现象:dsp在nwrite完成会发送一个nwrite finished的门铃信号,计时dsp的单次发送传输时间会很长,达到秒级别
Timeout value for all ports on the device. This timeout is for sending a packet to receiving the corresponding
response packet. Max value represents 3 to 6 seconds. The timeout duration can be expressed as:
Timeout = 15 x((Prescale Value + 1) x DMA Clock Period x Timeout Value)
where Prescale Value is set in PER_SET_CNTL (offset 0020h) and the Timeout Value is the decimal representation
of this register value. For example, given a 400 MHz DMA, a Prescale Value of 4, and a Timeoout Value of FFFFFFh,
the Timeoout duration would be:
Timeout = 15 x((4 + 1) x 2.5 ns x 16777216) = 3.15 s