
import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.List;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class tanchishe 
 public static void main(String[] args)
  new MainFrame("迷宫破解").addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()    //添加窗口关闭处理函数 
   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) 

class Rect{
 int wx;
 int wy;
 int NowValue;
 int PointerTo;
    public Rect(int wx,int wy){
     this.wx = wx;
     this.wy = wy;
 public int GetX() {
  return wx;
 public int Gety() {
  return wy;
 public int GetNowValue() {
  return NowValue;
 public void SetNowValue(int NowValue) {
  this.NowValue = NowValue;
 public int GetPointerTo() {
  return PointerTo;
 public void SetPointerTo(int PointerTo) {
  this.PointerTo = PointerTo;
 public String toString() {
  return ("wx is:" + wx + "wy is:" + wy + "NowValue is:"
    + NowValue + "PointerTo is:" + PointerTo);


class stack_thread implements Runnable
 public void run() {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub




class MainFrame extends Frame
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 Map map = new Map(2);      //默认进入游戏的第二关
 Button a = new Button("开始");
 Button b = new Button("暂停");
 Button c = new Button("退出");
 Button l = new Button("进入");
 Label ll = new Label("关卡");
 TextField t = new TextField(15);
 List lst = new List(4, false);
 List lll = new List(4);
 Rectangle r = new Rectangle(60,10);
 Init_GameArea init = new Init_GameArea(this,t,map);  //初始化游戏界面
 Paint st = new Paint() ;                             //实现了绘图的线程
 Thread Painter = new Thread(st);                     //继承了runnable接口
 boolean flag = true;
 boolean gameflag;         //判断游戏是否结束的标志
 int Nowx;                 //探索迷宫出口的起始x坐标
 int Nowy;      //探索迷宫出口的起始y坐标
 Stack<Rect> stack = new Stack<Rect>();    //保存路径对象的栈

 MainFrame(String s){
  setLayout(new FlowLayout());
  Panel p = new Panel();
  p.setLayout(new FlowLayout());


  lst.addItemListener(new ItemMonitor());
  lst.addActionListener(new ItemActionMonitor());

  a.addActionListener(new Monitor());
  b.addActionListener(new Monitor());
  c.addActionListener(new Monitor());
  l.addActionListener(new Monitor());


  this.setBackground(new Color(41,36,33));

 public void paint(Graphics g){
  Color tempColor;               //颜色对象
  tempColor = g.getColor();      //获得画笔的颜色
  g.setColor(Color.green);       //设置画笔的颜色
  g.drawRect(20, 130, 627, 533); //画游戏的边框
  tempColor = g.getColor();
  g.setColor(Color.blue);        //恢复画笔的初始颜色

  for(int i = 0  ; i < 11 ; i++)
   for(int j = 0 ; j < 13 ; j++)
    if(map.readMap(i, j) == 1)
    if(map.readMap(i , j) == 2)
     Nowx = 23+j*48;                    //修改当前路径的x值
     Nowy = 133+i*48;       //修改当前路径的y值
     stack.push(new Rect(Nowx,Nowy));   //路径入栈
    if(map.readMap(i , j) == 3)
    if(map.readMap(i , j) == 5)
    if(map.readMap(i , j) == 4)
   g.setColor(tempColor);    //恢复现场操作
 class Paint implements Runnable{
  int SleepTime = 100;

  public void  run(){
   while(gameflag == false && stack.empty() == false)
       if((map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, ((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) + 1) != 1)
    && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, ((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) + 1) != 4)
    && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, ((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) + 1) != 5
     if(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, ((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48 + 1)) == 3){
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Very Good! We Succeed, There is a way to the distict!");
     if((stack.peek().GetX() + 48)/48 <= map.readXlength() &&
       stack.peek().Gety()/48 <= map.readYlength())
      map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, ((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) + 1, 2);
      map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, ((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48), 5);
      stack.push(new Rect(stack.peek().GetX() + 48,stack.peek().Gety()));
     try {
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    else if(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 + 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) != 1
     && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 + 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48)) != 4
     && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 + 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) != 5
     if(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 + 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) == 3){
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Very Good! We Succeed, There is a way to the distict!");
     if((stack.peek().GetX())/48 <= map.readXlength() &&
       (stack.peek().Gety() + 48)/48 <= map.readYlength())
      map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 + 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48, 2);
      map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48,(stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48,5);
      stack.push(new Rect(stack.peek().GetX(),stack.peek().Gety() + 48));
     try {
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    else if(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48 - 1) != 1
      && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48 - 1)) != 4
      && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48 -1) != 5
        if(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48 - 1) == 3){
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Very Good! We Succeed, There is a way to the distict!");
        if((stack.peek().GetX() - 48)/48 <= map.readXlength() &&
        stack.peek().Gety()/48 <= map.readYlength())
         map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48 - 1, 2);
         map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48,((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48),5);
         stack.push(new Rect(stack.peek().GetX() - 48,stack.peek().Gety()));
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    else if(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 - 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) != 1
      && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 - 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48)) != 4
      && (map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 - 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48) != 5
         if(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 - 1, ((stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48)) == 3){
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Very Good! We Succeed, There is a way to the distict!");
         if((stack.peek().GetX())/48 <= map.readXlength() &&
        (stack.peek().Gety() - 48)/48 <= map.readYlength())
          map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48 - 1, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48, 2);
          map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48,(stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48,5);
          stack.push(new Rect(stack.peek().GetX(),stack.peek().Gety() - 48));
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
     //according the weather to pop the object
     if(stack.empty() == false)
      map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48,(stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48,4);
      if(stack.empty() == false && (stack.peek().GetPointerTo() != 3))
       map.setMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48,(stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48,2);
     //System.out.println(map.readMap((stack.peek().Gety() - 133)/48, (stack.peek().GetX() - 23)/48));
       stack.peek().SetPointerTo(stack.peek().GetPointerTo() + 1);
      try {
      }catch (InterruptedException e){       

   if(stack.empty() !=  false)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Oh my God, We fail, There is no way to the distict!");

 class Monitor implements ActionListener {
  int i = 0;
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
   if(arg0.getSource() == a){
   else if(arg0.getSource() == l){
    String s = t.getText();
    int m = Integer.parseInt(s);
    map = init.InitGameArea(m);
    map = new Map(m);
   else if(arg0.getSource() == b){
    if(i%2 == 0){
    else if(i%2 == 1){

   else if(arg0.getSource() == c){    

  public void changetoFalse(){
         flag = false;
  public void changetoTrue(){
     flag = true;
  public synchronized void hangThread() throws InterruptedException
  public synchronized void  resumeThread()

 class ItemMonitor implements ItemListener {

  public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent arg0) {
   / TODO Auto-generated method stub
   int id = arg0.getID();


 class ItemActionMonitor implements ActionListener{

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
   int id = e.getID();


 class TextfieldMonitor implements ActionListener{

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
   TextField str = (TextField)e.getSource();
   String s = str.getText();
   int m = Integer.parseInt(s);
   map = init.InitGameArea(m);
   map = new Map(m);


class Init_GameArea
 MainFrame mf = null;
 TextField tt;
 Map mmap;

 public Init_GameArea(MainFrame mf,TextField t,Map map){
  this.mf = mf;
  this.tt = t;
  this.mmap = map;
 public Map InitGameArea(int m) {

  case 1:
   mmap = new Map(1);
  case 2:
   mmap = new Map(2);
  case 3:
   mmap = new Map(3);
  return mmap; //返回此引用值


class Map
 private int[][] MAP ;
 Map(int i)
  int[][] map1 =  {
  int [][]map2 = {
  int [][]map3 = {
  if(i == 1)
   MAP = map1;
  else if(i == 2)
   MAP = map2;
  else if(i == 3)
   MAP = map3;
 public int readMap(int x, int y)
  if(x > MAP.length)       //如果Y大于数组的行数,返回-1
   return -1 ;   
  else if(y > MAP[0].length) //如果x大于数组的列数,返回-1
   return -1 ;
   return MAP[x][y];       //否则返回正确的数组当中的值
 public int readXlength()
  return MAP[0].length ;
 public int readYlength()
  return MAP.length ;
 public void setMap (int x, int y, int value)
  if(x > MAP.length)          //如果Y大于数组的行数,返回
   return ;
  else if(y > MAP[0].length)  //如果x大于数组的列数,返回
   return ;
   MAP[x][y] = value ;      //否则设置数组当中的值

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