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转载 我心狂野

       刚看了电影《我心狂野》,主要是冲着大卫*林奇而去的。这部电影有点早,而且林奇的电影节奏一直不快,所以第一次看的时候到3xmin的时候,我就干其他事情去了。今天没事把它finish了。感觉主要讲人如不能收起狂野的心灵,只能陷于欲望的深渊而不能自拔。     zz几篇评论:《我心狂野》:迷失在嫉妒与欲望之间 Cage开始杀人残暴,满地的鲜血,和女人嘴唇的颜色一样,透过欲望与愤

2007-05-04 22:48:00 1322

Flex 3 in Action

Flex 3 in Action is an easy-to-follow, hands-on Flex tutorial. Chock full of examples, this book goes beyond feature coverage and helps you put Flex to work in real day-to-day tasks. You'll quickly master the Flex API and learn to apply the techniques that make your Flex applications stand out from the crowd. Interesting themes, styles, and skins? It's in there. Working with databases? You got it. Interactive forms and validation? You bet. Charting techniques to help you visualize data? Bam! The expert authors of Flex 3 in Action have one goal - to help you get down to business with Flex 3. Fast.


Wireless Communication Systems

Wireless Communication Systems





Beginning Silverlight 3

Beginning Silverlight 3



MooTools (which stands for My Object-Oriented "JavaScript" Tools) is a lightweight, modular, object-oriented JavaScript framework. It greatly speeds up and enhances the development cycle of feature-rich Ajax/JavaScript web applications. Created by Valerio Proietti—who originally intended it to be an extension to the Prototype JavaScript framework—MooTools has since grown into an independent, open-source, and very robust JavaScript framework with a solid team of core developers and thousands of users who support, contribute, and rabidly evangelize the project. MooTools, in essence, abstracts normal JavaScript code so that you can write more terse and elegant client-side scripts. It has a host of useful functions, methods, and classes that'll let you develop robust web components and web applications. The developers of MooTools strongly believe in applying Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles to JavaScript, a structural programming language. Since everything in JavaScript is an object, MooTools provides a cleaner, easier, and more elegant way to manipulate the object to our will. MooTools also helps make the JavaScript code cross-browser compatible.


Art of Computer Networking

This book, like so many, has grown from an undergraduate Networking course. Its current content is rather more than a single course could comfortably cover, though it is all relevant for an adventurer into the jungle of networks.


System Software Reliability

System Software Reliability



Current books on Tomcat are primarily focused on the application deployer or administrator. As a result, they invariably focus on the issues related to managing a Tomcat installation, configuring the runtime environment, and on deploying web applications. On the other hand, while books on servlet programming are targeted at Java web developers, they often provide a container-agnostic view of the servlet specification. Tomcat is often a bit player in these books and has very few speaking lines. This book fills the void between these two approaches. It will take you on a guided tour of a living implementation of an industrial-strength servlet container. Along the way, you will learn how various elements of the Servlet 2.5 specification as well as how the HTTP RFCs are implemented. By the end of your journey, you will have acquired specialist grade skills in a range of technologies that contribute to the arena of Java server-side development. This book intended to provide Tomcat administrators, deployers, and developers an introduction into the internal workings of the Tomcat servlet container. At the same time, it provides Java web programmers with a deep appreciation of the Servlet API by exploring its reference implementation—the Tomcat container. While this book provides you with the conceptual background of all that is necessary to take your skills to the next level, it assumes that the reader has a general understanding of the Java programming language and Java web programming.



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