

时间:2010-01-01 12:02 来源:CSDN.NET  作者:秩名  点击:912次
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TAG:  YUV   YUV转RGB   RGB   文字叠加   BMP转JPG  


#ifndef YUVRGB24_H
#define YUVRGB24_H

void init_dither_tab();

#ifdef OLD
 void ConvertYUVtoRGB(
  unsigned char *src0,
  unsigned char *src1,
  unsigned char *src2,
  unsigned char *dst_ori,
  int width,
  int height);
 void ConvertYUVtoRGB(
  unsigned char *src,
  unsigned char *dst_ori,
  int width,
  int height);

void ConvertYUVtoRGBSample(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height);

//YUV图像转化为RGB图像时宽度折半高度不变 进行图像翻转
void ConvertYUVtoRGBSampleReverse(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height);

//隔16个点插入一列(最后一列忽略 共插44列) 两边各插2列
void ConvertYUV720toRGB768(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height);

//隔16个点插入一列(最后一列忽略 共插44列) 两边各插2列
void ConvertYUV720toRGB768TwoHeight(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height);

//YUV图像转化为RGB图像时宽度直接由720扩为768 高度扩展1倍 进行图像翻转
//隔16个点插入一列(最后一列忽略 共插44列) 两边各插2列
void ConvertYUV720toRGB768TwoHeightReverse(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height);


//#include "config.h"
//#include "tmndec.h"
//#include "global.h"
#include "stdafx.h"

static long int crv_tab[256];
static long int cbu_tab[256];
static long int cgu_tab[256];

static long int cgv_tab[256];
static long int tab_76309[256];

static unsigned char *clp;
static unsigned char *pclp;

void init_dither_tab()
 long int crv,cbu,cgu,cgv;
 int i;  

 crv = 104597; cbu = 132201; 
 cgu = 25675;  cgv = 53279;

 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
  crv_tab[i] = (i-128) * crv;
  cbu_tab[i] = (i-128) * cbu;
  cgu_tab[i] = (i-128) * cgu;
  cgv_tab[i] = (i-128) * cgv;
  tab_76309[i] = 76309*(i-16);


void free_clp()
 //free( pclp );

inline unsigned char CharClip( int value )
 if( value < 0 )
  return 0;
 else if( value > 255 )
  return 255;
  return (unsigned char)value;

#ifdef OLD
 void ConvertYUVtoRGB(
  unsigned char *src0,
  unsigned char *src1,
  unsigned char *src2,
  unsigned char *dst_ori,
  int width,
  int height)
 void ConvertYUVtoRGB(
  unsigned char *src,
  unsigned char *dst_ori,
  int width,
  int height)
 int y11;
 int y12;
 int y13;
 int y14;
 int u, v;
 int i, j;
 int c11, c21, c31, c41;
 int c12, c22, c32, c42;
 unsigned long DW; // 4 bytes
 unsigned long *id1; // 4 bytes
 unsigned char *py, *pu,*pv;
 unsigned char *d1;
 d1 = dst_ori;
 py = src;
 pu = src+1;
 pv = src+3;

 id1 = (unsigned long *)d1;

 for (j = 0; j < height; j ++ )
  for (i = 0; i < width; i += 4 )
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c11 = crv_tab[v];  
   c21 = cgu_tab[u];
   c31 = cgv_tab[v];
   c41 = cbu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c12 = crv_tab[v];
   c22 = cgu_tab[u];
   c32 = cgv_tab[v];
   c42 = cbu_tab[u];

   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   y11 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y12 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   y13 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y14 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   //DW = ((clp[(y11 + c41)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 - c21 - c31)>>16])<<8) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 + c11)>>16])<<16) | 
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c41)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y11 + c41)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) <<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 + c11)>>16 ) <<16 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c41)>>16 ) << 24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   //DW = ((clp[(y12 - c21 - c31)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c11)>>16])<<8) | 
   //     ((clp[(y13 + c42)>>16])<<16) |
   //     ((clp[(y13 - c22 - c32)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y12 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c11)>>16 ) <<8 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y13 + c42)>>16 ) <<16 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y13 - c22 - c32) >>16 ) <<24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   DW = (( CharClip( (y13 + c12)>>16 ) )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c42)>>16 )<<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 - c22 - c32 )>>16 )<<16)) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c12)>>16 )<<24)); 
   *id1++ = DW;

  //id1 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //id2 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //py += width;
  //py2 += width;

void ConvertYUVtoRGBSample(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height)
 int y11;
 int y12;
 int y13;
 int y14;
 int u,v;
 int i,j;
 int c11, c21, c31, c41;
 int c12, c22, c32, c42;
 unsigned long DW;   // 4 bytes
 unsigned long *id1; // 4 bytes
 unsigned char *py, *pu,*pv;
 unsigned char *d1;

 d1 = dst_ori;

 py = src;
 pu = src+1;
 pv = src+3;

 id1 = (unsigned long *)d1;

 for (j = 0; j < height; j ++ )
  for (i = 0; i < width; i += 8 )
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c11 = crv_tab[v];  
   c21 = cgu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;

   c31 = cgv_tab[v];
   c41 = cbu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c12 = crv_tab[v];
   c22 = cgu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c32 = cgv_tab[v];
   c42 = cbu_tab[u];

   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   y11 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;
   y12 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;

   y13 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;
   y14 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;

   //DW = ((clp[(y11 + c41)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 - c21 - c31)>>16])<<8) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 + c11)>>16])<<16) | 
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c41)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y11 + c41)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) <<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 + c11)>>16 ) <<16 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c41)>>16 ) << 24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   //DW = ((clp[(y12 - c21 - c31)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c11)>>16])<<8) | 
   //     ((clp[(y13 + c42)>>16])<<16) |
   //     ((clp[(y13 - c22 - c32)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y12 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c11)>>16 ) <<8 )) | 
      (( CharClip( (y13 + c42)>>16 ) <<16 )) |
      (( CharClip( (y13 - c22 - c32) >>16 ) <<24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   DW = (( CharClip( (y13 + c12)>>16 ) )) | 
      (( CharClip( (y14 + c42)>>16 )<<8 )) |
      (( CharClip( (y14 - c22 - c32 )>>16 )<<16)) |
      (( CharClip( (y14 + c12)>>16 )<<24)); 
   *id1++ = DW;
  //id1 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //id2 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //py += width;
  //py2 += width;

void ConvertYUVtoRGBSampleReverse(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height)
 int y11;
 int y12;
 int y13;
 int y14;
 int u,v;
 int i,j;
 int c11, c21, c31, c41;
 int c12, c22, c32, c42;
 unsigned long DW;   // 4 bytes
 unsigned long *id1; // 4 bytes
 unsigned char *py, *pu,*pv;
 unsigned char *d1;
 const int DST_LINEIMAGE_SIZE = 360 * 3; // 目标图像(RGB)1行的数据长度(BYTE)
 const int DST_END_ADDRESS = DST_LINEIMAGE_SIZE * 288; // 目标图像(RGB)末尾地址

 d1 = dst_ori + DST_END_ADDRESS;

 py = src;
 pu = src+1;
 pv = src+3;

 //id1 = (unsigned long *)d1;

 for (j = 0; j < height; j ++ )
  id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;

  for (i = 0; i < width; i += 8 )
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c11 = crv_tab[v];  
   c21 = cgu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;

   c31 = cgv_tab[v];
   c41 = cbu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c12 = crv_tab[v];
   c22 = cgu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c32 = cgv_tab[v];
   c42 = cbu_tab[u];

   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   y11 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;
   y12 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;

   y13 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;
   y14 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 4;

   //DW = ((clp[(y11 + c41)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 - c21 - c31)>>16])<<8) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 + c11)>>16])<<16) | 
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c41)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y11 + c41)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) <<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 + c11)>>16 ) <<16 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c41)>>16 ) << 24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   //DW = ((clp[(y12 - c21 - c31)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c11)>>16])<<8) | 
   //     ((clp[(y13 + c42)>>16])<<16) |
   //     ((clp[(y13 - c22 - c32)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y12 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c11)>>16 ) <<8 )) | 
      (( CharClip( (y13 + c42)>>16 ) <<16 )) |
      (( CharClip( (y13 - c22 - c32) >>16 ) <<24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   DW = (( CharClip( (y13 + c12)>>16 ) )) | 
      (( CharClip( (y14 + c42)>>16 )<<8 )) |
      (( CharClip( (y14 - c22 - c32 )>>16 )<<16)) |
      (( CharClip( (y14 + c12)>>16 )<<24)); 
   *id1++ = DW;
  } // for width

  //id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;

  //id1 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //id2 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //py += width;
  //py2 += width;
 } // for height         

void ConvertYUV720toRGB768(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height)
 int y11;
 int y12;
 int y13;
 int y14;
 int u, v;
 int i, j;
 int c11, c21, c31, c41;
 int c12, c22, c32, c42;
 unsigned long DW; // 4 bytes
 unsigned long *id1; // 4 bytes
 unsigned char *py, *pu,*pv;
 unsigned char *d1;
 d1 = dst_ori+6;
 py = src;
 pu = src+1;
 pv = src+3;

 id1 = (unsigned long *)d1;

 for (j = 0; j < height; j ++ )
  for (i = 0; i < width; i += 4 )
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c11 = crv_tab[v];  
   c21 = cgu_tab[u];
   c31 = cgv_tab[v];
   c41 = cbu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c12 = crv_tab[v];
   c22 = cgu_tab[u];
   c32 = cgv_tab[v];
   c42 = cbu_tab[u];

   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   y11 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y12 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   y13 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y14 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   //DW = ((clp[(y11 + c41)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 - c21 - c31)>>16])<<8) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 + c11)>>16])<<16) | 
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c41)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y11 + c41)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) <<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 + c11)>>16 ) <<16 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c41)>>16 ) << 24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   //DW = ((clp[(y12 - c21 - c31)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c11)>>16])<<8) | 
   //     ((clp[(y13 + c42)>>16])<<16) |
   //     ((clp[(y13 - c22 - c32)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y12 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c11)>>16 ) <<8 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y13 + c42)>>16 ) <<16 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y13 - c22 - c32) >>16 ) <<24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   DW = (( CharClip( (y13 + c12)>>16 ) )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c42)>>16 )<<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 - c22 - c32 )>>16 )<<16)) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c12)>>16 )<<24)); 
   *id1++ = DW;

   if ((i) == 0 &&
    i>0 &&
    *d1 = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+1) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+2) = *(d1-1);
    d1 += 3;
    id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;
   else if (i == 0)
    *(d1-6) = *d1;
    *(d1-5) = *(d1+1);
    *(d1-4) = *(d1+2);
    *(d1-3) = *(d1+3);
    *(d1-2) = *(d1+4);
    *(d1-1) = *(d1+5);
   else if (i == (width-1)/16*16)
    *(d1+5) = *(d1-1);
    *(d1+4) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+3) = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+2) = *(d1-4);
    *(d1+1) = *(d1-5);
    *d1 = *(d1-6);

   d1 += 12;
  if (j < height-1)
   d1 += 12;
   id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;
  //id1 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //id2 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //py += width;
  //py2 += width;

void ConvertYUV720toRGB768TwoHeight(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height)
 int y11;
 int y12;
 int y13;
 int y14;
 int u, v;
 int i, j;
 int c11, c21, c31, c41;
 int c12, c22, c32, c42;
 unsigned long DW; // 4 bytes
 unsigned long *id1; // 4 bytes
 unsigned char *py, *pu,*pv;
 unsigned char *d1; // 目标图像存储区域 
 const int DST_LINEIMAGE_SIZE = 768 * 3; // 目标图像(RGB)一行的数据长度(BYTE)

 d1 = dst_ori+6;
 py = src;
 pu = src+1;
 pv = src+3;

 id1 = (unsigned long *)d1;

 for (j = 0; j < height; j ++ )
  for (i = 0; i < width; i += 4)
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c11 = crv_tab[v];  
   c21 = cgu_tab[u];
   c31 = cgv_tab[v];
   c41 = cbu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c12 = crv_tab[v];
   c22 = cgu_tab[u];
   c32 = cgv_tab[v];
   c42 = cbu_tab[u];

   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   y11 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y12 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   y13 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y14 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   //DW = ((clp[(y11 + c41)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 - c21 - c31)>>16])<<8) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 + c11)>>16])<<16) | 
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c41)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y11 + c41)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) <<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 + c11)>>16 ) <<16 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c41)>>16 ) << 24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   //DW = ((clp[(y12 - c21 - c31)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c11)>>16])<<8) | 
   //     ((clp[(y13 + c42)>>16])<<16) |
   //     ((clp[(y13 - c22 - c32)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y12 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c11)>>16 ) <<8 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y13 + c42)>>16 ) <<16 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y13 - c22 - c32) >>16 ) <<24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   DW = (( CharClip( (y13 + c12)>>16 ) )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c42)>>16 )<<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 - c22 - c32 )>>16 )<<16)) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c12)>>16 )<<24)); 
   *id1++ = DW;
   if ((i) == 0 &&
    i>0 &&
    d1 += 12;

    *d1 = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+1) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+2) = *(d1-1);
    d1 += 3;
    id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;
   else if (i == 0)
    *(d1-6) = *d1;
    *(d1-5) = *(d1+1);
    *(d1-4) = *(d1+2);
    *(d1-3) = *d1;
    *(d1-2) = *(d1+1);
    *(d1-1) = *(d1+2);

    d1 += 12;
   else if (i == (width-1)/4*4)
    d1 += 12;
    *d1 = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+1) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+2) = *(d1-1);
    *(d1+3) = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+4) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+5) = *(d1-1);
    d1 += 12;
  if (j < height-1)
   d1 += 12;
   id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;

   id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;
  //id1 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //id2 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //py += width;
  //py2 += width;

void ConvertYUV720toRGB768TwoHeightReverse(
 unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst_ori,
 int width,
 int height)
 int y11;
 int y12;
 int y13;
 int y14;
 int u, v;
 int i, j;
 int c11, c21, c31, c41;
 int c12, c22, c32, c42;
 unsigned long DW; // 4 bytes
 unsigned long *id1; // 4 bytes
 unsigned char *py, *pu,*pv;
 unsigned char *d1; // 目标图像存储区域 用来运算
 unsigned char *d2; // 目标图像存储区域 用来定位

 const int DST_LINEIMAGE_SIZE = 768 * 3; // 目标图像(RGB)1行的数据长度(BYTE)
 const int DST_TWOLINEIMAGE_SIZE = 768 * 3 * 2; // 目标图像(RGB)2行的数据长度(BYTE)
 const int DST_END_ADDRESS = DST_LINEIMAGE_SIZE * 576; // 目标图像(RGB)目标图像(RGB)末尾地址

 d2 = dst_ori + DST_END_ADDRESS;
 py = src;
 pu = src+1;
 pv = src+3;

 // id1 = (unsigned long *)d1;

 for (j = 0; j < height; j ++ )
  d1  = d2 + 6;
  id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;

  for (i = 0; i < width; i += 4 )
   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c11 = crv_tab[v];  
   c21 = cgu_tab[u];
   c31 = cgv_tab[v];
   c41 = cbu_tab[u];
   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   u = *pu;
   v = *pv;
   c12 = crv_tab[v];
   c22 = cgu_tab[u];
   c32 = cgv_tab[v];
   c42 = cbu_tab[u];

   pu += 4;
   pv += 4;

   y11 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y12 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   y13 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;
   y14 = tab_76309[*py];
   py += 2;

   //DW = ((clp[(y11 + c41)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 - c21 - c31)>>16])<<8) |
   //     ((clp[(y11 + c11)>>16])<<16) | 
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c41)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y11 + c41)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) <<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y11 + c11)>>16 ) <<16 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c41)>>16 ) << 24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   //DW = ((clp[(y12 - c21 - c31)>>16])) |
   //     ((clp[(y12 + c11)>>16])<<8) | 
   //     ((clp[(y13 + c42)>>16])<<16) |
   //     ((clp[(y13 - c22 - c32)>>16])<<24);
   DW = (( CharClip( (y12 - c21 - c31)>>16 ) )) |
    (( CharClip( (y12 + c11)>>16 ) <<8 )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y13 + c42)>>16 ) <<16 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y13 - c22 - c32) >>16 ) <<24 ));
   *id1++ = DW;

   DW = (( CharClip( (y13 + c12)>>16 ) )) | 
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c42)>>16 )<<8 )) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 - c22 - c32 )>>16 )<<16)) |
    (( CharClip( (y14 + c12)>>16 )<<24)); 
   *id1++ = DW;

   if ((i) == 0 &&
    i>0 &&
    d1 += 12;

    *d1 = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+1) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+2) = *(d1-1);
    d1 += 3;
    id1 = (unsigned long*)d1;
   else if (i == 0)
    *(d1-6) = *d1;
    *(d1-5) = *(d1+1);
    *(d1-4) = *(d1+2);
    *(d1-3) = *d1;
    *(d1-2) = *(d1+1);
    *(d1-1) = *(d1+2);

    d1 += 12;
   else if (i == (width-1)/4*4)
    d1 += 12;
    *d1 = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+1) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+2) = *(d1-1);
    *(d1+3) = *(d1-3);
    *(d1+4) = *(d1-2);
    *(d1+5) = *(d1-1);
    d1 += 12;
  d1 += 6;
  //id1 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //id2 -= (9 * width)>>2;
  //py += width;
  //py2 += width; 

// End of this file.

 #include "stdafx.h"
#include "PSA.h"
#include "Imageaddchar.h"
#include "ijl.h"
#include "yuvrgb24.h"
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER   m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader = NULL;
HDC                  m_hMemDC;
HBITMAP              m_hBmp;
HBITMAP              m_hBmpOld;
HFONT                m_hFont;
HFONT                m_hFontOld;
LPBYTE               m_lpMemImage = NULL;

int                  m_piBrandRatio[32];     
static bool          m_bPermitAddCharToImage;

const int            PLATE_IMAGE_SIZE = 128 * 20 * 2;
const int            BRAND_IMAGE_SIZE = 64 * 20 * 2; 

  // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
  //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!

// CPSAApp construction

 // TODO: add construction code here,
 // Place all significant initialization in InitInstance

// The one and only CPSAApp object

CPSAApp theApp;

int WriteToLog(int iErrorNumber,TCHAR *szMsg)
 int    i = 0;
 int    iLastSperate = 0;
 TCHAR  szCurPath[272]; 
 HANDLE hWndFile;
 WIN32_FIND_DATA fileFind;
 FILE   *fp;
 SYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime;

 for (i=0; i<256; i++)
  if (szCurPath[i] == '//')
   iLastSperate = i;
  else if(szCurPath[i] == '/0')
 if (iLastSperate > 0 && i < 256)
  szCurPath[iLastSperate] = '/0';
  return (-1);

 //printf("current path: %s /n",szCurPath);
 printf("current time: d-d-d d:d:d:d/n",

 hWndFile = FindFirstFile(szCurPath,&fileFind);

  if ((fp = fopen(szCurPath,"w")) == NULL)
   return (-2);
  fprintf(fp,"d-d-d d:d:d:d  Event:d  %s/n",
  if (fileFind.nFileSizeLow > 61440)  // if event file size > 60K, delete, create new
   if (DeleteFile(szCurPath))
    if ((fp = fopen(szCurPath,"w")) == NULL)
     return (-2);
    fprintf(fp,"d-d-d d:d:d:d  Event:d  %s/n",
   if ((fp = fopen(szCurPath,"a+")) == NULL)
    return (-3);
    fprintf(fp,"d-d-d d:d:d:d  Event:d  %s/n",

 return (0);

int CompressRGBToJPEG(BYTE *lpImageRGB, 
       int originalWidth,
       int originalHeight,
       int   jpegQuality,
       char* jpegFileName,
       int   isNeedReversal,
       int   isResizeImage)
 int res = 0;
 int jpegImageWidth;
 int jpegImageHeight;
 IJLERR jerr;
 jerr = ijlInit(&jcprops);
 if (jerr != IJL_OK)
  res = 1;
  goto Exit;
 if (isResizeImage == 0) //保持原始比例
  jpegImageWidth = originalWidth;
  jpegImageHeight = originalHeight;
// else if (isResizeImage == 112) //宽度变为1/2,高度不变
// {
//  jpegImageWidth = originalWidth/2;
//  jpegImageHeight = originalHeight;
// }
 else //保持原始比例
  jpegImageWidth = originalWidth;
  jpegImageHeight = originalHeight;

    // Setup DIB
   jcprops.DIBWidth         = originalWidth;
 if (isNeedReversal == 0) //如果不需要翻转图片
  jcprops.DIBHeight        = originalHeight;
 else                     //如果需要翻转图片
  jcprops.DIBHeight        = -originalHeight;
    jcprops.DIBBytes         = lpImageRGB;
 jcprops.DIBColor         = IJL_BGR;
 jcprops.DIBChannels      = 3;
 jcprops.DIBPadBytes      = IJL_DIB_PAD_BYTES(jcprops.DIBWidth,3);

    // Setup JPEG
    jcprops.JPGFile          = jpegFileName;
    jcprops.JPGWidth         = jpegImageWidth;
    jcprops.JPGHeight        = jpegImageHeight;
 jcprops.jquality         = jpegQuality;
 jcprops.JPGColor         = IJL_YCBCR;
 jcprops.JPGChannels      = 3;
 jcprops.JPGSubsampling   = IJL_411;

    jerr = ijlWrite(&jcprops,IJL_JFILE_WRITEWHOLEIMAGE);
 if(IJL_OK != jerr)
  //printf("ijlInit() failed - %s/n",ijlErrorStr(jerr));
  res = 2;
  goto Exit;

 jerr = ijlFree(&jcprops);
 if(IJL_OK != jerr)
  //printf("ijlFree() failed - %s/n",ijlErrorStr(jerr));
  res = 3;

 return res;

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAInit()
 m_bPermitAddCharToImage = false;


 srand(unsigned int(time(NULL)));

 return 0;

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAFree()
 m_bPermitAddCharToImage = false;

 int res = 0;

 return (res);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAAddCharToImage(LPBYTE lpImage,
              CHAR *chLicense,
              CHAR *chDateTime,
              CHAR *chSpeed,
              CHAR *chLocation,
              CHAR *chLimitSpeed,
              CHAR *chDirection,
              WORD wImageWidth,
              WORD wImageHeight,
              BYTE btColorB,
              BYTE btColorG,
              BYTE btColorR)
 int iRetval;

 CImageaddchar cImage;

 iRetval = cImage.Imageaddchar(lpImage,

 return (iRetval);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAFreeCharToImageInit(DWORD   hDC,
                                                    DWORD   dwImageWidth,
             DWORD   dwImageHeight,
             LPCTSTR lpszFontName,
             int     iFontSize,
             DWORD   dwFontBold,
             DWORD   dwFontItalic,
             DWORD   dwFontUnderline,
             DWORD   dwFontStrikeOut,
             BYTE    btForeColorB,
             BYTE    btForeColorG,
             BYTE    btForeColorR)

 DWORD        dwImageByte = 0;
 int          iRetval     = 0xFF; 
 dwImageByte = dwImageWidth * dwImageHeight * (DWORD)3; //计算BMP图像数据总大小
 m_lpMemImage = (LPBYTE) new unsigned char[dwImageByte];
 m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) new char[40];

    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biBitCount = 24;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biClrImportant = 0;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biClrUsed = 0;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biCompression = 0;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biHeight = dwImageHeight;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biPlanes = 1;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biSize = 40;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biSizeImage = dwImageByte;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biWidth = dwImageWidth;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
 // CreateCompatibleDC 创建一个与特定设备场景一致的内存设备场景
 // 返回值:执行成功返回新设备场景句柄,若出错则为零
 // 注意点:不再需要时,该设备场景可用DeleteDC函数删除。
    m_hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC((HDC)hDC);           //用DeleteDC删除句柄
 if (m_hMemDC == 0)
  iRetval = iRetval & 0xFE; // 1111 1110

 //hMemDC = CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL, NULL);  //用DeleteDC删除句柄
 //HDC hMemDC = GetDC(0);                         //用ReleaseDC释放句柄

 // CreateDIBSection 创建一个DIBSection,这是一个GDI对象,可象一幅与设备有关位图那样使用。但是,它在内部作为一幅与设备无关位图保存。
 // 返回值:执行成功返回DIBSection位图的句柄,零表示失败。
 // 注意点:一旦不再需要,记住用DeleteObject函数删除DIBSection位图。
 m_hBmp = CreateDIBSection(m_hMemDC,
 //hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hMemDC,lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biWidth,lpVehicleBitmapHeader->biHeight);
 if (m_hBmp == 0)
  iRetval = iRetval & 0xFD; // 1111 1101
 //SelectObject 每个设备场景都可能有选入其中的图形对象。其中包括位图、刷子、字体、画笔以及区域等等。
 //             一次选入设备场景的只能有一个对象。选定的对象会在设备场景的绘图操作中使用。
 //             例如,当前选定的画笔决定了在设备场景中描绘的线段颜色及样式
 m_hBmpOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(m_hMemDC, m_hBmp);
 //CreateFont 用指定的属性创建一种逻辑字体
 if (dwFontBold > 0) //创建粗体的字符
  m_hFont = CreateFont(iFontSize,0,0,0,FW_BOLD,dwFontItalic,dwFontUnderline,dwFontStrikeOut,DEFAULT_CHARSET,0,0,0,0,lpszFontName);
  m_hFont = CreateFont(iFontSize,0,0,0,FW_THIN,dwFontItalic,dwFontUnderline,dwFontStrikeOut,DEFAULT_CHARSET,0,0,0,0,lpszFontName);
 if (m_hFont == 0)
  iRetval = iRetval & 0xFB; // 1111 1011

 m_hFontOld = (HFONT)SelectObject(m_hMemDC, m_hFont);
 //SetBkMode 指定阴影刷子、虚线画笔以及字符中的空隙的填充方式
    SetBkMode(m_hMemDC, TRANSPARENT); //TRANSPARENT 表示透明处理,即不作上述填充
                                 //OPAQUE 表示用当前的背景色填充虚线画笔、阴影刷子以及字符的空隙 

 //SetTextColor 设置当前文本颜色。这种颜色也称为“前景色”
 SetTextColor(m_hMemDC, RGB(btForeColorR, btForeColorG, btForeColorB));
 if (iRetval == 0xFF)
  iRetval = 0;
  m_bPermitAddCharToImage = true;
 return (iRetval);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAFreeCharToImageEnd()
 int          iRetval     = 0xFF; 

 SelectObject(m_hMemDC, m_hBmpOld);
 //DeleteObject 用这个函数删除GDI对象,比如画笔、刷子、字体、位图、区域以及调色板等等。




 if (m_lpMemImage != NULL)
  delete[] m_lpMemImage;
  m_lpMemImage = NULL;

 if (m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader != NULL)
  delete[] m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader;
  m_lpVehicleBitmapHeader = NULL;
 if (iRetval == 0xFF)
  iRetval = 0;
 m_bPermitAddCharToImage = false;

 return (iRetval);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAFreeCharToImage(LPBYTE  lpImage,
                                                LPBYTE  lpImageDst,
               LPCTSTR lpszLineFirstString,
               LPCTSTR lpszLineSecondString,
               LPCTSTR lpszLineThirdString,
            DWORD   dwLineFirstStartPosX,
            DWORD   dwLineFirstStartPosY,
            DWORD   dwLineSecondStartPosX,
            DWORD   dwLineSecondStartPosY,
            DWORD   dwLineThirdStartPosX,
            DWORD   dwLineThirdStartPosY)
 if (!m_bPermitAddCharToImage)
  return -1;

 int          iTmp        = 0;
 int          iStringLen  = 0;
 int          iRetval     = 0xFF; 
 //SetDIBits 函数将来自与设备无关位图的二进制位复制到一幅与设备有关的位图里
 iTmp = SetDIBits(m_hMemDC,
 if (iTmp == 0)
  iRetval = iRetval & 0xFE; // 1111 1110

 //TextOut 文本绘图函数。
 iStringLen = lstrlen(lpszLineFirstString);
 if (iStringLen > 0)
  TextOut(m_hMemDC, dwLineFirstStartPosX, dwLineFirstStartPosY, lpszLineFirstString, iStringLen);
 iStringLen = lstrlen(lpszLineSecondString);
 if (iStringLen > 0)
  TextOut(m_hMemDC, dwLineSecondStartPosX, dwLineSecondStartPosY, lpszLineSecondString, iStringLen);

 iStringLen = lstrlen(lpszLineThirdString);
 if (iStringLen > 0)
  TextOut(m_hMemDC, dwLineThirdStartPosX, dwLineThirdStartPosY, lpszLineThirdString, iStringLen);
 //BYTE *pTemp = new BYTE[dwImageByte];
 //ZeroMemory(pTemp, dwImageByte);

 //GetDIBits 函数将来自一幅位图的二进制位复制到一幅与设备无关的位图里
 iTmp = GetDIBits(m_hMemDC,
 //iTmp = GetBitmapBits(hBmp, dwImageByte,(LPVOID)lpImageDst);
 if (iTmp == 0)
  iRetval = iRetval & 0xFD; // 1111 1101
 if (iRetval == 0xFF)
  iRetval = 0;

 return (iRetval);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSACompressRawBufferToJpeg422File(
        BYTE* lpRawImageBuffer,
        int   originalWidth,
        int   originalHeight,
        int   jpegQuality,
        char* jpegFileName,
        int   isNeedReversal,
        int   isResizeImage)

 int res = 0;
 int jpegImageWidth;
 int jpegImageHeight;
 IJLERR jerr;
 jerr = ijlInit(&jcprops);
 if (jerr != IJL_OK)
  res = 1;
  goto Exit;
 if (isResizeImage == 0) //保持原始比例
  jpegImageWidth = originalWidth;
  jpegImageHeight = originalHeight;
// else if (isResizeImage == 112) //宽度变为1/2,高度不变
// {
//  jpegImageWidth = originalWidth/2;
//  jpegImageHeight = originalHeight;
// }
 else //保持原始比例
  jpegImageWidth = originalWidth;
  jpegImageHeight = originalHeight;

 jcprops.DIBWidth         = originalWidth;
 if (isNeedReversal == 0) //如果不需要翻转图片
  jcprops.DIBHeight        = originalHeight;
 else                     //如果需要翻转图片
  jcprops.DIBHeight        = -originalHeight;
 jcprops.DIBChannels      = 3;
 jcprops.DIBBytes         = lpRawImageBuffer;
 jcprops.DIBPadBytes      = 0;
 jcprops.DIBColor         = IJL_YCBCR;
 jcprops.DIBSubsampling   = IJL_422;

 jcprops.JPGFile          = jpegFileName;
 jcprops.JPGWidth         = jpegImageWidth;
 jcprops.JPGHeight        = jpegImageHeight;
 jcprops.JPGChannels      = 3;
 jcprops.JPGColor         = IJL_YCBCR;
 jcprops.JPGSubsampling   = IJL_422;
 jcprops.jquality         = jpegQuality;

 jerr = ijlWrite(&jcprops,IJL_JFILE_WRITEWHOLEIMAGE);
 if(IJL_OK != jerr)
  //printf("ijlInit() failed - %s/n",ijlErrorStr(jerr));
  res = 2;
  goto Exit;

 jerr = ijlFree(&jcprops);
 if(IJL_OK != jerr)
  //printf("ijlFree() failed - %s/n",ijlErrorStr(jerr));
  res = 3;

 return res;
} // PSACompressRawBufferToJpeg422File

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSARawToJpeg411Sample(
        BYTE* lpRawImageBuffer,
        int   originalWidth,
        int   originalHeight,
        int   jpegQuality,
        char* jpegFileName,
        int   isNeedReversal,
        int   isResizeImage)
 int res = 0;
 BYTE* lpRGBImageBuffer;
 int rgbWidth;
 int rgbHeight;

 // 行长折半压缩为Jpeg文件
 rgbWidth = originalWidth / 2;
 rgbHeight = originalHeight;
 lpRGBImageBuffer = new BYTE[rgbWidth * rgbHeight * 3];


 res = CompressRGBToJPEG(lpRGBImageBuffer,

 if (lpRGBImageBuffer != NULL)
  delete[] lpRGBImageBuffer;
  lpRGBImageBuffer = NULL;

 return (res);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSARawToJpeg411SampleAddChar(
        BYTE* lpRawImageBuffer,
        int   originalWidth,
        int   originalHeight,
        int   jpegQuality,
        char* jpegFileName,
        int   isNeedReversal,
        int   isResizeImage,
        LPCTSTR lpszLineFirstString,
        LPCTSTR lpszLineSecondString,
        LPCTSTR lpszLineThirdString,
        DWORD   dwLineFirstStartPosX,
        DWORD   dwLineFirstStartPosY,
        DWORD   dwLineSecondStartPosX,
        DWORD   dwLineSecondStartPosY,
        DWORD   dwLineThirdStartPosX,
        DWORD   dwLineThirdStartPosY)

 int res = 0;
 BYTE* lpRGBImageBuffer;
 int rgbWidth;
 int rgbHeight;
 BYTE* lpRGBImageBufferAddChar;
 DWORD dwRGBImageSize = 0;

 // 行长折半压缩为Jpeg文件
 rgbWidth = originalWidth / 2;
 rgbHeight = originalHeight;

 dwRGBImageSize = rgbWidth * rgbHeight * 3;
 lpRGBImageBufferAddChar = new BYTE[dwRGBImageSize];
 lpRGBImageBuffer = new BYTE[dwRGBImageSize];
 // 图像数据格式从YUV转化为RGB,并且进行列抽样压缩(1/2)
 // ConvertYUVtoRGBSample(lpRawImageBuffer,lpRGBImageBuffer,originalWidth,originalHeight);

 res = PSAFreeCharToImage(lpRGBImageBuffer,

 if (res == 0) // 如果字符叠加成功
  res = CompressRGBToJPEG(lpRGBImageBufferAddChar,
  res = CompressRGBToJPEG(lpRGBImageBuffer,

 if (lpRGBImageBuffer != NULL) // 释放内存:无字符叠加RGB数据
  delete[] lpRGBImageBuffer;
  lpRGBImageBuffer = NULL;
 if (lpRGBImageBufferAddChar != NULL) // 释放内存:有字符叠加RGB数据
  delete[] lpRGBImageBufferAddChar;
  lpRGBImageBufferAddChar = NULL;

 return (res);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSARawToJpeg411Special(
        BYTE* lpRawImageBuffer,
        int   originalWidth,
        int   originalHeight,
        int   jpegQuality,
        char* jpegFileName,
        int   isNeedReversal,
        int   isResizeImage)
 int res = 0;
 BYTE* lpRGBImageBuffer;
 int rgbWidth;
 int rgbHeight;
 //宽度由720转化为768 高度不变
 rgbWidth = 768;
 rgbHeight = originalHeight * 2;
 lpRGBImageBuffer = new BYTE[rgbWidth * rgbHeight * 3];

 // ConvertYUV720toRGB768(lpRawImageBuffer,lpRGBImageBuffer,originalWidth,originalHeight);


 res = CompressRGBToJPEG(lpRGBImageBuffer,

 if (lpRGBImageBuffer != NULL)
  delete[] lpRGBImageBuffer;
  lpRGBImageBuffer = NULL;

 return (res);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSARawToJpeg411SpecialAddChar(
        BYTE* lpRawImageBuffer,
        int   originalWidth,
        int   originalHeight,
        int   jpegQuality,
        char* jpegFileName,
        int   isNeedReversal,
        int   isResizeImage,
        LPCTSTR lpszLineFirstString,
        LPCTSTR lpszLineSecondString,
        LPCTSTR lpszLineThirdString,
        DWORD   dwLineFirstStartPosX,
        DWORD   dwLineFirstStartPosY,
        DWORD   dwLineSecondStartPosX,
        DWORD   dwLineSecondStartPosY,
        DWORD   dwLineThirdStartPosX,
        DWORD   dwLineThirdStartPosY)
 int res = 0;
 BYTE* lpRGBImageBuffer;
 int rgbWidth;
 int rgbHeight;
 BYTE* lpRGBImageBufferAddChar;
 DWORD dwRGBImageSize = 0;
 //宽度由720转化为768 高度不变
 rgbWidth  = 768;
 rgbHeight = originalHeight * 2;

 dwRGBImageSize = rgbWidth * rgbHeight * 3;
 lpRGBImageBufferAddChar = new BYTE[dwRGBImageSize];
 lpRGBImageBuffer = new BYTE[dwRGBImageSize];
 // 图像数据格式从YUV转化为RGB,并且进行列抽样压缩(1/2)
 // ConvertYUV720toRGB768(lpRawImageBuffer,lpRGBImageBuffer,originalWidth,originalHeight);
 // 无翻转图像保存为 768 * 576
 // 翻转图像保存为 768 * 576

 // 叠加字符
 res = PSAFreeCharToImage(lpRGBImageBuffer,

 if (res == 0) // 如果字符叠加成功 保存叠加字符后图片数据
  res = CompressRGBToJPEG(lpRGBImageBufferAddChar,
 else // 如果字符叠加失败 保存叠加字符前图片数据
  res = CompressRGBToJPEG(lpRGBImageBuffer,

 if (lpRGBImageBuffer != NULL) // 释放内存:无字符叠加RGB数据
  delete[] lpRGBImageBuffer;
  lpRGBImageBuffer = NULL;
 if (lpRGBImageBufferAddChar != NULL) // 释放内存:有字符叠加RGB数据
  delete[] lpRGBImageBufferAddChar;
  lpRGBImageBufferAddChar = NULL;

 return (res);

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAReadRawFileToBuffer(
        char* lpszRawFile,
        int   &imageWidth,
        int   &imageHeight,
        BYTE *lpRawImageBuffer

 int res = 0;

 CFile   rawFile;
 CString strRawFile;
 CFileException e;

 short int width;
 short int height;
 int       rawImageSize;
 BYTE*     imageBuffer;
 int       fileLength;

 int iFind = strRawFile.ReverseFind( '.' );
 if (iFind == -1)
  res = 1;
  return res;
 iFind = strRawFile.Find("raw");
 if (iFind == -1)
  res = 2;
  return res;

 if (rawFile.Open(strRawFile, CFile::modeRead, &e) == NULL)
  res = 3;
  return res;

 rawFile.Read(&width, 2);
 rawFile.Read(&height, 2);

 rawImageSize = width * height * 2 + 4;

 fileLength = rawFile.GetLength();

 if (rawImageSize != fileLength)
  res = 4;
  return res;

 imageBuffer  = new unsigned char[rawImageSize];
 imageWidth   = width;
 imageHeight  = height;
 if (rawFile.Read(imageBuffer, rawImageSize) != (unsigned int)rawImageSize)
  if (imageBuffer != NULL)
   delete[] imageBuffer;
   imageBuffer = NULL;
  res = 5;
  return res;
 memcpy(lpRawImageBuffer, imageBuffer+4, rawImageSize-4);
 if (imageBuffer != NULL)
  delete[] imageBuffer;
  imageBuffer = NULL;

 return res;

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAReadRaw768To720(
        char* lpszRawFile,
        int   &imageWidth,
        int   &imageHeight,
        BYTE *lpRawImageBuffer

 int res = 0;

 CFile   rawFile;
 CString strRawFile;
 CFileException e;

 short int width;
 short int height;
 int       rawImageSize;
 BYTE*     imageBuffer;
 BYTE*     imageTmp;
 BYTE*     imageDst;
 int       fileLength;
 int       nRowLength;

 int iFind = strRawFile.ReverseFind( '.' );
 if (iFind == -1)
  res = 1;
  return res;
 iFind = strRawFile.Find("raw");
 if (iFind == -1)
  res = 2;
  return res;

 if (rawFile.Open(strRawFile, CFile::modeRead, &e) == NULL)
  res = 3;
  return res;

 rawFile.Read(&width, 2);
 rawFile.Read(&height, 2);

 rawImageSize = width * height * 2 + 4;

 fileLength = rawFile.GetLength();

 if (rawImageSize != fileLength)
  res = 4;
  return res;

 imageBuffer  = new unsigned char[rawImageSize];
 imageWidth   = width;
 imageHeight  = height;
 if (rawFile.Read(imageBuffer, rawImageSize) != (unsigned int)rawImageSize)
  if (imageBuffer != NULL)
   delete[] imageBuffer;
   imageBuffer = NULL;
  res = 5;
  return res;
 //memcpy(lpRawImageBuffer, imageBuffer+4, rawImageSize-4);
 imageTmp = imageBuffer + 4;
 imageDst = lpRawImageBuffer;

 if (width == 768)
  imageWidth = 720;
  nRowLength = 0;
  for (int i=0; i< height; i++)
   memcpy(imageDst, imageTmp, 1440);
   imageDst += 1440;
   imageTmp += 1536;
  memcpy(imageDst, imageTmp, rawImageSize-4);

 if (imageBuffer != NULL)
  delete[] imageBuffer;
  imageBuffer = NULL;

 return res;

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAReadRaw768To720HalfHeight(
        char* lpszRawFile,
        int   &imageWidth,
        int   &imageHeight,
        BYTE *lpRawImageBuffer

 int res = 0;

 CFile   rawFile;
 CString strRawFile;
 CFileException e;

 short int width;
 short int height;
 int       rawImageSize;
 BYTE*     imageBuffer;
 BYTE*     imageTmp;
 BYTE*     imageDst;
 int       fileLength;
 int       nRowLength;

 int iFind = strRawFile.ReverseFind( '.' );
 if (iFind == -1)
  res = 1;
  return res;
 iFind = strRawFile.Find("raw");
 if (iFind == -1)
  res = 2;
  return res;

 if (rawFile.Open(strRawFile, CFile::modeRead, &e) == NULL)
  res = 3;
  return res;

 rawFile.Read(&width, 2);
 rawFile.Read(&height, 2);

 rawImageSize = width * height * 2 + 4;

 fileLength = rawFile.GetLength();

 if (rawImageSize != fileLength)
  res = 4;
  return res;

 imageBuffer  = new unsigned char[rawImageSize];
 imageWidth   = width;
 imageHeight  = height;
 if (rawFile.Read(imageBuffer, rawImageSize) != (unsigned int)rawImageSize)
  if (imageBuffer != NULL)
   delete[] imageBuffer;
   imageBuffer = NULL;
  res = 5;
  return res;
 //memcpy(lpRawImageBuffer, imageBuffer+4, rawImageSize-4);
 imageTmp = imageBuffer + 4;
 imageDst = lpRawImageBuffer;

 if (width == 768)
  imageWidth   = 720;
  imageHeight  = height / 2;

  nRowLength = 0;

  imageTmp += 768 * 2 * (height / 2); // 复制下半幅图,如果复制上半幅图则注释掉此句

  for (int i=0; i< (height / 2); i++)
   memcpy(imageDst, imageTmp, 1440);
   imageDst += 1440;
   imageTmp += 1536;
  memcpy(imageDst, imageTmp, ((rawImageSize - 4) / 2));

 if (imageBuffer != NULL)
  delete[] imageBuffer;
  imageBuffer = NULL;

 return res;

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAWriteRawFile(
        const char* lpszRawFile,
        int   imageWidth,
        int   imageHeight,
        BYTE *lpRawImageBuffer

 int res = 0;
 unsigned long ulRawImageSize;
 BYTE btHeader[4];
 WORD* lpWordHeader;
 FILE* fileWrite;

 fileWrite = fopen(lpszRawFile,"wb");
 if (fileWrite == NULL)
  res = 1;
  goto Exit;
 lpWordHeader = (WORD *)btHeader;
 lpWordHeader[0] = (WORD)imageWidth;
 lpWordHeader[1] = (WORD)imageHeight;
 if (fwrite(btHeader,1,4,fileWrite) != 4)
  res = 2;
  goto Exit;

 ulRawImageSize = imageWidth * imageHeight * 2;

 if (fwrite(lpRawImageBuffer, 1, ulRawImageSize, fileWrite) != ulRawImageSize)
  res = 3;
  goto Exit;
 return res;

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSAWriteBMPFile(
        LPCSTR lpszBMPFile,
        int  imageWidth,
        int  imageHeight,
        BYTE *lpRawImageBuffer

 int   res = 0;
 FILE* fileWrite;
 BYTE*            lpRGBImageBuffer;
 BITMAPINFO       bmInfo;
 DWORD            dwRGBImageSize = imageWidth * imageHeight * 3;
 BYTE             lpFileHeader[128];
 int              ibmFileHeaderSize;             
 bmFileHeader.bfType = 0x4D42;
 bmFileHeader.bfSize = 54 + dwRGBImageSize;
 bmFileHeader.bfOffBits = 54;
 bmFileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
 bmFileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount      = 24;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant  = 0;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed       = 0;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression   = 0;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight        = imageHeight;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes        = 1;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biSize          = 40;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage     = dwRGBImageSize;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth         = imageWidth;
 bmInfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    bmInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
 lpRGBImageBuffer = new BYTE[dwRGBImageSize];


 fileWrite = fopen(lpszBMPFile,"wb");
 if (fileWrite == NULL)
  res = 1;
  goto Exit;
 ibmFileHeaderSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
 if (fwrite(lpFileHeader,sizeof(BYTE),54,fileWrite) != 54)
  res = 5;
  goto Exit;


 if (fwrite(lpRGBImageBuffer, sizeof(BYTE), dwRGBImageSize, fileWrite) != dwRGBImageSize)
  res = 4;
  goto Exit;

 if (res != 1)
 if (lpRGBImageBuffer != NULL)
  delete[] lpRGBImageBuffer;
  lpRGBImageBuffer = NULL;

 return res;

extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT PSATryGetFileVersion(
        LPTSTR lpszFileName,
        DWORD* iMajor,
        DWORD* iMinor,
        DWORD* iRelease,
        DWORD* iBuild
 int               iVersionInfoSize = 0;
 BYTE*             lpVersionDataBuffer;
 int               retval = 0;
 int               res    = -999;
 BYTE*             lplpVersion;
    DWORD             dwVersionSize;
 if (lpszFileName == NULL)

 iVersionInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(lpszFileName,0);
 if (iVersionInfoSize > 0)
  lpVersionDataBuffer = new BYTE[iVersionInfoSize];
  retval = GetFileVersionInfo(lpszFileName,0,iVersionInfoSize,lpVersionDataBuffer);
  if (retval != 0)
   retval = VerQueryValue(lpVersionDataBuffer,"/",(void**)&lplpVersion,(unsignedint*)&dwVersionSize);
   if (retval != 0)
    version = (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO*)lplpVersion;
    *iMajor = version->dwFileVersionMS >> 16;
    *iMinor = version->dwFileVersionMS & 0xFFFF;
    *iRelease = version->dwFileVersionLS >> 16;
    *iBuild   = version->dwFileVersionLS & 0xFFFF;
    res = 0;
    res = -3;
   res = -2;
  if (lpVersionDataBuffer != NULL)
   delete[] lpVersionDataBuffer;
   lpVersionDataBuffer = NULL;
  res = -1;






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