Python 使用nltk对数据进行自然语言处理(nlp)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on 2015-1-24
@author: beyondzhou

import json
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize

# Download nltk packages used in this example'stopwords')

# Read data 
BLOG_DATA = r"E:\eclipse\Web\dFile\feed.json"
blog_data = json.loads(open(BLOG_DATA).read())

# Customize your list of stopwords as needed. Here, we add common
# punctuation and contraction artifacts.
stop_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english') + [

for post in blog_data:
    sentences = sent_tokenize(post['content'])

    words = [w.lower() for sentence in sentences for w in

    fdist = nltk.FreqDist(words)

    # Basic stats
    num_words = sum([i[1] for i in fdist.items()])
    num_unique_words = len(fdist.keys())

    # Hapaxes are words that appear only once
    num_hapaxes = len(fdist.hapaxes())

    top_10_words_sans_stop_words = [w for w in fdist.items() if w[0]
                                      not in stop_words][:10]

    print post['title']
    print '\tNum Sentences:'.ljust(25), len(sentences)
    print '\tNum Words:'.ljust(25), num_words
    print '\tNum Unique Words:'.ljust(25), num_unique_words
    print '\tNum Hapaxes:'.ljust(25), num_hapaxes
    print '\tTop 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):\n\t\t', '\n\t\t'.join(['%s (%s)' 
                                 % (w[0], w[1]) for w in top_10_words_sans_stop_words])

Four short links: 23 January 2015
	Num Sentences:           6
	Num Words:               172
	Num Unique Words:        121
	Num Hapaxes:             98
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		— (4)
		fields (3)
		academic (2)
		analysis (2)
		believed (2)
		brilliance (2)
		code (2)
		language (2)
		mining (2)
		require (2)

Designing on a system level
	Num Sentences:           8
	Num Words:               238
	Num Unique Words:        128
	Num Hapaxes:             85
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		thinking (6)
		design (5)
		systems (5)
		goodman (4)
		physical (3)
		computer (2)
		conversation (2)
		define (2)
		designer (2)
		designing (2)

Bitcoin is just the first app to use blockchain technology
	Num Sentences:           13
	Num Words:               231
	Num Unique Words:        135
	Num Hapaxes:             103
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		bitcoin (6)
		time (4)
		blockchain (3)
		& (2)
		around (2)
		computers (2)
		consensus (2)
		could (2)
		first (2)
		global (2)

Blockchain scalability
	Num Sentences:           13
	Num Words:               367
	Num Unique Words:        196
	Num Hapaxes:             144
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		bitcoin (9)
		blockchain (9)
		issue (3)
		transactions (3)
		& (2)
		article (2)
		block (2)
		blocks (2)
		centralization (2)
		detail (2)

Bringing an end to synthetic biology’s semantic debate
	Num Sentences:           11
	Num Words:               350
	Num Unique Words:        179
	Num Hapaxes:             125
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		synthetic (12)
		biology (11)
		genetic (5)
		working (5)
		that’s (4)
		gardner (3)
		living (3)
		materials (3)
		areas (2)
		defining (2)

Building and deploying large-scale machine learning pipelines
	Num Sentences:           10
	Num Words:               196
	Num Unique Words:        124
	Num Hapaxes:             93
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		learning (5)
		machine (5)
		projects (4)
		data (3)
		pipelines (3)
		ben (2)
		berkeley (2)
		many (2)
		new (2)
		optimization (2)

Four short links: 22 January 2015
	Num Sentences:           16
	Num Words:               251
	Num Unique Words:        150
	Num Hapaxes:             119
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		— (4)
		i’m (3)
		language (3)
		like (3)
		natural (3)
		testing (3)
		facebook (2)
		interface (2)
		interfaces (2)
		kinect (2)

How to make a UX designer
	Num Sentences:           7
	Num Words:               227
	Num Unique Words:        126
	Num Hapaxes:             93
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		design (8)
		ux (8)
		designers (5)
		wydeven (4)
		better (3)
		graphic (3)
		new (3)
		websites (3)
		came (2)
		got (2)

The 3Ps of the blockchain: platforms, programs and protocols
	Num Sentences:           6
	Num Words:               167
	Num Unique Words:        100
	Num Hapaxes:             74
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		blockchain (3)
		although (2)
		blockchain’s (2)
		landscape (2)
		protocol (2)
		single (2)
		“blockchain (2)
		activity (1)
		adoption (1)
		already (1)

Four short links: 21 January 2015
	Num Sentences:           9
	Num Words:               118
	Num Unique Words:        74
	Num Hapaxes:             57
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		pc (5)
		— (4)
		= (3)
		2015 (2)
		data (2)
		mouse (2)
		new (2)
		2.2b (1)
		2000s (1)
		2020 (1)

The Internet of Things is really about software
	Num Sentences:           10
	Num Words:               244
	Num Unique Words:        132
	Num Hapaxes:             97
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		internet (6)
		software (6)
		things (6)
		; (2)
		business (2)
		free (2)
		hardware (2)
		industries (2)
		iot (2)
		it’s (2)

What containers can do for you
	Num Sentences:           5
	Num Words:               100
	Num Unique Words:        84
	Num Hapaxes:             74
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		containers (2)
		advantages (1)
		applications (1)
		behind (1)
		better (1)
		bringing (1)
		buzz (1)
		check (1)
		compelling (1)
		container (1)

Four short links: 20 January 2015
	Num Sentences:           10
	Num Words:               180
	Num Unique Words:        116
	Num Hapaxes:             85
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		— (4)
		mind (3)
		scalability (3)
		change (2)
		collective (2)
		group (2)
		intelligence (2)
		look (2)
		mit (2)
		one (2)

Striking parallels between mathematics and software engineering
	Num Sentences:           20
	Num Words:               339
	Num Unique Words:        185
	Num Hapaxes:             134
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		mathematics (5)
		algebra (3)
		linear (3)
		+ (2)
		defined (2)
		design (2)
		designed (2)
		hadoop (2)
		learning (2)
		machine (2)

Four short links: 19 January 2015
	Num Sentences:           12
	Num Words:               199
	Num Unique Words:        132
	Num Hapaxes:             105
	Top 10 Most Frequent Words (sans stop words):
		— (4)
		ai (3)
		learning (3)
		ava (2)
		deep (2)
		facebook (2)
		google’s (2)
		information (2)
		open (2)
		q (2)





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