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原创 Ubuntu下wpa_supplicant命令导致WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed

这个问题困扰了我好几周,最终某个地方看到了这句话 Enabling wpa_supplicant without NetworkManager,于是问题解决了。先说说我的问题,我用了两款USB无线网卡—— TOTOLINK N500UA 和 linksys wusb 600N,在Ubuntu下点右上角的网络图标选择wifi热点,可以连上也可以上网。但是我使用wpa_supp

2016-01-12 14:56:23 4860

转载 Ubuntu打开右上脚网络小图标

sudo service network-manager stopsudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.statesudo service network-manager startsudo gedit /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf把 false 改成 true 保存

2016-01-12 14:39:11 456

原创 Ubuntu 搜狗输入法 一直全角问题

举个例子:全角是ABC半角是ABC比较而言半角比较美观。对于搜狗输入法有两者方法来切换半角和全角。1. Shift + Space2. 先敲一些字母,敲字母的时候,会出现搜狗选择输入的菜单比如:敲abc,我这边出现:1.阿布 2. 埃保常 3.阿百川 4.阿宝c等就在这个菜单上面右键,就会出现全半角转换了。

2016-01-08 17:20:54 4100 4

转载 DHCP:解析开发板上动态获取ip的2种实现方法详解

动态主机设置协议(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP)是一个局域网的网络协议,使用UDP协议工作,主要有两个用途:1.给内部网络或网络服务供应商自动分配IP地址2.给用户给内部网络管理员作为对所有计算机作中央管理的手段。方法一:dhclient    1.下载    https://www.isc.org/software/dhc

2016-01-07 13:26:44 1003

原创 RSNA、802.1X及4-way handshake的关系

Robust Security Network Association:强健安全网络联合。—— 802.11定义的一组保护无线网络安全的过程802.1X:802.1规范的一员,详细讨论了EAPOL。—— 基于Client/Server的访问控制和认证协议,包含三个部分:申请者、认证者、认证服务器。4-way handshake: 实现密钥的派生和缓存。数据被派生

2016-01-07 10:24:38 1933

翻译 Ubuntu 下Putty复制

此方法不仅试用于Putty,还使用于其他的软件。原文:Linux users: In Gnome, you can paste text without previously copying it to the clipboard.How does this work? First, highlight a chunk of text in any applicat

2016-01-07 08:51:01 1282

原创 ap6212 wifi mode & features

Wiphy phy0        Band 1:                Capabilities: 0x1020                        HT20                        Static SM Power Save                        RX HT20 SGI                    

2016-01-07 08:48:42 4476 1

转载 OnHub不支持WEP和WPA

Devices compatible with OnHubAlthough most devices are compatible with OnHub, there are a few that aren’t. Usually, this is because they lack the hardware or software supported by OnHub. See bel

2016-01-06 18:30:36 610

转载 ifconfig wlan0 promisc 与 iw wlan0 set type monitor 区别

Monitor mode enables a wireless nic to capture packets without associating with an access point or ad-hoc network. This is desireable in that you can choose to "monitor" a specific channel, and you ne

2016-01-05 17:16:43 2939

翻译 80211无线网络权威指南——第一章 无线网络导论

一、无线网络导论1.1  为何需要无线移动性(漫游)、 不再受Ethernet束缚、部署方便 1.1.1 无线频谱:关键资源无线设备被限定在某个特定频段(frequency band)上操作。每个频段都有相应的频宽(bandwidth),亦即该频段可供使用的频率空间总和。频宽是评价链路(link)数据传输能力的基准。 表1-1:美国地区常用频段频段 频率范围UH

2016-01-05 08:56:38 1075

转载 ifconfig 说明

eth0,eth1,eth2……代表网卡一,网卡二,网卡三……lo代表127.0.0.1,即localhostwlan0代表无线网卡 参考:Linux命令:ifconfig功能说明:显示或设置网络设备 语 法:ifconfig [网络设备][down up -allmulti -arp -promisc][add地址>][del地址>][硬件地址>] [media网络媒介类

2016-01-05 08:53:00 904


国内相关的资料不多,而且大多是一些简单的命令介绍,最详细的是harrytaurus2002 写的SELinux学习笔记,2012-02-14 版本有 444 页,够多的。本书肯定没有SELinux学习笔记的详尽,可理解为就是一个精简版。文章会分开好几部分,可通过SELinux TAG查询。


Configuring the SELinux Policy

介绍SELinux的文档。This technical report describes how to configure the SELinux security policy for the example security server.


SELinux - an introduction

This introduction was designed to help doing research work on SELinux. Otherwise it would take weeks to search and read the necessary documen-tation, if you haven't worked with SELinux before. This document is far from complete and only touches some subject areas of SELinux. It will try to explain the most important aspects needed to know when working the first time with SELinux. Although may sometimes being a bit superficial, it should still be correct.



1、vc6.0 使用对话框 2、实现opengl读取3ds文件(先用view3ds从3ds文件中导出gl文件和h文件,然后添加到project中) 3、包含view3ds文件,使用方法等。



一个一个的字读取word,同时读取其中的字体、大小等等。 使用时,必须把打开的地址改下,看看代码就知道



把dicom文件转为bmp图像 This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your DicomReset application. DicomReset.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. DicomReset.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CDicomResetApp application class. DicomReset.cpp This is the main application source file that contains the application class CDicomResetApp. DicomReset.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program uses. It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. DicomReset.clw This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing classes or add new classes. ClassWizard also uses this file to store information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data maps and to create prototype member functions. res\DicomReset.ico This is an icon file, which is used as the application's icon. This icon is included by the main resource file DicomReset.rc. res\DicomReset.rc2 This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft Visual C++. You should place all resources not editable by the resource editor in this file.



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