(collection(name)) with Memoizer def administrableCollection(name: String) = new DBCollection(collection(name)) with Administrable with Memoizer def updatableCollection(name: String) = new DBCollection(collection(name)) with Updatable with Memoizer def collectionNames = for(name <- new JSetWrapper(underlying.getCollectionNames)) yield name} //在scala里,Class和object可以使用同一个名字 //当它们的名字一样时,我们称object为companion object,class为companion class.object DB { //apply方法,object类型特有的一个小特性,对于apply方法 //的调用可以简写为DB(参数1, 参数2 ,...),这像看起来DB会像一个函数 //更准确些说是一个工厂方法! def apply(underlying: MongDB) = new DB(underlying)}//初始化DB对象//注意:这里实际的代码形式是:DB.apply(underlying.getDB(name))DB(underlying.getDB(name))
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abstract class Role { def canAccess(page: String): Boolean }class Root extends Role { override def canAccess(page:String) = true}class SuperAnalyst extends Role { override def canAccess(page:String) = page != "Admin"}class Analyst extends Role { override def canAccess(page:String) = false }//下面的object Role或许命名为RoleFactory更为恰当//但是考虑到后面在使用它创建对象时 val root = Role("root") 的写法,还是定义为Role为好!object Role { def apply(roleName:String) = roleName match { case "root" => new Root case "superAnalyst" => new SuperAnalyst case "analyst" => new Analyst }}//创建对象:val root = Role("root") //这里等同于Role.apply("root")val analyst = Role("analyst")
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A trait is like an abstract class meant to be added to other classes as a mixin.You can also view a trait as an interface with implemented methods.
memoization:In computing, memoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.
由于一个类可以混入多个Trait! 这很明显地让人联想到“多继承”机制,以及由此带来的问题!
Class UpdatableCollectionextends DBCollection(collection(name)) with Updatable
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在这个类继承关系下,readonly的方法被Updatble和DBCollection两个条线路继承和改写,这样,对于UpdatableCollection来说就需要一种规则来确定继承路线,解决歧义性问题,scala使用的规则叫:class linearization这个原则简单表述为:右侧优先,深度优先!
Case Class
scala> case class Person(firstName:String, lastName:String)defined class Person
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当我们声明一个Case Class的时候,编译器会自动完成以下动作:
- scala prefixes all the parameters with val, and that will make them public value. But remember that you still never access the value directly; you always access through accessors.
对于Case Class,它的主构造函数的所有参数会被自动限定为val,也就意味着这个字段是外部可读的。 这与普通的Class主构造函数不同。
scala> class MongoClient(host:String, port:Int)
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Both equals and hashCode are implemented for you based on the given parameters.The compiler implements the toString method that returns the class name and its parameters.
Every case class has a method named copy that allows you to easily create a modified copy of the class’s instance. You’ll learn about this later in this chapter.
- A companion object is created with the appropriate apply method, which takes the same arguments as declared in the class.
- The compiler adds a method called unapply, which allows the class name to be used as an extractor for pattern matching (more on this later).
下面一组case class:
//sealed关键字声明其他trait都不能再继承当前的trait//除非这个类与声明的这个trait在同一个class文件里!sealed trait QueryOptioncase object NoOption extends QueryOptioncase class Sort(sorting: DBObject, anotherOption: QueryOption) extends QueryOptioncase class Skip(number: Int, anotherOption: QueryOption) extends QueryOption case class Limit(limit: Int, anotherOption: QueryOption) extends QueryOption
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关于case class生成的companion object
case class Person(firstName:String, lastName: String)
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当我们声明上面这样一个case class的时候,我们知道scala会为case class自动生成一个companion object, 如果还原这个companion object的代码,应该是这样的:
//注意:case class的companion object是隐式自动生成的!下面的代码并不是手动编写的。object Person { def apply(firstName:String, lastName:String) = { new Person(firstName, lastName) } def unapply(p:Person): Option[(String, String)] = Some((p.firstName, p.lastName))}
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- 对于apply方法不必再多介绍了,它会在创建Persion Class实例时调用。
- 对于unapply方法,它会在case class的模式匹配时使用!这个方法主要是把一个case class实例的进行“拆解”(unwrap)返回它的参数,以便进行模式匹配时使用!这大概的起名为unapply的原因吧。
命名参数 Named Arguments
scala> case class Person(firstName:String,lastName:String)defined class Personscala> val p = Person(lastName="lastname",firstName = "firstname")p: Person = Person(firstname,lastname)scala> println(p.lastName)lastname
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有时候,人们可能回错误地传递了参数,特别是当多个参数是同一类型时,这样编译器不能帮助我们检查出错误的。比如像上面的这个例子,如果我们在实例化p时错误的写成了val p = Person("lastname","firstname")
scala> trait Person { def grade(years: Int): String }defined trait Personscala> class SalesPerson extends Person { def grade(yrs: Int) = "Senior" }defined class SalesPersonscala> val s = new SalesPersons: SalesPerson = SalesPerson@42a6cdf5scala> s.grade(yrs=1)res17: java.lang.String = Seniorscala> s.grade(years=1)<console>:12: error: not found: value yearss.grade(years=1)
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By default, when you don’t specify any modifier, everything is public. Scala doesn’t provide any modifier to mark members as public.
关于abstract override
The override modifier can be combined with an
abstract modifier, and the combination is allowed only for members of traits. This
modifier means that the member in question must be mixed with a class that provides
the concrete implementation.