Assembly x64 Intro - Align 16 of Nasm

1.   addr.S

        extern printf  ; the C function to be called

%macro pabc 1   ; a "simple" print macro
 section .data
.str db %1,0  ; %1 is first actual in macro call
 section .text
        mov     rdi, fmt4 ; first arg, format
 mov rsi, .str ; second arg
 mov     rdx, a        ; a' address rather than its value
 mov     rcx, b        ; b' address rather than its value

 mov     r8, [c]         ; fifth arg
 mov     rax, 0         ; no xmm used
 call    printf  ; Call C function
 section .data    ; preset constants, writable
align   16
a: dq 3  ; 64-bit variable a initialized to 3
b: dq 4  ; 64-bit variable b initializes to 4
fmt4: db "%s, a=%p, b=%p, c=%ld",10,0 ; format string for printf
 section .bss   ; uninitialized space
c: resq 1  ; reserve a 64-bit word

 section .text  ; instructions, code segment
 global  main  ; for gcc standard linking
main:    ; label
 push  rbp  ; set up stack
lit5:    ; c=5;
 mov rax,5   ; 5 is a literal constant
 mov [c],rax  ; store into c
 pabc "c=5  "  ; invoke the print macro
addb:    ; c=a+b;
 mov rax,[a]   ; load a
 add rax,[b]  ; add b
 mov [c],rax  ; store into c
 pabc "c=a+b"  ; invoke the print macro
subb:    ; c=a-b;
 mov rax,[a]   ; load a
 sub rax,[b]  ; subtract b
 mov [c],rax  ; store into c
 pabc "c=a-b"  ; invoke the print macro
mulb:    ; c=a*b;
 mov rax,[a]   ; load a (must be rax for multiply)
 imul qword [b] ; signed integer multiply by b
 mov [c],rax  ; store bottom half of product into c
 pabc "c=a*b"  ; invoke the print macro
diva:    ; c=c/a;
 mov rax,[c]   ; load c
 mov rdx,0  ; load upper half of dividend with zero
 idiv qword [a] ; divide double register edx rax by a
 mov [c],rax  ; store quotient into c
 pabc "c=c/a"  ; invoke the print macro

 pop rbp  ; pop stack
        mov     rax,0           ; exit code, 0=normal
 ret   ; main returns to operating system

2.   compile

nasm -f elf64 addr.S

gcc -o addr.x addr.o

3. run


c=5  , a=0x601040, b=0x601048, c=5
c=a+b, a=0x601040, b=0x601048, c=7
c=a-b, a=0x601040, b=0x601048, c=-1
c=a*b, a=0x601040, b=0x601048, c=12
c=c/a, a=0x601040, b=0x601048, c=4

可以看到,  a 的地址是 16 位对齐的, 而 b 的 不是。

4. 修改代码, 设置 b align 16 属性

        section .data           ; preset constants, writable
align   16
a:      dq      3               ; 64-bit variable a initialized to 3
align   16
b:      dq      4               ; 64-bit variable b initializes to 4
fmt4:   db "%s, a=%p, b=%p, c=%ld",10,0 ; format string for printf

5. 重新编译运行

c=5  , a=0x601040, b=0x601050, c=5
c=a+b, a=0x601040, b=0x601050, c=7
c=a-b, a=0x601040, b=0x601050, c=-1
c=a*b, a=0x601040, b=0x601050, c=12
c=c/a, a=0x601040, b=0x601050, c=4

现在可以看到, a, b 的地址都是 16位对齐了。

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