Business Computing (BUSN 111)

Business Computing (BUSN 111)

Spring 2024

General information


Solving business problems with spreadsheet modeling.

Build appropriate spreadsheet models of business problems to make rational, data-driven managerial recommendations effectively solving those problems.

Testing proposed solutions.

Manipulate spreadsheet models of business problems to examine the robustness of proposed solutions to those solutions.

Build a basic understanding of database structures and SQL.

Learning Outcome

The IT discipline changes fast. To be at the top of the field, you need to know how to find answers to your IT problems on your own. Nothing empowers more than knowing that you don't have to depend on others to succeed technologically. Countless recruiters have stressed the importance of this skill. They want employees who know how to take the initiative to solve technical problems and to suggest improvements to existing solutions. You can usually find the answers to your tech questions if you are willing to do some research. That doesn't mean you should never ask for help in this course. When you’ve put forth an adequate effort, then ask the TAs for help.

Microsoft Excel

Excel is included in Office 365, which is available from the Gonzaga’s Information Technology Services (ITS) Department at no cost to current students. Microsoft Office 365 is available on most campus computers.

Price: $0.00

MyEducator Login

A complete Excel learning system with tutorials, lecture videos, practice problems, and graded assignments. Prometheus Series is the name of the learning module we use in the class; MyEducator is the publisher of the learning module. The link for your semester is available in Canvas. You must use Google Chrome in this course!

Grading Information

























Attendance Policy

All labs are optional. No mandatory attendance.

Student Responsibilities

· Save your assignment and exam files before you submit them.  It is your responsibility to keep copies of all assignment and exam files in case a score fails to get recorded (which is usually a result of a disrupted Internet connection or Mac incompatibility issue during the submit process).

· Begin working on the assignment before I cover it in class. By reading or viewing the tutorial and beginning the assignment ahead of time, you will be able to ask meaningful questions about any specific assignment tasks that you found challenging.

· Be proactive with your learning. I often walk-through assignments in class. If I do, do not be tempted to simply copy all the homework answers down without understanding the concepts. I expect more than that. If you do not understand how the assignments are completed, you will struggle on the exams, but more importantly, you will not learn the material well enough for later classes. All business classes after IS 110 assume that you have a working knowledge of Excel. Take the initiative! Make sure you fully understand concepts taught for each assignment. You need to be able not only to analyze (understand what I do in class), but also to synthesize (be able to duplicate the steps on similar problems).

· Be reasonable with email communication. In large classes like this one, emailing with a question or problem is no guarantee or promise of a response or a solution. Do not expect to shift responsibility for your problems to the TAs or professor because you sent an email. Also, although you may be an excellent flamer online, please be courteous in your emails. Remember, we are real people. Please be kind and respectful.

· Make a reasonable effort before asking for help. When requesting help from the TAs or the professor, we expect that you will have completed the background material and have made a reasonable effort to solve the problem. Asking the TAs or the professor for help when you have not made a sincere effort to complete the problem or assignment is not acceptable. The TAs and the professor have access to your MyEducator account, and they will not help you if you have not completed the assigned reading or watched the course videos. Once you have put forth the necessary effort, TAs and the professor will be happy to help you solve problems or understand concepts.

· Do not procrastinate. Try and complete at least three assignment per week. There will be no late penalty waiver. On occasion, students encounter problems or bugs in the MyEducator submission process. If you wait until the night the assignment is due and/or encounter a legitimate bug in MyEducator, you will not be excused from completing the assignment on time. MyEducator is not guaranteed to be bug free; in fact, I guarantee that it won’t be. Despite occasional problems, MyEducator is the best tool of its type and is the only way to administer an entry level Excel course to hundreds of students (it’s the same way virtually every large university runs this course). If you find problems or need help, it is your responsibility to go in person to the TA lab during the BUSN 110 TAs' posted hours to receive help.

Collaboration vs. Cheating

Examples of Cheating:

1. If you submit another student's file as your own on any assignment or exam, both you and that student will receive a 0 on that assignment or exam.

2. If you Business Computing (BUSN 111) Spring 2024 submit any file with cells copied from another student's file on any assignment or exam, both you and that student will receive a 0 on that assignment or exam.

3. You may not have another student's assignment or exam opened on your computer. You may not allow another student to open any of your assignments or exams on his or her computer.

4. Distributing or sharing your work with other students, even after you have completed the course.

No exceptions. A violation will result in an escalation to submitting an Academic Integrity Violation Report (AIVR) to the university. More than one violation will cause you to fail the course and to be reported to the Academic Integrity Office.

MyEducator has a built-in cheating detection system. It can and will detect the presence of another student’s file on your machine. DO NOT SHARE YOUR FILES WITH ANYONE! Even if you believe that person will not use the files in a way that could be considered cheating. If it is discovered by me, you will receive a zero and an AIVR with the other student.


I define cheating as representing someone else’s work off as your own. If all you want to do is get the assignment done, and you ask a friend for the correct formulas, which you simply copy without making any effort to learn the material, you are cheating. Conversely, if you give another student your answers, knowing that the student is simply copying them without any meaningful effort to understand them, you are cheating. If you allow another student access to your assignment files, you are cheating.

However, if you sincerely want to learn the material, and you find that working together in a small group to figure out the assignment is helpful for you, as long as you are making an effort and learning and completing the work on your own machine, without another student’s file present, I do not consider that cheating. Perhaps there is a fine line between the two, but I believe that you are mature enough to know the difference between copying to get the assignment done and working collaboratively to learn the material. My goal in this class is to have you learn the material well enough to be comfortable using it in later classes. I would like you to use the most effective method to help you learn. If you have any questions on this policy, please feel free to contact me.

Note: You may not collaborate with other students or ask any human for help on the midterm and final. The work on the midterm and final must be solely your own.


Due Date

Items Due



Submit by 11:59 PM

0.4 Getting Started

1.3 Cells and Worksheets Practice

1.5 Formatting Cells and Sheets Practice

1.7 Sorting and Filtering Practice

2.2 References and Calculations Practice

2.4 Summary Statistics Practice

2.6 Financial Functions Practice

2.8 Formula Auditing Practice

3.2 Boolean Functions Practice

3.4 If Functions Practice

3.6 Conditional Functions Practice

3.8 Reference Functions Practice

4.2 Date and Time Functions Practice

4.4 Text Functions Practice

5.3 Column Charts Practice

5.5 Stacked Column Charts Practice

5.7 Pie Charts Practice

5.9 Line Charts Practice

6.2 Building Spreadsheet Models Practice

6.4 What-if Analysis Practice

7.2 Modeling across Worksheets Practice

7.4 Circular Reference Practice Problems

8.2 Statistics Practice

9.2 PivotTable Practice

10.3 Solver Practice

12.4 Select Clause Practice

12.5 Distinct Keyword Practice

12.7 Order By Clause Practice

12.9 Limit Clause Practice

13.3 Simple WHERE Clause Practice

13.5 WHERE Clause with Null Practice

13.8 Compound WHERE Clause Practice

13.10 WHERE Clause with Wildcards Practice

Submissions Allowed: 2 (scores averaged together)

Open Notes / Open Book: Yes

Can Collaborate with Others: Yes

Late Penalty: Submissions will lose 15% per day starting 1 hour after the due date and time. Max reduction is 90%         





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