
Another View of Agile and CMMI


by Paul McMahon

作者 Paul McMahon

While in some cases I agree it is "easier to incorporate agile practices into an organization assessed at CMMI level 3 or higher than to move an agile project team into CMMI," my experiences indicate that this is not always true.

对于“在那些通过了CMMI 3级以上评估的组织中加入敏捷实践,要比将敏捷项目团队转为CMMI更简单”,尽管在某些情形中我同意这一观点,但我的经验表明:也并不总是这样。

I am helping a number of organizations with high CMMI maturity (levels 3, 4, 5) become more agile. But I am also helping small organizations that started out agile to use the CMMI model for process improvement. Last year I participated in a formal appraisal for a small company that is very Scrum-oriented, and they achieved a CMMI level 3 rating. If you use the CMMI model as it was intended, I don't believe you have to "move the team into CMMI."

我正在帮助很多具有CMMI高成熟度(3、4、5级)的组织变得更敏捷。但我也在帮助一些小型组织开始在敏捷之外使用CMMI过程改进模型。去年,我参加了一家非常面向Scrum的小公司的正式评审,最后他们取得了CMMI 3级的评分。如果你像CMMI模型所打算的那样使用CMMI模型,我不相信你必须“把团队转为CMMI”。

The CMMI model is a reference framework for process improvement. It isn't a set of required practices. In the case I mentioned, we didn't change the behavior inside the small company, except in isolated instances where change was clearly beneficial. For the most part, we demonstrated where what they do (largely Scrum) meets the intent of the level 2 and level 3 reference practices. To accomplish this requires a good understanding of the CMMI model, including the use of what is referred to as "alternate practices."

CMMI模型是过程改进的参考框架。它不是一组必须的实践。在我提到的这个例子中,除了那些修改的益处非常清楚的孤立情形之外,我们没有修改这家小公司内部的行为。对于大多数情况,我们都证明了他们所做的事情(大部分是Scrum)在哪些地方符合了2级和3级参考实践的意图。想要完成这一点,要求必须对CMMI模型有着很好的理解,其中包括使用:引用的“可选实践(alternate practice)是什么”。

As an example, the agile daily standup meetings can be viewed as an "alternate practice" within the CMMI model. These daily meetings along with the follow-up actions by the Scrum Master can achieve the intent of a number of the specific practices within the Project Monitoring and Control Process Area.

例如,敏捷的每日立会可以被看作是CMMI模型中的一个“可选实践”。这些每日的会议带有由Scrum Master负责的后续行为,这一点实现了项目监督和控制(Project Monitoring and Control)过程域(Process Area)中的很多特定实践(specific practice)的意图。

User viewings meet part of the need for stakeholder involvement, which is an important aspect of the Project Planning and Requirements Management Process Areas and the Generic Goals within the CMMI model.

用户观察(user viewing)符合了对涉众参与的部分需要,涉众参与是项目计划(Project Planning)和需求管理(Requirements Management)两个过程域的一个重要方面,也是CMMI模型的共性目标(Generic Goal)。

With respect to reflections workshops, the CMMI model actually recognizes that change is a good thing. It expects the team to capture lessons learned and improve the process. So reflection workshops provide lessons learned, feedback, and improvement, as required within the generic goals of the model. The one subtle difference is that if you are going for level 3, then improvement recommendations that come out of the team should not be limited to the team but should also be communicated to the organization level so that other teams in the organization can benefit from what you have learned.


Attaining CMMI level 3 doesn't have to mean more detailed process definitions. It means that the processes that work for an organization are shared across that organization and adhered to. Nothing says they can't be "agile processes." Institutionalization is an important part of the model, which means the processes don't break down in times of crisis and aren't ignored when new people are brought in. In my view it is often easier to institutionalize agile practices because agile teams usually believe strongly in how they do their job.

获得CMMI 3级并不一定意味着有更详细的过程定义。它意味着,对一个组织起作用的过程应当在这个组织中共享和支持。没规定说这些过程不能是“敏捷过程”。制度化(institutionalization)是这个模型的重要部分,这意味着过程不会在危机来临的时候瓦解,也不会在引入新人时被忽略。在我看来,让敏捷实践制度化往往更容易,因为敏捷团队通常强烈地相信自己完成工作的方式。

As another example, the agile company I have been helping has an open communication culture where lead engineers aren't afraid to walk into a senior manager's office as soon as they know they have a risk or just need help. The team members are also encouraged to raise risks at the daily standup meetings, and they often do.


At first, based on the Risk Management Process Area in the CMMI model, we created a form to capture risks more formally, but the form was not well received in the organization. So instead we defined a risk process that captured exactly what the team does and then trained new personnel in the organization's expected risk management behavior. We did require that they capture their risks in a periodic briefing to Senior Management, but we continued to encourage the informal and immediate communication that was already working well.

首先,根据CMMI模型中风险管理(Risk Management)过程域,我们创建了一种表格来较正式地记录风险,但组织对于这一表格接受得不太好。因此,我们另外定义了一个风险过程来真正地记录团队做了什么,然后对新人培训组织所期望的风险管理行为。我们确实要求:他们定期简要记录他们的风险,交给高级经理,但我们继续还鼓励那些已经很好地发挥了作用的非正式的及时沟通。

Our lead appraiser had no trouble at all with processes like Risk Management that clearly were institutionalized across the organization and met the intent of the process areas - as long as the "direct artifacts" and "affirmations" substantiated the effectiveness of the process (direct artifacts and affirmations are discussed later).

我们的主任评估师对于像风险管理之类的过程没有问题,因为情况很清楚:这些过程已经在组织级制度化了,并且符合了这些过程域的意图——只要有“直接工件(direct artifact)”和“访谈证实(affirmation)”证实了这个过程的有效性(关于直接工件和访谈证实将在以后讨论)就行了。

My experience has been that when we try to "formalize" effective processes, too often this results in negative side effects because we unintentionally change what works. As an example, if we required formal written meeting minutes on the agile daily standup meetings, people would be less likely to speak openly, based on my experience. I have observed this type of behavior change on numerous occasions.


Another way to look at what we did was to capture what the successful people in the organization were already doing - in this case mostly Scrum - and then share it across the organization. This is an effective way to use the CMMI model and agile methods together. These examples demonstrate that agile practices can actually help achieve CMMI goals if the model is used correctly as a framework.


Be aware that one of the keys to this working is to get a CMMI appraisal lead who understands how the CMMI model is suppose to be used and who understands agile methods. For example, you need to have a lead appraiser who isn't afraid to use "alternate practices" as they were intended by the model. Some lead appraisers discourage the use of alternate practices out of fear that it will be perceived as "trying to get out" of a required practice. This can be a legitimate concern, but it shouldn't be used as a reason to change what is already working in a successful agile organization.


Although it is true that some "organizations striving for CMMI assessment" are "unwilling" to employ agile practices, my experience indicates that many organizations involved with DoD work are actually very willing and interested.


I have worked with multiple large U.S. Defense contractors who came to me, already having achieved a CMMI level 3, 4, or 5 rating, but wanting to infuse more agile practices into their work processes. Their motivation has come from multiple sources including customer interest, developer interest, and a belief that to continue to be successful - and maybe to survive - increased agility will be required.


A question I am hearing frequently from large DoD contractors is, "How can we infuse more agile operations into our existing processes?" In one case, we created an agile developer's guide to help his projects tailor their traditional company process assets employing agile practices.


The DoD acquisition community has also expressed interest through questions like, "How can we get our people trained in agile methods so that we can be more effective at evaluating the agile implementations of our contractors?" In this case, we are training acquisition community personnel and providing evaluations and recommendations on DoD projects that are already moving toward increased agility.


It is certainly true that many "Organizations operating in a high-flux, competitive environment and needing the agile approach for organizational survival, can't afford to (or don't see the value to) spend the money or time to create the process superstructure."


But, at the same time, my experience indicates that you don't necessarily need a "process superstructure" to achieve a high CMMI Process Maturity Rating. Let me explain why I believe this and why so many organizations still go the "process superstructure" route.


To attain a staged CMMI level 3 involves 18 process areas and 140 expected specific practices. Today, many CMMI-based process improvement initiatives focus on the stepwise procedural definitions, which can be implied (although erroneously in my view) from the specific practices. This approach often leads organizations to produce explicit objective evidence for each expected practice. These efforts frequently lead to team frustration and reduced performance. Comments such as "Our processes don't reflect what our people really do" and "Our processes force us to do non-value-added work" are not uncommon.

想要获得阶梯式的CMMI 3级评分,涉及18个过程域和140个预期的特定实践。今天,很多基于CMMI的过程改进活动都关注于那些逐步的程序上的定义,这从特定实践中有所暗示(尽管在我看来,这是不正确的)。这种方式往往会导致组织为每个预期的实践制定出显式的客观证据(objective evidence)。这些努力往往会引起团队受挫和性能降低。“我们的过程没有反映我们真正做的事情”,“我们的过程强制我们做一些没有附加值的工作”,诸如此类的评论已司空见惯了。

I believe this approach goes wrong based on the way objective evidence is handled. Objective evidence (OE) is critical to the appraisal method, but more than one type of OE is allowed. To achieve an expected practice, an organization's adherence to the practice must be verified by an appraisal team through what is referred to as direct and indirect artifacts.


Direct artifacts relate to the real intent of the practice. Examples are requirements, design, code, and test artifacts. (Note here that the model doesn't dictate the form these direct artifacts must take nor the order in which they must be produced.) Indirect artifacts are a consequence of performing the practice, but they are not the reason for the practice, nor are they required by the practice. Examples are meeting minutes and status reports.


But this is where I have seen many process improvement initiatives go off track. Too often I have found organizations being driven to perform unnatural and non-value-added behaviors to produce unnecessary indirect OE, rather than maintaining focus on the real target: quality products produced for their customers (direct OE).


My point is that indirect artifacts (e.g., meeting minutes, status reports, and so on) are not required by the model. I am not saying that meeting minutes and status reports are not important, but I am saying that you can use what are called "affirmations" during an appraisal instead. This means you interview people, and they tell you what they do.


For example, the appraisal team can interview an agile team, and the project team members tell the appraisal team what they do. As an example, a response from a team member might be, "We hold daily standup meetings where the team members report status and the team lead listens and then removes obstacles."


The appraisal team takes notes on what they hear (affirmations). These notes are then used as evidence that the organization is meeting the intent of many specific practices in the model. We don't have to force unnatural and non-value-added behavior and extra time-consuming work to create unnecessary artifacts to get ready for a CMMI appraisal. The direct artifacts and the affirmations are sufficient.


So why then do many large DoD contractors spend huge amounts of money to get ready for a CMMI appraisal? One reason I have observed is that many contractors don't trust what their people will say in those interviews. They therefore force the creation of huge amounts of indirect evidence (e.g., meeting minutes, status reports, etc.) to "reduce the risk" that someone might say the wrong thing, which might lead to an unsuccessful appraisal.


There is a lot of negative talk today concerning the effectiveness of the CMMI model. One of my government clients told me that he doesn't care anymore about the CMMI rating because he can't see the difference in the performance of an organization that says it is level 5 from one that says it is level 2. My view is that the problem isn't with the model but with the way companies apply it, focusing on the rating rather than its real intent. In my opinion, agile methods can actually help us use the CMMI model as it was intended - for real process improvement.


Our philosophy, with the small agile company that had a business goal to achieve CMMI level 3, was not to drive the team to perform any unnatural or non-value-added acts in preparation for the appraisal. The team's affirmations and the direct artifacts became the real proof - the products they produced, their satisfied customers, and their business success: the business is currently growing 30% a year.

在那家以获得CMMI 3级为业务目标的小型敏捷公司中,我们的哲学不是驱使团队为了准备评估而进行任何不自然的或者没有附加值的活动。团队的访谈证实和直接工件成为了真正的证据——他们开发出的产品、对他们满意的客户以及他们在业务上的成功:业务正在以每年30%的速度增长。

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