Android Audio 之OMX &&Codec2

Google在Android Q 引入Codec 2.0 ,与MediaCodec 合作,用于decoding/encoding,之前的版本是MediaCodec 与ACodec/OMX 合作来进行decoding/encoding,两种Flow并存,通过debug.stagefright.ccodec 这个property 以及rank 来决定使用哪个flow。


AndroidS 下,这个property 有5个值,分别定义如下。

    // debug.stagefright.ccodec supports 5 values.
    //   0 - No Codec 2.0 components are available.
    //   1 - Audio decoders and encoders with prefix "" are available
    //       and ranked first.
    //       All other components with prefix "" are available with
    //       their normal ranks.
    //       Components with prefix "c2.vda." are available with their normal
    //       ranks.
    //       All other components with suffix ".avc.decoder" or ".avc.encoder"
    //       are available but ranked last.
    //   2 - Components with prefix "" are available and ranked
    //       first.
    //       Components with prefix "c2.vda." are available with their normal
    //       ranks.
    //       All other components with suffix ".avc.decoder" or ".avc.encoder"
    //       are available but ranked last.
    //   3 - Components with prefix "" are available and ranked
    //       first.
    //       All other components are available with their normal ranks.
    //   4 - All components are available with their normal ranks.
    // The default value (boot time) is 1.
    // Note: Currently, OMX components have default rank 0x100, while all
    // Codec2.0 software components have default rank 0x200.
    int option = ::android::base::GetIntProperty("debug.stagefright.ccodec", 4);

Android S默认值是4,也就是C2 和 omx component 并存,需要根据rank 决定采用哪个,rank 越低优先级越高。


AndroidS 对于C2 当前采用的是默认rank, Audio 默认是 8,其他0x200(512).

std::shared_ptr<C2Component::Traits> traits(new (std::nothrow) C2Component::Traits);
    if (traits) {
        if (!C2InterfaceUtils::FillTraitsFromInterface(traits.get(), intf)) {
            ALOGD("Failed to fill traits from interface");
            return mInit;

        // TODO: get this properly from the store during emplace
        switch (traits->domain) {
        case C2Component::DOMAIN_AUDIO:
            traits->rank = 8;
            traits->rank = 512;

对于omx 可以通过property 设定rank.

uint32_t defaultRank =
        ::android::base::GetUintProperty("debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank", 0x100u);
    uint32_t defaultSwAudioRank =
        ::android::base::GetUintProperty("debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank.sw-audio", 0x10u);
    uint32_t defaultSwOtherRank =
        ::android::base::GetUintProperty("debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank.sw-other", 0x210u);

debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank 是用来设定omx hardware decoder/encoder rank;比如audio/video等。

debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank.sw-audio是用来设定omx audio software decoder/encoder rank, 也就是带有“” 前缀的audio component.

debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank.sw-other是用来设定omx 非audio component 软解的rank.

综上,AndroidS 默认会优先使用C2 Audio,我们可以修改rank 或者debug.stagefright.ccodec 来选择C2 还是 omx。


dumpsys media.player 可以查看当前codec 的rank.

[debug.stagefright.ccodec]: [0]

这种情况下,关闭C2,只会有omx 支援的component.

dumpsys media.player
 5 registered handlers:
  93: <stale>
  97: <stale>
  98: <stale>
  100: <stale>
  101: <stale>

Decoder infos by media types:

Media type 'audio/3gpp':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.amrnb" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/ac3':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.ac3" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/adpcm':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.adpcm" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/alac':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.alac" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/amr-wb':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.amrwb" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/ape':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.ape" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/cook':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.cook" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/dra':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.dra" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/eac3':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.eac3" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/flac':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.flac" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
  Decoder "" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 0,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 0 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 259
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string bitrate-range = "8000-320000"
        string max-channel-count = "3"
        string sample-rate-ranges = "8000,11025,12000,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000,192000"

Media type 'audio/g711':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.g711" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/g711-alaw':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.alaw.g711" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/g711-mlaw':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.mlaw.g711" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/mp4a-latm':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.aac" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: [
          2/    0 (LC/??) ]
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
  Decoder "" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: [
          2/    0 (LC/??) ]
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        int32_t feature-secure-playback = 1
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/mpeg':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.mp3" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
  Decoder "" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 0,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 0 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 259
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string bitrate-range = "8000-320000"
        string max-channel-count = "3"
        string sample-rate-ranges = "8000,11025,12000,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000"

Media type 'audio/mpeg-L1':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.mp1" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/mpeg-L2':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.mp2" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/opus':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.opus" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
  Decoder "" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        int32_t feature-secure-playback = 1
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/pcm':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.pcm" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/raw':
  Decoder "" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 0,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 0 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 259
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string bitrate-range = "1-10000000"
        string max-channel-count = "8"
        string sample-rate-ranges = "8000-96000"

Media type 'audio/vorbis':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.vorbis" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
  Decoder "" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string bitrate-range = "32000-500000"
        int32_t feature-secure-playback = 1
        string max-channel-count = "8"
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
        string sample-rate-ranges = "8000-9600"

Media type 'audio/wmapro':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.wmapro" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/wmav1':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.wmav1" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'audio/wmav2':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Audio.Decoder.wmav2" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: []
    colors: []
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"

Media type 'video/3gpp':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Video.Decoder.h263" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: [
          1/    1 (Baseline/10),
          1/    2 (Baseline/20),
          1/    4 (Baseline/30),
          1/    8 (Baseline/40),
          1/   16 (Baseline/45),
          8/    1 (ISWV2/10),
          8/    2 (ISWV2/20),
          8/    4 (ISWV2/30),
          8/   16 (ISWV2/45) ]
    colors: [
      0x7f420888 (YUV420Flexible),
      0x15 (YUV420SemiPlanar) ]
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
        string measured-frame-rate-176x144-range = "300-600"
        string measured-frame-rate-352x288-range = "350-480"
        string performance-point-1920x1080-range = "60-60"

Media type 'video/avc':
  Decoder "OMX.NVT.Video.Decoder.avc" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "default"
    rank: 256
    profile/levels: [
          1/    1 (Baseline/1),
      65536/    1 (ConstrainedBaseline/1),
          1/    8 (Baseline/1.2),
      65536/    8 (ConstrainedBaseline/1.2),
          1/   32 (Baseline/2),
      65536/   32 (ConstrainedBaseline/2),
          1/  256 (Baseline/3),
      65536/  256 (ConstrainedBaseline/3),
          1/  512 (Baseline/3.1),
      65536/  512 (ConstrainedBaseline/3.1),
          1/ 1024 (Baseline/3.2),
      65536/ 1024 (ConstrainedBaseline/3.2),
          1/ 2048 (Baseline/4),
      65536/ 2048 (ConstrainedBaseline/4),
          1/ 4096 (Baseline/4.1),
      65536/ 4096 (ConstrainedBaseline/4.1),
          1/ 8192 (Baseline/4.2),
      65536/ 8192 (ConstrainedBaseline/4.2),
          1/16384 (Baseline/5),
      65536/16384 (ConstrainedBaseline/5),
          1/32768 (Baseline/5.1),
      65536/32768 (ConstrainedBaseline/5.1),
          2/    1 (Main/1),
          2/   32 (Main/2),
          2/  256 (Main/3),
          2/  512 (Main/3.1),
          2/ 1024 (Main/3.2),
          2/ 2048 (Main/4),
          2/ 4096 (Main/4.1),
          2/ 8192 (Main/4.2),
          2/16384 (Main/5),
          2/32768 (Main/5.1),
          8/    1 (High/1),
      524288/    1 (ConstrainedHigh/1),
          8/    8 (High/1.2),
      524288/    8 (ConstrainedHigh/1.2),
          8/   32 (High/2),
      524288/   32 (ConstrainedHigh/2),
          8/  256 (High/3),
      524288/  256 (ConstrainedHigh/3),
          8/  512 (High/3.1),
      524288/  512 (ConstrainedHigh/3.1),
          8/ 1024 (High/3.2),
      524288/ 1024 (ConstrainedHigh/3.2),
          8/ 2048 (High/4),
      524288/ 2048 (ConstrainedHigh/4),
          8/ 4096 (High/4.1),
      524288/ 4096 (ConstrainedHigh/4.1),
          8/ 8192 (High/4.2),
      524288/ 8192 (ConstrainedHigh/4.2),
          8/16384 (High/5),
      524288/16384 (ConstrainedHigh/5),
          8/32768 (High/5.1),
      524288/32768 (ConstrainedHigh/5.1) ]
    colors: [
      0x7f420888 (YUV420Flexible),
      0x15 (YUV420SemiPlanar) ]
    details: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
        string bitrate-range = "1-20000000"
        int32_t feature-adaptive-playback = 0
        string max-concurrent-instances = "2"
        string measured-frame-rate-1280x720-range = "100-350"
        string measured-frame-rate-1920x1088-range = "150-180"
        string measured-frame-rate-320x240-range = "210-450"
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