DSF Services Model

DSF Services Model

Version 1.0
Pawel Piech
© 2006, Wind River Systems.  Release under EPL version 1.0.

Debugger Services Framework (DSF) is primarily a service framework defining rules for how services should be registered, discovered, organized into functional groups, communicated with, and started/ended.  These rules help to organize the services into a functional system that efficiently abstracts various debugger back end capabilities. 

DSF services build on top of the OSGI services framework, so it's important to understand OSGI services before looking at DSF itself.  For an overview of OSGI including services, see the presentation on OSGI from EclipseCon 2006.  For detailed information, see OSGI javadocs, primarily: org.osgi.frameworkServiceRegistration, BundleContext, ServiceReference, Filter, and ServiceTracker.


In OSGI any class can be registered as a service.  In DSF, Services must implement the IDsfService  interface, which requires that the service provide:
  1. Access to the DsfExecutor that has to be used to access service methods.
  2. Full list of properties used to uniquely identify the service in OSGI.
  3. Startup and shutdown methods.
For the first two items, a service must use the data it received from its constructor.  For the third item, a service must register and unregister itself with OSGI.  But beyond that, this is all that services have in common, everything else is up to the specific service interface.

Sessions (org.eclipse.dd.dsf.service.DsfSession)

DSF services are organized into logical groups, called sessions.  Sessions are only necessary because we want multiple instances of systems built with DSF services to run at the same time  This is because there is only a single OSGI service registry, so if multiple services are registered with a given class name, OSGI will not be able to distinguish between the two based on the class name alone.  So there is an additional property which is used by every DSF service when registering with OSGI, IDsfService.PROP_SESSION_ID

A Session object (TODO: link javadoc) has the following data associated with it:

  • Session ID - A String object that is unique among all other sessions.  Its ID is used by services as the IDsfService.PROP_SESSION_ID property, and it is used by the client to obtain the Session object instance.
  • DsfExecutor - Each session has a single executor.  This means that all the services in a single session share the same executor and dispatch thread, and conversely it means that when operating in the dispatch thread, the state of all the services in a session will remain the same until the end of a dispatch.  Note: multiple sessions could share the same DsfExecutor.
  • Service startup counter - An integer counter which is read and incremented by every service that is started in a session.  This counter is used to determine the dependency order among services, which is used by events.
  • Event listener list - This will be covered in the "Events" section.
  • Adapter list - A list of adapters, providing functionality analogous to runtime's org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.AdapterManager.  Sessions need to manage their own lists of adapters, so that IAdapter objects which originate from DSF services can provider different adapters, based on the session that they originate from.  This feature is covered in detail in the "DSF Data Model" document.

The Session class also has a number of static features used to manage Session objects:

  • Session ID counter - Used to generate new session IDs.
  • Methods for starting and ending sessions
  • Session started/ended event listener list - This allows clients to be notified when sessions are created or terminated, which is used mostly for clean-up purposes.


Managing the startup and shutdown process is often the most complicated aspect of modular systems.  The details of how the startup and shutdown processes should be performed are also highly dependent on the specifics of the system and service implementations.  To help with this, DSF provides two simple guidelines:
  1. There should be a clear dependency tree of all services within a session - When the dependencies between services are clearly defined, it is possible to bring-up and bring-down the services in an order that guarantees each running service can access all of the services that it depends on.
  2. There needs to be a single point of control, which brings up and shuts down all the services. - In other words, services should not initialize or shut-down themselves, based on some global event that they are all listening to.  But rather an external piece of logic needs to be in charge of performing this operation.
The main implication of the first guideline, is that each service can get and hold onto references to other services, without having to repeatedly check, whether the service references are still valid.  This is because if a given service is to be shut-down, all services that depend on this service will already have been shut down.  The second guideline, simply ensures that startup and shutdown procedures are clear and easy to follow.

org.eclipse.dd.dsf.service.DsfServicesTracker vs org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker

OSGI methods for obtaining and tracking services can be rather complicated.  To obtain a reference to a service, the client has to:
  1. Get a reference to a BundleContext object, which can be retrieved from the plugin class.
  2. Obtain a service reference object by calling BundleContext.getServiceReference();
  3. Obtain an instance of the service by calling BundleContext.getService(ServiceReference).
But worst of all, when the client is finished using the service, it has to call BundleContext.ungetService(ServiceReference), because the bundle context counts the used references to a given service.  All this paperwork is useful for services which manage their own life-cycle, and could be un-registered at any time.  To make managing references to these kinds of services, OSGI provides a utility class, called ServiceTracker

For DSF services, the life cycle of the services is much more predictable, but the process of obtaining a reference to a service is just as onerous.  DSF provides its own utility, which is separate from the ServiceTracker, named DsfServicesTracker.  The differences between the two are listed in table below:

OSGI ServiceTracker
DSF DsfServicesTracker
Number of services tracked
While not strictly limited, it is optimized for tracking services of a single class type, or more typically to track a single service reference.
Designed to track services within a single DSF session. 
When are service references obtained
Obtain references automatically as the services register themselves.
Service references are obtained as requested by the client, and cached.
Multi-thread accessible. 
Can be accessed only on the session's dispatch thread.
Automatically un-gets references for services that are shut down.
Client must listen to session events, and clean up as needed.

Both trackers are useful.  Service implementations that depend on a number of other services are most likely to use DSF ServicesTracker, while some clients, which use a single service may find OSGI ServiceTracker more suitable.


Events are the most un-conventional component of the services package and probably most likely to need modifications to the design by the community.  The design goal of the event system is to allow a hierarchy of event classes, where a listener could register itself for a specific event class or for all events which derive from a base class.  The use case for this behavior is in the data model, where we would like to have the ability to capture all model-related events with a generic listener while at the same time allowing for services to fully use class types. 

The event model is made up of the following components:

  • DsfServiceEventHandler annotation - This is the only indicator that a given method is an event listener.  The class with the event handler doesn't have to implement any interfaces, but it must be public, which is a big drawback.
  • Session.addServiceEventListener, Session.removeServiceEventListener methods - These methods allow clients to register for an event based on an event class and a service filter, where the filter can be used to uniquely identify a service in case of services with multiple instances of same class.
  • Session.dispatchEvent method - This is the method that actually dispatches the event to the listeners.  The method must be called by a service that generates the event.
There are only a few more notes about the events mechanism:
  1. The event is always dispatched in its own Runnable submitted to the session's DsfExecutor.
  2. There is a slight convenience for clients not to have to register for each type of event separately.
  3. There is a slight inconvenience for clients, because anonymous classes cannot be used as listeners, due to the public class requirement.

Debugger Services (org.eclipse.dd.dsf.debug)

DSF framework includes a set of service interfaces for a typical debugger implementation.  Functionally, they are pretty much equivalent to the platform debug interfaces, but they are structured in a way that allows a debugger to implement only some of them.  In order for the startup and shutdown process to work effectively, the dependencies between services need to be clearly defined.  The dependencies between the main service interfaces are shown in the graph below:

It's also important to realize that it's unlikely that a single hierarchy of interfaces will adequately fit all the various debugger use cases, and it is likely that some interfaces will be needed which partially duplicate functionality found in other interfaces.  An example of this in the proposed interface set are the interfaces which are used to initiate a debugging session.  The INativeProcesses service is intended as the simple abstraction for native debuggers, where a debugger only needs an existing host process ID or an executable image name.  Based on this a INativeProcess debugger implementation should be able to initiate a debugging session, and return run-control, memory, and symbol contexts that are required to carry out debugging operations.  By comparison, IOS and ITarget are generic interfaces which allow clients to manage multiple target definitions, to examine a wide array of OS objects, and to attach a debugger to a process or some other debuggable entity. 

Drafting large APIs that are intended to have many implementations and by clients is a notoriously difficult task.  It is impossible to expect that a first draft of such interfaces will not require changes, and only time and multiple successful implementation can validate them.  While we can draw upon many examples of debugger APIs in Eclipse in and our commercial debugger, this is a new API with a prototype that exercises only a small portion of its interfaces.

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