oracle 内存数据库 TimesTen试用笔记(aix5.3)

最近公司打算在下一代计费系统里面使用内存数据库的技术,所以作为公司的设计人员之一的我,在oracle网上下了个TimesTen,安装在我们的测试服务器上面aix5,这篇短文主要是我操作数据库的一个笔记,下一篇打算发一个c程序的例子和我测试的结果,后续可能还会使用TimesTen cache of oracle这个产品,陆续也会发一下这方面的笔记上来,希望对有这方面需求的朋友有所帮助。

1 建立.odbc.ini文件在登陆目录下
[ODBC Data Sources]
mytimesten=TimesTen 6.0 Driver


2 连接数据源,并创建表
[31 machine]/home/fee>ttIsql

Copyright (c) 1996-2006, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
All commands must end with a semicolon character.

Command> connect "DSN=DemoDataStore";
IM002: Data source name not found and no default driver specified
The command failed.
Command> connect "DSN=DemoDataStore";
Connection successful: DSN=DemoDataStore;UID=fee;DataStore=/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore;PermSize=16;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)

Command> create table customer
> (cust_number integer not null primary key,
> first_name char(12) not null,
> last_name char(12) not null,
> address varchar (100) not null);

Command> describe customer;

   *CUST_NUMBER                     INTEGER NOT NULL
    FIRST_NAME                      CHAR (12) NOT NULL
    LAST_NAME                       CHAR (12) NOT NULL
    ADDRESS                         VARCHAR (100) INLINE NOT NULL

1 table found.
(primary key columns are indicated with *)

Command>  create table ref_products
> (prod_number char(10) not null primary key,
> prod_name varchar(100) not null,
> price decimal(6,2) not null);

Command>  create table orders
> (order_number integer not null,
> cust_number integer not null,
> prod_name char(10) not null,
> order_date date not null);

Command> host ttSchema DemoDataStore;
create table FEE.CUSTOMER (
        CUST_NUMBER INTEGER not null,
        FIRST_NAME  CHAR(12) not null,
        LAST_NAME   CHAR(12) not null,
        ADDRESS     VARCHAR(100) inline not null,
    primary key (CUST_NUMBER));

create table FEE.ORDERS (
        ORDER_NUMBER INTEGER not null,
        CUST_NUMBER  INTEGER not null,
        PROD_NAME    CHAR(10) not null,
        ORDER_DATE   DATE not null);

create table FEE.REF_PRODUCTS (
        PROD_NUMBER CHAR(10) not null,
        PROD_NAME   VARCHAR(100) inline not null,
        PRICE       DECIMAL(6,2) not null,
    primary key (PROD_NUMBER));
Command> exit

3 通过文件导入数据
[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>ls -al
total 32
drwxrwxrwx   2 fee      dba             256 Oct 24 17:25 ./
drwxr-xr-x   3 fee      dba            4096 Oct 24 17:25 ../
-r--r--r--   1 fee      dba            1565 Oct 24 17:24 customer.dat
-r--r--r--   1 fee      dba            1591 Oct 24 17:24 orders.dat
-r--r--r--   1 fee      dba             967 Oct 24 17:24 ref_products.dat
[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>pwd
[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>cat customer.dat
3700,"Peter","Burchard","882 Osborne Avenue, Boston, MA 02122"
1121,"Saul","Mendoza","721 Stardust Street, Mountain View, CA 94043"
1278,"Mary","Behr","2233 Emerson Road, Vancouver, WA 98663"
1868,"Paul","Tu","308 Bowman Court, Palo Alto, CA 94309"
3645,"John","Silva","3329 Taffy Lane, Atlanta, GA 30314"
1935,"Sandra","Lao","115 Spangler Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112"
1002,"Marco","Mueller","40 East 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10009"
2364,"Karen","Johnson","3971 Hill Road, Chicago, IL 60608"
2655,"Linda","Garcia","7599 Clark Road, Denver, CO 80210"
1077,"Gautam","Mudunuri","16 Welsley Avenue, Fremont, CA 94555"
3864,"Ruth","Silver","88 West 65th Street, New York, NY 10009"
1010,"Fatima","Borba","6868 Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128"
2300,"Pavel","Popov","233 Loredo Street, Dallas, TX 75210"
1001,"Steven","McPhee","72 Vine Street, San Jose, CA 95125"
3525,"Anthony","Bianchi","122 Fuller Avenue, Patchogue, NY 11772"
2826,"Mary","Anderson","6363 Bjorn Road, Minneapolis, MN 55417"
2435,"Juanita","Dawes","733 Valdosta Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70816"
1224,"Abdul","Aziz","6793 Bird Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126"
3611,"Katherine","McKenzie","54 East 21st Avenue, New York, NY 10009"
1900,"Patricia","Levesque","658 Aristotle Road, Palo Alto, CA 94305"
3290,"Paula","Rossi","21 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10009"
1665,"David","Singh","4001 West Hedding, San Jose, CA 95216"
3098,"Cynthia","Stewart","333 East Palm Street, Miami, FL 33150"
1133,"Kerri","Haas","68 East San Fernando, San Jose, CA 95113"
2555,"Bo","Smith","124 North 1st Street, Dallas, TX 75210"
[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>ttBulkCp -i -d warn DSN=DemoDataStore fee.customer customer.dat

    25 rows inserted
    25 rows total

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>ttBulkCp -i -d warn DSN=DemoDataStore fee.orders orders.dat

    43 rows inserted
    43 rows total

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>ttBulkCp -i -d warn DSN=DemoDataStore fee.ref_products ref_products.dat

    15 rows inserted
    15 rows total
4 查询导入的数据   
[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>ttIsql

Copyright (c) 1996-2006, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
All commands must end with a semicolon character.

Command> connect "DSN=DemoDataStore";
Connection successful: DSN=DemoDataStore;UID=fee;DataStore=/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore;PermSize=16;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)

Command> select * from customer;
< 3700, Peter       , Burchard    , 882 Osborne Avenue, Boston, MA 02122 >
< 1121, Saul        , Mendoza     , 721 Stardust Street, Mountain View, CA 94043 >
< 1278, Mary        , Behr        , 2233 Emerson Road, Vancouver, WA 98663 >
< 1868, Paul        , Tu          , 308 Bowman Court, Palo Alto, CA 94309 >
< 3645, John        , Silva       , 3329 Taffy Lane, Atlanta, GA 30314 >
< 1935, Sandra      , Lao         , 115 Spangler Avenue, San Jose, CA 95112 >
< 1002, Marco       , Mueller     , 40 East 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10009 >
< 2364, Karen       , Johnson     , 3971 Hill Road, Chicago, IL 60608 >
< 2655, Linda       , Garcia      , 7599 Clark Road, Denver, CO 80210 >
< 1077, Gautam      , Mudunuri    , 16 Welsley Avenue, Fremont, CA 94555 >
< 3864, Ruth        , Silver      , 88 West 65th Street, New York, NY 10009 >
< 1010, Fatima      , Borba       , 6868 Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128 >
< 2300, Pavel       , Popov       , 233 Loredo Street, Dallas, TX 75210 >
< 1001, Steven      , McPhee      , 72 Vine Street, San Jose, CA 95125 >
< 3525, Anthony     , Bianchi     , 122 Fuller Avenue, Patchogue, NY 11772 >
< 2826, Mary        , Anderson    , 6363 Bjorn Road, Minneapolis, MN 55417 >
< 2435, Juanita     , Dawes       , 733 Valdosta Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 >
< 1224, Abdul       , Aziz        , 6793 Bird Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 >
< 3611, Katherine   , McKenzie    , 54 East 21st Avenue, New York, NY 10009 >
< 1900, Patricia    , Levesque    , 658 Aristotle Road, Palo Alto, CA 94305 >
< 3290, Paula       , Rossi       , 21 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10009 >
< 1665, David       , Singh       , 4001 West Hedding, San Jose, CA 95216 >
< 3098, Cynthia     , Stewart     , 333 East Palm Street, Miami, FL 33150 >
< 1133, Kerri       , Haas        , 68 East San Fernando, San Jose, CA 95113 >
< 2555, Bo          , Smith       , 124 North 1st Street, Dallas, TX 75210 >
25 rows found.

5 sql操作
Command> insert into customer
> values(1365,'Josephine','Rogers','2100 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95054');
1 row inserted.

Command> select * from customer where cust_number=1365;
< 1365, Josephine   , Rogers      , 2100 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95054 >
1 row found.  

6 备份数据库
[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6>mkdir backup

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6>ls
DemoDataStore/       DemoDataStore.ds1    DemoDataStore.res0   DemoDataStore.res2
DemoDataStore.ds0    DemoDataStore.log0   DemoDataStore.res1   backup/

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6>ttBackup -dir /home/fee/TimesTen6/backup "DSN=DemoDataStore";
Backup started ...
Backup complete

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6>cd backup

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/backup>ls
DemoDataStore.0.bac    DemoDataStore.0.bac0   DemoDataStore.sta

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/backup>ll
total 29592
-rw-------   1 fee      dba        14549816 Oct 24 17:44 DemoDataStore.0.bac
-rw-------   1 fee      dba          589824 Oct 24 17:44 DemoDataStore.0.bac0
-rw-------   1 fee      dba             688 Oct 24 17:44 DemoDataStore.sta

7 删除和恢复数据库
[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/backup>ttstatus
TimesTen status report as of Tue Oct 24 17:47:25 2006

Daemon pid 782504 port 16001 instance TimesTen6
TimesTen server pid 774300 started on port 16003
No TimesTen webserver running

Data store /home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore
There are no connections to the data store
Replication policy  : Manual
Cache agent policy : Manual
End of report

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/backup>ttDestroy /home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/backup>ttstatus
TimesTen status report as of Tue Oct 24 17:51:59 2006

Daemon pid 782504 port 16001 instance TimesTen6
TimesTen server pid 774300 started on port 16003
No TimesTen webserver running

End of report

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore>ttRestore -dir /home/fee/TimesTen6/backup "DSN=DemoDataStore";
Restore started ...
Restore complete

[31 machine]/home/fee/TimesTen6>ttstatus
TimesTen status report as of Tue Oct 24 17:53:46 2006

Daemon pid 782504 port 16001 instance TimesTen6
TimesTen server pid 774300 started on port 16003
No TimesTen webserver running

Data store /home/fee/TimesTen6/DemoDataStore
There are no connections to the data store
Replication policy  : Manual
Cache agent policy : Manual
End of report 





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


