Sybase, Inc 510-022 Exam

  • Exam Number/Code : 510-022
  • Exam Name : sybase adaptive server enterprise administrator professsional
  • Questions and Answers : 120 Q&As
  • Update Time: 2010-04-15


1. Whcih SQL statement finds the first page of sysgams"
A. select first from sysobjects where id = object_id("sysgams")
B. select first from sysindexes where id = object_id("sysgams")
C. select first from syscolumns where id = object_id("sysgams")
D. select first from sysgams
Answer: B

2. Consider the following page header:
pageno=720 nextpg=0 prevpg=0 objid=64000228 timestamp=0000 000022b5
nextrno=5 level=0 indid=0 freeoff=150 minlen=6
How many data rows are currently on this page?
A. 0
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
F. Unknown
Answer: F

3. What dboption must be true to fix allocation errors on a system table?
A. dbo only
B. no free space acctng.
C. select into/bulkcopy/pllsort
D. single user
E. trunc log on chkpt
Answer: D

4. Which of the following are true about the mount/unmount commands?
A. Mount detaches the database and its devices from ASE.
B. Only 1 database can be unmounted in a single unmount command.
C. The master database cannot be unmounted.
D. The mount/unmount commands require sybase_ts_role.
Answer: C

5. Which of the following pages is NOT found on an allocation unit?
A. Data
B. Index
E. Control
F. None of the above
Answer: E

6. All of the following are causes of fragmentation in a table EXCEPT
A. no clustered index
B. page splits
C. row level locking
D. too many indexes
Answer: D

7. Which of the following attributes are NOT set using sp_dbcc_updateconfig?
A. Maximum number of worker processes to use.
B. Size of the named cache to use.
C. Sizes of the of the workspaces to use.
D. Size of the extent IO buffer pool to use.
Answer: B

8. How many allocation pages are created in a 4 MB database (assuming 4K page size)?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
Answer: B

9. The first page on a device fragment must? (Choose 2)
A. be listed in the lstart column of sysusages.
B. be listed in the low column of sysdevices.
C. be an OAM page.
D. be an allocation page.
E. have a logical page number that is a multiple of 1024.
Answer: AD

10. Which of the following statements about named caches are true in ASE? (Choose 4)
A. Named caches can be created dynamically.
B. Named caches can be dropped dynamically.
C. Named caches can be made larger dynamically.
D. Named caches can be made smaller dynamically.
E. Named cache partitions can be changed dynamically.
F. Named cache replacement policies can be changed dynamically.
Answer: CDEF

11. If a user-defined tempdb is unavailable at login the user will be placed in the system tempdb if ?
A. the binding was created using the soft option.
B. the binding was created using the hard option.
C. user tempdb belongs to a group.
D. the system tempdb is over 1 GB in size.
Answer: A

12. Which of the following dbcc commands can be run with a fix option?
A. dbcc checkalloc.
B. dbcc checkcatalog
C. dbcc checkdb.
D. dbcc checkstorage.
E. dbcc checkverify.
Answer: A

13. The dbcc checkverify command should be run ?
A. only once, to aid in configuring the dbccdb.
B. prior to creation of a new index, to ensure the table's page linkage is accurate.
C. prior to most dbcc commands, to ensure the database is in the proper state.
D. immediately following the dbcc checkstorage command.
E. immediately following any non-logged action.
Answer: D

14. Given the following information from an allocation page, which of the following is NOT true?
OAMPG:5121 Extent ID 5336
Object ID is 1264004503
Index ID is 2
Allocation bitmap: 0xff
A. None of the pages of this extent are in use.
B. The OAM page for this table is page 5121.
C. This table has a nonclustered index.
D. The first page of this extent is 5336.
Answer: A

15. Which of the following statements about the async log service async log service (DB option) Database
optionsasync log service is true?
A. async log service is a server-wide configuration parameter.
B. async log service can be enabled only in an ASE server with at least 4 engines.
C. async log service is designed to improve ASE performance by performing transaction log I/O using the largest
available buffer pool.
D. When enable, the async log service functionality is perfomed by additional, dedicated ASE system processes.
Answer: BD

16. Which of the following is the minimum size for object allocation for ASE 12.5 with a logical page size of 16K?
A. 16K
B. 32K
C. 64K
D. 128K
Answer: D

17. How would you locate the first OAM page for a given table?
A. has no fixed addresses
B. listed in sysindexes.
C. listed in sysobjects
D. listed in the GAM page
Answer: B

18. How are OAM pages linked?
A. Each OAM page is linked to its allocation page.
B. Linear page chain for APL; not linked for DOL.
C. No more than one OAM page per object, so no chain.
D. OAM pages are circularly linked.
Answer: D

19. For a database with its log on a separate device, which of the following dbcc commands show the percentage of
free log space? (Choose 2)
A. dbcc checkalloc
B. dbcc checkcatalog
C. dbcc checkdb
D. dbcc checkstorage
E. dbcc checktable
Answer: BD

20. When should dbcc reindex be used?
A. after the sort order in ASE has been changed
B. when a new language has been installed in ASE.
C. when corruptions have been found in text/image page chains.
D. when corruptions have been found in indexes on system tables.
Answer: A

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内容介绍 项目结构: Controller层:使用Spring MVC来处理用户请求,负责将请求分发到相应的业务逻辑层,并将数据传递给视图层进行展示。Controller层通常包含控制器类,这些类通过注解如@Controller、@RequestMapping等标记,负责处理HTTP请求并返回响应。 Service层:Spring的核心部分,用于处理业务逻辑。Service层通过接口和实现类的方式,将业务逻辑与具体的实现细节分离。常见的注解有@Service和@Transactional,后者用于管理事务。 DAO层:使用MyBatis来实现数据持久化,DAO层与数据库直接交互,执行CRUD操作。MyBatis通过XML映射文件或注解的方式,将SQL语句与Java对象绑定,实现高效的数据访问。 Spring整合: Spring核心配置:包括Spring的IOC容器配置,管理Service和DAO层的Bean。配置文件通常包括applicationContext.xml或采用Java配置类。 事务管理:通过Spring的声明式事务管理,简化了事务的处理,确保数据一致性和完整性。 Spring MVC整合: 视图解析器:配置Spring MVC的视图解析器,将逻辑视图名解析为具体的JSP或其他类型的视图。 拦截器:通过配置Spring MVC的拦截器,处理请求的预处理和后处理,常用于权限验证、日志记录等功能。 MyBatis整合: 数据源配置:配置数据库连接池(如Druid或C3P0),确保应用可以高效地访问数据库。 SQL映射文件:使用MyBatis的XML文件或注解配置,将SQL语句与Java对象映射,支持复杂的查询、插入、更新和删除操作。




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