需要用到的库: pyHook ,这里有点小麻烦,pyHook现在只能支持2.7及以下的版本,现在已经停止更新了.但是目前还没找到其他可以替代的库.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ''' 模块功能: 截取电脑的按键操作和鼠标操作,保存为文件形式 按下键盘的Scroll键保存缓存中的数据,终止记录时可以用这样的操作来保存完整的数据 '''
import pythoncom import pyHook import sys import datetime
# make a copy of original stdout route stdout_backup = sys.stdout
# define the log file that receives your log info str_now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") log_filename = 'msg' + str_now + '.log' log_file = open(log_filename, "w") # redirect print output to log file sys.stdout = log_file
key_value = 0
def onMouseEvent(event): ''' Message ID: 513 - mouse left down 514 - mouse left up 516 - mouse right down 517 - mouse right up 519 - mouse middle down 520 - mouse middle up 522 - mouse wheel 输出格式 : [事件ID , 发生的时间, 坐标x ,坐标y , 滚轮值] 其中滚轮值为[-1,0,1] ,当事件为鼠标滚轮时,值为1或-1,其他情况下均为0 ''' print "%3d,%8d,%4d,%4d,%2d" % (event.Message, event.Time, event.Position[0], event.Position[1], event.Wheel)
# 返回 True 以便将事件传给其它处理程序 # 注意,这儿如果返回 False ,则鼠标事件将被全部拦截 # 也就是说你的鼠标看起来会僵在那儿,似乎失去响应了 return True
def onKeyboardEvent(event): ''' Message ID: 256 - key down 257 - key up 输出格式 : [事件ID , 发生的时间, ASCII , VK , EXTEND] 其中滚轮值为[-1,0,1] ,当事件为鼠标滚轮时,值为1或-1,其他情况下均为0 ''' print "%3d,%8d,%3d,%3d,%d" % (event.Message, event.Time, event.Ascii, event.KeyID, event.Extended)
if event.KeyID == 0x91: log_file.flush() # 同鼠标事件监听函数的返回值 return True
def main(): # 创建一个"钩子"管理对象 hm = pyHook.HookManager() # 监听所有键盘事件 hm.KeyDown = onKeyboardEvent hm.KeyUp = onKeyboardEvent # 设置键盘"钩子" hm.HookKeyboard() # 监听所有鼠标按键事件 hm.MouseAllButtons = onMouseEvent hm.MouseWheel = onMouseEvent # MouseWheel # 设置鼠标"钩子" hm.HookMouse() # 进入循环,如不手动关闭,程序将一直处于监听状态 pythoncom.PumpMessages()
if __name__ == "__main__": main() |
需要用到的库文件: pywin32.
# _*_ coding:UTF-8 _*_ ''' 根据鼠标和键盘操作记录, 以程序的方式重现一遍 '''
import win32api import win32con import win32gui from ctypes import * import time import string
event_to_win32ID = { 513: win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 514: win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 516: win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 517: win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 519: win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN, 520: win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP, 522: win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, 256: 0, 257: win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, }
def mouse_move(x, y): windll.user32.SetCursorPos(x, y)
def mouse_click(event, x=None, y=None, wheel=0): if not x is None and not y is None: mouse_move(x, y) win32api.mouse_event(event_to_win32ID[event], 0, 0, wheel, 0)
def key_input_ASCII(code, event): win32api.keybd_event(code, 0, event_to_win32ID[event], 0)
def key_input_VK(v_code, event): win32api.keybd_event(v_code, 0, event_to_win32ID[event], 0)
def readfile_mk(): # record file name filename = "msg.log" f = open(filename, 'r') last_time_stamp = 0 # read lines for lineStr in f.xreadlines(): line_data = map(string.atoi, lineStr.split(',')) # check if the data len is 5 if len(line_data) == 5: # get the time
sleeptime = (line_data[1] - last_time_stamp)/2000.0 if sleeptime < 0 or sleeptime > 2: sleeptime = 1 time.sleep(sleeptime)
last_time_stamp = line_data[1]
if event_to_win32ID.has_key(line_data[0]): # mouse operation if line_data[0] > 500: mouse_click(line_data[0], line_data[2], line_data[3], line_data[4]) # Key operation else: key_input_VK(line_data[3], line_data[0]) # read next line
if __name__ == '__main__': readfile_mk() |