Function GetChar(strChar As String, varType As Variant) '取值函数

   Dim objRegExp As Object

   Dim objMatch As Object

   Dim strPattern As String

   Dim arr

   Set objRegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

   varType = LCase(varType)

   Select Case varType

       Case 1, "number"

           strPattern = "-?\d+(\.\d+)?"

       Case 2, "english"

           strPattern = "[a-z]+"

       Case 3, "chinese"

           strPattern = "[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+"

   End Select

   With objRegExp

       .Global = False  '匹配到结果就停止

       .IgnoreCase = True   '忽略大小写

       .Pattern = strPattern   '匹配数字字母括号

       Set objMatch = .Execute(strChar)

   End With

   If objMatch.Count = 0 Then

       GetChar = ""

       Exit Function

   End If

   ReDim arr(0 To objMatch.Count - 1)

   For Each cell In objMatch

       arr(i) = objMatch(i)

       i = i + 1


   GetChar = arr

   Set objRegExp = Nothing

   Set objMatch = Nothing

End Function