

原则三:引发他人心中的渴望 (arouse in the other person an eager want)
原则四:真正对他人充满兴趣 (become genuinely interested in other people)
原则五:微笑 (smile)
原则六:记住他人的名字,它是任何语言中最甜美而重要的声音 (rememer that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language)
(Be a good listener.encourage others to talk about themselves.)
原则八 :谈论别人感兴趣的话题 (talk in terms of other person’s interests)
原则九:让他人感到自己重要——而且要真诚而为(make the other person feel importance —— and do it sincerely)

原则十:从争辩中获益最多的唯一办法是:避免与人争辩。(the only way to get the besst of an arguement is to avoid it.)
原则十一:对别人地意见表示尊重,永远别说:“你错了”。(show respect for other person’s opinions.Never say,“you are wrong.”)

原则十二:如果你错了就迅速而真诚地承认(if you are wrong,admit it quickly and emphatically.)

原则十三:以友善的方式开始( begin in a friendly way)

原则十四:首先让别人说“是,是的”(get the other person saying “yes,yes” immediately)

原则十五:让别人多说话。(Let the other people do a great deal of the talking.)

原则十六:让别人觉得那是他的主意 。 let the other people feel that the idea is his or her
原则十七:真诚地尽力从他人的角度看事情( honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.)
原则十八:同情他人的想法与愿望(be sympathetic with that other person’s ideas And desire)

原则十九:将你的意图戏剧性地表现出来(dramatize your ideas)——这个准则没看懂(@_@)

原则二十:提出挑战( throw down a challenge)

原则二十一:从称赞与真诚地欣赏开始(begin with praise and honest appreciation)
原则二十二:在指责别人之前,先想想自己错在哪里。(talk about your own mistakes before critizing the other person)

原则二十三:以提问的方式代替直接的要求(ask questions instead of giving direct orders)

原则二十四:保留他人的颜面(let the other person save face)——不一定吧,我就有控制不住的时候,而且我觉得很有必要吧。

原则二十五:称赞他人的每个进步,即使十分微小,要“诚于嘉许,宽于称道”(praise the slightly improvement and praise every improvement.Be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.)

原则二十六: 给他一个愿意全力追求的美誉(give the other a fine reputation to live up to )

原则二十七:多多鼓励他人,让他觉得自己的过错很容易改正(use encouragement.make the fault seem easy to correct)

  • 让我们记住,与我们相处的对象,并不是绝对理性的动物,他们也充满了情绪变化,成见,自负和虚荣在我看来,大多是这样,我也不例外,充满了情绪的变化,成见,自负和虚荣,甚至有时候我还克制不了自己,所以还在慢慢改变自己

  • 要做到善解人意和宽恕他人,需要有修养和自制的功夫赞同,如果自己没有足够的修养,是真的做不到宽恕呀,不自私的。具体例子我不太能讲出来,有时候一个人越显示什么,他其实缺少的正是那个方面。可以看看我的《人生的智慧》良句收录和读后感想或者去阅读这本书,我真的很推荐。另外,当你经历多了,自然也能够达到。

  • 一般来说,大多数人需要的东西包括: 健康的生命 食物 睡眠 金钱和金钱可以买来的东西 未来生活的保障 儿女的幸福 被别人重视的感觉 第八项就是“渴望伟大”,“希望具有重要性”希望具有重要性,有时候感觉我不太需要呢,只要能让我摸鱼过了就行

  • 在日常生活中,我们通常忽略的美德之一便是赞赏他人

  • 我们也正和你一样,只注意自己的需要这个我觉得其实很正常,大多情况下,人真的其实只会注意自己。就比如集体照片,你视觉的第一眼的聚焦点大概率是你自己,看你自己丑成啥样了。

  • 天底下只有一个方法可以影响人,那就是提出他们的需要,并且让他们知道怎样去获得。举个例子,假如你不愿意孩子抽烟,千万别唠唠叨叨说一大翻话。只要告诉他们,抽烟可能会使他们进不了棒球队,或者跑不赢百米赛。 Remember that tomorrow when you are trying to get somebody to do something. If, for example , you don't want your children to smoke, don't preach at them, and don't take about what you want;but show then that sigarettes may keep them from making the basketball team or winning hthe hundred-yard dash这句话真的值得好好想想,尤其是在教育孩子方面,虽然我未婚,但是从小受到的影响吧,唠唠叨叨听不进去的。要么就用一下上面所说的方法,要么等他自己吃苦头后就明白了,而且如果那个孩子真的是无欲无求的话,可能前上面所说的方法也没用了╮(╯▽╰)╭。

  • 打从你生下来,你的一举一动都表示在你所要的东西。 every act you have ever performed since the day you were born was perfromed because you wanted something

  • 明天,你也许有机会要求某人做某事。记住,在你开口之前,先停下来问你自己:“我怎样才能让这个人想去做这件事?”亨利·福特对处理人际关系所提出的忠言:“成功的人际关系在于你能捕捉到对方观点的能力;还有,看一件事必须兼顾你和对方的不同角度。” Here is one of the best bits of advice ever given about the fine art of human relationships."if there is any one secret of succes," said Henry Ford,"it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own."

  • 我从个人的经验中得出,只有你真正关心他人,才能赢得他人的注意、帮忙和合作,甚至最忙碌的重要人也不例外。i have discoverd from personal experience that one can win the attention and time and cooperatioin of even the most sought-after people by becoming genuinely intetested in them.

  • 如果你希望别人很高兴见到你,你就必须非常高兴的会见别人 you must have good time meeting people if you expect them to have a good time meeting you

  • 世界上人人都在寻求快乐,但只有一个确实有效的方法,那就是控制你的思想。快乐不在乎外界的情况,而是依赖于内心的情况。every body in the worrld is seeking happiness —— and there is one sure way to find it. That is by controlling your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions, It depends on inner conditions 确实,但很抱歉,我有时候真的控制不住自己情绪,不知道为啥的伤心,为啥的生气之类的,但是只要给我一个转移点,一段时间啥的,还是能无事恢复到正常。

  • “事无善恶,”莎士比亚说,“思想使然” "there is nothing either good or bad," said Shakepeare,”but thinking makes it"

  • 人们及其重视自己的名字,他们会竭力设法使之让更多的人知晓,有时甚至牺牲生命也在所不惜 People are so proud of their name that heey strive to perpetuate them at any cost 真的嘛?我咋不觉得呢,对我来说,别人记不住我的名字也是OK的。

  • 你每次外出的时候,正正颜,抬抬头、肺气饱满;在阳光中吸饮;对朋友微笑,每次握手集中精神。不要怕被误会,不要费一分钟想你的仇敌。要在你心中确定你喜欢做什么,然后,不变方向,直向目地的进行。全神贯注于你喜欢做的伟大的事情上,以后,在日月入流之间,你会发觉不知不觉中抓住了为了满足你欲望必需的机会,正如珊瑚虫由潮流取得所需要的原质一样。在脑中现象你希望成为的有能力、诚恳有用的人,而你所保持的思想,时时刻刻地改变你,使你成为那种人。。。思想是至高无上的。保持一个正确的心态。凡真的祈求,都有应验。我们心中关注的是什么,我们就变成什么。收敛你的容颜,抬高你的头,我们就是明天的神仙 我太喜欢这句话了,每天都会看看这句话,走出门的时候深吸一口气,想着这段文字,就感觉自己走向这光明大道之上。还有就是克制不住自己想让我生气的人,亏了,亏了(T_T)

  • 静听是我们对任何人的一种最好的恭维 the kind of listening is one of the highest compliments we can pay anyone

  • 如果你希望成为一个善于谈话的人,那就先做一个注意静听的人,要使人对你感兴趣,那就先使人兴致上来,问别人喜欢回答的问题,鼓励他谈论自己及他所取得的成就so If you aspire to be a good conversationlist,be an attentive listener. to be interesting,be interested,ask questions that other people will enjoy answering encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments.

  • 谈论他人最以为贵的事情 the royal road to a person's heart is to talk about the things he or she treasure most

  • 我们还可以使用许多日常用于来解除生活中的单调于忙碌,如“对不起,麻烦你...“,”可否请你...“,"请问你愿不愿意...",”你介不介意...“,"谢谢”等,这些都体现了一个人良好教养。 Little phrase such as "I am so sorry to trouble you ," "would you be so kind as to——?""won't you please?""would you mind?""thanks you"little courtesies like these oil the cogs of the monoronous grind of everyday life —— and ,incidentally ,they are hallmark of good breeding.坚持下来,坚持礼貌用语,你就会发现好处。这并不是对每个人都有效,但有效的时候往往能获益匪浅

  • 要打动他们内心的最好方法,就是巧妙哦表现你由衷地认为他们很重要 a sure way to their hearts is to let them realize in some subtle way thar you recogize their importance ,and recognize it sincerely.

  • 你在教人的时候,要好像若无其事一样 men must be taught as if you taught them not .

  • 如果你认为某些人地话不对——不错,就算你确信他说错了——你最好还是这样讲:”啊,慢着,我有另外一个想法,不知对不对。加入我错了的话,希望你们纠正我。让我们共同来看看这件事情 if a person make s statement that you think is wrong—— yes ,even that you know is wrong——isn't is better to begin by saying:"well ,now ,look, I thought therwise , but i may be wrong.I frequently am.and if I an wrong ,I want to be put right.Let's examine the facts.

  • 当你与别人交谈的时候,不要先讨论你不同意的事,要先强调——而且不停的强调——你所同意的事。因为你们都是在为同一结论而努力,所以你们的相异自处只是在方法,而不是目的 In talking with people,don't begin bu disscuing the things on which you differ.Begin br emphasizing——and keep on emphasizing—— the things on which you agree.Keep emphasizing,if possible ,that you are both striving for the same end and that yuor only difference os one of method and not of purpose.

  • 让对方一开始就说“是,是的”。假如可能的话,最好让你的对方没有机会说“不”。根据奥弗斯特里特教授的说法,”不“的反应是最难克服的障碍。当你说了一个”不“ 之后,你那本性的自尊就会迫使你继续坚持下去。虽然以后,你也许发现这样的回答有待考虑。但是,你的自尊网哪里摆呀?一旦说了“不”,你就发觉自己很难再摆脱。 Get the other person saying "Yes ,yes" at the outset .Keep your opponent ,if possible ,from saying "No". A "No" response, according to Professor Overstreet, is the most difficult handicap to overcome. When you have said "No", all your pride of personality demands that you remain consistent with yourself. You may later feel that the "No" was ill-advised;Nevertheless, there is your precicous pride to consider! Once having said a thing, you feel you must stick to it.自尊心呀自尊心呀

  • 很多人为了让别人的意见同自己一致,他们往往采用了一个错误的策略:说话太多。Most people trying to win others to their way of thinking do too much talking themselves.

  • 如果我们想要改变他人,就应该诉诸一种高尚的动机 so in order to change peoples,appeal to the nobler motives

  • 举例来说,有人想改变孩子漫不经心的学习态度,很可能会这样说:“约翰尼,你这次成绩进步了,我们很高兴。但是,你如果能多加强一下代数,那就更好了”。如果我们将“但是”改为“而且”,情形将大为改观。我们可以这样说:“约翰尼,你这次成绩进步了,我们很高兴。而且如果你在数学方面继续努力下去的话,下次一定会和其他科目一样好”for example, in trying to change a child's careless attitude toward studies,we might say,"We're really proud of you,Johnnie,for raising your grades this term.But if you had worked harder on your algebra, the result would have been better.this could be easily overcome by changing the world "but " to "and". We're really proud of you,Johnnie,for raising your grades this term,and by continuing the same conscientious efforts next term, your algebra grade can be up with all the others."这样说真的很巧

  • 不要说“去干这个,干那个”或“别这么做,别那么做”,而可以说“你可以考虑这样”或者“你觉得那样有用吗?”,“你觉得这样如何?” never say "do this or do that," or "don't do this or don't do that." Instead, say "you may consider this," or "do you think that would work?" or what do you think of this?"

  • 纵使别人犯错,而我们是对的,如果没有为别人保留面子,就会毁了一个人 Even if we are right and the other person is definitely wrong,we only destory ego by causing someone to lose face.啊偶,完了,最近我就这样干了,想想我居然觉得不后悔,厉害了

  • 简言之,如果你要在某方面改进一个人,就要做得好像那种特点已经是她的显著特性之一 In short,if you want to improve a person in a certain spect,act as though that particular trait were already one of his or her outstanding characteristics.

  • make the other person happy about doing the thing you want 使他人觉得,照你的意思去做会很开心


  • 这本书,从我的观点来看,告诉你:如果你想赢得别人的好感,就一定要从别人的角度出发考虑和做事,说起来容易,做起来难。我们的中心是我们自己,当遇到矛盾,争吵,愤怒等,好能平静处理的就不是傻子了。
  • 慢慢改变自己,看多了,习惯了,就知道了为人处事了
  • 书中的有些例子,我反倒觉得很特定,在我们生活中很难有那种场景,很难发挥出来。
  • 里面的说话技巧真的是很不错。就换一个说法方式,效果完全不一样了。说话这个问题,我觉得要积累。在不同的人,不用场合下,慢慢琢磨。
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