
Linux 系统编程

The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook

笔者 Linux system programming 方面最钟爱的书,甚至胜过下面的 APUE, 书评后面不上

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment

笔者看的是第二部,英文版第三版还没出,这本书就不多说了,被誉为 Bible 的书,不过笔者更喜欢上面的 TLPI

Publication Date: May 24, 2013 | ISBN-10: 0321637739 | ISBN-13: 978-0321637734 | Edition: 3

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Linux kernel

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Understanding the Linux Kernel, Third Edition

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1、上面的书籍基本上是领域的 No.1 的书籍,也是笔者读的比较过的书;




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Publisher: Wrox Page : 1371 This book discusses the concepts, structure, and implementation of the Linux kernel. In particular, the individual chapters cover the following topics: ❑ Chapter 1 provides an overview of the Linux kernel and describes the big picture that is investigated more closely in the following chapters. ❑ Chapter 2 talks about the basics of multitasking, scheduling, and process management, and investigates how these fundamental techniques and abstractions are implemented. ❑ Chapter 3 discusses how physical memory is managed. Both the interaction with hardware and the in-kernel distribution of RAM via the buddy system and the slab allocator are covered. ❑ Chapter 4 proceeds to describe how userland processes experience virtual memory, and the comprehensive data structures and actions required from the kernel to implement this view. ❑ Chapter 5 introduces the mechanisms required to ensure proper operation of the kernel on multiprocessor systems. Additionally, it covers the related question of how processes can communicate with each other. ❑ Chapter 6 walks you through the means for writing device drivers that are required to add support for new hardware to the kernel. ❑ Chapter 7 explains how modules allow for dynamically adding new functionality to the kernel. ❑ Chapter 8 discusses the virtual filesystem, a generic layer of the kernel that allows for supporting a wide range of different filesystems, both physical and virtual. ❑ Chapter 9 describes the extended filesystem family, that is, the Ext2 and Ext3 filesystems that are the standard workhorses of many Linux installations. ❑ Chapter 10 goes on to discuss procfs and sysfs, two filesystems that are not designed to store information, but to present meta-information about the kernel to userland. Additionally, a number of means to ease writing filesystems are presented. ❑ Chapter 11 shows how extended attributes and access control lists that can help to improve system security are implemented. ❑ Chapter 12 discusses the networking implementation of the kernel, with a specific focus on IPv4, TCP, UDP, and netfilter. ❑ Chapter 13 introduces how systems calls that are the standard way to request a kernel action from userland are implemented. ❑ Chapter 14 analyzes how kernel activities are triggered with interrupts, and presents means of deferring work to a later point in time. ❑ Chapter 15 shows how the kernel handles all time-related requirements, both with low and high resolution. ❑ Chapter 16 talks about speeding up kernel operations with the help of the page and buffer caches. ❑ Chapter 17 discusses how cached data in memory are synchronized with their sources on persistent storage devices. ❑ Chapter 18 introduces how page reclaim and swapping work.
### 回答1: 以下是一个简单的图书管理系统数据分析代码框架,你可以根据需要进行修改和完善: ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # 读取数据 books = pd.read_csv("books.csv") borrow_records = pd.read_csv("borrow_records.csv") # 处理数据 # 统计每种类型的书籍数量 book_counts = books.groupby("type")["book_id"].count().reset_index(name="count") # 统计每个读者的借书量 borrow_counts = borrow_records.groupby("reader_id")["book_id"].count().reset_index(name="count") # 统计每种类型的书籍的平均借阅次数 mean_borrows = borrow_records.merge(books, on="book_id").groupby("type")["borrow_times"].mean().reset_index(name="mean_borrow_times") # 可视化分析结果 # 绘制每种类型的书籍数量柱状图 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.barplot(x="type", y="count", data=book_counts) plt.title("Number of Books by Type") plt.xlabel("Type") plt.ylabel("Count") plt.show() # 绘制读者借书量直方图 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.histplot(borrow_counts["count"], bins=20) plt.title("Distribution of Borrow Counts") plt.xlabel("Borrow Count") plt.ylabel("Reader Count") plt.show() # 绘制每种类型的书籍平均借阅次数柱状图 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.barplot(x="type", y="mean_borrow_times", data=mean_borrows) plt.title("Mean Borrow Times by Type") plt.xlabel("Type") plt.ylabel("Mean Borrow Times") plt.show() ``` 上述代码框架包括了数据读取、数据处理和可视化分析三个步骤。你可以根据实际情况修改数据读取和处理的代码,例如添加数据清洗、合并等操作。同时,你也可以根据需要添加更多的可视化分析方法。 ### 回答2: 图书管理系统数据分析的主要目标是根据图书馆的图书借阅、归还、购买和库存等数据提供有关图书借阅行为、图书流通情况、用户需求等方面的分析报告。下面是一个简单的图书管理系统数据分析代码的示例: ```python import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 读取图书借阅记录数据 borrow_data = pd.read_csv('borrow_records.csv') # 统计每本图书的借阅次数 book_borrow_count = borrow_data['book_id'].value_counts() # 统计每个用户的借阅记录数 user_borrow_count = borrow_data['user_id'].value_counts() # 绘制图书借阅次数的柱状图 book_borrow_count.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6)) plt.xlabel('Book ID') plt.ylabel('Borrow Count') plt.title('Borrow Count of Books') plt.show() # 绘制用户借阅记录数的柱状图 user_borrow_count.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6)) plt.xlabel('User ID') plt.ylabel('Borrow Count') plt.title('Borrow Count of Users') plt.show() # 找出借阅次数最多的前5本图书 top_5_books = book_borrow_count.head(5) print("Top 5 books with the most borrow counts:") print(top_5_books) # 找出借阅记录数最多的前5位用户 top_5_users = user_borrow_count.head(5) print("Top 5 users with the most borrow records:") print(top_5_users) # 根据图书借阅记录,统计每个月的借阅次数 borrow_data['borrow_date'] = pd.to_datetime(borrow_data['borrow_date']) borrow_data['month'] = borrow_data['borrow_date'].dt.month monthly_borrow_count = borrow_data.groupby('month')['book_id'].count() # 绘制每个月借阅次数的折线图 monthly_borrow_count.plot(kind='line', figsize=(10, 6)) plt.xlabel('Month') plt.ylabel('Borrow Count') plt.title('Monthly Borrow Count') plt.show() ``` 这段代码通过读取包含图书借阅记录的CSV文件,使用Pandas库对数据进行处理和分析,并使用Matplotlib库绘制相关图表。代码中包括了统计图书借阅次数、用户借阅记录数、找出借阅次数最多的图书和用户、以及根据借阅记录统计每个月的借阅次数等功能的实现。你可以根据实际需求进行修改和扩展。


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