阿卡索口语学习(Learn And Talk 0)短语及单词

Lesson 01 Sleeping and Waking Up

Four phrase

  1. get up
  2. go to bed
  3. wake up
  4. fall asleep

Four sentences

  1. It’s time to get up!
  2. I’m going to bed for the night. Good night!
  3. I’m tired. Wake me up in a bit.
  4. I couldn’t fall asleep.

Other words related to this topic

drowsy 昏昏欲睡
nap 打盹
pillow 枕头
snore 打呼噜
yawn 打哈欠

Lesson 02 Washing Up

Four phrases

  1. wash one’s face
  2. brush one’s teeth
  3. take a shower
  4. hava a bath

Four sentences

  1. I have to go wash my face.
  2. Did you brush your teeth?
  3. I’m going to take a shower.
  4. I shall have a hot bath and go to bed.

Other words related to this topic

  1. soap 肥皂
  2. foam 泡沫
  3. tower 毛巾
  4. basin 脸盆

Lesson 03 Dressing Up

Four phrases

  1. comb one’s hair(梳头)
  2. do up one’s hair(扎头发)
  3. get dressed
  4. do make-up

Four sentences

  1. Don’t forget to comb your hair.
  2. Do up your hair.
  3. Hurry up and get dreessed.
  4. I’m just doing make-up, and then I’ll be ready.

Other words related to this topic

  1. mirror 镜子
  2. perfume 香水
  3. tissue 面巾纸
  4. shave 刮

Lesson 04 Meals

Four words/phrases

  1. breakfast
  2. lunch
  3. dinner
  4. set the table

Four sentences

  1. Breakfast is ready.
  2. What do you want to eat for lunch?
  3. I’m hungry.When will we have dinner?
  4. Would you help me set the table?

Other words related to this topic

  1. salt 盐
  2. sauce 调味汁
  3. snack 小吃
  4. chew 咀嚼

Lesson 05 Cleaning Up the Dishes

Four words/phrases

  1. clear the table
  2. put away
  3. do the dishes
  4. sink

Four sentences

  1. Would you clear the table?
  2. Would you put the dishes away?
  3. Do the dishes.
  4. The sink is clogged

Other words related to this topic

  1. kitchen厨房
  2. bowl碗
  3. spoon勺子
  4. plate盘子
  5. tableware餐具
  6. cooker炊具

Lesson 06 Family and Relatives

Four words/phrases

  1. family
  2. grandparent
  3. twins
  4. sibling

Four sentences

  1. Is everything OK with your family?
  2. I’m going to visit my grandparents.
  3. My mother and my aunt are twins.
  4. Do you have any siblings?

Other words related to this topic

  1. nephew侄子
  2. niece侄女
  3. close亲近的
  4. cousin堂/表兄弟姐妹

Lesson 07 Where to Eat

Four words/phrases

  1. restaurant
  2. recommend
  3. fast food(快餐)
  4. leftover(剩饭,剩菜)

Four sentences

  1. Where is the closest Chinese restaurant?
  2. Which retaurant do you recommend?
  3. I’m tired of fast food.
  4. I’ve had enough of leftvoers.Let’s eat out!

Other words related to this topic

  1. canteen 食堂
  2. cafeteria 自助餐厅
  3. package 套餐
  4. takeout外卖

Lesson 09 Ordering Food

Four words/phrases

  1. order
  2. menu
  3. alcohol
  4. dessert

Four sentences

  1. Are you ready to order?
  2. Could I have a menu, please?
  3. Do you serve alcohol?
  4. What kind of dessert do you have?

Other words related to this topic

  1. course 一道菜
  2. cuisine 烹饪
  3. chef 主厨
  4. flavor 风味

Lesson 09 Serving Meals and Eating

Four words/phrases

  1. dish
  2. eat like a horse
  3. delicious
  4. fork

Four sentences

  1. This dish smells good.
  2. Wow, you eat like a horse.
  3. Is it delicious?
  4. Excuse me, could you bring me another fork, please?

Other words related to this topic

  1. fresh 新鲜的
  2. crispy 脆的
  3. salty 咸的
  4. light 清淡的

Lesson 10 Paying

Four words/phrases

  1. bill
  2. credit card
  3. go Dutch(AA)
  4. tip

Four sentences

  1. This is your bill, please check it.
  2. Can I pay with a credit card?
  3. Let’s go Dutch
  4. How much should we tip our waiter?

Other words related to this topic

  1. sum 金额
  2. discount 折扣
  3. change 零钱
  4. invoice发票

Lesson 12 At the Fast Food Restant

Four words/phrases

  1. ketchup and mustard : 番茄酱和芥末
  2. bacon 熏肉片: bacon cheeseburger(熏肉芝士汉堡)
  3. combo 套餐:combo No.4(4号套餐)
  4. napkin 餐巾纸

Four sentences

  1. With ketchup and mustard please.
  2. I think I will try their bacon cheeseburger.
  3. I’d like comb No.4 for here.
  4. Could you give me some extro napkins.

Other words related to this topic

  1. shake 奶昔
  2. lettuce 生菜
  3. fries 薯条
  4. sandwich 三明治

Lesson 14 At the Cafe

Four words/phrases

  1. cream 奶油
  2. bitter 苦的
  3. instance coffee 速溶咖啡
  4. non-fat milk 脱脂牛奶

Four sentences

  1. Do you want some cream for your caffee?
  2. This caffee tastes bitter.
  3. I quite like instant coffee.
  4. Could I get non-fat milk for my latte?

Other words related to this topic

  1. cocoa 可可粉
  2. espresso 浓咖啡
  3. aroma 芳香
  4. bland 清淡的

Lesson 15 At the Bar

Four words/phrases

  1. beer 啤酒
  2. cocktail 鸡尾酒
  3. get drunk 喝醉
  4. have a drink 喝一杯

Four sentences

  1. Can I get a beer please?
  2. How about our special cocktail?
  3. I get drunk easily.
  4. Would you like to have a drink with us?

Other words related to this topic

  1. draft 生啤
  2. cider 苹果酒
  3. spirit 烈酒
  4. Scotch苏格兰威士忌
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