idea 之 External Tools


主要的作用是在idea 中,使用第三方应用程序打开文件

一、新建External Tools

1.快捷键 Ctrl+Alt+S,

2. select Tools | External Tools.

  • Click   and specify the following settings:

    • Name: The name of the tool that will be displayed in the IntelliJ IDEA interface.(平常显示的名称)

    • Group: The name of the group to which the tool belongs. You can select an existing group or type the name of a new group.

    • Description: A meaningful description of the tool.(.exe所在的地址)

    • Program: The path to the application executable file.(必须填写,如图所示 只需要选择即可)

    • Arguments: The arguments passed to the executable file, as you would specify them on the command line.note(自动会带出来)

  • The Create Tool dialog


二、使用External Tools

在.md文件上右键,选择External Tools -> Typora 就可以拿第三方软件打开.md格式的文件,也可以自定义快捷键

自定义快捷键 步骤

ps:另外可以用External Tools 来实现javap工具来反汇编class字节码文件


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Chapter 1, Why Should I Care for Test-Driven Development?, spells out our goal of becoming a Java developer with a TDD black belt. In order to know where we're going, we'll have to discuss and find answers to some questions that will define our voyage. Chapter 2, Tools, Frameworks, and Environments, will compare and set up all the tools, frameworks and environments that will be used throughout this book. Each of them will be accompanied with code that demonstrates their strengths and weaknesses. Chapter 3, Red-Green-Refactor – From Failure Through Success until Perfection, will help us develop a Tic-Tac-Toe game using the red-greenrefactor technique, which is the pillar of TDD. We'll write a test and see it fail; we'll write a code that implements that test, run all the tests, and see them succeed; and finally, we'll refactor the code and try to make it better. Chapter 4, Unit Testing – Focusing on What You Do and Not on What Has Been Done, shows that to demonstrate the power of TDD applied to unit testing, we'll need to develop a remote-controlled ship. We'll learn what unit testing really is, how it differs from functional and integration tests, and how it can be combined with test-driven development. Chapter 5, Design – If It's Not Testable, It's Not Designed Well, will help us develop a Connect 4 game without any tests and try to write tests at the end. This will give us insights into the difficulties we are facing when applications are not developed in a way that they can be tested easily. Chapter 6, Mocking – Removing External Dependencies, shows how TDD is about speed. We want to quickly demonstrate some idea/concept. We'll continue developing our Tic-Tac-Toe game by adding MongoDB as our data storage. None of our tests will actually use MongoDB since all communications to it will be mocked. Chapter 7, TDD and Functional Programming – A Perfect Match, dives into the functional programming paradigm and how TDD could be applied when programming in that way. We'
After the fundamental volume and the advanced technique volume, this volume focuses on R applications in the quantitative investment area. Quantitative investment has been hot for some years, and there are more and more startups working on it, combined with many other internet communities and business models. R is widely used in this area, and can be a very powerful tool. The author introduces R applications with cases from his own startup, covering topics like portfolio optimization and risk management. There are six chapters in this book, categorized into three parts: Financial Market and Financial Theory, Data Processing and High Performance Computing of R, and Financial Strategy Practice. Every chapter is a holistic knowledge system. Section One is Financial Market and Financial Theory (including Chapters 1 and 2), which starts with an understanding of finance to establish a basic idea of financial quantification. Chapter 1, Financial Market Overview, is the opening chapter of this book, which mainly introduces the ideas and methods of how to use R language to make quantitative investments. Chapter 2, Financial Theory, mainly introduces the classic theoretical models of finance and the R implementation methods. In Section Two, Data Processing and High Performance Computing of R (including Chapters 3 and 4), essential tools of R language for data processing and their usage are introduced in detail. Chapter 3, Data Processing of R, cored with the data processing technology of R, introduces the methods of processing different types of data with R language. In Chapter 4, High Performance Computing of R, three external technologies are introduced to help the performance of R language meet the production environment requirements. Section Three, Financial Strategy Practice (including Chapters 5 and 6), combines the R language technology and the financial market rules to solve the practical problems in financial quantification field. In Chapter 5, Bonds and Repurchase, readers can learn the market and the methods of low-risk investment. In Chapter 6, Quantitative Investment Strategy Cases, the investment research methods from theory to practice are introduced in whole. Since knowledge of different areas is comprehensively applied in this book, it is suggested that you read all the chapters in order. Some of the technical implementations mentioned in this book use the information from the other two books of the series, R for Programmers: Mastering the Tools and R2 for Programmers: Advanced Techniques, so it is recommended that you read those two as well.


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