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原创 如何取得AS400访问,一窥究竟

0x01 简介AS/400 是当今世界上最流行的中小型、多用户商业计算机系统。广泛应用于流通、金融证券、制造、运输,安防等各个行业。当今有多好人都使用过 Linux, 高手在人间。 但纵观 IBM Mainframe, AS400, AIX, 有幸能够用上一把的廖如星晨。...

2020-09-24 16:36:23 1328

原创 Squid - 403 Forbidden (SSH via HTTP Proxy)

@Squid欢迎使用Markdown编辑器你好! 这是你第一次使用 Markdown编辑器 所展示的欢迎页。如果你想学习如何使用Markdown编辑器, 可以仔细阅读这篇文章,了解一下Markdown的基本语法知识。新的改变我们对Markdown编辑器进行了一些功能拓展与语法支持,除了标准的Markdown编辑器功能,我们增加了如下几点新功能,帮助你用它写博客:全新的界面设计 ,将会带来全新的写作体验;在创作中心设置你喜爱的代码高亮样式,Markdown 将代码片显示选择的高亮样式 进行展示

2020-09-06 12:29:46 4492

原创 JS - WeakSet/Map vs SetMap Use Case and Explanation

WeakSet / Weak Map vs Set Maphttps://javascript.info/weakmap-weaksethttps://www.houdunren.com/Edu/video/13128

2020-12-13 21:54:00 118

原创 JS Rest parameter & React SetState All in One


2020-12-05 10:11:43 123

原创 JS - console.log deep display

const util = require('util')const db = {}const defaultData = { contacts: [ { id: 'richard', name: 'Richard Kalehoff', handle: '@richardkalehoff', avatarURL: config.origin + '/richard.jpg' }, { id: 'karen',

2020-11-06 08:17:27 282

原创 JS currying

function sortBooks(books){ return function hello(category){ return books.filter(book=> book.category == category) }}mybooks = [{category : 'manga', name :'dragon ball'}, {category : 'manga' , name : 'doraemon'}, .

2020-11-04 11:55:11 108

原创 JS Let‘s Make THIS great again ??!! To understand this in regular and arrow function

function getCountryObject(name, capital){ let full_name = 'The "VERY" Great ' + name console.log("inside function getCountryObject this=", this); return { country_name : full_name, capital : capital, population : 3000000

2020-11-02 10:46:11 94

原创 JS iterator

JS IteratorCreate Custom Iterator next : () =>function iterator(){ let step = 0; return { next : ()=>{ step ++; if (step ==1 ){ return {value : 'cake', done : false}; }

2020-11-02 08:57:38 76

原创 Python generator

Generator内存比较少In [20]: nums_squared_gc = (num**2 for num in range(5000)) # list comprehensionIn [21]: nums_squared_lc = [num**2 for num in range(5000)] # generator comprehensionIn [22]: sys.getsizeof(nums_squared_gc)Out[22]: 120In [23]: sys.getsi

2020-11-01 20:22:11 78

原创 JS variable hoisting

JS Hoisting在function内Example 1 - 没有用 var 来declare variable. Hoisting will happen.Example 2 - 有用 var 来declare variableExample 1t2.js注意: 以下的 a 变量 没有 用 var 来declare。function foo(x){ if (x > 5){ a = 'positive' }else{ a =

2020-10-31 23:09:46 152

原创 JS FYI notes

Example 1const vege = { next : ()=> { return 'hello, '; }}console.log(vege.next());const vege = { next : function(){ return 'hello, '; }}console.log(vege.next());const vege = { next(){ return 'hello

2020-10-30 08:09:43 62

原创 JS this inside regular function vs Arrow function

let person = { name : 'John', height : 180, weight : 75, getBMI : function(){ return this.weight / (this.height * this.height) ; }, arrow_getHeight : () => "Arrow Height="+ this.height, regular_getHeight : funct

2020-10-30 07:25:47 89

原创 JS arrow function vs regular function‘s ==this==

ConceptUnlike Regular function , arrow functiondo not have their own this value,this always inherit from enclosing scopelet message = { name : 'John', regularFunction: function(){ console.log(this); return 'Hello,' + this.nam

2020-10-28 16:18:24 102

原创 Python & Javascript Map one list vs Two lists

Map one listIn [119]: aOut[119]: [1, 2, 3]In [120]: list(map(lambda x : 100* x , a))Out[120]: [100, 200, 300]Map Two listIn [116]: aOut[116]: [1, 2, 3]In [117]: bOut[117]: [10, 20, 30]In [118]: list(map(lambda x, y : x + y , a,b))Out[118]: [

2020-10-24 12:44:19 93

原创 Javascript let is {} scoped, var is not {} scoped.

test_let.jsrole = 'auditor'{ let role = 'developer' console.log(`inside role=${role}`)}console.log(`outside role=${role}`)Execution outputinakamono@ninja MINGW64 ~/wk/coding/hello_node$ node test_let.js inside role=developeroutside role=audit.

2020-10-24 12:09:41 68

原创 Python vs Javascript Map Filter Reduce 对比

概念1. MapPythonIn [24]: pilots = [{'id': 10, 'name': 'Poe Dameron', 'years': 14}, ...: {'id': 2, 'name': "Temmin 'Snap' Wexley", 'years': 30}, ...: {'id': 41, 'name': 'Tallissan Lintra', 'years': 16}, ...: {'id': 99, 'name': 'Ello Asty'

2020-10-24 10:53:07 161

原创 numpy Axis=0, Axis=1

0x01axis=0 cutting through Rowaxis=1 cutting through ColumnsIn [1]: import numpy as np, pandas as pdIn [2]: a = np.arange(10).reshape(2,5) ...: aOut[2]:array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])In [3]: sum1 = np.sum(a)In [4]: sum1Out[4

2020-10-01 09:16:41 133 1

原创 Panda Axis


2020-09-27 18:36:22 124

原创 MinimaxScale 需知

“Everything you need to know about Min-Max normalization in Python” by Serafeim Loukas https://link.medium.com/aFtyLXi769

2020-09-27 13:25:11 250

原创 数据工程工具


2020-09-17 22:29:29 128

原创 Windows Batch 脚本 -For loop 一览

Salary.csvname,country,city,salaryJohn,UK,London,5000Mary,German,Berlin,5300Peter,US,Boston,3000for /f "skip=9 tokens=1,2,3" %%i in (%cd%\salary.txt) do ( echo %%i, %%j, %%k)for /f "skip=9 tokens=1,2,3" %%a in (%cd%\netgroup.txt) do ( echo

2020-09-17 21:47:45 807

原创 特征工程

“What Is Feature Engineering for Machine Learning?”“What Is Feature Engineering for Machine Learning?” by Amit Shekhar https://link.medium.com/o2ojuiyQQ9

2020-09-17 18:09:34 74

原创 Bash - Environment Variables 与 Shell Variables 一图看明白

重点set command 能够显示 Shell variables 和 Environment variablesenv command 只能显示 environment variables只有 environment variables 内的会被子进程继承做实验看看变量会存放在那个 box 里头注意 echo $$ 显示当前的进程的Identifier(PID)0x01 - exportexport firstname=John , John 会放在 Environment Var.

2020-09-12 17:35:03 473

原创 Bash Shell - set, export, source如何应用。变量在父进程,子进程之间的传递

如何让子进程 (Child process) 能够应用 父进程 (Parent process) 下传的环境变量(Environment variables) ?Ans: 在 Parent process, export var1="value1" , child process 就能够继承,看到 parent process 的环境变量-注意 在 Parent process, set var1="value" 和 var1="value" , child process 都不能 看到 pa.

2020-09-12 12:47:10 794



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