ASPNetFlashVideo v1.4.0











ASPNetFlashVideo for ASP.NET

The ASPNetFlashVideo Component allows you to add YouTube style Flash Videos (.flv files) to ASP.Net websites. ASPNetFlashVideo requires no Flash programming and is unique:

  • ASPNetFlashVideo is a completely skinnable (demo, tutorial) Flash Video player for ASP.NET
  • Your users will never have to see the annoying "Click to activate and use this control" message.
  • Flash Videos are embedded as Search-Engine-Optimized, WAI-Accessible, XHTML-Compliant Controls for the first time in ASP.Net.
  • Supports FullScreen mode through a double click or the context menu.
  • All script and XHTML markup created by ASPNetFlashVideo is encrypted, creating a blanket of security over your video files.
  • Comprehensive support is on call to guide you through every step of your trial and integration process, and will remain readily available throughout the life of this product.

Flash Video can be encoded easily using free tools provided by Riva and Adobe.

With ASPNetFlashVideo you can build a completely custom user interface using ASPNetMedia Button and Playlist Controls or with our JavaScript API.


Skinning the ASPNetFlashVideo FLV Player

ASPNetFlashVideo provides a robust user interface for FLV video playback with a neutral user interface.

Through experience we have noticed a regular need for developers to rebrand and skin video players.  We have adopted an Adobe standard to make this easily possible for ASPNetFlashVideo.

Custom FLV Skins

Downloading and Creating FLV Skins

ASPNetFlashVideo can be skinned using Adobe FLV Playback Skin technology.  These can easily be developed using Flash 8 or above.

Many sites offer free FLV skin downloads including

Applying FLV Skins

Once you have found your skin it can be used by adding it to you ASP.NET website project and then pointing to it using the SkinURL property of your ASPNetFlashVideo WebControl.



How To:  Define HTML Alternative Content

1.  Key Concepts


1.  Purpose

ASPNetFlashVideo WebControl HTML Alternative content serves 3 important purposes:

  1. Helps maintain the look and feel of a website when visitors have no FlashVideo Player plugin, or if their plugin cannot play your FlashVideo Movie.  
  2. Allows web designers to guarantee full functionality and accessibility for every website user.
  3. Unlike Adobe FlashVideo Movies, search engines can read and spider HTML alternative content - which aids Search Engine Optimization.

2.  Usage

    The HTML Alternative content is always rendered.  In the rendered page, it is placed within an HTML element, whose ID attribute matches that of the ASPNetFlashVideo WebControl instance.  In the case that FlashVideo is available to the user, the WebControl's FlashVideo Movie is written over this content.  The HTML Alternative can be defined in 2 ways:

  1. Using the WebControl Smart Tags (Edit Templates) - Visual Studio 2005 only.
  2. Directly in the ASPX Code View

    The HTML alternative can contain any ASPX-style content except for code blocks i.e.: <% Response.Write("Hello World"); %>.  To test and debug your HTML alternative, you can set the WebControl's Enabled property to false.  Then, when you run the web application, the HTML alternative will render as if your browser could not display the FlashVideo Movie.


2.  Tutorial

Steps 1-3 are for Visual Studio 2005 users only.  Visual Studio 2002/2003 should skip ahead to step 4.

1.  Open the Smart Tags Property Panel by clicking on the arrow on the top right of the WebControl

ASPNetFlashVideo Tutorials HTML Alternative Smart tags


2.  Click on "Edit Templates" at the bottom of the panel

ASPNetFlashVideo Tutorials HTML Alternative Edit template


3.  Add/Edit content within the editor.  Note that this editor can be resized.

ASPNetFlashVideo Tutorials HTML Alternative edit template add content


4.  Steps 1-3 will generate the following ASPX Code.  

Optionally, you can edit this code by hand.  For Visual Studio 2002/2003 users, manual editing is the only option available.  Create the "HTMLAlternativeTemplate" tags within the ASPNetFlashVideo:FlashVideo tags as shown, and place your content within them.





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