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A Blob is a wrapper over the actual data being processed and passed along by Caffe, and also under the hood provides synchronization capability between the CPU and the GPU. Mathematically, a blob is an N-dimensional array stored in a C-contiguous fashion.
Caffe stores and communicates data using blobs. Blobs provide a unified memory interface holding data; e.g., batches of images, model parameters, and derivatives for optimization.
Blobs conceal the computational and mental overhead of mixed CPU/GPU operation by synchronizing from the CPU host to the GPU device as needed. Memory on the host and device is allocated on demand (lazily) for efficient memory usage.
- 存储和传输数据,对外提供统一的内存接口。在Caffe中,输入图像、每层的权重和反向传播时的梯度、每层的输入和输出等都以
形式管理 - 隐藏CPU和GPU之间数据同步的细节(通过
是个 N d N_d Nd维张量。当 N d = 4 N_d=4 Nd=4时,Blob
的shape定义为 N ∗ C ∗ H ∗ W N * C * H * W N∗C∗H∗W,即 N u m ∗ C h a n n e l ∗ H e i g h t ∗ W i d t h Num * Channel * Height * Width Num∗Channel∗Height∗Width,可以表示输入图像Batch、卷积层的kernel参数、卷积层的输入输出map等;当 N d = 2 N_d=2 Nd=2时,可以表示全连接层的权重, N o u t ∗ N i n N_{out} * N_{in} Nout∗Nin;当 N d = 1 N_d=1 Nd=1时,可以表示卷积层和全连接层的bias参数。
- N d = 4 N_d=4 Nd=4,
表示输入图像时, N N N为当前批次的图片数量即MiniBatchNum, C C C为图像的通道数,RGB图 C = 3 C=3 C=3, H H H和 W W