
package org.tio.core;

import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.tio.cluster.TioClusterConfig;
import org.tio.cluster.TioClusterMessageListener;
import org.tio.core.intf.AioHandler;
import org.tio.core.intf.AioListener;
import org.tio.core.intf.GroupListener;
import org.tio.core.intf.Packet;
import org.tio.core.intf.TioUuid;
import org.tio.core.maintain.BsIds;
import org.tio.core.maintain.ClientNodes;
import org.tio.core.maintain.Groups;
import org.tio.core.maintain.Ids;
import org.tio.core.maintain.IpBlacklist;
import org.tio.core.maintain.IpStats;
import org.tio.core.maintain.Ips;
import org.tio.core.maintain.Tokens;
import org.tio.core.maintain.Users;
import org.tio.core.ssl.SslConfig;
import org.tio.core.stat.DefaultIpStatListener;
import org.tio.core.stat.GroupStat;
import org.tio.core.stat.IpStatListener;
import org.tio.core.task.CloseRunnable;
import org.tio.utils.SystemTimer;
import org.tio.utils.Threads;
import org.tio.utils.lock.MapWithLock;
import org.tio.utils.lock.SetWithLock;
import org.tio.utils.prop.MapWithLockPropSupport;
import org.tio.utils.thread.pool.SynThreadPoolExecutor;

 * @author tanyaowu 
 * 2016年10月10日 下午5:25:43
public abstract class GroupContext extends MapWithLockPropSupport {
	static Logger			log					= LoggerFactory.getLogger(GroupContext.class);
	 * 默认的接收数据的buffer size
	public static final int	READ_BUFFER_SIZE	= Integer.getInteger("", 2048);

	private final static AtomicInteger ID_ATOMIC = new AtomicInteger();

	private ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;

	public boolean isShortConnection = false;

	public SslConfig sslConfig = null;

	public boolean debug = false;

	public GroupStat groupStat = null;

	public boolean statOn = true;

	public PacketConverter packetConverter = null;

	 * 启动时间
	public long startTime = SystemTimer.currTime;

	 * 是否用队列发送
	public boolean useQueueSend = true;

	 *  是否用队列解码(系统初始化时确定该值,中途不要变更此值,否则在切换的时候可能导致消息丢失)
	public boolean useQueueDecode = false;

	 * 心跳超时时间(单位: 毫秒),如果用户不希望框架层面做心跳相关工作,请把此值设为0或负数
	public long heartbeatTimeout = 1000 * 120;

	 * 解码出现异常时,是否打印异常日志
	public boolean logWhenDecodeError = false;

	public PacketHandlerMode packetHandlerMode = PacketHandlerMode.SINGLE_THREAD;//.queue;

	 * 接收数据的buffer size
	private int readBufferSize = READ_BUFFER_SIZE;

	private GroupListener groupListener = null;

	private TioUuid tioUuid = new DefaultTioUuid();

	public SynThreadPoolExecutor tioExecutor = null;

	public CloseRunnable closeRunnable;

	public ThreadPoolExecutor			groupExecutor	= null;
	public ClientNodes					clientNodes		= new ClientNodes();
	public SetWithLock<ChannelContext>	connections		= new SetWithLock<ChannelContext>(new HashSet<ChannelContext>());
	public Groups						groups			= new Groups();
	public Users						users			= new Users();
	public Tokens						tokens			= new Tokens();
	public Ids							ids				= new Ids();
	public BsIds						bsIds			= new BsIds();
	public Ips							ips				= new Ips();
	public IpStats						ipStats			= null;

	 * ip黑名单
	public IpBlacklist ipBlacklist = null;//new IpBlacklist();

	public MapWithLock<Integer, Packet> waitingResps = new MapWithLock<Integer, Packet>(new HashMap<Integer, Packet>());

	public void share(GroupContext groupContext) {
		this.clientNodes = groupContext.clientNodes;
		this.connections = groupContext.connections;
		this.groups = groupContext.groups;
		this.users = groupContext.users;
		this.tokens = groupContext.tokens;
		this.ids = groupContext.ids;
		this.bsIds = groupContext.bsIds;
		this.ipBlacklist = groupContext.ipBlacklist;
		this.ips = groupContext.ips;

	 * packet编码成bytebuffer时,是否与ChannelContext相关,false: packet编码与ChannelContext无关
	//	private boolean isEncodeCareWithChannelContext = true;

	protected String id;

	 * 解码异常多少次就把ip拉黑
	protected int maxDecodeErrorCountForIp = 10;

	protected String name = "未命名GroupContext";

	private IpStatListener ipStatListener =;

	private boolean isStopped = false;

	 * 如果此值不为null,就表示要集群
	private TioClusterConfig tioClusterConfig = null;

	public GroupContext() {
		this(null, null);

	 * @param tioExecutor
	 * @param groupExecutor
	 * @author: tanyaowu
	public GroupContext(SynThreadPoolExecutor tioExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor groupExecutor) {
		super(); = ID_ATOMIC.incrementAndGet() + "";

		this.ipStats = new IpStats(this, null);

		this.tioExecutor = tioExecutor;
		if (this.tioExecutor == null) {
			this.tioExecutor = Threads.getTioExecutor();

		this.groupExecutor = groupExecutor;
		if (this.groupExecutor == null) {
			this.groupExecutor = Threads.getGroupExecutor();

		closeRunnable = new CloseRunnable(this.tioExecutor);

	//	/**
	//	 * 
	//	 * @param tioClusterConfig
	//	 * @param tioExecutor
	//	 * @param groupExecutor
	//	 * @author: tanyaowu
	//	 */
	//	public GroupContext(TioClusterConfig tioClusterConfig, SynThreadPoolExecutor tioExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor groupExecutor) {
	//		this(tioExecutor, groupExecutor);
	//		this.setTioClusterConfig(tioClusterConfig);
	//	}

	 * 获取AioHandler对象
	 * @return
	 * @author: tanyaowu
	public abstract AioHandler getAioHandler();

	 * 获取AioListener对象
	 * @return
	 * @author: tanyaowu
	public abstract AioListener getAioListener();

	 * 是否是集群
	 * @return true: 是集群
	 * @author: tanyaowu
	public boolean isCluster() {
		return tioClusterConfig != null;

	 * @return
	 * @author tanyaowu
	public ByteOrder getByteOrder() {
		return byteOrder;

	 * @return the groupListener
	public GroupListener getGroupListener() {
		return groupListener;

	//	/**
	//	 * 获取GroupStat对象
	//	 * @return
	//	 * @author: tanyaowu
	//	 */
	//	public abstract GroupStat groupStat;

	 * @return
	 * @author tanyaowu
	public String getId() {
		return id;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	 * @return the tioUuid
	public TioUuid getTioUuid() {
		return tioUuid;

	 * @return the syns
	public MapWithLock<Integer, Packet> getWaitingResps() {
		return waitingResps;

	 * @return the isEncodeCareWithChannelContext
	//	public boolean isEncodeCareWithChannelContext() {
	//		return isEncodeCareWithChannelContext;
	//	}

	//	/**
	//	 * @return the isShortConnection
	//	 */
	//	public boolean isShortConnection {
	//		return isShortConnection;
	//	}

	 * @return the isStop
	public boolean isStopped() {
		return isStopped;

	 * @param byteOrder
	 * @author tanyaowu
	public void setByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder) {
		this.byteOrder = byteOrder;

	 * @param isEncodeCareWithChannelContext the isEncodeCareWithChannelContext to set
	//	public void setEncodeCareWithChannelContext(boolean isEncodeCareWithChannelContext) {
	//		this.isEncodeCareWithChannelContext = isEncodeCareWithChannelContext;
	//	}

	 * @param groupListener the groupListener to set
	public void setGroupListener(GroupListener groupListener) {
		this.groupListener = groupListener;

	 * @param heartbeatTimeout the heartbeatTimeout to set
	public void setHeartbeatTimeout(long heartbeatTimeout) {
		this.heartbeatTimeout = heartbeatTimeout;

	public void setName(String name) { = name;

	 * @param packetHandlerMode the packetHandlerMode to set
	public void setPacketHandlerMode(PacketHandlerMode packetHandlerMode) {
		this.packetHandlerMode = packetHandlerMode;

	 * @param readBufferSize the readBufferSize to set
	public void setReadBufferSize(int readBufferSize) {
		this.readBufferSize = Math.min(readBufferSize, TcpConst.MAX_DATA_LENGTH);

	 * @param isShortConnection the isShortConnection to set
	public void setShortConnection(boolean isShortConnection) {
		this.isShortConnection = isShortConnection;

	 * @param isStop the isStop to set
	public void setStopped(boolean isStopped) {
		this.isStopped = isStopped;

	 * @param tioUuid the tioUuid to set
	public void setTioUuid(TioUuid tioUuid) {
		this.tioUuid = tioUuid;

	public TioClusterConfig getTioClusterConfig() {
		return tioClusterConfig;

	public void setTioClusterConfig(TioClusterConfig tioClusterConfig) {
		this.tioClusterConfig = tioClusterConfig;
		if (this.tioClusterConfig != null) {
			this.tioClusterConfig.getTioClusterTopic().addMessageListener(new TioClusterMessageListener(this));
			//			this.tioClusterConfig.addMessageListener(new RedissonMessageListener(this));

	public void setSslConfig(SslConfig sslConfig) {
		this.sslConfig = sslConfig;

	public IpStatListener getIpStatListener() {
		return ipStatListener;

	public void setIpStatListener(IpStatListener ipStatListener) {
		this.ipStatListener = ipStatListener;
		//		this.ipStats.setIpStatListener(ipStatListener);

	public GroupStat getGroupStat() {
		return groupStat;

	 * 是否用队列解码(系统初始化时确定该值,中途不要变更此值,否则在切换的时候可能导致消息丢失
	 * @param useQueueDecode
	 * @author tanyaowu
	public void setUseQueueDecode(boolean useQueueDecode) {
		this.useQueueDecode = useQueueDecode;

	 * 是否用队列发送,可以随时切换
	 * @param useQueueSend
	 * @author tanyaowu
	public void setUseQueueSend(boolean useQueueSend) {
		this.useQueueSend = useQueueSend;

	 * 是服务器端还是客户端
	 * @return
	 * @author tanyaowu
	public abstract boolean isServer();

	public int getReadBufferSize() {
		return readBufferSize;

	public boolean isSsl() {
		return sslConfig != null;

AtomicInteger 原子操作类

如何理解Big Endian和Little Endian
int a = 1;
a这个数本身的16进制表示是0x00 00 00 01
如果你的CPU是intel x86架构的(基本上就是通常我们说的奔腾cpu),那么就是0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 , 这也就是所谓的little-endian, 低字节存放在内存的低位.
如果你的CPU是老式AMD系列的(很老很老的那种,因为最新的AMD系列已经是x86架构了), 它的字节序就是big-endian, 其内存存储就是 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01在内存中从高字节开始存放。

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Go语言中的channel、sync.WaitGroupcontext是三个非常重要的并发编程工具。下面我将对它们进行详细介绍。 ### Channel Go语言中的channel是一种在多个goroutine之间进行通信的机制。也可以说,channel是一种数据结构,它可以让一个goroutine向另一个goroutine发送一个值,同时还可以让另一个goroutine从channel中接收这个值。在Go语言中,使用make函数创建一个channel。例如: ```go ch := make(chan int) ``` 这行代码创建了一个类型为int的channel。可以在goroutine中使用ch <- value语句向channel发送一个整数,例如: ```go go func() { ch <- 1 }() ``` 可以使用value := <- ch语句从channel中接收一个整数,例如: ```go value := <- ch ``` 这行代码会阻塞,直到有一个整数被发送到这个channel中为止。需要注意的是,如果没有接收者,发送操作会一直阻塞,直到有接收者为止;如果没有发送者,接收操作也会一直阻塞,直到有发送者为止。 ### sync.WaitGroup sync.WaitGroup是Go语言中的一个同步工具,它可以等待一组goroutine完成工作。在WaitGroup中,每个goroutine的工作完成后,都需要调用Done方法。主goroutine可以在Wait方法上阻塞,等待所有的goroutine完成工作。例如: ```go var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { wg.Add(1) go func() { // do some work wg.Done() }() } wg.Wait() ``` 这行代码创建了一个WaitGroup,并且启动了10个goroutine进行工作。每个goroutine完成工作后,都会调用wg.Done方法,主goroutine在wg.Wait上阻塞,等待所有的goroutine完成工作。 ### context context是Go语言中的一个用于传递请求范围数据的机制。在一个请求处理中,可以使用context携带一些请求数据,同时也可以使用context取消请求处理。例如: ```go func handleRequest(ctx context.Context) { // do some work select { case <-ctx.Done(): // handle cancelation default: // continue working } } ``` 这行代码定义了一个处理请求的函数,该函数接收一个context参数。如果context被取消,处理请求的函数将会停止工作。例如: ```go ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) go func() { time.Sleep(time.Second) cancel() }() handleRequest(ctx) ``` 这行代码创建了一个带有取消功能的context,并且启动了一个goroutine在1秒后取消context。handleRequest函数会使用这个context来处理请求,并且如果context被取消,handleRequest函数会立刻停止工作。


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