100 Security Assessment, Vulnerability Auditing, & Security Tools

 100 Security Assessment, Vulnerability Auditing, & Security Tools

1 Stockade Virtual Appliance with Snort, BASE, Inprotect, CACTI, NTOP & Others

2 Nessus Open source vulnerability assessment tool

3 Snort Intrusion Detection (IDS) tool

4 Wireshark TCP/IP Sniffer- AKA Ethereal

5 WebScarab Analyze applications that communicate using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols

6 Wikto Web server assessment tool

7 BackTrack Penetration Testing live Linux distribution

8 Netcat The network Swiss army knife

9 Metasploit Framework Comprehensive hacking framework

10 Sysinternals Collection of windows utilities

11 Paros proxy Web application proxy

12 Enum Enumerate Windows information

13 P0F v2 Passive OS identification tool

14 IPPersonality Masquerade IP Stack

15 SLAN Freeware VPN utility

16 IKE Crack IKE/IPSEC cracking utility

17 ASLEAP LEAP cracking tool

18 Karma Wireless client assessment tool- dangerous

19 WEPCrack WEP cracking tool

20 Wellenreiter Wireless scanning application

21 SiteDigger Great Google hacking tool

22 Several DDOS Tools Distributed Denial of Service(DDOS) tools

23 Achilles Web Proxy Tool

24 Firefox Web Developer Tool Manual web assessment

25 Scoopy Virtual Machine Identification tool

26 WebGoat Learning tool for web application pentests

27 FlawFinder Source code security analyzer

28 ITS4 Source code security analyzer

29 Slint Source code security analyzer

30 PwDump3 Dumps Windows 2000 & NT passwords

31 Loki ICMP covert channel tool

32 Zodiac DNS testing tool

33 Hunt TCP hijacking tool

34 SniffIT Curses-Based sniffing tool

35 CactiEZ Network traffic analysis ISO

36 Inprotect Web-based Nessus administration tool

37 OSSIM Security Information Management (SIM)

38 Nemesis Command-Line network packet manipulation tool

39 NetDude TCPDump manipulation tool

40 TTY Watcher Terminal session hijacking

41 Stegdetect Detects stego-hidden data

42 Hydan Embeds data within x86 applications

43 S-Tools Embeds data within a BMP, GIF, & WAV Files

44 Nushu Passive covert channel tool

45 Ptunnel Transmit data across ICMP

46 Covert_TCP Transmit data over IP Header fields

47 THC-PBX Hacker PBX Hacking/Auditing Utility

48 THC-Scan Wardialer

49 Syslog-NG MySQL Syslog Service

50 WinZapper Edit WinNT 4 & Win2000 log files

51 Rootkit Detective Rootkit identification tool

52 Rootkit Releaver Rootkit identification tool

53 RootKit Hunter Rootkit identification tool

54 Chkrootkit Rootkit identification tool

55 LKM Linux Kernal Rootkit

56 TCPView Network traffic monitoring tool

57 NMAP Network mapping tool

58 Ollydbg Windows unpacker

59 UPX Windows packing application

60 Burneye Linux ELF encryption tool

61 SilkRpoe 2000 GUI-Based packer/wrapper

62 EliteWrap Backdoor wrapper tool

63 SubSeven Remote-Control backdoor tool

64 MegaSecurity Site stores thousands of trojan horse backdoors

65 Netbus Backdoor for Windows

66 Back Orfice 2000 Windows network administration tool

67 Tini Backdoor listener similar to Netcat

68 MBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

69 OpenVPN SSL VPN solution

70 Sguil An Analyst Console for network security/log Monitoring

71 Honeyd Create your own honeypot

72 Brutus Brute-force authentication cracker

73 cheop / cheops-ng Maps local or remote networks and identifies OS of machines

74 ClamAV A GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX

75 Fragroute / Fragrouter Intrusion detection evasion toolkit

76 Arpwatch Monitor ethernet/IP address pairings and can detect ARP Spoofing

77 Angry IP Scanner Windows port scanner

78 Firewalk Advanced traceroute

79 RainbowCrack Password Hash Cracker

80 EtherApe EtherApe is a graphical network monitor for Unix

81 WebInspect Web application scanner

82 Tripwire File integrity checker

83 Ntop Network traffic usage monitor

84 Sam Spade Windows network query tool

85 Scapy Interactive packet manipulation tool

86 Superscan A Windows-only port scanner

87 Airsnort 802.11 WEP Encryption Cracking Tool

88 Aircrack WEP/WPA cracking tool

89 NetStumbler Windows 802.11 Sniffer

90 Dsniff A suite of powerful network auditing and penetration-testing tools

91 John the Ripper Multi-platform password hash cracker

92 BASE The Basic Analysis and Security Engine- used to manage IDS data

93 Kismet Wireless sniffing tool

94 THC Hydra Network authentication cracker

95 Nikto Web scanner

96 Tcpdump TCP/IP analysis tool

97 L0phtcrack Windows password auditing and recovery application

98 Reverse WWW Shell Shell access across port 80

99 THC-SecureDelete Ensure deleted files are unrecoverable

100 THC-AMAP Application mapping tool





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