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翻译 Python 正则表达式验证十六进制数字

1. Find any hexadecimal number in a larger body of text\b[0-9a-fA-F]+\b2. Check whether a text string holds just a hexadecimal number\A[0-9a-fA-F]+\Z3. Find a hexadecimal number with a 0x prefix

2014-08-29 10:10:04 9801

翻译 Python 正则表达式验证整数

1. Find any positive integer decimal number in a larger body of text\b[0-9]+\bMatch: 123 123.456No match:123a2. Check whether a text string holds just a positive integer decimal number\A[0-9]

2014-08-28 10:30:14 3608

翻译 Python 正则表达式替换重复的空字符为单个空字符

1. clean any whitespace characters (including line breaks, tabs, spaces)Match: \s+Replace: None2. clean horizontal whitespace charactersMatch: [ \t\XA0]+ or [ \t\u00A0]+Replace: None

2014-08-27 10:33:28 1157

翻译 Python 正则表达式去除前导和后缀空格

1. Regular Expressions1.1. Remove leading whitespaceMatch: \A\s+Replace: none1.2. Remove trailing whitespaceMatch: \s+\ZReplace: none2. Codeimport resubject = " nihao "subject = re.sub("\A

2014-08-26 10:23:00 6428

翻译 Python 聚类分析LinkedIn用户人脉网络

Python 聚类分析LinkedIn用户人脉网络

2014-08-26 07:08:12 1865

翻译 Python 查找不含有特定单个或多个字符的行

1. Match a line that does not contain a specific word (eg, error)(?im)^(?:(?!\berror\b).)*$2. Match a line that does not contain specific words (eg. error, fail)(?im)^(?:(?!\b(?:error|fail)\b).)*$

2014-08-25 11:15:38 1496

翻译 Python 使用nltk对特定词汇进行双连词处理 (二元语法)

CODE:#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2014-8-22@author: guaguastd@name: ceo_cto_bigrams.py'''import nltkceo_bigrams = nltk.bigrams("Chief Executive Officer".split(),

2014-08-23 10:58:31 2814

原创 Python 正则表达式验证是否为素数

Python 正则表达式验证是否为素数

2014-08-22 13:50:24 1071

翻译 Python 查找含有特定单个或多个字符的行

1. Match Complete Lines That contain a Word (eg. error)(?im)^.*\berror\b.*$2. Match any lines That contain one of multiple words (eg, one, two , three)(?im)^.*\b(one|two|three)\b.*$3. Match line

2014-08-22 10:44:14 5024 1

翻译 Python 正则表达式去除重复行

1. Sort lines and remove adjacent duplicatesMatch:(?m)^([\s\S]*)(?:(?:\r?\n|\r)\1)+$Replace:\12. Keep the last occurrence of each duplicate line in an unsorted fileMatch:(?m)^([^\r\n]*)(?:\r?\

2014-08-21 11:23:17 2389

原创 Python 正则表达式替换特定字符为标志的字符串

Python 正则表达式替换特定字符为标志的字符串

2014-08-20 11:28:16 1864

翻译 Python 正则表达式查找重复单词


2014-08-20 09:45:31 4662

翻译 Python 对LinkedIn用户联系人的地址进行地理编码

Python 对LinkedIn用户联系人的地址进行地理编码

2014-08-20 07:06:58 946

翻译 Python 对城市进行地理编码

Python 对城市进行地理编码

2014-08-20 06:15:29 1923

翻译 Python 正则表达式查找相邻字符

Regular Expression# among word1 word2 word3, at most 5 words between each other\b(?:(?:word1()|word2()|word3()|(?:\1|\2|\3)\w+)\b\W*?){3,8}\1\2\3# among word1 word2 word3, any distance from each

2014-08-19 10:48:22 1274

翻译 Python 规范化LinkedIn用户联系人的职位名

Python 规范化LinkedIn用户联系人的职位名

2014-08-19 07:24:17 1038

翻译 Python 规范化LinkedIn用户的联系人所在公司后缀 (data normalization)

Python 规范化LinkedIn用户的联系人所在公司后缀 (data normalization)

2014-08-19 06:41:53 1193

翻译 Python 查找含有或者不含有特定字符的字符

Regular Expression1. Words not preceded by a specific word (eg. cat)(?<!\b(?:cat)\W)\b\w+2. Words not preceded by some words (eg. cat, good)(?<!\b(?:cat|good)\W)\b\w+3. Words preceded by speci

2014-08-18 10:02:25 1428

翻译 Python 显示LinkedIn用户的工作岗位

Python 显示LinkedIn用户的工作岗位

2014-08-18 06:47:02 1570

翻译 Python 提取LinkedIn用户的人脉

Python 提取LinkedIn用户的人脉

2014-08-18 06:06:58 2773

翻译 Python 访问 LinkedIn (API)

Python 访问 LinkedIn (API)

2014-08-16 07:43:15 3524

翻译 Python 正则表达式查找跟着或不跟着特定字符串的字符串

Regular Expression1. Find Any Word not Followed by a Specific Word\b(?!dog\b)\w+\b(?!\W+dog\b)2. Find Any Word not Followed by Words\b(?!(?:cat|dog)\b)\w+\b(?!\W+(?:cat|dog)\b)3. Find Any Word

2014-08-15 10:38:15 2235

翻译 Python 可视化Facebook用户友谊图

CODE:#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2014-8-15@author: guaguastd@name: friendship_graph_visualize.py'''import networkx as nximport requestsimport jsonfrom networkx

2014-08-15 07:32:22 1345

翻译 Python 正则表达式查找不是某个字符的字符串

Regular Expression1. Find All Except a Specific Word\b(?!cat\b)\w+2. Find All Except some words\b(?!(?:cat|good)\b)\w+3. Find words that don't contain another word\b(?:(?!cat)\w)+\b4. Find

2014-08-14 10:26:30 1830

翻译 Python 对Facebook用户Friendship的聚类分析

Python 对Facebook用户Friendship的聚类分析

2014-08-14 07:26:45 1744 1

翻译 Python 可视化Facebook用户与其有共同爱好的Friends (数量)

CODE:#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2014-8-13@author: guaguastd@name: common_friends_visualize.py'''# impot loginfrom login import facebook_login# import helper#

2014-08-14 06:04:49 876

翻译 Python 正则表达式查询相似的字符串

Regular ExpressionColor or colour\bcolou?r\bWords ending with "phobia"\b\w*phobia\bSteve, Steven or Stephen\bSte(?:ven?|phen)\bVariations of "regular expression"######regular expressions

2014-08-13 11:11:56 1131

翻译 Python 获取Facebook用户与其有共同爱好的Friends

Python 获取Facebook用户与其有共同爱好的Friends

2014-08-13 06:48:54 1216

翻译 Python 获取Facebook用户与其Friends的共同爱好

CODE:#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2014-8-13@author: guaguastd@name: common_likes_finding.py'''# impot loginfrom login import facebook_login# import helper#from

2014-08-13 06:46:40 926

原创 Python 正则表达式查找多个字符串中的一个

Regular Expression\b(?:china|american|german)\b

2014-08-12 10:48:44 2727

翻译 Python 统计Facebook用户爱好的个数

Python 统计Facebook用户爱好的个数

2014-08-12 06:25:23 915

翻译 Python 获取Facebook用户Friends的爱好类别中的Top10

Python 获取Facebook用户的Friends的爱好类别中的Top10

2014-08-12 06:05:54 1139

翻译 Python 获取Facebook用户的Friends的爱好中的Top10

Python 获取Facebook用户的Friends的爱好中的Top10

2014-08-12 05:54:23 953

翻译 Python 正则表达式查找字符串中特定字符

Regular Expression\bcat\b

2014-08-11 10:49:05 3546

翻译 Python 获取Facebook用户的Friends的爱好

Python 获取Facebook用户的Friends的爱好

2014-08-11 07:52:09 1063

翻译 Python 获取Facebook特定用户的feed和link

Python 获取Facebook特定用户的feed和link

2014-08-09 08:03:12 11042

翻译 Python 获取Facebook特定用户的粉丝数

Python 获取Facebook特定用户的粉丝数

2014-08-09 07:10:12 1831

翻译 Python 正则表达式验证信用卡号码

Rule:Visa 13 or 16 digits, starting with 4MasterCard 16 digits,starting with 51 through 55Discover 16 digits,starting with 6011 or 65American Express 15 digits,starting with 34 or 37Din

2014-08-08 10:35:31 5058

翻译 Python 获取Facebook instance

CODE:#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2014-8-8@author: guaguastd@name: facebook_instance_get.py'''# impot login; refer to http://blog.csdn.net/guaguastd/article/de

2014-08-08 07:02:10 1007

翻译 Python 正则表达式验证密码完整性

Regular Expression1. Length between 8 and 32 characters^[\s\S]{8,32}$2. ASCII visible and space characters onlyRule: match A-Z,0-9,a-z and ASCII punctualtion no control characters, line br

2014-08-07 10:47:21 2889

Computer Vision PAAL .zip

Computer Vision Principles, Algorithms, Applications, Learning


Practical Python and OpenCV, 3rd Edition.rar



High Performance Python

Chapter 1. Introduction, Section 1.1. The High Performance Buzz-word, Chapter 2. The Theory of Computation, Section 2.1. Introduction, Section 2.2. Problems, Section 2.3. Models of Computation, Chapter 3. Algorithms, Section 3.1. Introduction, Section 3.2. Anatomy of an Algorithm, Section 3.3. Introducing Big O Notation, Section 3.4. Recurrence Relations, Section 3.5. P, NP, and Completeness, Section 3.6. Hall of Fame, Chapter 4. Rules of Optimization, Section 4.1. Rule #1: Plan Ahead, Chapter 5. Optimization for Speed, Section 5.1. Think like a Cheat, Section 5.2. Use Psyco, Section 5.3. Check Your Loops, Section 5.4. Anthony Tuininga's cx_Freeze, Section 5.5. Wait for Moore's Law to Catch Up, Section 5.6. Limit Regular Expressions



Maven项目对象模型(POM),可以通过一小段描述信息来管理项目的构建,报告和文档的软件项目管理工具。 Maven 除了以程序构建能力为特色之外,还提供高级项目管理工具。由于 Maven 的缺省构建规则有较高的可重用性,所以常常用两三行 Maven 构建脚本就可以构建简单的项目。由于 Maven 的面向项目的方法,许多 Apache Jakarta 项目发文时使用 Maven,而且公司项目采用 Maven 的比例在持续增长。 Maven这个单词来自于意第绪语(犹太语),意为知识的积累,最初在Jakata Turbine项目中用来简化构建过程。当时有一些项目(有各自Ant build文件),仅有细微的差别,而JAR文件都由CVS来维护。于是希望有一种标准化的方式构建项目,一个清晰的方式定义项目的组成,一个容易的方式发布项目的信息,以及一种简单的方式在多个项目中共享JARs。





CUDA for Engineers An Introduction to High Performance Parallel Computing

CUDA for Engineers An Introduction to High Performance Parallel Computing


load test for video publish, pull

stress test tool for video publish, pull (hlv, hls, rtmp)


ffmpeg, use to publish stream, play stream



ovirt viewer



Mongodb Windows Client

mongodb windows client


lua5.3.3 win32

lua 5.3.3


nginx from begin to pro

nginx from begin to pro


Spark for Data Science

Spark for Data Science


Data Science Essentials

Data Science Essentials


Data Algorithms Recipe

Data Algorithms Recipe


Data Science for Business

Data Science for business


Tool to decode flv

Tool to decode http flv



Python类expect的库, 方便ssh, telnet


Regular Expressions Cookbook 2nd

正则表达式 第二版 正则表达式对于程序编写有非常大的好处



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