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转载 I knew I loved you

I knew I loved youMaybe its intuition Somethings you just dont question Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant And there it goes, I think I can found my best friend I know that it might so

2009-01-11 14:55:00 646

转载 C'est La Vie

 Cest La Vie   Have your leaves all turned to brown   Will you scatter them around you   Cest La Vie   Do you love   And then how am I to know   If you dont let your love show for me   Cest La Vie

2008-12-07 10:47:00 659

转载 burning(music)

 Passion is sweet 激情令人幸福 Love makes weak 爱情令人脆弱 You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go 你曾说过自由至上 因此你不愿被束缚 Follow your fate 命中注定 Love and hate 爱恨情仇 Never fail to seize the day But don

2008-09-27 14:57:00 573

转载 stronger

stronger Tina InezOnce Again I’m longing, for your hungry touch 我再次渴望着 你那如饥似渴的抚摸   Picture when you on me, I’m missing you so much 当你浮现在我的脑海时, 我对你是如此地思念    You turn on light imagination, goal 

2008-06-28 08:45:00 676


     转                        Jesus To A Child / George Michael                 Kindness in your eyes. I guess you heard me cry   You smiled at me, like Jesus to a child   Im blessed, I kno

2008-04-14 19:32:00 507

转载 In my secret life

转 http://50.cidu.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=72&ID=3038Leonard CoheIn My Secret LifeI saw you this morning.我今天早晨看到妳You were moving so fast.你行动得很快很快Can’t seem to loosen my grip似乎没法把我的一切On the past.

2008-03-25 16:44:00 638

翻译 Polymorphic Viruses

Polymorphic Viruses:Implementation, Detection and Protection.by Tarkan Yetiserhttp://vx.netlux.org/lib/static/vdat/pviripd.htmThis paper discusses the subject of polymorphic engines and viruses. I

2008-02-19 20:03:00 983

翻译 Love in December

 so this is love 这就是爱情 in the end of december 在十二月的结尾 quiet nights 沉寂的夜晚 quiet stars 安静的星辰 and Im here 我在这里 monday to sunday 从周一到周日 cause youre fragile 因为,你是如此易受伤害 and Im weak 因为,我是如此脆弱so you fall

2008-01-07 21:23:00 607

转载 This Love

转  http://blog.66wz.com/user1/3287/archives/2007/109741.htmlThis love  这份爱This love is a strange love 这份爱是奇异的爱A faded kind of day love 一种去日消融般的爱this love  这份爱This love  这份爱I think Im gonna fa

2007-05-11 23:31:00 662

转载 Java fontconfig.properties

# @(#)linux.fontconfig.properties 1.chinese 03/10/28## Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.## Versionversion=1# Component Font Mappingsserif.plain.latin-1=-b&h-lucidabright

2007-04-30 21:33:00 2321

转载 that's why you go away(song)

by Michael Learnsbaby wont you tell me why?    宝贝不要告诉我为什么 there is sadness in your eyes.   你的眼底写着悲咽 i dont wanna say goodbey to you.  我不想就此与你告别 love is one big illusion!    爱是一场幻灭 l should try to 

2007-02-13 18:28:00 782

转载 un'emergenza d'amore (song)

unemergenza damore --Laura Pausiniunemergenza damore急需爱情Il mio bisogno di te我需要你Un desiderio cosi speciale一个如此特殊的欲望Che assomiglia a un dolore per me对我来讲却是某种类似痛苦的感觉unemergenza damore急需爱情E no, non

2007-02-04 18:11:00 1082

原创 Problems caused by msxml3

Many problem arise due to the missing  msxml3.dll.  For instance, you may get "对不起,您的浏览器不支持Q-zone的某些特性"  sometime, and youll get this error message everytime you log in to q-zone from now on. You may

2007-01-26 16:03:00 987

转载 Encore Une Fois(song)-前缘再续(歌)

Encore Une Fois前缘再续Suny by Hélène SégaraJai jamais vu damour fragile 我从来没有见过这样容易破碎的爱情jai toujours donné tout 我一直都只会全部给与toute seule au bout de moi 在我自己这一边独自得去给与jtenvoie ces quelques mots 现在,我为你写下这

2007-01-14 12:40:00 1200

原创 Editor war (humor)

爱护小拇指,远离emacs。Vi是编辑器之神,Emacs是神之编辑器。呵呵,有意思。ps:我用Emacs。参见:Editor war 

2006-11-13 20:52:00 625

转载 Should it Matter

Should it Matter - SisselI look at you 我凝视着你Please don`t walk away 请你不要走开I see you`re about to 我已看出,你想要走There is just something 有些事I`d really like to say 我真的想说So please don`t walk away 所以,请不要走开

2006-11-05 22:12:00 873

转载 Scott Meyers's c++ 5x5 series-bible

The Most Important C++ Books...Everhttp://www.artima.com/cppsource/top_cpp_books.htmlThe Most Important C++ Non-Book Publications...Everhttp://www.artima.com/cppsource/top_cpp_publications.htmlThe

2006-09-22 12:51:00 1032

转载 Cross site script

http://www.steve.org.uk/Hacks/XSS/I can run script, what now?Youve seen how you can enter script into a page and have it run when a user clicks on a link, or views a page.This is really j

2006-08-22 23:20:00 989

原创 my Emacs favorites

WangYins Emacs PageGNU EmacsEmacsWiKi 

2006-05-09 20:49:00 672

原创 PHP

Java is the most awesome. I want to be a good scripter and have a lot of competence at cranking out a lot of code(haw-haw).But I cant when I face Java, J2EE, EJB, JSP, etc. I lost my  interest of Jav

2006-05-07 11:17:00 740

转载 because I love you(song)

If I got down on my knees and I pleaded with you,  如果我跪下双膝向你企求宽恕if I crossed a million oceans just to be with you,  如果我横越亿万个海洋,只为与你相守 Would you ever let me down?                       是否你依然会让我失望 If I 

2006-05-05 22:52:00 969

转载 scarborough fair (song)

scarborough fairby sarah brightmanare you going to scarborough fair    你将要去斯卡保罗集市吗parsley sage rosemary and thyme 欧芹,鼠尾草,迷人的迷迭香和百里香.remember me to one who lives there 代我向住在那里的人问好she once was a true lo

2006-05-03 16:46:00 778

转载 Careless Whisper(song)

by WhamI feel so unsure                                                                                     我并无丝毫的把握,As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor     当我牵著你的手,带你步入旋转的舞池,As the mu

2006-05-03 15:05:00 807

转载 Sometimes When We Touch(song)

Rod Stewart - Sometimes When We TouchYou ask me if I love you and I choke on my reply                    你问我是否爱你 我哽咽着无法回答 Id rather hurt you honestly then mislead you with a tie  宁愿是我的诚实使你受到伤害 也不愿用谎言

2006-05-03 14:31:00 895

原创 emacs configuration for Linux

;; Set up the keyboard so the delete key on both the regular keyboard;; and the keypad delete the character under the cursor and to the right;; under X, instead of the default, backspace behavior.(glo

2006-05-03 12:24:00 747

原创 my fvwm configuration

DestroyFunc StartFunctionAddToFunc StartFunction       + I Module FvwmAuto 800 Raise Nop+ I Exec exec fcitx+ I Exec exec xclock -fg white -bg black -digital -strftime "%b %d %a %H:%M" -geometry -0-0+

2006-05-03 12:18:00 1780

原创 my emacs configuration(for Windows)

(setq transient-mark-mode t)(set-w32-system-coding-system chinese-iso-8bit)(custom-set-variables  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be

2006-05-03 10:41:00 1518

原创 NT loader

Its more safely to make dualboot system with nt loader. atfer finishing your Linux installation without installation of GRUB at MBR sector(it s important), you select a Linux partition to install gr

2006-05-03 10:31:00 897

转载 Take my breath away(song)

Take My Breath Away      Jessica SimpsonWatchin every motionIn my foolish lovers gameOn this endless oceanFinally lovers know no shameTurnin and returninTo some secret place insideWatchin in slow

2006-05-02 12:44:00 770

windows via c/c++

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows的第五版,改名了。



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