Ceph Rest Api 文档

本文档详细介绍了Ceph REST API的使用,包括如何配置及默认提供的API列表,为Ceph用户和开发者提供参考资料。

Ceph Rest Api 是一套ceph自带的HTTP接口,官方文档上待补充,但其实,配好ceph rest api之后,默认页面会显示所有的API列表。放在这里作为参考。

Possible commands: Method Description
auth/add?entity=entity(<string>)&caps={c aps(<string>) [<string>...]} PUT add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no input is given, and/or any caps specified in the command
auth/caps?entity=entity(<string>)&caps=c aps(<string>) [<string>...] PUT update caps for <name> from caps specified in the command
auth/del?entity=entity(<string>) PUT delete all caps for <name>
auth/export?entity={entity(<string>)} GET write keyring for requested entity, or master keyring if none given
auth/get?entity=entity(<string>) GET write keyring file with requested key
auth/get-key?entity=entity(<string>) GET display requested key
auth/get-or-create?entity=entity(<string >)&caps={caps(<string>) [<string>...]} PUT add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no input given, and/or any caps specified in the command
auth/get-or-create-key?entity=entity(<st ring>)&caps={caps(<string>) [<string>...]} PUT get, or add, key for <name> from system/caps pairs specified in the command. If key already exists, any given caps must match the existing caps for that key.
auth/import PUT auth import: read keyring file from -i <file>
auth/list GET list authentication state
auth/print-key?entity=entity(<string>) GET display requested key
auth/print_key?entity=entity(<string>) GET display requested key
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/bench?count={count( <int>)}&size={size(<int>)} PUT OSD benchmark: write <count> <size>-byte objects, (default 1G size 4MB). Results in log.
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/cluster_log?level=e rror&message=message(<string>) [<string>...] PUT log a message to the cluster log
compact PUT cause compaction of monitor's leveldb storage
config-key/del?key=key(<string>) PUT delete <key>
config-key/exists?key=key(<string>) GET check for <key>'s existence
config-key/get?key=key(<string>) GET get <key>
config-key/list GET list keys
config-key/put?key=key(<string>)&val={va l(<string>)} PUT put <key>, value <val>
tell/<osdid-or- pgid>/cpu_profiler?arg=arg(status|flush) PUT run cpu profiling on daemon
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/debug/kick_recovery _wq?delay=delay(<int[0-]>) PUT set osd_recovery_delay_start to <val>
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/debug_dump_missing? filename=filename(<outfilename>) GET dump missing objects to a named file
df?detail={detail} GET show cluster free space stats
tell/<osdid-or- pgid>/dump_pg_recovery_stats GET dump pg recovery statistics
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/flush_pg_stats PUT flush pg stats
fs/ls GET list filesystems
fs/new?fs_name=fs_name(<string>)&metadat a=metadata(<string>)&data=data(<string>) PUT make new filesystem using named pools <metadata> and <data>
fs/reset?fs_name=fs_name(<string>)&sure= {--yes-i-really-mean-it} PUT disaster recovery only: reset to a single-MDS map
fs/rm?fs_name=fs_name(<string>)&sure={-- yes-i-really-mean-it} PUT disable the named filesystem
fsid GET show cluster FSID/UUID
health?detail={detail} GET show cluster health
heap?heapcmd=heapcmd(dump|start_profiler |stop_profiler|release|stats) PUT show heap usage info (available only if compiled with tcmalloc)
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/heap?heapcmd=heapcm d(dump|start_profiler|stop_profiler|rele ase|stats) PUT show heap usage info (available only if compiled with tcmalloc)
injectargs?injected_args=injected_args(< string>) [<string>...] PUT inject config arguments into monitor
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/injectargs?injected _args=injected_args(<string>) [<string>...] PUT inject configuration arguments into running OSD
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/list_missing?offset ={offset(<string>)} GET list missing objects on this pg, perhaps starting at an offset given in JSON
log?logtext=logtext(<string>) [<string>...] PUT log supplied text to the monitor log
tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/mark_unfound_lost?m ulcmd=mulcmd(revert|delete) PUT mark all unfound objects in this pg as lost, either removing or reverting to a prior version if o
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