电长度 和物理长度

electrical length--------------------------------------------------------------------------------electrical length: 1. Of a transmission medium, its length expressed as a multiple or submultiple of the wavelength of a periodic electromagnetic or electrical signal propagating within the medium. Note 1: The wavelength may be expressed in radians or in artificial UNITS of angular measure, such as degrees.Note 2 : In both coaxial CABLES and OPTICAL fibers, the velocity of propagation is approximately two-thirds that of free space. Consequently, the wavelength will be approximately two-thirds that in free space, and the electrical length, approximately 1.5 times the physical length. 2. Of a transmission medium, its physical length multiplied by the ratio of (a) the propagation time of an electrical or electromagnetic signal through the medium to (b) the propagation time of an electromagnetic wave in free space over a distance equal to the physical length of the medium in question. Note: The electrical length of a physical medium will always be greater than its physical length. For example, in coaxial CABLES, distributed resistances, capacitances and inductances impede the propagation of the signal. In an OPTICAL fiber, interaction of the lightwave with the materials of which the fiber is made, and fiber geometry, affect the velocity of propagation of the signal. 3. Of an antenna, the effective length of an element, usually expressed in wavelengths. Note 1: The electrical length is in general different from the physical length. Note 2: By the addition of an appropriate reactive element (capacitive or inductive), the electrical length may be made significantly shorter or longer than the physical length.电长度电长度:1.对于传输媒介,它的长度被表示为一个在媒介中传波的电或者电磁信号波长的倍数。注释 1:波长可能用弧度来表示,或者其它的角度单位来表示,如角度。注释 2:在同轴电缆和光纤中,传输速率大约为自由空间中的2/3。因此,波长 大约为自由空间中波长的2/3,而电长度则大约为物理长度的1.5 倍。2.对于传输媒介,(电长度)用 它的物理长乘以 电或电磁信号在媒介中的传输 时间(时间为a)与 这信号在自由空间中通过跟媒介物理长度一样的距离时所 需的时间(时间为b)的比(即电长度=物理长度*a/b) 来考虑。注释:对于一个物理媒介来说,它的电长度总是大于它的物理长度。例如,在同 轴电缆中,分布电阻、电容、电感阻碍了信号的传输;在光纤中,光波与 光纤材料之间的相互作用,以及光纤的几何结构,影响了信号的传输速率。3.对于天线,天线的有效长度常表示为波长的倍数。注释 1.电长度跟物理长度通常是不一样的。注释 2.通过增加一个适当的电抗元件(电容或电感),电长度可以显著的短于或者长于物理长度。



在 C++ 中,计算一段文字的物理长度和宽度通常需要使用图形库或操作系统提供的函数。下面我将介绍两种常用的方法来计算文字的物理长度和宽度: 1. 使用图形库:如果你正在使用图形库,比如 Qt、SFML 或 OpenGL,它们通常提供了用于测量文字长度和宽度的函数。这些函数会考虑字体、字号和其他样式属性,从而准确地计算文字的物理尺寸。 以 Qt 为例,可以使用 QFontMetrics 类来计算文字的长度和宽度。示例代码如下: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <QFontMetrics> #include <QString> int main() { QString text = "Hello, world!"; QFont font("Arial", 12); QFontMetrics metrics(font); int width = metrics.width(text); int height = metrics.height(); std::cout << "文字的长度:" << width << std::endl; std::cout << "文字的高度:" << height << std::endl; return 0; } ``` 2. 使用操作系统函数:如果你只需要在控制台中显示文字,可以使用操作系统提供的函数来计算文字的物理长度和宽度。在 Windows 上,你可以使用 GetTextExtentPoint32 函数,而在 Linux 上,你可以使用 XftTextExtents 函数。 以下是一个使用 Windows API 的示例代码: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> int main() { HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); HFONT font = CreateFont(12, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, "Arial"); HFONT oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, font); const char* text = "Hello, world!"; SIZE size; GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, text, strlen(text), &size); std::cout << "文字的长度:" << size.cx << std::endl; std::cout << "文字的高度:" << size.cy << std::endl; SelectObject(hdc, oldFont); DeleteObject(font); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); return 0; } ``` 无论使用哪种方法,都需要提供字体、字号和要计算的文字内容。这样,你就可以获得文字的物理长度和宽度了。




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