Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication across middleboxes(翻译1)

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原文版权:Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.




3.4. UDP port number prediction UPD端口号预言

A variant of the UDP hole punching technique discussed above exists that allows P2P UDP sessions to be created in the presence of some symmetric NATs.  This method is sometimes called the "N+1" technique [BIDIR] and is explored in detail by Takeda [SYM-STUN]. The method works by analyzing the behavior of the NAT and attempting to predict the public port numbers it will assign to future sessions.  

Consider again the situation in which two clients, A and B, each behind a separate NAT, have each established UDP connections with a permanently addressable server S:

   让我们来考虑这样一种情况,有两个客户端 A 和 B,他们都藏在不同的NAT后面,他们都开放了一个UDP连接给具有固定IP的Server S:如下图


   NAT A has assigned its own UDP port 62000 to the communication session between A and S, and NAT B has assigned its port 31000 to the session between B and S.  By communicating through server S, A and B learn each other's public IP addresses and port numbers as observed   by S.  Client A now starts sending UDP messages to port 31001 at address (note the port number increment), and client B simultaneously starts sending messages to port 62001 at address  If NATs A and B assign port numbers to new sessions  sequentially, and if not much time has passed since the A-S and B-S sessions were initiated, then a working bi-directional communication channel between A and B should result.


   A's messages to B cause NAT A  to open up a new session, to which NAT A will (hopefully) assign public port number 62001, because 62001 is next in sequence after the  port number 62000 it previously assigned to the session between A and S.  Similarly, B's messages to A will cause NAT B to open a new   session, to which it will (hopefully) assign port number 31001.  If both clients have correctly guessed the port numbers each NAT assigns to the new sessions, then a bi-directional UDP communication channel will have been established as shown below.


   NAT A 分配了它自己的UDP端口62000,用来保持 客户端A 与 服务器S 的通信会话, NAT B 也分配了31000端口,用来保持 客户端B 与 服务器S 的通信会话。通过与 服务器S的对话,客户端A 和 客户端B 都相互知道了对方所映射的真实IP和端口。

   客户端A发送一条UDP消息到请注意到端口号的增加)同时 客户端B发送一条UDP消息到155.99.25.11:62001。如果NAT A NAT B继续分配端口给新的会话,并且从A-SB-S的会话时间消耗得并不多的话,那么一条处于客户端A客户端B之间的双向会话通道就建立了。

   客户端A发出的消息送达B导致了NAT A打开了一个新的会话,并且我们希望 NAT A将会指派62001端口给这个新的会话,因为62001是继62000后,NAT会自动指派给 从服务器S客户端A之间的新会话的端口号;类似的,客户端B发出的消息送达A导致了 NAT B打开了一个新的会话,并且我们希望 NAT B 将会指派31001这个端口给新的会话;如果两个客户端都正确的猜测到了对方新会话被指派的端口号,那么这个 客户端A-客户端B的双向连接就被打通了。其结果如下图所示:


   Obviously there are many things that can cause this trick to fail. If the predicted port number at either NAT already happens to be in use by an unrelated session, then the NAT will skip over that port number and the connection attempt will fail.  If either NAT sometimes or always chooses port numbers non-sequentially, then the trick will fail.  
   If a different client behind NAT A (or B respectively) opens up a new outgoing UDP connection to any external destination after A (B) establishes its connection with S but before sending its first message to B (A), then the unrelated client will inadvertently "steal" the desired port number.  This trick is therefore much less likely to work when either NAT involved is under load.


明显的,有许多因素会导致这个方法失败:如果这个预言的新端口(62001和31001) 恰好已经被一个不相关的会话所使用,那么NAT就会跳过这个端口号,这个连接就会宣告失败;如果两个NAT有时或者总是不按照顺序来生成新的端口号,那么这个方法也是行不通的。


如果隐藏在NAT A后的一个不同的客户端X(或者在NAT B后)打开了一个新的“外出”UDP 连接,并且无论这个连接的目的如何;只要这个动作发生在 客户端A 建立了与服务器S 的连接之后,客户端A 与 客户端B 建立连接之前;那么这个无关的客户端X 就会趁人不备地“偷” 到这个我们渴望分配的端口。所以,这个方法变得如此脆弱而且不堪一击,只要任何一个NAT方包含以上碰到的问题,这个方法都不会奏效。

   Since in practice a P2P application implementing this trick would still need to work if the NATs are cone NATs, or if one is a cone NAT and the other is a symmetric NAT, the application would need to detect beforehand what kind of NAT is involved on either end [STUN] and modify its behavior accordingly, increasing the complexity of the algorithm and the general brittleness of the network.  


   Finally, port number prediction has no chance of working if either client is behind two or more levels of NAT and the NAT(s) closest to the client are symmetric.  For all of these reasons, it is NOT recommended that new applications implement this trick; it is mentioned here for historical and informational purposes.


   自从使用这种方法来实践P2P的应用程序以来,在处于 cone NAT 系列的网络环境中这个方法还是实用的;如果有一方为 cone NAT而另外一方为 symmetric NAT,那么应用程序就应该预先发现另外一方的 NAT 是什么类型,再做出正确的行为来处理通信,这样就增大了算法的复杂度,并且降低了在真实网络环境中的普适性。

    最后,如果P2P的一方处在两级或者两级以上的NAT下面,并且这些NATs 接近这个客户端是 symmetric的话,端口号预言 是无效的!






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