


<%@ Register Src="usercontrol/albumlist.ascx" TagName="albumlist" TagPrefix="uc1" %>

<uc1:albumlist id="Albumlist1" DisplayPhotoNum="15" runat="server"> </uc1:albumlist>








protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



string _DisplayPhotoNum;
  public string DisplayPhotoNum
    _DisplayPhotoNum = value;



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该程序允许用户比较摄氏和华氏温度的相等性。具体要求如下: 建立一个Temperature类,它有两个实例变量:一个是温度值(float);另一个是温度的计量单位(char),即取值 ’C’ 或 ’F’,C表示Celsius(摄氏温度)、F表示Fahrenheit(华氏温度)。这个类还应有2 个构造方法: 给每一个实例变量设置缺省值,即温度值为0、计量单位为C(摄氏); 通过两个参数分别给两个实例变量赋初值。 这个类应包括: 两个存取方法:一个返回用摄氏计量的温度、另一个返回华氏温度。摄氏和华氏温度的转换公式如下: degreesC = 5 * (degreesF - 32)/9 degreesF = (9* (degreesC)/5) + 32 三个改变对象属性的方法:一个设置温度值、一个设置计量单位(’F’或’C’)、另一个同设置温度值和计量单位。 三个比较方法:一个用来是否两个温度相等;一个方法用来测试比较一个温度大于另一个温度;一个方法用来测试比较一个温度小于另一个温度。 最后写一个测试程序(main方法),测试Temperature类的所有方法。要确保使用到所用的构造方法;要测试每一个比较方法,并确保至少有一个真(true)一个假(false)的结果。例如测试:0.0 degrees C = 32.0 degrees F -40.0 degrees C = - 40.0 degrees F -100.0 degrees C = 212.0 degrees F 请注意:必须保证输入的据是有效的。所有非法的输入字符都应产生相应的错误信息并提示用户重新输入正确的据。
Title: Python Hacking Essentials Author: Earnest Wish Length: 214 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Publication Date: 2015-04-01 ISBN-10: 1511797568 ISBN-13: 9781511797566 Target Audience This book is not for professional hackers. Instead, this book is made for beginners who have programming experience and are interested in hacking. Here, hacking techniques that can be easily understood have been described. If you only have a home PC, you can test all the examples provided here. I have included many figures that are intuitively understandable rather than a litany of explanations. Therefore, it is possible to gain some practical experience while hacking, since I have only used examples that can actually be implemented. This book is therefore necessary for ordinary people who have a curiosity of hackers and are interested in computers. Organization of the Book This book is made up of five major parts, from basic knowledge to actual hacking code. A beginner is naturally expected to become a hacker while reading this book. Hacking Preparation: Briefly introduce the basic Python syntax that is necessary for hacking. Application Hacking: Introduce the basic skills to hack an application, such as Keyboard hooking, API hooking and image file hacking. Web Hacking: The Virtual Box test environment configuration is used for a Web Shell attack to introduce web hacking, which is currently an important issue. The techniques include SQL Injection, Password Cracking, and a Web Shell Attack. Network Hacking: A variety of tools and the Python language can be combined to support network hacking and to introduce the network hacking technique. Briefly, we introduce NMap with the Wireshark tool, and hacking techniques such as Port Scanning, Packet Sniffing, TCP SYN Flood, Slowris Attack are introduced. System Hacking:System hacking is difficult to understand for beginners, and in this section, figures are used to introduce difficult concepts. The hacking techniques that are introduced include a Backdoor, Registry Handling, Stack Based Buffer Overflow, and SEH Based Buffer Overflow. While reading this book, it is possible to obtain answers for such problems one by one. After reading the last chapter, you will gain the confidence to be a hacker. Features of this book When you start to study hacking, the most difficult task is to configure the test environment. There are many problems that need to be addressed, such as choosing from the variety in operating systems, obtaining expensive equipment and using complex technology. Such problems are too difficult to take in at once, so this book overcomes this difficulty by implementing a simple idea. First, systems will be described as Windows-based We are very familiar with Windows, so it is very easy to understand a description based on Windows. Since Windows, Linux, Unix, and Android are all operating systems, it is possible to expand the concepts that are discussed here. Second, we use a virtual machine called Virtual Box For hacking, it is necessary to connect at least three or more computers on a network. Since it is a significant investment to buy a few computers only to study these techniques, a virtual machine can be used instead to easily implement a honeypot necessary to hack by creating multiple virtual machines on a single PC. Finally, abstract concepts are explained using figures Rather than simply using words for descriptions, graphics are very effective in transferring information. An abstract concept can materialize through the use of graphics in order to improve the understanding on the part of the reader. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Preparation for Hacking Chapter 2 Application Hacking Chapter 3 Web Hacking Chapter 4 Network Hacking Chapter 5 System Hacking Chapter 6 Conclusion


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