

Chapter 1: Identifying the Features of Java


Chapter 2  Consider the following expression:

第二章  考虑以下表达式:

Chapter 3:The decision making technique


Using the while Construct (使用while构造)

Chapter 4 : Arrays


One-dimensional Array(一维数组)

Chapter 5 encapsulate reading and writing of fields


Chapter 6:appropriate exception


Chapter 7:


Chapter 8:Localization


Chapter 9:set interface


Chapter 10:Behavior parameterization


Chapter 11:Thread


Chapter 12


Chapter 13:JDBC API


Chapter 1: Identifying the Features of Java


Simple : Java evolved from C++, it eliminates many incomprehensible and confusing features
while inheriting most of its grammar rules from C++, so it is easy to use. For example, automatic
garbage collection: When a program creates an object, it needs to allocate memory, and destroy the object after use, Java will complete the task for the programmer.
Object-oriented : Java is an object-oriented language and it incorporates the various
characteristics of an object-oriented language, such as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
Portable : Portability refers to the ability of a program to run on any platform without changing
the source code of the program. Just because of the platform independence of Java bytecode, Java programs can be ported to any platform that supports JVM.
Secure : The security model of Java is based on a customizable "sandbox", in which programs
can run safely without potential risks to the system or users.
Robust : Java provides various features, such as memory management and exception handling,
make it a robust programming language.
After defining a class, you need to save the file before it can be executed. The following naming
should be followed for naming a Java file:
A file name must be unique.
A file name cannot be a keyword.
If a class is specified as public , the file name and class name should be the same.
If a file contains multiple classes, only one class can be declared as public . The file name
should be the
same as the class name that is declared public in the file.
If a file contains multiple classes that are not declared public , any file name can be
specified for the


Chapter 2  Consider the following expression:

第二章  考虑以下表达式:

In the preceding expression, X and Y are operands, and + is an operator. The following figure
shows the operator and operands used in the preceding expression.
The following types of operators are supported in Java:
在上述表达式中,X和Y是操作数,+是运算符。下图展示了上述表达式中使用的运算符和操作数。 Java支持以下类型的运算符:
Arithmetic operators(算术运算符
Assignment operators(赋值运算符
Comparison operators(比较运算符
Logical operators(逻辑运算符
Ternary operator(三元运算符
Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on operands.
The following table describes the arithmetic operators.
算术运算符用于对操作数进行算术运算。 下表描述了算术运算符。
这里举例:x=4  y=2
++值加一x++=5  y++=3
--值减一x--=3  y--=1


同样的,这里举例这里举例:x=4  y=2。


+=x+=y     输出   x=6
-=x-=y     输出   x=2
*=x*=y     输出   x=8


x/=y     输出   x=2
%=取余x%=y     输出   x=0

Comparison operators are used to compare two values and perform an action on the basis of the

result of that comparison. Whenever you use a comparison operator, the expression results in the boolean value, true or false.
The following table describes the commonly-used comparison operators.

Logical operators are used to evaluate operands and return a boolean value.
The following table describes the logical operators.
See the table in the Book.

逻辑运算符用于对操作数进行逻辑运算,并返回一个布尔值。 下表描述了逻辑运算符。

图:逻辑运算符(从上至下:与 - 或 - 非)

Chapter 3:The decision making technique


The decision making technique can be implemented in the Java programs by using the following
conditional constructs:
The if construct( if条件构造)
The if…else construct(if…else条件构造)
The switch construct(switch条件构造)
The if construct executes statements based on the specified condition. For example, in the
Classic Jumble Word game, you needs to display the message, You are correct !!!! . To implement the preceding functionality, you can use the if construct.
if条件构造根据指定的条件执行语句。例如,在经典的Jumble单词游戏中,您需要显示消息"You are correct !!!!"。为了实现前面的功能,您可以使用if条件构造。
The syntax for the if construct is  【if条件构造的语法如下】:
if (表达式) {
In the if construct, statement(s) followed by the if statement will be executed, when
expression evaluates to true. However, if expression evaluates to false, statement(s) will be
The equals() method is a method of the String class that compares the values of
two string objects.
In the preceding example of the Classic Jumble Word game, you want to modify the existing
code to display the message, You are incorrect !!!! , if a user enters the incorrect word for the
corresponding jumbled word. For this, you can modify the existing code by using the if…else construct.
在前面的Classic Jumble单词游戏示例中,如果用户为相应的乱序单词输入了错误的单词,您希望修改现有代码以显示消息"You are incorrect !!!!"。为此,您可以使用if…else条件构造来修改现有代码。
The if…else construct executes statements based on the specified condition. The syntax for
the if…else
if (表达式) {
   // if条件下的语句
} else {
   // else条件下的语句
A looping statement enables you to execute the same statements for a certain number of times.
For this, you do not need to write the statements repeatedly. You can enclose the statements within the loop construct and the loop construct executes the statements till the specified condition is met. Java supports the following loop constructs:
The for loop(for循环)
The while loop(while循环)
The do…while loop(do…while循环)

Using the while Construct 使用while构造)

In the preceding example, you can implement the similar functionality with the help of the
while loop construct.
The while loop construct provides the similar functionality of the for loop construct.
However, the syntax for the while loop construct is different from the for loop construct.
while (表达式) {
In the while loop construct, statement(s) followed by the while statement will be
executed, when the expression evaluates to true. The loop continues executing statement(s) until the expression evaluates to false.

int count=0;

In the preceding code snippet, the count variable is initialized with 0. The loop will continue executing statement(s) till the value of the count variable is less than 5.

Chapter 4 : Arrays


You can create the following types of arrays:
One-dimensional array(一维数组)
Multidimensional array(多维数组)

One-dimensional Array(一维数组)

A one-dimensional array is a collection of elements with a single index value. A one dimensional array can have multiple columns but only one row.The creation of a one-dimensional array involves two steps:
一维数组是具有单个索引值的元素集合。一维数组可以有多列,但只有一行。 创建一维数组需要两个步骤:
1. Declare an array.(声明数组)
2. Assign values to the array.(为数组赋值)
Accessing Arrays(访问数组)
To perform various manipulations on the array, you need to access the following types of arrays:
One-dimensional array(一维数组)
Two-dimensional array(二维数组)
One-dimensional Array(一维数组)
To access a one-dimensional array, the following syntax is used:
In the preceding syntax, arrayname specifies the name of the array and index specifies the
location of the array element.Consider the following code snippet:
在上述语法中,arrayname指定数组的名称,index指定数组元素的位置。 考虑以下代码片段:
String jumbledWords[] = {“alpep”,”argneo”,”rgaeps”};
In the preceding code snippet, the jumbledWords array stores the various jumbled words.
The statement, System.out.println(jumbledWords[0]);, accesses the element stored in the first
index and displays it.
Manipulating Strings(操作字符串)
Using String Class. To store string literals, you can use the String class in the java.lang package. The following code snippet is used to create a string object:
String s1 = new String(“Hello”);
The preceding code snippet creates a new string object in the heap memory, with a value,
Hello , and assigns it to reference variable, s1 . In addition, it creates another string object with the value, Hello , in the string constant pool.
You can also create a string object by using the following code snippet:
String s1 = “Hello”;

The preceding code snippet creates a new string object with a value, Hello, in the string constant pool and assigns it to the reference variable, s1.上述代码片段在字符串常量池中创建了一个新的值为Hello的字符串对象,并将其赋给引用变量s1。

In Java, String class is an immutable class. This means that once a string object is created,
you cannot change its value. However, the reference variables of the String class are mutable.
The following table lists the some of the most commonly used methods of the String class.
See page Number: 4.15


Chapter 5 encapsulate reading and writing of fields


Through agreed get/set accessors, you can encapsulate reading and writing of fields to achieve
the purpose of controlling data permissions.
A class can inherit the features of a related class and add new features, as per the
In inheritance, the class that inherits the data members and methods from another class is
known as the subclass or derived class.(在继承中,从另一个类继承数据成员和方法的类称为子类或派生类。)
The class from which the subclass inherits the features is known as the superclass or base
In single level inheritance, a single subclass derives the functionality of an existing
In multilevel inheritance, a subclass inherits the properties of another subclass.(在多级继承中,子类继承另一个子类的属性。)
In hierarchical inheritance, one or more subclasses are derived from a single superclass.(在层次继承中,一个或多个子类派生自单个超类。)
An abstract class is a class that contains one or more abstract methods.(抽象类是一个包含一个或多个抽象方法的类。)
An abstract class cannot be instantiated but can be inherited by other classes by using the
extends keyword.(抽象类不能被实例化,但可以通过使用extends关键字被其他类继承。)
Interfaces contain a set of abstract methods and static and final data members.(接口包含一组抽象方法和静态和最终数据成员。)
A class that implements an interface must provide the implementation of all the methods
declared in that interface.(实现接口的类必须提供对该接口中声明的所有方法的实现。)
In Java, polymorphism has the following two types
    在Java中,多态性具有以下两种类型 :
Static polymorphism(静态多态性)
Dynamic polymorphism(动态多态性)
In case of static polymorphism, an entity, such as a method, can exist in multiple forms.
Dynamic polymorphism is implemented in Java by method overriding.
To override a method present in the superclass, the subclass method should have the same
name, same parameters, and same return type as the method in the superclass.

Chapter 6:appropriate exception


When a run-time error occurs, an exception is thrown by the JVM which can be handled by an
appropriate exception handler.
To deal with these exceptions, Java provides various built-in exception classes.
The Throwable class is the base class of exceptions in Java.
The Exception class represents the conditions that a program should handle.
The Error class defines the exceptions related to the Java run-time environment.
Java exceptions are categorized into the following types:
Checked exceptions(受检异常)
Unchecked exceptions(未检查异常)
You can implement exception handling in a program by using the following keywords and
A try block encloses the statements that might raise an exception and defines one or more
exception handlers associated with it.
In Java, the catch block is used as an exception handler.
A try block must have at least one catch block that follows the try block,
You can throw an exception explicitly, by using the throw keyword.
The throws keyword is used by a method to specify the types of exceptions that the
method can throw.
The statements specified in the finally block are executed after the control has left the
try-catch block.
In addition to the built-in exceptions, you can create customized exceptions, as per the
application requirements.
Assertions are statements in Java that enable you to test any assumptions that you make
regarding a program during its execution.
You can implement assertions by using the assert keyword provided in Java.

Chapter 7:


A class defined within another class is called an inner class.
Java provides the following four types of inner classes:
Regular inner class(常规内部类)
Static inner class(静态内部类)
Method-local inner class(方法局部内部类
Anonymous inner class(匿名内部类)
A regular inner class is a class whose definition appears inside the definition of another
class. The regular inner class is similar to a member of an outer class.
◼ 常规内部类是在另一个类的定义内部出现的类。常规内部类类似于外部类的成员。
Static inner classes are inner classes marked with the static modifier.
◼ 静态内部类是使用static修饰符标记的内部类。
A method-local inner class is defined inside the method of the enclosing class. Because the
class is defined inside a method, it needs to be instantiated within the same method.
◼ 方法局部内部类定义在封闭类的方法内部。因为该类在方法内部定义,所以需要在同一个方法内实例化。
Java supports the following types of type casting:
Type casting primitive data types(基本数据类型的类型转换
Type casting objects(对象的类型转换
A primitive data type supports the following types of type casting:
Implicit casting(隐式转换)
Explicit casting(显式转换)
Implicit conversion refers to an automatic conversion of one data type into another. It occurs
if both the data types are compatible with each other.
Explicit conversion occurs when one data type cannot be implicitly converted into another
data type.
In case of explicit conversion, you must convert the data type into the compatible type.
The casting of object references depends on the relationship of the classes involved in the

Chapter 8:Localization


Localization is a process of customizing the application to a specific locale and culture.
Localization can be implemented on different types of data, such as date, currency, and text.
To localize different types of data, it is necessary to determine the language and country.
To determine the language, Java provides a predefined set of language codes, such as zh
for Chinese and en for English.
To work with localization, the Locale class of the java.util package is used.
To localize the date, you need to use the various date formats. To determine the date format
according to the locale, you can use the java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter class.

Chapter 9:set interface


The Set interface is used to create a collection of unique objects.
The package, java.util , provides the Iterator interface to traverse through the set
The HashSet class provides the implementation of the Set interface that enables you to
create a set in which insertion is faster because it does not sort the elements.
The TreeSet class provides the implementation of the Set interface that enables you to
create a sorted set of objects.
The List interface is used to create an ordered collection of objects, which can contain
duplicate objects.
The package, java.util , provides the ListIterator interface to traverse through the
list collection.
The ArrayList class provides the implementation of the List interface. The ArrayList class enables you to create a resizable array.
The Vector class is similar to the ArrayList class.
The methods of the Vector class are synchronized, which means that only one thread at a
given time can access it in a multithreaded environment.
The methods of the ArrayList class are not synchronized.
The Map interface enables you to create a collection with key-value pair objects.

Chapter 10:Behavior parameterization


Behavior parameterization is the abstraction of behavior into a variable so that it can be passed.
The type of a behavior parameter is defined by a functional interface.
A functional interface is an interface that contains only one method.
A Lambda expression is an anonymous function that can be used to replace an
implementation class of a functional interface.

Chapter 11:Thread


A thread is defined as the path of execution of a program. It is a sequence of instructions that is
executed to define a unique flow of control.
A program that creates two or more threads is called a multi-threaded program.
Thread priorities are the integers in the range of 1 to 10 that specify the priority of one thread
with respect to the priority of another thread.
◼ 创建两个或多个线程的程序称为多线程程序。
You can set the thread priority after it is created by using the setPriority() method
declared in the Thread class.
The synchronization of threads ensures that if two or more threads need to access a shared
resource, then that resource is used by only one thread at a time.

Chapter 12


Java handles all the input and output operations in the form of streams that act as a sequence of
bytes or characters traveling from a source to a destination.
When a stream of data is being sent, it is said to be written; and when a stream of data is
being received, it is said to be read.
To read data in the form of characters, Java provides the Reader classes inside the package.
The FileInputStream class is used to read data and the steams of bytes from the file.
The BufferedInputStream class is used to perform the read operations by using a
temporary storage, buffer, in the memory.
The FileReader class is used for reading characters from a file, but it does not define
any method of its own.
The BufferedReader class is used to read the text from a character-input stream, such
as a file, console, and array, while buffering characters.
To write the data in the form of bytes, Java provides the OutputStream classes.
To write the data in the form of characters, Java provides the Writer classes inside the package.
FileOutputStream is used for writing data, byte by byte, to a file.

Chapter 13:JDBC API


The classes and interfaces of the JDBC API are defined in the java.sql and javax.sql
JDBC API的类和接口定义在java.sql和javax.sql包中。
You can load a driver and register it with the driver manager by using the forName()
method or the registerDriver() method.
A Connection object establishes a connection between a Java application and a
A Statement object sends a request and retrieves results to/ from a database.
You can insert, update, and delete data from a table using the DML statements in Java
You can create, alter, and drop tables from a database using the DDL statements in Java
Once the SQL statements are executed, a ResultSet object stores the result retrieved
from a database.

Chapter A:题目整理


1、With x = 0, which of the following are legal lines of Java code for changing the value of x to 1?

当 x = 0 时,以下哪一行是将 x 的值更改为 1 的合法 Java 代码行?
   1. x++;
   2. x = x + 1;
   3. x += 1;


2、What is the output of this program?  这个程序的输出是什么?

class increment 
        public static void main(String args[]) 
             int g = 3;
             System.out.print(++g * 8);


3、What is the output of this program?  这个程序的输出是什么?

class operators 
        public static void main(String args[])
            int var1 = 5; 
            int var2 = 6;
            int var3;
            var3 = ++ var2 * var1 / var2 + var2;


4、What is the output of relational operators?关系运算符的输出是什么?




5、What is the output of this program?这个程序的输出是什么?

class Relational_operator 
        public static void main(String args[])
            int var1 = 5; 
            int var2 = 6;
            System.out.print(var1 > var2);


6、Which of the following loops will execute the body of loop even when condition controlling the loop is initially false?以下哪个循环将执行循环主体,即使条件控制循环最初为 false?

do-whilewhilefornone of the mentioned


7.What is the output of this program?这个程序的输出是什么?

class selection_statements 
        public static void main(String args[])
            int var1 = 5; 
            int var2 = 6;
            if ((var2 = 1) == var1)


8.What is true about a break?  关于“break”,正确的说法是?

 [A]Break stops the execution of entire program 中断停止整个程序的执行  

[B]Break halts the execution and forces the control out of the loop Break停止执行并强制控制退出循环

[C]Break forces the control out of the loop and starts the execution of next iteration Break强制控制退出循环并开始执行下一次迭代

[D]Break halts the execution of the loop for certain time frame Break在特定时间段内停止循环的执行


9. What is true about do statement?以下陈述正确的是?

[A] do statement executes the code of a loop at least once do语句至少执行一次循环的代码

[B] do statement does not get execute if condition is not matched in the first iteration 如果条件在第一次迭代中不匹配,do语句将不会执行

[C] do statement checks the condition at the beginning of the loop do语句检查循环开始时的条件

[D] do statement executes the code more than once always do语句总是多次执行代码


10、Which of these values can a boolean variable contain?布尔变量可以包含哪些值?

答案:True & False

11、Which one not is a valid keyword?哪一个不是有效的关键字?

[a] for    [b] loop   [c] int  [d] while


12.which of the following is not a operator?以下哪项不是运算符?


答案:   ;

13、What is the output of this program?这个程序的输出是什么?

    class Relational_operator 
        public static void main(String args[])
            int a = 20; 
            int b = 6;
            System.out.print(++a  + ++a);


14、which of the following is a unary opeartors in java?以下哪项是Java中的一元运算符?



15、John wants to create a class in which he wants to hide its member variables from all the other classes inluding the Child Classes . Which one of the following access specifies should be use? John 想要创建一个类,他想在其中对包含子类的所有其他类隐藏其成员变量。应使用以下哪一个访问权限指定?

private protected  public  default 


16、Predict the output of the following program.预测以下程序的输出。

public class Test  
 public static void main(String args[]) 
            boolean var1 = true;
            boolean var2 = false;
            if (var1)


17、Jim wants to define a variable to store numbers, which of the following is not a variable name?Jim 想定义一个变量来存储数字,以下哪项不是变量名?



18、Which of the following component is not a part of the Java architecture?以下哪个组件不是 Java 体系结构的一部分?

Source File(.java)class file (.class)Java virtual machine (JVM)CPU


19、Which of the following class name is not correct?以下哪个类名不正确?



20、Tom wants to develop a student management program, but the program cannot run. Please determine which line of code is wrong? 汤姆想开发一个学生管理程序,但该程序无法运行。请确定哪一行代码是错误的?

class $_Manager{ 
 1 int age; 
 2 } class 2Manager{ 
 3 private String name; 
 4 }


21、Which of the following represents the correct output of 20-3*4+10/2?以下哪项代表 20-3*4+10/2 的正确输出?


22、Identify the output of the following code?辨认以下代码的输出?

boolean result = (4 > 5) && (3 < 6) || (9>7); 


23、Which of the following operators is used to find the remainder after dividing two numbers?以下哪个运算符用于查找除以两个数字后的余数?




24、Predict the output of the following code: 预测以下代码的输出:

int m = 5, n = 5; 
    if(m > n){ 
    }else if(m < n}{

答案:report an error(将会报错)

25、Which of the correct syntax of creating class?创建类的正确语法是什么?

                     A                        B                            C                                          D

Class Abc{
class 3Abc{
class Abc{
class Abc(){


大学java的期末复习资源,试题及答案 1、编译Java Application源程序文件将产生相应的字节码文件,这些字节码文件的扩展名为( )。 B..class C.html D..exe 2、下面哪一项字符序列可以作为合法的标识符( )。 A.true B.null C.2018_year D.$2018year 3、下列选项中,( )不属于Java语言的简单数据类型。 A.整数型 B.数组 C.字符型 D.浮点型 4、对于int a[ ]=new int[3],下列叙述错误的是( )。 A. a.length的值是3 B. a[1]的值是1 C. a[0]的值是0 D. a[a.length-1]的值等于a[2]的值 5、用下列哪个代码替换程序标注的【代码】会导致编译错误? A.m-->0 B.m++>0 C.m = 0 D.m>100&&true; public class E { public static void main (String args[ ]) { int m=10,n=0; while(【代码】) { n++; } } } 6、以下关于继承的叙述正确的是( )。 A. 在Java中类不能多继承 B. 在Java中一个类只能实现一个接口 C. 在Java中一个类不能同时继承一个类和实现一个接口 D. 在Java中接口只能单一继承 7、对于下列Cat类,哪个叙述是错误的?( ) A.Cat类只有 2 个构造方法,而且没有无参数的构造方法 B.Cat类有 4 个构造方法 C.Cat (int m)和 Cat (double m)是互为重载的构造方法 Cat (int m)和 void Cat (double m) 是互为重载的非构造方法 class Cat { Cat (int m){ } Cat (double m){ } int Cat (int m){ return 23; } void Cat (double m){ }} 8、下列叙述哪些是正确的( )。 A final 类可以有子类 B abstract类中只能有abstract方法 C abstract类中可以有非abstract方法,但该方法不可以用final修饰 D 不可以同时用final和abstract修饰一个方法 9、假设D类有如下定义,设d是D类的一个实例对象,下列语句调用错误的是 ( )。 class D{ int i; static String s; void method1(){} static void method2(){}} A.d.method1(); B.D.method2(); C.D.method1(); D.System.out.println(d.i); 10、将下列( )哪个代码替换下列程序中的【代码】不会导致编译错误。 A.public int f(){return 100+M;} f(){return 100;} C.public double f(){return 2.6;}。 D.public abstract int f();
评论 4




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