
bitbake 主要选项

 bitbake --help
Usage: bitbake [options] [recipename/target recipe:do_task ...]
    Executes the specified task (default is 'build') for a given set of target recipes (.bb files).
    It is assumed there is a conf/bblayers.conf available in cwd or in BBPATH which
    will provide the layer, BBFILES and other configuration information.
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BUILDFILE, --buildfile=BUILDFILE
                        Execute tasks from a specific .bb recipe directly.
                        WARNING: Does not handle any dependencies from other
  -k, --continue        Continue as much as possible after an error. While the
                        target that failed and anything depending on it cannot
                        be built, as much as possible will be built before
  -f, --force           Force the specified targets/task to run (invalidating
                        any existing stamp file).
  -c CMD, --cmd=CMD     Specify the task to execute. The exact options
                        available depend on the metadata. Some examples might
                        be 'compile' or 'populate_sysroot' or 'listtasks' may
                        give a list of the tasks available.
                        Invalidate the stamp for the specified task such as
                        'compile' and then run the default task for the
                        specified target(s).
  -r PREFILE, --read=PREFILE
                        Read the specified file before bitbake.conf.
  -R POSTFILE, --postread=POSTFILE
                        Read the specified file after bitbake.conf.
  -v, --verbose         Enable tracing of shell tasks (with 'set -x'). Also
                        print bb.note(...) messages to stdout (in addition to
                        writing them to ${T}/log.do_<task>).
  -D, --debug           Increase the debug level. You can specify this more
                        than once. -D sets the debug level to 1, where only
                        bb.debug(1, ...) messages are printed to stdout; -DD
                        sets the debug level to 2, where both bb.debug(1, ...)
                        and bb.debug(2, ...) messages are printed; etc.
                        Without -D, no debug messages are printed. Note that
                        -D only affects output to stdout. All debug messages
                        are written to ${T}/log.do_taskname, regardless of the
                        debug level.
  -q, --quiet           Output less log message data to the terminal. You can
                        specify this more than once.
  -n, --dry-run         Don't execute, just go through the motions.
                        Dump out the signature construction information, with
                        no task execution. The SIGNATURE_HANDLER parameter is
                        passed to the handler. Two common values are none and
                        printdiff but the handler may define more/less. none
                        means only dump the signature, printdiff means compare
                        the dumped signature with the cached one.
  -p, --parse-only      Quit after parsing the BB recipes.
  -s, --show-versions   Show current and preferred versions of all recipes.
  -e, --environment     Show the global or per-recipe environment complete
                        with information about where variables were
  -g, --graphviz        Save dependency tree information for the specified
                        targets in the dot syntax.
                        Assume these dependencies don't exist and are already
                        provided (equivalent to ASSUME_PROVIDED). Useful to
                        make dependency graphs more appealing
                        Show debug logging for the specified logging domains
  -P, --profile         Profile the command and save reports.
  -u UI, --ui=UI        The user interface to use (knotty, ncurses, taskexp or
                        teamcity - default knotty).
  --token=XMLRPCTOKEN   Specify the connection token to be used when
                        connecting to a remote server.
  --revisions-changed   Set the exit code depending on whether upstream
                        floating revisions have changed or not.
  --server-only         Run bitbake without a UI, only starting a server
                        (cooker) process.
  -B BIND, --bind=BIND  The name/address for the bitbake xmlrpc server to bind
                        Set timeout to unload bitbake server due to
                        inactivity, set to -1 means no unload, default:
                        Environment variable BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT.
  --no-setscene         Do not run any setscene tasks. sstate will be ignored
                        and everything needed, built.
  --skip-setscene       Skip setscene tasks if they would be executed. Tasks
                        previously restored from sstate will be kept, unlike
  --setscene-only       Only run setscene tasks, don't run any real tasks.
                        Connect to the specified server.
  -m, --kill-server     Terminate any running bitbake server.
  --observe-only        Connect to a server as an observing-only client.
  --status-only         Check the status of the remote bitbake server.
                        Writes the event log of the build to a bitbake event
                        json file. Use '' (empty string) to assign the name
  --runall=RUNALL       Run the specified task for any recipe in the taskgraph
                        of the specified target (even if it wouldn't otherwise
                        have run).
  --runonly=RUNONLY     Run only the specified task within the taskgraph of
                        the specified targets (and any task dependencies those
                        tasks may have).

bitbake --help
Usage: bitbake [options] [recipename/target recipe:do_task ...]
gjw@wisonic:~/test/bitbake$ bitbake --version
BitBake Build Tool Core version 2.2.0
gjw@wisonic:~/test/bitbake$ bitbake -b printhello 
WARNING: Layer hello-layer should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_hello-layer in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with.
WARNING: Buildfile specified, dependencies will not be handled. If this is not what you want, do not use -b / --buildfile.
Loading cache: 100% |#############################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 1 entries from dependency cache.
Initialising tasks: 100% |########################################################| Time: 0:00:00
NOTE: No setscene tasks
NOTE: Executing Tasks
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1 tasks of which 1 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Summary: There were 2 WARNING messages.
-k, --continue 编译过程中出错,不立即停止,尽可能的多编译其他正常的bb
-f, --force  强迫重新编译,不验证时间戳
gjw@wisonic:~/test/bitbake$ bitbake -f printhello 
WARNING: Layer hello-layer should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_hello-layer in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with.
Loading cache: 100% |#############################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 1 entries from dependency cache.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |########################################################| Time: 0:00:00
NOTE: No setscene tasks
NOTE: Executing Tasks
*                  *
*  Hello, World!   *
*                  *
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Summary: There was 1 WARNING message.
-c CMD, --cmd=CMD   指定执行的task
                        Invalidate the stamp for the specified task such as 'compile' and then run the default task for the specified target(s).
  -r PREFILE, --read=PREFILE
                        Read the specified file before bitbake.conf.
  -R POSTFILE, --postread=POSTFILE
                        Read the specified file after bitbake.conf.
  -v, --verbose         Enable tracing of shell tasks (with 'set -x'). Also
                        print bb.note(...) messages to stdout (in addition to
                        writing them to ${T}/log.do_<task>).
  -D, --debug           显示打印信息,D对1,DD对2,依次类推
  -q, --quiet           Output less log message data to the terminal. You can
                        specify this more than once.
  -n, --dry-run         Don't execute, just go through the motions.
                        Dump out the signature construction information, with
                        no task execution. The SIGNATURE_HANDLER parameter is
                        passed to the handler. Two common values are none and
                        printdiff but the handler may define more/less. none
                        means only dump the signature, printdiff means compare
                        the dumped signature with the cached one.
  -p, --parse-only      Quit after parsing the BB recipes.
  -s, --show-versions   Show current and preferred versions of all recipes.
  -e, --environment     Show the global or per-recipe environment complete
                        with information about where variables were
  -g, --graphviz        Save dependency tree information for the specified
                        targets in the dot syntax.
                        Assume these dependencies don't exist and are already
                        provided (equivalent to ASSUME_PROVIDED). Useful to
                        make dependency graphs more appealing
                        Show debug logging for the specified logging domains
  -P, --profile         Profile the command and save reports.
  -u UI, --ui=UI        The user interface to use (knotty, ncurses, taskexp or
                        teamcity - default knotty).
  --token=XMLRPCTOKEN   Specify the connection token to be used when
                        connecting to a remote server.
  --revisions-changed   Set the exit code depending on whether upstream
                        floating revisions have changed or not.
  --server-only         Run bitbake without a UI, only starting a server
                        (cooker) process.
  -B BIND, --bind=BIND  The name/address for the bitbake xmlrpc server to bind
                        Set timeout to unload bitbake server due to
                        inactivity, set to -1 means no unload, default:
                        Environment variable BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT.
  --no-setscene         Do not run any setscene tasks. sstate will be ignored
                        and everything needed, built.
  --skip-setscene       Skip setscene tasks if they would be executed. Tasks
                        previously restored from sstate will be kept, unlike
  --setscene-only       Only run setscene tasks, don't run any real tasks.
                        Connect to the specified server.
  -m, --kill-server     Terminate any running bitbake server.
  --observe-only        Connect to a server as an observing-only client.
  --status-only         Check the status of the remote bitbake server.
                        Writes the event log of the build to a bitbake event
                        json file. Use '' (empty string) to assign the name
  --runall=RUNALL       Run the specified task for any recipe in the taskgraph
                        of the specified target (even if it wouldn't otherwise
                        have run).
  --runonly=RUNONLY     Run only the specified task within the taskgraph of
                        the specified targets (and any task dependencies those
                        tasks may have).

bitbake 常用命令

bitbake --version
bitbake --help
BitBake 如何动作的信息(附带debug信息):
bitbake -vDD
bitbake -s
bitbake -c listtasks recipe_name
构建一个 recipe,执行该 recipe 的所有 tasks:
bitbade recipe-name :
bitbake -b {recipe}_{version}.bb
bitbake -c your-task recipe-name
do_build                       Default task for a recipe - depends on all other normal tasks required to 'build' a recipe
do_checkuri                    Validates the SRC_URI value
do_checkuriall                 Validates the SRC_URI value for all recipes required to build a target
do_clean                       Removes all output files for a target
do_cleanall                    Removes all output files, shared state cache, and downloaded source files for a target
do_cleansstate                 Removes all output files and shared state cache for a target
do_compile                     Compiles the source in the compilation directory
do_configure                   Configures the source by enabling and disabling any build-time and configuration options for the software being built
do_devpyshell                  Starts an interactive Python shell for development/debugging
do_devshell                    Starts a shell with the environment set up for development/debugging
do_fetch                       Fetches the source code
do_fetchall                    Fetches all remote sources required to build a target
do_install                     Copies files from the compilation directory to a holding area
do_listtasks                   Lists all defined tasks for a target
do_package                     Analyzes the content of the holding area and splits it into subsets based on available packages and files
do_package_qa                  Runs QA checks on packaged files
do_package_qa_setscene         Runs QA checks on packaged files (setscene version)
do_package_setscene            Analyzes the content of the holding area and splits it into subsets based on available packages and files (setscene version)
do_package_write_ipk           Creates the actual IPK packages and places them in the Package Feed area
do_package_write_ipk_setscene  Creates the actual IPK packages and places them in the Package Feed area (setscene version)
do_packagedata                 Creates package metadata used by the build system to generate the final packages
do_packagedata_setscene        Creates package metadata used by the build system to generate the final packages (setscene version)
do_patch                       Locates patch files and applies them to the source code
do_populate_lic                Writes license information for the recipe that is collected later when the image is constructed
do_populate_lic_setscene       Writes license information for the recipe that is collected later when the image is constructed (setscene version)
do_populate_sysroot            Copies a subset of files installed by do_install into the sysroot in order to make them available to other recipes
do_populate_sysroot_setscene   Copies a subset of files installed by do_install into the sysroot in order to make them available to other recipes (setscene version)
do_unpack                      Unpacks the source code into a working directory
bitbake -k recipe-name
bitbake -e
bitbake -v
bitbake -c cleanall recipe_name




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