【DM642学习笔记六】TI参考文档--DM642 Video Port Mini Driver

本文档介绍了TI DM642 DSP如何使用EDMA在内存和视频端口间传输数据。驱动程序分为通用部分和板级特定部分,通过外部设备控制接口(EDC)实现无缝整合。配置中涉及了初始化视频解码器和编码器,以及DSP/BIOS配置工具中的设备设置。此外,还详细说明了捕获和显示设备驱动的设备参数和命令,以及针对特定编解码芯片的板级参数。
 这个文档介绍了在DM642EVM板上视频采集和显示微驱动的使用和设计。用EDMA进行存储器和视频端口的数据传输。为了增强代码的复用性和简化设计过程,驱动分为通用视频端口层和特定编解码芯片微驱动层两个部分。外部设备控制 (EDC) 接口将这两个部分以即插即用的方式联系在一起。
1 Overview

【DM642】TI参考文档--DM642 <wbr>Video <wbr>Port <wbr>Mini <wbr>Driver
【DM642】TI参考文档--DM642 <wbr>Video <wbr>Port <wbr>Mini <wbr>Driver
【DM642】TI参考文档--DM642 <wbr>Video <wbr>Port <wbr>Mini <wbr>Driver【DM642】TI参考文档--DM642 <wbr>Video <wbr>Port <wbr>Mini <wbr>Driver

The DSP’sEDMA is used to transfer data between memory and the TMS320DM642Video Port.


Tomaximize code reuse and streamline the integration process, bothdrivers are designed of two distinctive parts: the genericpart and the board specific part. The external devicecontrol interface (EDC) is defined to bind these two parts togetherin a plug-and-play manner.

The generic part of the drivers uses EDMAs totransfer data to and from the video ports.; The board-specific partmainly consists of code that in the case of the capture driver,initializes and configures the SAA7115 video decoder, and in thecase of the display driver, initializes and configures the SAA7105video encoder.These

EDC-compliant modules set up the video codecs towork together with the video ports to capture or display thedesired video data in a specific format. For example, the SAA7105can be configured to output video data in composite NTSC format orcomponent High-Definition 1080i format or a wide range of othervideo formats, depending on application requirements. In the meantime, the associated video port must also be configuredaccordingly.

The board-specific part also requires the EVM andthe DM642 DSP to be initialized by calling the EVM642_init()function from the DM642 EVM Board Support Library (BSL), whichcomes with the EVM. This will set up the EMIF, pin-muxconfigurations and the I2C controller. An application must link allthree libraries necessary in order to function correctly: one fromthe board-specific part, such as the SAA7115 or the SAA7105, onefrom the generic VPORTCAP or VPORTDIS part, and one from the BSL.These three libraries are called evm642_saa7115.l64, evm642_vportcap.l64, andevmdm642.l64, respectively for capture, and are calledevm642_saa7105.l64, evm642_vportdis.l64, and evmdm642.l64, respectively fordisplay. 

2 Usage


2.1 Configuration

To use the capture or display device driver, adevice entry must be added and configured in the DSP/BIOSconfiguration tool.

The following are the device configurationsettings required to use the capture driver:

_ Init function: N/A, not used by this driver

_ Function table ptr: _VPORTCAP_Fxns

_ Function table type: IOM_Fxns

_ Device id: 0 or 1 for DM642 EVM:, specify which video port touse

_ Device params ptr: An optional pointer to an object of typeVPORT_PortParams as defined in the header file vport.h. Thispointer will point to a device parameter structure. Setting thispointer to NULL requires that an additional FVID_control call madefrom the application to initialize the video port. The parameterstructure is described below. An example of this structure is the _EVM642_vCapParamsNTSCPort that is defined intheevm642_vcapParamsNTSC.c file for NTSC format videocapture.






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