C++20 协程探索

c++ 20 引入了协程的特性,很多其他语言很早就已经有了,c++ 的又会有什么不同呢,本文旨在了解协程的概念以及简单明白底层实现的原理。

Three new language keywords: co_awaitco_yield and co_return




A coroutine is a generalisation of a function that allows the function to be suspended and then later resumed.


Coroutines are stackless: they suspend execution by returning to the caller and the data that is required to resume execution is stored separately from the stack.




normal call

A normal function can be thought of as having two operations: Call and Return (Note that I’m lumping “throwing an exception” here broadly under the Return operation). 一个普通函数可以简单地认为是两步操作:调用和返回。

The Call operation creates an activation frame, suspends execution of the calling function and transfers execution to the start of the function being called.


The Return operation passes the return-value to the caller, destroys the activation frame and then resumes execution of the caller just after the point at which it called the function.



Coroutines generalise the operations of a function by separating out some of the steps performed in the Call and Return operations into three extra operations: SuspendResume and Destroy. 协程将调用和返回分成了三个额外的操作:挂起、恢复、销毁。

The Suspend operation suspends execution of the coroutine at the current point within the function and transfers execution back to the caller or resumer without destroying the activation frame. Any objects in-scope at the point of suspension remain alive after the coroutine execution is suspended.


Note that, like the Return operation of a function, a coroutine can only be suspended from within the coroutine itself at well-defined suspend-points.


The Resume operation resumes execution of a suspended coroutine at the point at which it was suspended. This reactivates the coroutine’s activation frame.


The Destroy operation destroys the activation frame without resuming execution of the coroutine. Any objects that were in-scope at the suspend point will be destroyed. Memory used to store the activation frame is freed.


Coroutine activation frames

Since coroutines can be suspended without destroying the activation frame, we can no longer guarantee that activation frame lifetimes will be strictly nested. This means that activation frames cannot in general be allocated using a stack data-structure and so may need to be stored on the heap instead.


There are some provisions in the C++ Coroutines TS to allow the memory for the coroutine frame to be allocated from the activation frame of the caller if the compiler can prove that the lifetime of the coroutine is indeed strictly nested within the lifetime of the caller. This can avoid heap allocations in many cases provided you have a sufficiently smart compiler.


With coroutines there are some parts of the activation frame that need to be preserved across coroutine suspension and there are some parts that only need to be kept around while the coroutine is executing. For example, the lifetime of a variable with a scope that does not span any coroutine suspend-points can potentially be stored on the stack.


You can logically think of the activation frame of a coroutine as being comprised of two parts: the ‘coroutine frame’ and the ‘stack frame’.

所以可以认为协程的栈由两部分组成:协程的栈 和 函数栈。

The ‘coroutine frame’ holds part of the coroutine’s activation frame that persists while the coroutine is suspended and the ‘stack frame’ part only exists while the coroutine is executing and is freed when the coroutine suspends and transfers execution back to the caller/resumer.



In the C++ Coroutines TS, these suspend-points are identified by usages of the co_await or co_yield keywords.

When a coroutine hits one of these suspend-points it first prepares the coroutine for resumption by:


  • Ensuring any values held in registers are written to the coroutine frame


  • Writing a value to the coroutine frame that indicates which suspend-point the coroutine is being suspended at. This allows a subsequent Resume operation to know where to resume execution of the coroutine or so a subsequent Destroy to know what values were in-scope and need to be destroyed.



Just like a normal function call, this call to resume() will allocate a new stack-frame and store the return-address of the caller in the stack-frame before transferring execution to the function.


However, instead of transferring execution to the start of the function it will transfer execution to the point in the function at which it was last suspended. It does this by loading the resume-point from the coroutine-frame and jumping to that point.



void destroy()

The Destroy operation destroys the coroutine frame without resuming execution of the coroutine. 直接销毁协程栈

This operation can only be performed on a suspended coroutine. 只能用于被挂起的协程

The Destroy operation acts much like the Resume operation in that it re-activates the coroutine’s activation frame, including allocating a new stack-frame and storing the return-address of the caller of the Destroy operation.


However, instead of transferring execution to the coroutine body at the last suspend-point it instead transfers execution to an alternative code-path that calls the destructors of all local variables in-scope at the suspend-point before then freeing the memory used by the coroutine frame.



The Call operation of a coroutine is much the same as the call operation of a normal function. In fact, from the perspective of the caller there is no difference.


However, rather than execution only returning to the caller when the function has run to completion, with a coroutine the call operation will instead resume execution of the caller when the coroutine reaches its first suspend-point.


When performing the Call operation on a coroutine, the caller allocates a new stack-frame, writes the parameters to the stack-frame, writes the return-address to the stack-frame and transfers execution to the coroutine. This is exactly the same as calling a normal function.


The first thing the coroutine does is then allocate a coroutine-frame on the heap and copy/move the parameters from the stack-frame into the coroutine-frame so that the lifetime of the parameters extends beyond the first suspend-point.



The Return operation of a coroutine is a little different from that of a normal function.


When a coroutine executes a return-statement (co_return according to the TS) operation it stores the return-value somewhere (exactly where this is stored can be customised by the coroutine) and then destructs any in-scope local variables (but not parameters).


The coroutine then has the opportunity to execute some additional logic before transferring execution back to the caller/resumer.


This additional logic might perform some operation to publish the return value, or it might resume another coroutine that was waiting for the result. It’s completely customisable.


The coroutine then performs either a Suspend operation (keeping the coroutine-frame alive) or a Destroy operation (destroying the coroutine-frame).


Execution is then transferred back to the caller/resumer as per the Suspend/Destroy operation semantics, popping the stack-frame component of the activation-frame off the stack.


It is important to note that the return-value passed to the Return operation is not the same as the return-value returned from a Call operation as the return operation may be executed long after the caller resumed from the initial Call operation.


2、An illustration

let’s say we have a function (or coroutine), f() that calls a coroutine, x(int a).

举个例子,普通函数 f 调用协程 x。

Before the call we have a situation that looks a bit like this: 调用前长这样

Then when x(42) is called, it first creates a stack frame for x(), as with normal functions.

调用协程 x,为 x 创建函数栈

Then, once the coroutine x() has allocated memory for the coroutine frame on the heap and copied/moved parameter values into the coroutine frame we’ll end up with something that looks like the next diagram. Note that the compiler will typically hold the address of the coroutine frame in a separate register to the stack pointer (eg. MSVC stores this in the rbp register).

然后,协程 x 在堆内存中分配协程栈,把参数复制或移动到协程栈。而当前 rbp 会指向协程栈。

If the coroutine x() then calls another normal function g() it will look something like this.

如果协程 x 调用了另一个普通函数 g

When g() returns it will destroy its activation frame and restore x()’s activation frame. Let’s say we save g()’s return value in a local variable b which is stored in the coroutine frame.

当普通函数 g 返回,它会销毁函数栈,恢复 x 的函数栈,把返回值存储到协程栈当中。

If x() now hits a suspend-point and suspends execution without destroying its activation frame then execution returns to f().

如果协程 x 执行到挂起点,不会销毁协程栈,执行返回到 f

This results in the stack-frame part of x() being popped off the stack while leaving the coroutine-frame on the heap. When the coroutine suspends for the first time, a return-value is returned to the caller. This return value often holds a handle to the coroutine-frame that suspended that can be used to later resume it. When x() suspends it also stores the address of the resumption-point of x() in the coroutine frame (call it RP for resume-point).

函数栈中,x 会被退栈,而 rbp 也会离开协程栈。当协程第一次挂起,会返回一个值给调用者,这个值会有处理协程栈的挂起与恢复的控制器。当协程 x 挂起,会在协程栈中保存挂起点信息。

This handle may now be passed around as a normal value between functions. At some point later, potentially from a different call-stack or even on a different thread, something (say, h()) will decide to resume execution of that coroutine. For example, when an async I/O operation completes.

控制器可以被函数间传递。之后的某个地方,可能在不同的调用栈,或者不同的线程,可能函数 h 决定恢复协程。

The function that resumes the coroutine calls a void resume(handle) function to resume execution of the coroutine. To the caller, this looks just like any other normal call to a void-returning function with a single argument.

函数会调用 resume(handle) 来恢复协程,在调用者看来就是普通的单个参数的函数返回。

This creates a new stack-frame that records the return-address of the caller to resume(), activates the coroutine-frame by loading its address into a register and resumes execution of x() at the resume-point stored in the coroutine-frame.




An interface describes the behavior or capabilities of a C++ class without committing to a particular implementation of that class.

The C++ interfaces are implemented using abstract classes and these abstract classes should not be confused with data abstraction which is a concept of keeping implementation details separate from associated data.


#include <concepts>
#include <coroutine>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>

// the return type of a coroutine—call it R—must be an object type with a nested type R::promise_type.
struct ReturnObject {
  struct promise_type {
// R::promise_type must include a method R get_return_object() that returns an instance of the outer type R. 
// The result of get_return_object() is the return value of the coroutine function
    ReturnObject get_return_object() { return {}; }
    std::suspend_never initial_suspend() { return {}; }
    std::suspend_never final_suspend() { return {}; }
    void unhandled_exception() {}

struct Awaitable {
  std::coroutine_handle<> *hp_;
// await_ready is an optimization. 
// If it returns true, then co_await does not suspend the function. 
// Of course, you could achieve the same effect in await_suspend, 
// by resuming (or not suspending) the current coroutine, 
// but before calling await_suspend, 
// the compiler must bundle all state into the heap object referenced by the coroutine handle, 
// which is potentially expensive.
  constexpr bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
// we store the coroutine handle every time await_suspend is called, 
// but the handle does not change across invocations. 
// (Recall the handle is like a pointer to the coroutine state, 
// so while value of i may change in this state, the pointer itself remains the same.)
///  void await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> h) { *hp_ = h; }
    void Awaiter::await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> h) {
      if (hp_) { // 只设置一次就可以了
        *hp_ = h; // 这里是将 coroutine handle 放入 main1 的里面
        hp_ = nullptr;
// await_resume here returns void, but if instead it returned a value, 
// this value would be the value of the co_await expression
  constexpr void await_resume() const noexcept {}

ReturnObject counter(std::coroutine_handle<> *continuation_out) {
  Awaitable a{continuation_out}; // coroutine defined
// Creates a callable object that, when invoked, 
// will resume execution of the coroutine at the point 
// immediately following evaluation of the co_await expression
  for (unsigned i = 0;; ++i) {
// When you evaluate the expression co_await a, 
// the compiler creates a coroutine handle 
// and passes it to the method a.await_suspend(coroutine_handle).
    co_await a; // resume point
    std::cout << "counter: " << i << std::endl;

void main1() {
  std::coroutine_handle<> h; // callable object
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    std::cout << "In main1 function\n";
// It can be easily copied, but it doesn’t have a destructor 
// to free the memory associated with coroutine state. 
// To avoid leaking memory, you must generally destroy coroutine state

    In main1 function
    counter: 0
    In main1 function
    counter: 1
    In main1 function
    counter: 2


Instead of passing a coroutine_handle<>* into counter, it would be nicer if we could just return the handle from counter(). We can do that if we put the coroutine handle inside the return object.

struct ReturnObject2 {
  struct promise_type {
    ReturnObject2 get_return_object() {
      return {
        // Uses C++20 designated initializer syntax
        .h_ = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this)
    std::suspend_never initial_suspend() { return {}; }
    std::suspend_never final_suspend() { return {}; }
    void unhandled_exception() {}

  std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> h_;
  operator std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>() const { return h_; }

ReturnObject2 counter2() {
  for (unsigned i = 0;; ++i) {
    co_await std::suspend_always{};
    std::cout << "counter2: " << i << std::endl;

void main2() {
  // A coroutine_handle<promise_type> converts to coroutine_handle<>
  std::coroutine_handle<> h = counter2();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    std::cout << "In main2 function\n";


Coroutine Theory:https://lewissbaker.github.io/2017/09/25/coroutine-theory

C++ Coroutines: Understanding operator co_await:https://lewissbaker.github.io/2017/11/17/understanding-operator-co-await

C++ Coroutines: Understanding the promise type:https://lewissbaker.github.io/2018/09/05/understanding-the-promise-type

C++ Coroutines: Understanding Symmetric Transfer:https://lewissbaker.github.io/2020/05/11/understanding_symmetric_transfer

Coroutines (C++20):https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/coroutines



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