unit MD5;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants;
MyArray= array of Integer;
function rHEX(num:Integer):string;
function str2blks_MD5(str:string):MyArray;
function Add(x,y: Integer):Integer;
function rol(num, cnt:Integer):Integer;
function cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
function ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
function gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
function hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
function ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
function MD5(str:string):string;
hex_chr = '0123456789abcdef';
function rHEX(num:Integer):string;
s : string;
n : Integer;
p : PByte;
i : Integer;
n:= num;
p:= PByte(@n);
s:= '';
for i:= 0 to 3 do
s:= s+IntToHex(Pbyte(Integer(p)+i)^,2);
Result:= AnsiLowerCase(s);
function str2blks_MD5(str:string):MyArray;
nblk : Integer;
i : Integer;
blks : MyArray;
nblk := (Length(str) + 8) shr 6 + 1;//64的整数倍
for i := 0 to nblk*16-1 do
blks[i] := 0;
for i := 0 to Length(str)-1 do
blks[i shr 2] := blks[i shr 2] or byte(str[i+1]) shl ((i mod 4) * 8);
i:= Length(str);
blks[i shr 2] := blks[i shr 2] or $80 shl ((i mod 4) * 8);
blks[nblk * 16 - 2] := Length(str) * 8;
Result:= blks;
function Add(x,y: Integer):Integer;
// l,h : Integer;
// l:= x and $FFFF + y and $FFFF;
// h:= x shr 16 + y shr 16+l shr 16;
// Result:= h shl 16 or l and $FFFF;
Result:= x+y;
function rol(num, cnt:Integer):Integer;
Result:= num shl cnt or num shr (32 - cnt);
function cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t:Integer): Integer;
Result:= add(rol(add(add(a, q), add(x, t)), s), b);
function ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:integer):integer;
Result:= cmn((b and c) or ((b xor $FFFFFFFF) and d), a, b, x, s, t);
function gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
Result:= cmn((b and d) or (c and (d xor $FFFFFFFF)), a, b, x, s, t);
function hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
Result:= cmn(b xor c xor d, a, b, x, s, t);
function ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t:Integer):Integer;
Result:= cmn(c xor (b or (d xor $FFFFFFFF)), a, b, x, s, t);
function MD5(str:string):string;
a,b,c,d : Integer;
oldd : Integer;
i,j : Integer;
blks : MyArray;
a := 1732584193;
b := -271733879;
c := -1732584194;
d := 271733878;
blks:= str2blks_MD5(str);
for j := 0 to high(blks) div 16 do// step 16
olda := a;
oldb := b;
oldc := c;
oldd := d;
i:= j*16;
a := ff(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 0], 7 , -680876936);
d := ff(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 1], 12, -389564586);
c := ff(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 2], 17, 606105819);
b := ff(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 3], 22, -1044525330);
a := ff(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 4], 7 , -176418897);
d := ff(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 5], 12, 1200080426);
c := ff(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 6], 17, -1473231341);
b := ff(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 7], 22, -45705983);
a := ff(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 8], 7 , 1770035416);
d := ff(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 9], 12, -1958414417);
c := ff(c, d, a, b, blks[i+10], 17, -42063);
b := ff(b, c, d, a, blks[i+11], 22, -1990404162);
a := ff(a, b, c, d, blks[i+12], 7 , 1804603682);
d := ff(d, a, b, c, blks[i+13], 12, -40341101);
c := ff(c, d, a, b, blks[i+14], 17, -1502002290);
b := ff(b, c, d, a, blks[i+15], 22, 1236535329);
a := gg(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 1], 5 , -165796510);
d := gg(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 6], 9 , -1069501632);
c := gg(c, d, a, b, blks[i+11], 14, 643717713);
b := gg(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 0], 20, -373897302);
a := gg(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 5], 5 , -701558691);
d := gg(d, a, b, c, blks[i+10], 9 , 38016083);
c := gg(c, d, a, b, blks[i+15], 14, -660478335);
b := gg(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 4], 20, -405537848);
a := gg(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 9], 5 , 568446438);
d := gg(d, a, b, c, blks[i+14], 9 , -1019803690);
c := gg(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 3], 14, -187363961);
b := gg(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 8], 20, 1163531501);
a := gg(a, b, c, d, blks[i+13], 5 , -1444681467);
d := gg(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 2], 9 , -51403784);
c := gg(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 7], 14, 1735328473);
b := gg(b, c, d, a, blks[i+12], 20, -1926607734);
a := hh(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 5], 4 , -378558);
d := hh(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 8], 11, -2022574463);
c := hh(c, d, a, b, blks[i+11], 16, 1839030562);
b := hh(b, c, d, a, blks[i+14], 23, -35309556);
a := hh(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 1], 4 , -1530992060);
d := hh(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 4], 11, 1272893353);
c := hh(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 7], 16, -155497632);
b := hh(b, c, d, a, blks[i+10], 23, -1094730640);
a := hh(a, b, c, d, blks[i+13], 4 , 681279174);
d := hh(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 0], 11, -358537222);
c := hh(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 3], 16, -722521979);
b := hh(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 6], 23, 76029189);
a := hh(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 9], 4 , -640364487);
d := hh(d, a, b, c, blks[i+12], 11, -421815835);
c := hh(c, d, a, b, blks[i+15], 16, 530742520);
b := hh(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 2], 23, -995338651);
a := ii(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 0], 6 , -198630844);
d := ii(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 7], 10, 1126891415);
c := ii(c, d, a, b, blks[i+14], 15, -1416354905);
b := ii(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 5], 21, -57434055);
a := ii(a, b, c, d, blks[i+12], 6 , 1700485571);
d := ii(d, a, b, c, blks[i+ 3], 10, -1894986606);
c := ii(c, d, a, b, blks[i+10], 15, -1051523);
b := ii(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 1], 21, -2054922799);
a := ii(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 8], 6 , 1873313359);
d := ii(d, a, b, c, blks[i+15], 10, -30611744);
c := ii(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 6], 15, -1560198380);
b := ii(b, c, d, a, blks[i+13], 21, 1309151649);
a := ii(a, b, c, d, blks[i+ 4], 6 , -145523070);
d := ii(d, a, b, c, blks[i+11], 10, -1120210379);
c := ii(c, d, a, b, blks[i+ 2], 15, 718787259);
b := ii(b, c, d, a, blks[i+ 9], 21, -343485551);
a := add(a, olda);
b := add(b, oldb);
c := add(c, oldc);
d := add(d, oldd);
Result:= rhex(a) + rhex(b) + rhex(c) + rhex(d);