3dMax DTS Exporter附带说明文档






DTS Exporter Documentation – Nodes Listing


Version 1.2

June 5th, 2003

翻译:山上 2007.5



This document is a simple directory listing that collects together most of the known nodes that

can be used in various DTS shapes (static objects and players, weapons, and vehicles) within the Torque Game Engine. The listing is provided so that you know the names (with correct spelling), function, and usage of the various nodes.本文档是一个简单的directory listing,这个列表收集了TGE引擎中各种DTS造型(静态物体和玩家、武器以及车辆)会使用到的大多数已知节点。提供这个列表的目的就是让你了解各种节点的名称(正确的拼写)、功能和用法。


The list itself has been broken down categorically so that it is easy to find specific nodes. It does

not contain node references for 3rd  party resources, only nodes that the standard “vanilla” Torque install uses. If you require information on nodes that other resources use, you are asked to

contact the developer of that resource.这个列表本身以目录进行分隔,这样方便寻找指定的节点。其,没有包含第三方资源的节点参考,仅仅包含标准“vanillaTorque安装所用到的节点。如果你需要外部其它资源使用到节点的信息,你可以同资源开发商进行联系。


Please note that this documentation is not a tutorial, it is simply a reference guide. If you require a tutorial on how to export data from your 3D modeling application to a DTS file, you are asked to

read Joe Maruschak's excellent and in-depth tutorial on the DTS Exporter found on the

GarageGames web site.请注意,本文档不是教程,它仅是一个简单的参考指南。如果你需要关于如何将3d模型程序中的数据导出到dts文件的教程,你可以阅读Joe Maruschak所写的精彩的并相当有深度的关于dts exporter的教程,这个教程可以在GGweb上找到。


Lastly, this is a living document and should be treated as such, please do not keep local copies of this document as the information that it may contain could be outdated due to changes that take place within the Torque Game Engine.最后,注意,本文档是一个随时更新的文档,should be treat as such(应该如此对待),请不要保存文档的本地版本,因为文档包含的信息也许会因为TGE的更改而过期。




Document Contributors:文档分发人


Logan Foster

Joe Maruschak

Table of Content目录


Character & Static Shape Nodes人物和静态造型节点


Bounds边界盒子                                                                      Page 5

Cam相机                                                                                 Page 5

Col碰撞                                                                                   Page 5

Collision碰撞                                                                            Page 6

Detail细节层次                                                                         Page 6

Eye视角                                                                                  Page 6


Light 光照                                                                                  Page 6

LOS视线                                                                                 Page 6

LOSCol视线碰撞                                                                      Page 6

Mount挂接点                                                                            Page 6

MultiRes::多分辨率                                                                   Page 7

Ski                                                                                          Page 7

SORT::                                                                                    Page 7


Weapon Nodes武器节点


Bounds边界盒子                                                                      Page 8

Col碰撞                                                                                   Page 9

Collision碰撞                                                                            Page 9

Detail细节                                                                                Page 9


Ejectpoint 脱弹壳点                                                                    Page 10

Mountpont挂接点                                                                     Page 10

Muzzlepoint枪口冒火冒烟点                                                      Page 10

Sequence Helpers                                                                    Page 10


Vehicle Nodes and Information车辆节点和信息


Bounds边界盒子                                                                      Page 11

Cam相机                                                                                 Page 12

Col碰撞                                                                                   Page 12

Collision碰撞                                                                            Page 12

Contrail轨迹                                                                             Page 12

Detail细节                                                                                Page 13

Eye视角                                                                                  Page 13


Hub 车毂                                                                                   Page 13

Jetnozzle喷气口                                                                       Page 13

Light光照                                                                                 Page 13

LOS视线                                                                                 Page 13

LOSCol视线碰撞                                                                      Page 13

Mount挂接点                                                                            Page 14

Smoke_node冒烟点                                                                  Page 14

Character & Static Shape Nodes人物和静态造型节点



bounds – Bounding Geometry边界几何体


This is essentially a bounding box that must encompass at all times your shape. The exporter uses the bounding box to decide which geometry it should send to the DTS file.这是非常重要的边界盒子,它必须包围住造型的所有部分(all times??)。输出器使用这个边界盒子来确定,哪些几何体应该输出到dts文件中。


The “bounds” shape is also used as a ground transform (where your shape will sit/stand when placed in the engine) and the default location for any missing nodes in your scene. The location of the ground transform is specifically based off of the location of the

“bounds” nodes transform or pivot point in your 3D scene.bounds”造型物体也用于地面TRANSFROM(当造型物体放置到引擎中时,它应该出现的位置),并作为场景中的所有未显示节点的默认位置。地面TRANSFROM的位置基于特定”bounds”节点转换的位置或者3d场景中的旋转点


Note this node is not required when using Milkshape to export your 3D scene.当使用milkshape时这个节点是不需要的

 Example Usage- bounds

cam – 3rd  person Camera Placement第三人称模式相机的放置位置


Required only for playable characters. The “cam” node is used to tell the engine where to view the model from if the camera perspective is placed into 3rd  person mode. Without

this node you will view from the transform coordinates of the “bounds” shape.仅对于有动作的人物是必须的。“cam”节点用于通知引擎,如果相机透视处于第三人称模式,应该从哪个位置来观看造型物体。没有这个节点你将从”bounds”造型的转换TRANSFROM处来观察这个造型物体。


Example Usage- cam


Col-# – Collision Geometry碰撞几何体


“Col” nodes are a geometric shape that is used to perform the collision test within Torque

Game Engine. Since this is the collision shape that will be used, you will want to ensure that this is a very simple shape (20 polygons or less or else you will affect performance) and that is not concave (i.e. it does not indent or push into itself at any location).col”节点是一个几何造型,用于在TGE中执行碰撞测试。因为它将作为碰撞造型来使用,所以,你需要确保它有非常简单的形状(20个多边形或更少,否则就会影响性能),并且不能凹进去(不能有锯齿,或者把自己的某个部分挤入自身)


Note: The shape of the collision geometry is very important as it can influence whether or not your vehicle can get stuck on objects in your scene or if it will bounce off of them.

Also note that all collision geometry must be convex and not concave in shape or you will generate an error and the exporter will not export your mesh.注意:碰撞几何体的形状是非常重要的,因为它能够影响车辆是否能贴住场景中的某个物体,或者会反弹回去。同样要注意,所有的碰撞几何体必须是凸面(不能有凹面),否则就会产生错误或者出现输出器无法输物体的情况。


All “Col” geometry must be named with this convention and the trailing number that follows must match much a number on a corresponding “Collision” node.所有的“col”几何体必须用这个约定来命名,并且后缀数字必须与相应的“collsion”节点的数字对应


Example Usage- Col-1, Col-2, Col-9


Collision-# – Collision Marker碰撞标记


“Collision” nodes are very similar to “details” nodes as they tell the DTS Exporter that a

collision shape exists and that it should be used. These nodes are specifically named

“Collision-#” where number (#) is a value between 1 and 9


 Example Usage- Collision-1, Collision-2, Collision-9

detail# – Detail Marker细节标记


The detail markers are placed in your scene as a method to tell the engine the various

LOD settings that can be placed into the DTS file when it is exported (as denoted by the trailing number, which replaces the # sign). You can have as many detail markers in your

scene as you wish.放置在场景中的细节标记用于通知引擎,当造型输出时,可以将多个LOD设置放置到dts文件中(通过后缀数字来确定)。你可以在场景中放置任意数量的细节标记


The trailing number after “detail” denotes the pixel size of the model on the players screen. You do not want to use a number smaller than 2 as this would cause a model to

be drawn infinitely.detail”之后的后缀数字表示在玩家屏幕中模型的像素尺寸。不要使用小于2的数字,这个将导致模型无限大(infinitely


Example Usage- detail75, detail2


eye – 1st  person Camera Marker第一人称相机标记


Required only for playable characters, this node is essentially just a set of transform coordinates that tells the engine where to place the camera for viewing from 1st  person perspective. Without this node you will view from the transform coordinates of the “bounds” shape.仅对于有动作的人物是必需的,这个节点非常重要,它作为一组TRANSFROM坐标通知引擎第一人称透视相机的放置位置。没有这个节点,你只能用“bounds”造型的TRANSFROM坐标来观察物体。


Example Usage- eye


Light# - Light Emitter Marker光源标记


Example Usage – Light0, Light1


LOS-# – Line of Sight marker视线标记


Markers for line of sight, or 'bullet' collision shapes. 视线的标记,或者子弹碰撞造型。Uses # 9 through 15


Example Usage – LOS-9, LOS-10, LOS-15


LOSCol – Line of sight geometry


Geometry for line of sight collision.视线碰撞几何体 Uses # 9 through 15


Example Usage – LOSCol-9, LOSCol-1, LOSCol-15


mount# - Mount Marker挂接点标记


Mount markers are used to tell the engine that something can be attached to your model

at this position. For example you would use a mount marker to tell the engine where to place a weapon on your player model挂接点标记用于通知引擎在模型的这个位置可以挂接某些东西.例如,你可以使用一个挂接点来通知引擎,把武器挂接到玩家模型的某个位置上。


Example Usage: mount0, mount1, mount2

MultiRes:: - Specialized Name Marker特殊名称标记(前缀)


For 3DS Max users for use on character models only. This is a special case marker that

is used only for character models that have the Skin modifier on it.仅针对3dmax用于人物模型。这是一个特殊的标记,这个标记仅用于包含皮肤修改器的人物模型。


“MultiRes::” is placed before the name of a snapshot of your character mesh. It is used to tell the engine that this particular mesh has the LOD information for the character node

and should be used to generate the LOD information for the DTS file on export.multires::前缀放置在你的人物模型网格克隆体(snapshot)的名称之前。它用于通知引擎这个特殊的网格有用于人物节点的LOD信息,这个信息应当被用于输出时生成dts文件的lod信息


Example Usage- MultiRes::bodymesh, MultiRes::character


Ski# - Ski Marker


Example Usage- Ski0, Ski1


SORT:: - Specialized Name Marker特殊名称标记(前缀)


“SORT::” is a specialized flag that is placed in front of your geometric nodes name that the exporter catches and is used when you have a small (i.e. three units or less) polygonal object with transparency that is rendering incorrectly (almost appears backwards or inside out).SORT::”是一个特殊标志,放置在几何体节点名字之前,当你有个别(三个或更少)透明多边形物体出现了渲染错误(显现颠倒appears backwards或者里外翻转)时,输出器会捕捉并使用这个标志。


When the exporter catches the “SORT::” tag it runs the mesh through a specialized polygonal splitting algorithm that will allow the shape to be rendered correctly in the engine due to its small size/scale.当输出器捕捉到“SORT::”标记后,它会穿过一个特定的分隔为多个几何体的多边形来执行网格,因为较小的尺寸/尺度从而使引擎能够对造型进行正确渲染。


Note: It is recommended that you only use SORT:: on meshes with small polygon counts

(50 or less). If possible you are advised to make any transparent polygons their own mesh if they need SORT:: as this will speed up the exporter process immensely.推荐你仅在拥有较少多边形数(50或更少)的网格上使用“SORT::”前缀。如果可能建议你,当多边形需要“SORT::”时,以它们自身的网格来创建任意的透明多边形,因为这样可以极大的提升输出器处理速度。


Example Usage- SORT::mymesh, SORT::treeleaves

Weapons Nodes武器节点



bounds – Bounding Geometry边界几何体


This is essentially a bounding box that must encompass at all times your shape. The exporter uses the bounding box to decide which geometry it should send to the DTS file.这是非常重要的边界盒子,它必须包围住造型的所有部分(all times??)。输出器使用这个边界盒子来确定,哪些几何体应该输出到dts文件中。


The “bounds” shape is also used as a ground transform (where your shape will sit/stand when placed in the engine) and the default location for any missing nodes in your scene. The location of the ground transform is specifically based off of the location of the

“bounds” nodes transform or pivot point in your 3D scene.bounds”造型物体也用于地面TRANSFROM(当造型物体放置到引擎中时,它应该出现的位置),并作为场景中的所有未显示节点的默认位置。地面TRANSFROM的位置基于特定”bounds”节点转换的位置或者3d场景中的旋转点


Note this node is not required when using Milkshape to export your 3D scene.当使用milkshape时这个节点是不需要的

 Example Usage- bounds

Col-# – Collision Geometry碰撞几何体


“Col” nodes are a geometric shape that is used to perform the collision test within Torque

Game Engine. Since this is the collision shape that will be used, you will want to ensure that this is a very simple shape (20 polygons or less or else you will affect performance) and that is not concave (i.e. it does not indent or push into itself at any location).col”节点是一个几何体造型,用于在TGE中执行碰撞检测。因为它将被用作一个碰撞造型,你必须确保它是一个非常简单的形状(20个多边形货更少,否则可能影响性能),另外它不能凹入(不能有凹点或者能够在某个位置把自己的某个部分挤入到自身之中)


Note: All collision geometry must be convex and not concave in shape or you will generate an error and the exporter will not export your mesh.注意:所有的碰撞几何体必须是凸起的,不能凹入。否则会出现错误,输出器无法输出网格。


All “Col” geometry must be named with this convention and the trailing number that follows must match much a number on a corresponding “Collision” node.所有的“col”几何体必须以这个约定进行命名,它的后缀数字必须是一个与相应“Collision”节点对应的数字。


Example Usage- Col-1, Col-2, Col-9

Collision-# – Collision Marker碰撞标记


“Collision” nodes are very similar to “details” nodes as they tell the DTS Exporter that a collision shape exists and that it should be used. These nodes are specifically named “Collision-#” where number (#) is a value between 1 and 9.collision“节点和”details“节点很类似,它们通知DTS输出器,存在一个碰撞造型并且应当被使用。这些节点以特别的方式进行命名”Collision-#“,#是数字从19


Example Usage- Collision-1, Collision-2, Collision-9


detail# – Detail Marker细节标记


The detail markers are placed in your scene as a method to tell the engine the various

LOD settings that can be placed into the DTS file when it is exported (as denoted by the trailing number, which replaces the # sign). You can have as many detail markers in your scene as you wish.细节标记放置在你的场景中,用以通知引擎当输出时LOD设置可以放入DTS文件中(用后缀数字来表示)。你可以在场景中放置任意的细节标记


The trailing number after “detail” denotes the pixel size of the model on the players screen. You do not want to use a number smaller than 2 as this would cause a model to

be drawn infinitely.detail“之后的后缀数字表示模型在玩家屏幕上的像素尺寸。不要使用小于2的数字,这样会导致模型显示为无限大


Example Usage- detail75, detail2

ejectpoint – Weapon Projectile Emitter Marker武器发射点标记


The “ejectpoint” node tells the engine where to emit the shell casing DTS file from when the weapon is fired.ejectpoint“节点通知引擎当武器开火的时候在什么位置让弹壳脱出。


Example Usage - ejectpoint mountpoint – Weapon Location Marker

This node tells the engine where to attach the weapon to the player model. The weapon

is attached specifically at the location of the “mountpoint” to the corresponding “mount”

node on the player character.这个节点通知引擎将武器配置在玩家模型的哪个位置。武器在特定“mounpoint“位置连接到玩家人物的相应”mount“节点上。


If there is no mountpoint in the DTS file or if the node is not exported, the engine will default to the origin (0,0,0) of the DTS file when mounting.如果dts文件中没有mountpoint,或者这个节点没有输出,引擎使用默认点0 0 0作为挂接点


Example Usage - MountPoint

muzzlepoint – Weapon Muzzle Flash Marker 武器枪口闪光点标记

The “muzzlepoint” node tells the engine where to show the ‘flash’ or ‘bang’ DTS file when the weapon is fired.muzzelpoint“节点通知引擎当武器开火时在什么位置显示闪光或者巨响


Example Usage - muzzlepoint



Sequence Helpers 序列辅助体(虚拟体)


Activate – Animation that is played when the weapon is activated and placed on the player character. Options: Cyclical sequence (no), Complete cycle (no), Blend sequence (no), FPS (60), Transform Animation.当武器被激活并放置在玩家人物之上的时候,这个动画被播放。选项:循环序列,完整循环,混合序列

Deactivate – Animation that is played when the weapon is deactivated and put away.

Options: Cyclical sequence (no), Complete cycle (no), Blend sequence (no), FPS (60), Transform Animation.当武器被收起或者拿开时播放的动画。循环序列,完整循环,混合序列,变换动画

Fire – Animation that is played when the player would fire the weapon. Options: Cyclical sequence (no), Complete cycle (no), Blend sequence (no), FPS (60), Transform


NoAmmo – Animation that is played when the player has no available ammo. Options: Cyclical sequence (no), Complete cycle (no), Blend sequence (no), FPS (60), Transform Animation.当玩家没有相应弹药时播放的动画。

Reload - Animation that is played when the player is reloading the weapon. Options: Cyclical sequence (no), Complete cycle (no), Blend sequence (no), FPS (60), Transform Animation.当玩家给武器装弹时播放的动画


Vehicle Nodes


bounds – Bounding Geometry边界几何体


This is essentially a bounding box that must encompass at all times your shape. The exporter uses the bounding box to decide which geometry it should send to the DTS file.


The “bounds” shape is also used as a ground transform (where your shape will sit/stand when placed in the engine) and the default location for any missing nodes in your scene. The location of the ground transform is specifically based off of the location of the

“bounds” nodes transform or pivot point in your 3D scene.


Note this node is not required when using Milkshape to export your 3D scene. Example Usage- bounds

cam – 3rd  person Camera Placement第三人称相机位置


Required only for playable characters. The “cam” node is used to tell the engine where to view the model from if the camera perspective is placed into 3rd  person mode. Without

this node you will view from the transform coordinates of the “bounds” shape.


Example Usage- cam

Col-# – Collision Geometry碰撞几何体


“Col” nodes are a geometric shape that is used to perform the collision test within Torque

Game Engine. Since this is the collision shape that will be used, you will want to ensure that this is a very simple shape (20 polygons or less or else you will affect performance) and that is not concave (i.e. it does not indent or push into itself at any location).


Note: The shape of the collision geometry is very important as it can influence whether or not your vehicle can get stuck on objects in your scene or if it will bounce off of them.

Also note that all collision geometry must be convex and not concave in shape or you will generate an error and the exporter will not export your mesh.


All “Col” geometry must be named with this convention and the trailing number that follows must match much a number on a corresponding “Collision” node.


Example Usage- Col-1, Col-2, Col-9


Collision-# – Collision Marker碰撞标记


“Collision” nodes are very similar to “details” nodes as they tell the DTS Exporter that a collision shape exists and that it should be used. These nodes are specifically named “Collision-#” where number (#) is a value between 1 and 9.


Example Usage- Collision-1, Collision-2, Collision-9


Contrail# 轨迹(飞行轨迹)


This emitter creates contrails, which are those little wisps that you see that emit from the tips of wings on airplanes.这个喷射口生成轨迹,由飞机翅膀的顶部发出的可以看到的小的圈圈


Example Usage - Contrail0, Contrail1

detail# – Detail Marker细节标记


The detail markers are placed in your scene as a method to tell the engine the various

LOD settings that can be placed into the DTS file when it is exported (as denoted by the trailing number, which replaces the # sign). You can have as many detail markers in your scene as you wish.细节标记放置在场景中,作为一个手段来通知引擎,在导出时多种LOD设置可以被放置入DTS文件中。你可以在场景中使用任意多的细节标记


The trailing number after “detail” denotes the pixel size of the model on the players screen. You do not want to use a number smaller than 2 as this would cause a model to

be drawn infinitely.后缀数字表示玩家屏幕之上的模型的像素尺寸。不要使用小于2的数字,这会导致模型被绘制为无限大。


Example Usage- detail75, detail2


eye – 1st  person Camera Marker第一人称相机标记


Required only for playable characters, this node is essentially just a set of transform coordinates that tells the engine where to place the camera for viewing from 1st  person perspective. Without this node you will view from the transform coordinates of the “bounds” shape.

Example Usage- eye

hub# - Wheel Placement Marker 车轮安装位置标记(轮毂)

Wheeled Vehicles Only. Hub nodes are used to define where a wheel DTS shape will attach to the mesh when it is in the engine.仅针对有轮车辆。轮毂节点用于定义,当车辆模型放入引擎中时,车轮dts造型在车辆网格上的安装位置。


Note: For wheeled vehicles it is recommended that you use multiple hub nodes, this will stabilize your vehicle and make it easier for the end user to drive around in a scene. It is not recommended to have a vehicle with only one hub node!注意:对于有轮车辆,推荐使用多个轮毂节点。这个可以稳定车辆,并且方便最终用户在场景中开动。不推荐仅包含一个轮毂节点的车辆。


Example Usage: hub0, hub1, hub2, hub3


JetNozzle# 排气口


This node tells the engine where to emit a jet engine exhaust from. 这个节点通知引擎,车辆引擎排气口应该位于哪个位置

Example Usage – JetNozzle0, JetNozzle1

Light# - Light Emitter Marker光源标记


Example Usage – Light0, Light1


LOS-# – Line of Sight marker视线标记


Markers for line of sight, or 'bullet' collision shapes. Uses # 9 through 15


Example Usage – LOS-9, LOS-10, LOS-15


LOSCol – Line of sight geometry视线几何体


Geometry for line of sight collision. Uses # 9 through 15针对视线碰撞的几何体


Example Usage – LOSCol-9, LOSCol-1, LOSCol-15

mount# - Mount Nodes挂接节点


Mount nodes are used for two things with vehicles in TGE, either as a player attachment point or as a weapon location. Typically mount nodes will be used or assigned to the following functions:挂接节点用于TGE中车辆的两个地方,它或者是玩家和车辆的关联点,或者是安置武器的地方。典型的挂接点,将用于或者被设置为下面的功能。


mount0 – pilot of vehicle 驾驶员

mount1 – navigator/gunner 领航员员/炮手

mount2 – passenger 乘客

mount3 – passenger

mount4 – passenger

mount5 – passenger

mount6 – passenger

mount7 – passenger

mount8 – passenger

mount9 – Weapon (bomb bay) 武器(炸弹)

mount10 – Weapon (gun) 武器(炮)

Smoke_node# – Particle Emitter Placement Marker 粒子散发位置标记

These nodes (named “smoke_node#) denote the location of a particle system to the engine. This particular particle system emits particles based on the amount of damage that your vehicle has taken. To place this node on your vehicle, create a dummy helper

object and link it to the location on your mesh where you would like the damage smoke to emit from in the game.这些节点,表示引擎中的粒子系统的位置。这个粒子系统根据车辆受到的伤害大小来生成烟雾。放置一个节点到车辆之上,创建一个虚拟帮助体,将其连接到希望伤害程度烟雾出现的地方。


Example Usage – Smoke_node0, Smoke_node1


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