【Metadata】二. EXIF详解







1.Exif 数据结构

2.TIFFheader 数据结构

3.IFD : Image file directory

四. Data format

1.IFD data structure

五. Thumbnail image(缩略图)

1.JPEG 格式缩略图

2.TIFF 格式缩略图

六. Tag number used by Exif/TIFF

Appendix 1: MakerNote of Olympus Digicams


通俗来讲,Exif文件格式与JPEG文件格式相同。Jpeg 规范允许在JPEG 文件中插入Exif信息,exif 包含了图像的基本元数据(metadata)和缩略图信息。因此,我们可以在jpeg 文件中查看元数据信息。


JPEG 文件以二进制数据 0xFFD8 开始,以0xFFD9 结束, 有一些以0xFFXX开头的数据,我们把它们叫做Marker(标记), 

0xFFD8叫做SOI(Start of image),0xFFD9叫做EOI(end of image), 这两个marker 后面没有跟任何数据,其它的Marker 后面会跟上对应的数据信息。


0xFF+Marker Number(1 byte)+Data size(2 bytes)+Data(n bytes)

Data size(2 Bytes) 要大端对齐,需要注意的是“Data”包含数据大小描述符,举例如下

FF C1 00 0C
这个Marker 的意思是 Marker(0xFFC1) 有0x000C(12)个字节的数据,但是这12个字节中包含2个字节的 data size 描述符,所以仅有10个字节用来存储数据

在JPEG 格式中,有一些Marker 用来描述数据,首先放一个SOS(start of stream)标识,在SOS标记之后,JPEG图像流由EOI标记开始和结束。

SOI MarkerMarker XX  size=SSSSMarker YY size=TTTTSOS Marker size=UUUUImage streamEOI Marker


0xFFE0~0xFFEF 区间范围内的叫做 Application Marker, 不需要解码JPEG图像就可以读取和设置,它们由用户应用程序使用。例如,老式的olympus/canon/casio/agfa数码相机使用JFIF(JPEG文件交换格式)存储图像。JFIF使用APP0(0xFFE0)标记插入digicam配置数据和缩略图图像。

Exif 也使用Application Marker 来插入数据,但是EXIF 使用 APP1(0xFFE1)标记来避免与JFIF格式冲突, EXIF 格式如下所示:


SOI MarkerAPP1 MarkerAPP1 DataOther Marker
FFD8FFE1SSSS 457869660000 TTTT......FFXX SSSS DDDD......




1.Exif 数据结构


FFE1APP1 Marker
SSSSAPP1 DataAPP1 Data Size
45786966 0000Exif Header
49492A00 08000000TIFF Header
XXXX. . . .IFD0 (main image)Directory
XXXX. . . .Data area of IFD0
XXXX. . . .Exif SubIFDDirectory
00000000End of Link
XXXX. . . .Data area of Exif SubIFD
XXXX. . . .IFD1(thumbnail image)Directory
00000000End of Link
XXXX. . . .Data area of IFD1
FFD8XXXX. . . XXXXFFD9Thumbnail image

2.TIFFheader 数据结构

前8个字节是TIFF header, 前2个字节定义TIFF数据的字节对齐。如果它是0x4949=“I I”,它表示“Intel”类型的字节对齐。如果是0x4d4d=“MM”,表示“摩托罗拉”类型的字节对齐。


在motorola align上,它被存储为0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78。
如果它是Intel align,它被存储为0x78,0x56,0x34,0x12。似乎大多数数码相机都使用英特尔的align

因此,当我们使用EXIF 的时候,必须考虑数据对其的问题


如果数据使用Intel align,接下来的两个字节是“0x2a00”。如果它使用摩托罗拉,它们是“0x002a”

TIFF头的最后4个字节是到第一个IFD(图像文件目录,在下一章中描述)的偏移量。如果包含这个偏移量,TIFF格式中使用的所有偏移量值都计算从TIFF头的第一个开始的偏移字节("I I"或"MM")。
Byte alignTAG MarkOffset to first IFD
"I I" or "MM"2A000x00000008

3.IFD : Image file directory

在TIFF头文件后面,有第一个IFD:Image文件目录。它包含图像信息数据。在下面的图表中,前2个字节('EEEE')表示这个IFD中包含的目录条目的数量。然后是目录条目(每个条目12字节)。在最后一个目录条目之后,有4字节的数据(图表中的' LLLLLLLL'),这意味着到下一个IFD的偏移量。如果它的值是“0x00000000”,它表示这是最后一个IFD,没有链接的IFD

EEEENo. of directory entry
. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
LLLLLLLLOffset to next IFD

 上面图表的'TTTT'(2字节)是标签号,这是一种数据。'ffff'(2字节)是数据格式,' nnnnnnn '(4字节)是组件数。'DDDDDDDD'(4字节)包含一个数据值或数据值的偏移量。


四. Data format


Formatunsigned byteascii stringsunsigned shortunsigned longunsigned rationalsigned byte
Formatundefinedsigned shortsigned longsigned rationalsingle floatdouble float


1.IFD data structure

在Exif格式下,第一个IFD是IFD0(主图像的IFD),然后它后面是IFD1(缩略图像的IFD), IFD链接终止。但IFD0/IFD1不包含任何数码相机的信息,如快门速度、焦距等。IFD0总是包含特殊标记Exif偏移量(0x8769),它显示到Exif SubIFD的偏移量。Exif SubIFD也是IFD格式的数据,它包含digicam的信息。举例如下:

0000: 49 49 2A 00 08 00 00 00-02 00 1A 01 05 00 01 00
0010: 00 00 26 00 00 00 69 87-04 00 01 00 00 00 11 02
0020: 00 00 40 00 00 00 48 00-00 00 01 00 00 00

如果TIFF 数据如上所示,则可以解析为如下信息:

1.前2个字节是“I I”,字节对齐是“Intel”。
2.地址0x0004~0x0007是0x08000000, IFD0从地址“0x0008”开始
3.地址0x0008~0x0009是0x0200, IFD0的目录条目数是2。
8.地址0x0012~0x0015为0x26000000, XResolution数据存储到地址0x0026
10.Address0x0016~0x0017是0x6987,下一个标签是ExifOffset(0x8769)。它的值是对Exif SubIFD的偏移量
12.这个标记有一个组件。Unsigned long integer的数据大小是4字节/组件,所以总数据大小是4字节
13.总数据大小等于4个字节,接下来的4个字节包含Exif subbifd偏移量的值。
14.地址0x001e~0x0021是0x11020000, Exif SubIFD从地址“0x0211”开始。

五. Thumbnail image(缩略图)

Exif 格式包含缩略图信息,通常缩略图紧跟IFD1标记,有三种类型的缩略图分别是:

  • JPEG 格式(用YCbCr)
  • RGB TIFF格式
  • YCbCr TIFF 格式

1.JPEG 格式缩略图


2.TIFF 格式缩略图


如果IFD1中的Compression(0x0103)标签的值为“1”,则缩略图图像格式为no Compression(称为TIFF图像,无压缩)。缩略图数据的起始点是StripOffset(0x0111)标签,缩略图的大小是StripByteCounts(0x0117)标签的和。




六. Tag number used by Exif/TIFF



Tags used by IFD0 (main image)

Tag No.Tag NameFormatCompoNoDesc.
0x010eImageDescriptionascii string Describes image
0x010fMakeascii string Shows manufacturer of digicam
0x0110Modelascii string Shows model number of digicam
0x0112Orientationunsigned short1The orientation of the camera relative to the scene, when the image was captured. The start point of stored data is, '1' means upper left, '3' lower right, '6' upper right, '8' lower left, '9' undefined.
0x011aXResolutionunsigned rational1Display/Print resolution of image. Large number of digicam uses 1/72inch, but it has no mean because personal computer doesn't use this value to display/print out.
0x011bYResolutionunsigned rational1
0x0128ResolutionUnitunsigned short1Unit of XResolution(0x011a)/YResolution(0x011b). '1' means no-unit, '2' means inch, '3' means centimeter.
0x0131Softwareascii string Shows firmware(internal software of digicam) version number.
0x0132DateTimeascii string20Date/Time of image was last modified. Data format is "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS"+0x00, total 20bytes. In usual, it has the same value of DateTimeOriginal(0x9003)
0x013eWhitePointunsigned rational2Defines chromaticity of white point of the image. If the image uses CIE Standard Illumination D65(known as international standard of 'daylight'), the values are '3127/10000,3290/10000'.
0x013fPrimaryChromaticitiesunsigned rational6Defines chromaticity of the primaries of the image. If the image uses CCIR Recommendation 709 primearies, values are '640/1000,330/1000,300/1000,600/1000,150/1000,0/1000'.
0x0211YCbCrCoefficientsunsigned rational3When image format is YCbCr, this value shows a constant to translate it to RGB format. In usual, values are '0.299/0.587/0.114'.
0x0213YCbCrPositioningunsigned short1When image format is YCbCr and uses 'Subsampling'(cropping of chroma data, all the digicam do that), defines the chroma sample point of subsampling pixel array. '1' means the center of pixel array, '2' means the datum point.
0x0214ReferenceBlackWhiteunsigned rational6Shows reference value of black point/white point. In case of YCbCr format, first 2 show black/white of Y, next 2 are Cb, last 2 are Cr. In case of RGB format, first 2 show black/white of R, next 2 are G, last 2 are B.
0x8298Copyrightascii string Shows copyright information
0x8769ExifOffsetunsigned long1Offset to Exif Sub IFD

Tags used by Exif SubIFD

Tag No.Tag NameFormatCompoNoDesc.
0x829aExposureTimeunsigned rational1Exposure time (reciprocal of shutter speed). Unit is second.
0x829dFNumberunsigned rational1The actual F-number(F-stop) of lens when the image was taken.
0x8822ExposureProgramunsigned short1Exposure program that the camera used when image was taken. '1' means manual control, '2' program normal, '3' aperture priority, '4' shutter priority, '5' program creative (slow program), '6' program action(high-speed program), '7' portrait mode, '8' landscape mode.
0x8827ISOSpeedRatingsunsigned short2CCD sensitivity equivalent to Ag-Hr film speedrate.
0x9000ExifVersionundefined4Exif version number. Stored as 4bytes of ASCII character (like "0210")
0x9003DateTimeOriginalascii string20Date/Time of original image taken. This value should not be modified by user program.
0x9004DateTimeDigitizedascii string20Date/Time of image digitized. Usually, it contains the same value of DateTimeOriginal(0x9003).
0x9101ComponentConfigurationundefined Unknown. It seems value 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03 always.
0x9102CompressedBitsPerPixelunsigned rational1The average compression ratio of JPEG.
0x9201ShutterSpeedValuesigned rational1Shutter speed. To convert this value to ordinary 'Shutter Speed'; calculate this value's power of 2, then reciprocal. For example, if value is '4', shutter speed is 1/(2^4)=1/16 second.
0x9202ApertureValueunsigned rational1The actual aperture value of lens when the image was taken. To convert this value to ordinary F-number(F-stop), calculate this value's power of root 2 (=1.4142). For example, if value is '5', F-number is 1.4142^5 = F5.6.
0x9203BrightnessValuesigned rational1Brightness of taken subject, unit is EV.
0x9204ExposureBiasValuesigned rational1Exposure bias value of taking picture. Unit is EV.
0x9205MaxApertureValueunsigned rational1Maximum aperture value of lens. You can convert to F-number by calculating power of root 2 (same process of ApertureValue(0x9202).
0x9206SubjectDistancesigned rational1Distance to focus point, unit is meter.
0x9207MeteringModeunsigned short1Exposure metering method. '1' means average, '2' center weighted average, '3' spot, '4' multi-spot, '5' multi-segment.
0x9208LightSourceunsigned short1Light source, actually this means white balance setting. '0' means auto, '1' daylight, '2' fluorescent, '3' tungsten, '10' flash.
0x9209Flashunsigned short1'1' means flash was used, '0' means not used.
0x920aFocalLengthunsigned rational1Focal length of lens used to take image. Unit is millimeter.
0x927cMakerNoteundefined Maker dependent internal data. Some of maker such as Olympus/Nikon/Sanyo etc. uses IFD format for this area.
0x9286UserCommentundefined Stores user comment.
0xa000FlashPixVersionundefined4Stores FlashPix version. Unknown but 4bytes of ASCII characters "0100"exists.
0xa001ColorSpaceunsigned short1Unknown, value is '1'.
0xa002ExifImageWidthunsigned short/long1Size of main image.
0xa003ExifImageHeightunsigned short/long1
0xa004RelatedSoundFileascii string If this digicam can record audio data with image, shows name of audio data.
0xa005ExifInteroperabilityOffsetunsigned long1Extension of "ExifR98", detail is unknown. This value is offset to IFD format data. Currently there are 2 directory entries, first one is Tag0x0001, value is "R98", next is Tag0x0002, value is "0100".
0xa20eFocalPlaneXResolutionunsigned rational1CCD's pixel density.
0xa20fFocalPlaneYResolutionunsigned rational1
0xa210FocalPlaneResolutionUnitunsigned short1Unit of FocalPlaneXResoluton/FocalPlaneYResolution. '1' means no-unit, '2' inch, '3' centimeter.
0xa217SensingMethodunsigned short1Shows type of image sensor unit. '2' means 1 chip color area sensor, most of all digicam use this type.
0xa300FileSourceundefined1Unknown but value is '3'.
0xa301SceneTypeundefined1Unknown but value is '1'.

Tags used by IFD1 (thumbnail image)

Tag No.Tag NameFormatCompoNoDesc.
0x0100ImageWidthunsigned short/long1Shows size of thumbnail image.
0x0101ImageLengthunsigned short/long1
0x0102BitsPerSampleunsigned short3When image format is no compression, this value shows the number of bits per component for each pixel. Usually this value is '8,8,8'
0x0103Compressionunsigned short1Shows compression method. '1' means no compression, '6' means JPEG compression.
0x0106PhotometricInterpretationunsigned short1Shows the color space of the image data components. '1' means monochrome, '2' means RGB, '6' means YCbCr.
0x0111StripOffsetsunsigned short/long When image format is no compression, this value shows offset to image data. In some case image data is striped and this value is plural.
0x0115SamplesPerPixelunsigned short1When image format is no compression, this value shows the number of components stored for each pixel. At color image, this value is '3'.
0x0116RowsPerStripunsigned short/long1When image format is no compression and image has stored as strip, this value shows how many rows stored to each strip. If image has not striped, this value is the same as ImageLength(0x0101).
0x0117StripByteConuntsunsigned short/long When image format is no compression and stored as strip, this value shows how many bytes used for each strip and this value is plural. If image has not stripped, this value is single and means whole data size of image.
0x011aXResolutionunsigned rational1Display/Print resolution of image. Large number of digicam uses 1/72inch, but it has no mean because personal computer doesn't use this value to display/print out.
0x011bYResolutionunsigned rational1
0x011cPlanarConfigurationunsigned short1When image format is no compression YCbCr, this value shows byte aligns of YCbCr data. If value is '1', Y/Cb/Cr value is chunky format, contiguous for each subsampling pixel. If value is '2', Y/Cb/Cr value is separated and stored to Y plane/Cb plane/Cr plane format.
0x0128ResolutionUnitunsigned short1Unit of XResolution(0x011a)/YResolution(0x011b). '1' means inch, '2' means centimeter.
0x0201JpegIFOffsetunsigned long1When image format is JPEG, this value show offset to JPEG data stored.
0x0202JpegIFByteCountunsigned long1When image format is JPEG, this value shows data size of JPEG image.
0x0211YCbCrCoefficientsunsigned rational3When image format is YCbCr, this value shows constants to translate it to RGB format. In usual, '0.299/0.587/0.114' are used.
0x0212YCbCrSubSamplingunsigned short2When image format is YCbCr and uses subsampling(cropping of chroma data, all the digicam do that), this value shows how many chroma data subsampled. First value shows horizontal, next value shows vertical subsample rate.
0x0213YCbCrPositioningunsigned short1When image format is YCbCr and uses 'Subsampling'(cropping of chroma data, all the digicam do that), this value defines the chroma sample point of subsampled pixel array. '1' means the center of pixel array, '2' means the datum point(0,0).
0x0214ReferenceBlackWhiteunsigned rational6Shows reference value of black point/white point. In case of YCbCr format, first 2 show black/white of Y, next 2 are Cb, last 2 are Cr. In case of RGB format, first 2 show black/white of R, next 2 are G, last 2 are B.


Misc Tags

Tag No.Tag NameFormatCompoNoDesc.
0x00feNewSubfileTypeunsigned long1 
0x00ffSubfileTypeunsigned short1 
0x012dTransferFunctionunsigned short3 
0x013bArtistascii string  
0x013dPredictorunsigned short1 
0x0142TileWidthunsigned short1 
0x0143TileLengthunsigned short1 
0x0144TileOffsetsunsigned long  
0x0145TileByteCountsunsigned short  
0x014aSubIFDsunsigned long  
0x828dCFARepeatPatternDimunsigned short2 
0x828eCFAPatternunsigned byte  
0x828fBatteryLevelunsigned rational1 
0x83bbIPTC/NAAunsigned long  
0x8824SpectralSensitivityascii string  
0x8825GPSInfounsigned long1 
0x8829Interlaceunsigned short1 
0x882aTimeZoneOffsetsigned short1 
0x882bSelfTimerModeunsigned short1 
0x920bFlashEnergyunsigned rational1 
0x9211ImageNumberunsigned long1 
0x9212SecurityClassificationascii string1 
0x9213ImageHistoryascii string  
0x9214SubjectLocationunsigned short4 
0x9215ExposureIndexunsigned rational1 
0x9216TIFF/EPStandardIDunsigned byte4 
0x9290SubSecTimeascii string  
0x9291SubSecTimeOriginalascii string  
0x9292SubSecTimeDigitizedascii string  
0xa20bFlashEnergyunsigned rational1 
0xa20cSpatialFrequencyResponseunsigned short1 
0xa214SubjectLocationunsigned short1 
0xa215ExposureIndexunsigned rational1 

最后,不同的厂商也会定义自己的metadata ,但这些数据都是存储在MakerNotes里面的。

Appendix 1: MakerNote of Olympus Digicams


MakerNote of Olympus Digicam starts from ASCII string "OLYMP". Data format is the same as IFD, it starts from offset 0x07. Example of actual data structure is shown below.

:0000: 4F 4C 59 4D 50 00 01 00 0B-00 00 02 04 00 03 00  OLYMP...........
:0010: 00 00 0E 04 00 00 01 02 03-00 01 00 00 00 03 00  ................


Tag No.Tag NameFormatCompoNoValue
0x0200SpecialModeUnsigned Long3Shows picture taking mode. First value means 0=normal, 1=unknown, 2=fast, 3=panorama. Second value means sequence number, third value means panorama direction, 1=left to right, 2=right to left, 3=bottom to top, 4=top to bottom.
0x0201JpegQualUnsigned Short1Shows JPEG quality. 1=SQ,2=HQ,3=SHQ.
0x0202MacroUnsigned Short1Shows Macro mode or not. 0=normal, 1=macro.
0x0203UnknownUnsigned Short1Unknown
0x0204DigiZoomUnsigned Rational1Shows Digital Zoom ratio. 0=normal, 2=digital 2x zoom.
0x0205UnknownUnsigned Rational1Unknown
0x0206UnknownSigned Short6Unknown
0x0207SoftwareReleaseAscii string5Shows Firmware version.
0x0208PictInfoAscii string52Contains ASCII format data such as [PctureInfo]. This is the same data format of older Olympus digicams which not used Exif data format (C1400/C820/D620/D340 etc).
0x0209CameraIDUndefined32Contains CameraID data, which is user changeable by some utilities
0x0f00DataDumpUnsigned Long30Unknown



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快速访问您查看的任何图像的EXIF数据 快速访问您在Google Chrome浏览器中查看的任何图像的EXIF数据如何使用它? -右键单击任何图像/图片-选择“显示Exif数据”-然后在浏览器右侧的单独面板中显示图像/ exif信息。 顶级功能:-完全免费-只需单击鼠标右键即可获得各种信息-预览图像详细信息-支持300多个摄像头-直方图或RGB颜色重构-将exif信息自动复制到剪贴板-共享重要更新的通知-其他功能即将推出…-99%的网站不受影响。 帮助我们解决任何问题-无需注册或登录要测试什么? 在http://bit.ly/2cOdqNT上尝试这些图片http://bit.ly/2cOcvNN、http://bit.ly/2cOdD3E及更多内容权限:-此应用需要读取权限才能提供一些高级功能功能。 *没有广告软件。 没有间谍软件。 别吵了。 支持链接:http://tiny.cc/extsupport ==========当前问题========== 1.破坏了一些网站吗? -任何导入了一些(require-js)javascript的网站都可能会受到影响-解决方案:2016年10月17日,我们对其进行了修复,希望它可以解决所有问题2。PDF未打开-以.pdf结尾的所有网址均已修复-像来自Drive的蒸出的PDF文件不受影响-其他格式的PDF可以在此处进行验证-http://bit.ly/2d8lStp-如果有任何问题,请在http://tiny.cc/extsupport上共享详细信息/链接。3. CSS破解某些网站-我们已于2016年9月21日修复此问题,希望它不会破解任何新CSS其他问题? 请在http://tiny.cc/extsupport上报告它们。===============常见问题解答=============== 1.某些网站为何崩溃? -由于此扩展程序需要某些(jQuery)库才能工作,并且可能与网站的导入相互冲突。2.是否注入/ css? -是的,因为它是一个集成的扩展,需要直接从浏览器DOM处理内容-它仅注入提供EXIF数据功能所需的脚本/ css ============更改日志== ========== 2.4.1-现在支持大多数PDF格式而不会中断-固定/覆盖加载图像的问题已得到修复-网站中断的问题(很少)现在终于得到了修复2.4.0-修复了该问题CSS规则破坏了一些网站-增加了内容空间2.3.8 / 9-UI增强2.3.7-修复了曾经破坏两个网站的require-jquery.js问题2.3.6-PDF问题不可复制,请在此处进行验证-http://bit.ly/2d8lStp,并在http://tiny.cc/extsupport上报告任何问题2.3.5-修复了缺少的相机图片细节2.3.4-改进了外观-通知支持-修复了PDF开放性问题(Ref-http://prntscr.com/cj3h7i)2.2-更新了摄像头模型-添加了新的exif属性2.1-UI更新-附加验证2.0-直方图支持-错误 修复-复制到剪贴板选项1.5。*-额外的相机支持1. *-基本的exif信息显示需要快速帮助吗? 通过-http://tiny.cc/extsupport与我们联系 支持语言:English,Français,Tiếng Việt,Ελληνικά,русский,中文 (繁體)
在使用conda安装或更新软件包时,可能会遇到"fetching package metadata ... condahttperror: http none none for url <none>"的错误消息。这个错误通常意味着conda无法连接到网络或者无法从指定的URL获取软件包的元数据。 解决此问题的方法有以下几种: 1. 检查网络连接:确保您的计算机连接到互联网,可以通过尝试访问其他网页或使用ping命令测试连接。如果网络连接正常,可能是由于conda配置或网络设置问题。 2. 检查代理设置:如果您使用了代理服务器来访问互联网,可能需要在conda的配置文件中设置代理。您可以在~/.condarc或者%USERPROFILE%\.condarc文件中添加proxy_servers配置节,并按照代理服务器的要求进行相应设置。 3. 清除缓存文件:有时候,本地缓存的元数据可能会损坏或过期,可以尝试清除conda的缓存文件。可以使用"conda clean -t"命令清理临时文件,或者使用"conda clean -a"命令清理所有缓存文件。 4. 更新conda:确保您使用的是最新版本的conda。可以使用"conda update conda"命令来更新conda本身,然后再尝试安装或更新软件包。 5. 更换镜像源:由于conda默认使用的镜像源可能会有问题,您可以尝试更改镜像源。可以通过在conda配置文件中添加channels配置节,并指定其他可用的镜像源来更换。 6. 使用conda的--debug选项:如果以上方法都无法解决问题,可以尝试使用conda的--debug选项来获取更详细的错误信息。可以使用"conda install --debug packagename"命令来尝试安装软件包,并查看debug日志以获取有关错误原因的更多信息。 综上所述,当遇到"fetching package metadata ... condahttperror: http none none for url <none>"错误时,可以尝试检查网络连接、代理设置、清除缓存文件、更新conda、更换镜像源以及使用--debug选项等方法来解决问题。


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