Visual computing——概述

        Visual Computing(视觉计算)是所有处理二维图像和三维模型的计算机科学学科的总称,即计算机图形学、图像处理、可视化、计算机视觉、虚拟和增强现实、视频处理,但也包括模式识别、人机交互、机器学习等方面。核心挑战是视觉信息(主要是图像和视频)的获取、处理、分析和渲染。应用范围包括工业质量控制、医学图像处理和可视化、测量、机器人、多媒体系统、电影和电视的特效以及计算机游戏。

        随着计算机图形学,图像处理,计算机视觉等个学科间的交叉越来越广泛,许多使用的数学和算法方法在处理图像的所有领域都是相同的:图像格式、过滤方法、颜色模型、图像评估等。还有图形硬件的编程方法、处理大量数据的操作技巧、教科书和会议、这些学科的科学社区和公司的工作组越来越多地混合在一起。为了更一般化的描述这种交叉领域或学科,"视觉计算 "名称应运而生。          


        现在,应用程序越来越需要同时来自多个领域的技术。要生成复杂对象的非常详细的模型,需要图像识别、3D 传感器和重建算法,并且要可信地显示这些模型需要具有复杂照明模拟的逼真渲染技术。实时图形是可用的虚拟和增强现实软件的基础。器官的良好分割是医学扫描 3D 可视化交互操作的基础。机器人控制需要将物体识别为环境模型。所有设备(计算机)都需要符合人体工程学的图形用户界面。

        尽管许多问题被认为是在组成视觉计算的子学科的科学界内解决的(主要是在理想假设下),但作为一个整体,视觉计算的一个主要挑战是将这些部分解决方案集成到适用的产品中。这包括处理许多实际问题,例如处理大量硬件、使用真实数据(通常是错误的和/或规模巨大的)以及未经培训的用户的操作。在这方面,视觉计算不仅仅是其子学科的总和,它是迈向适合在所有领域使用计算机上的图像或 3D 对象的系统的下一步。


  1. 需要高效地处理:更高的能耗比(ops/watt),专用的芯片(并行、异构)
  2. 面向特定领域的编程框架:OpenGL、Halide、游戏引擎框架、深度学习框架
  3. 计算处理方面基本上是近似的

Introduction to Visual Computing: Core Concepts in Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing covers the fundamental concepts of visual computing. Whereas past books have treated these concepts within the context of specific fields such as computer graphics, computer vision or image processing, this book offers a unified view of these core concepts, thereby providing a unified treatment of computational and mathematical methods for creating, capturing, analyzing and manipulating visual data (e.g. 2D images, 3D models). Fundamentals covered in the book include convolution, Fourier transform, filters, geometric transformations, epipolar geometry, 3D reconstruction, color and the image synthesis pipeline. The book is organized in four parts. The first part provides an exposure to different kinds of visual data (e.g. 2D images, videos and 3D geometry) and the core mathematical techniques that are required for their processing (e.g. interpolation and linear regression.) The second part of the book on Image Based Visual Computing deals with several fundamental techniques to process 2D images (e.g. convolution, spectral analysis and feature detection) and corresponds to the low level retinal image processing that happens in the eye in the human visual system pathway. The next part of the book on Geometric Visual Computing deals with the fundamental techniques used to combine the geometric information from multiple eyes creating a 3D interpretation of the object and world around us (e.g. transformations, projective and epipolar geometry, and 3D reconstruction). This corresponds to the higher level processing that happens in the brain combining information from both the eyes thereby helping us to navigate through the 3D world around us. The last two parts of the book cover Radiometric Visual Computing and Visual Content Synthesis. These parts focus on the fundamental techniques for processing information arising from the interaction of light with objects around us, as well as the fundamentals of creating virtual computer generated worlds that mimic all the processing presented in the prior sections. The book is written for a 16 week long semester course and can be used for both undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as a reference for professionals.
e last few years have witnessed fast development on dictionary learning approaches for a set of visual computing tasks, largely due to their utilization in developing new techniques based on sparse representation. Compared with conventional techniques employing manually defined dictionaries, such as Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform, dictionary learning aims at ob- taining a dictionary adaptively from the data so as to support optimal sparse representation of the data. In contrast to conventional clustering algorithms like K-means, where a data point is associated with only one cluster center, in a dictionary-based representation, a data point can be associated with a small set of dictionary atoms. us, dictionary learning provides a more flexi- ble representation of data and may have the potential to capture more relevant features from the original feature space of the data. One of the early algorithms for dictionary learning is K-SVD. In recent years, many variations/extensions of K-SVD and other new algorithms have been pro- posed, with some aiming at adding discriminative capability to the dictionary, and some attempt- ing to model the relationship of multiple dictionaries. One prominent application of dictionary learning is in the general field of visual computing, where long-standing challenges have seen promising new solutions based on sparse representation with learned dictionaries. With a timely review of recent advances of dictionary learning in visual computing, covering the most recent literature with an emphasis on papers after 2008, this book provides a systematic presentation of the general methodologies, specific algorithms, and examples of applications for those who wish to have a quick start on this subject.




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