func (rw *RWMutex) Lock() 写锁,如果在添加写锁之前已经有其他的读锁和写锁,则lock就会阻塞直到该锁可用,为确保该锁最终可用,已阻塞的 Lock 调用会从获得的锁中排除新的读取器,即写锁权限高于读锁,有写锁时优先进行写锁定
func (rw *RWMutex) Unlock() 写锁解锁,如果没有进行写锁定,则就会引起一个运行时错误.
func (rw *RWMutex) RLock() 读锁,当有写锁时,无法加载读锁,当只有读锁或者没有锁时,可以加载读锁,读锁可以加载多个,所以适用于"读多写少"的场景
func (rw *RWMutex) RUnlock() 读锁解锁,RUnlock 撤销单次 RLock 调用,它对于其它同时存在的读取器则没有效果。若 rw 并没有为读取而锁定,调用 RUnlock 就会引发一个运行时错误
package sync
import (
// There is a modified copy of this file in runtime/rwmutex.go.
// If you make any changes here, see if you should make them there.
// A RWMutex is a reader/writer mutual exclusion lock.
// The lock can be held by an arbitrary number of readers or a single writer.
// The zero value for a RWMutex is an unlocked mutex.
// A RWMutex must not be copied after first use.
// If a goroutine holds a RWMutex for reading and another goroutine might
// call Lock, no goroutine should expect to be able to acquire a read lock
// until the initial read lock is released. In particular, this prohibits
// recursive read locking. This is to ensure that the lock eventually becomes
// available; a blocked Lock call excludes new readers from acquiring the
// lock.
type RWMutex struct {
w Mutex // held if there are pending writers // 互斥锁
writerSem uint32 // semaphore for writers to wait for completing readers 写锁信号量
readerSem uint32 // semapho