Snake Game-贪吃蛇




The following is an example game written in C based on the game called 'snake' which has been around since the earliest days of home computing (I can remember writing a version of it for my ZX81), and has re-emerged in recent years on mobile phones.

It isn't the world's greatest game, but it does give you an idea of what you can achieve with a relatively simple C program, and perhaps the basis by which to extend the principles and create more interesting games of your own.

Playing the game

You can download the executable to try out the game without having to compile it if you wish. Download it by clicking here - it is about 123k in length.

Note that on faster PCs, it will be unplayably fast, so you will need to re-compile it  with the pause_length constant set to a higher value. My PC is about 350MHz and it is OK.

To move the snake, use 'a' for up, 'z' for down, 'o' for left and 'p' for right. Again, there are constants you can change if you want to alter these settings. Press 'x' to exit the game at any time.

The aim of the game is to collect the dots (food) and avoid the obstacles (crosses, borders, and the snake itself). As you collect food, the snake gets longer, so increasing your likelihood of crashing into yourself. When you have collected enough food, you progress onto the next level, where your snake gets longer, and the amount of food to collect to progress through the level gets larger.

You get scored according to the length of the snake and the number of 'x' obstacles on the screen.

The speed increases every 5 levels.

You get a bonus when you complete the level of 1000, increasing by 1000 each level (e.g. complete level 5, you get a 5000 bonus).

There is no concept of lives. Once you hit an obstacle, that's it, game over.

Make sure you do not have the caps lock on, otherwise the keys will fail to respond.

The Listing

This is the C program for the game. it is reasonably well structured, but by no means perfect.  Note that it uses library functions that are not available on all C compilers - it was designed using Borland C++ Builder / Turbo C.  Also it uses a few C++ concepts not available in standard C - e.g. const for a constant (you would use #define in normal C). You may also have to change your compiler settings if you have them set to ANSI C to C++ instead - the for loops define a local instance of i as a loop counter, a concept to available in standard C.


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好的,非常感谢您的提问,我将为您详细解释如何使用 Pygame 制作一个贪吃蛇小游戏。 首先需要安装 Pygame,可以使用 pip 命令进行安装,如下所示: ``` pip install pygame ``` 接着,我们需要创建一个 Python 文件,比如 ``,并导入 Pygame 库: ```python import pygame ``` 然后,我们需要初始化 Pygame,以及设置游戏窗口的大小和标题: ```python pygame.init() # 游戏窗口大小 window_size = (400, 400) # 设置游戏窗口标题 pygame.display.set_caption("贪吃蛇") # 创建游戏窗口 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(window_size) ``` 接下来,我们需要定义一些常量,比如贪吃蛇的颜色、大小、速度等: ```python # 贪吃蛇颜色 snake_color = (0, 255, 0) # 贪吃蛇大小 snake_size = 20 # 贪吃蛇速度 snake_speed = 10 ``` 然后,我们需要定义一个贪吃蛇类,来表示贪吃蛇的状态: ```python class Snake: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.direction = "RIGHT" self.segments = [(x, y), (x - snake_size, y), (x - 2 * snake_size, y)] ``` 在这个类中,我们记录了贪吃蛇的位置、方向以及身体的每个部分的位置。注意,在这里我们使用了元组来表示每个身体部分的位置,因为它们是不可变的。 接下来,我们需要定义一些函数来控制贪吃蛇的移动和绘制: ```python def move_snake(snake): # 获取贪吃蛇头部位置 x, y = snake.segments[0] # 根据方向移动贪吃蛇头部位置 if snake.direction == "UP": y -= snake_size elif snake.direction == "DOWN": y += snake_size elif snake.direction == "LEFT": x -= snake_size elif snake.direction == "RIGHT": x += snake_size # 将新的头部位置添加到贪吃蛇身体中 snake.segments.insert(0, (x, y)) # 删除贪吃蛇尾部位置 snake.segments.pop() def draw_snake(snake): for segment in snake.segments: pygame.draw.rect(screen, snake_color, (segment[0], segment[1], snake_size, snake_size)) ``` 在这里,`move_snake` 函数根据贪吃蛇的方向来移动它的头部,然后将新的位置添加到身体的前端,并删除身体的尾部以保持长度不变。`draw_snake` 函数则使用 Pygame 的 `draw.rect` 函数来绘制贪吃蛇的每个身体部分。 然后,我们需要定义一个游戏循环,来处理用户输入和游戏逻辑: ```python # 创建贪吃蛇对象 snake = Snake(window_size[0] // 2, window_size[1] // 2) # 游戏循环 running = True while running: # 处理事件 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: snake.direction = "UP" elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: snake.direction = "DOWN" elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: snake.direction = "LEFT" elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: snake.direction = "RIGHT" # 移动贪吃蛇 move_snake(snake) # 绘制游戏场景 screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) draw_snake(snake) pygame.display.flip() # 控制游戏帧率 pygame.time.Clock().tick(snake_speed) # 退出 Pygame pygame.quit() ``` 在游戏循环中,我们首先处理 Pygame 的事件,比如判断用户是否按下了方向键来改变贪吃蛇的方向。然后,我们移动贪吃蛇并绘制游戏场景。最后,我们使用 Pygame 的 `time.Clock` 函数来控制游戏帧率,以确保游戏运行流畅。 这就是使用 Pygame 制作贪吃蛇小游戏的全部过程。希望这个解释能对您有所帮助!




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