3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.2.2 Usage Reporting Rule Handling


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5.2.2 Usage Reporting Rule Handling 使用情况报告规则处理 General

The CP function shall provision URR(s) for a PFCP session in a PFCP Session Establishment Request or a PFCP Session Modification Request to request the UP function to:

CP功能应在PFCP Session Establishment Request或PFCP Session Modification Request中为PFCP会话提供URR,以请求UP功能:

- measure the network resources usage in terms of traffic data volume, duration (i.e. time) and/or events, according to the provisioned Measurement Method; and


- send a usage report to the CP function, when the measurement reaches a certain threshold, periodically or when detecting a certain event, according to the provisioned Reporting Triggers or when an immediate report is requested within a PFCP Session Modification Request.

-当测量值达到某个阈值时,根据提供的报告触发器,定期的,或在检测到某个事件时,或者当PFCP Session Modification Request立即报告时,向CP功能发送使用情况报告。

NOTE: The UP function sends a usage report without performing network resources usage measurements when being requested to detect and report the start of an SDF or application traffic.

注意:当要求检测并报告SDF或应用程序流量的开始时,UP功能会发送使用情况报告而不执行网络资源使用情况测量。 Provisioning of Usage Reporting Rule in the UP function 在UP功能中设置使用情况报告规则 General

When provisioning a URR, the CP function shall provide the reporting trigger(s) in the Reporting Triggers IE of the URR which shall cause the UP function to generate and send a Usage Report for this URR to the CP function. When adding or removing reporting trigger(s) to or from the URR, the CP function shall provide the new complete list of applicable reporting triggers in the Reporting Triggers IE in the PFCP Session Modification Request message.

设置URR时,CP功能应在URR的Reporting Triggers IE中提供报告触发器,该触发器应使UP功能生成该URR的Usage Report并将其发送给CP功能。在向URR添加或从URR中删除报告触发器时,CP功能应在Reporting Triggers IE(即PFCP Session Modification Request消息)中提供新的适用报告触发器的完整列表。

For the volume-based measurement method, the CP function may provision:


- the Volume Threshold IE, to request the UP function to generate a usage report when the measured traffic reaches the threshold;

-Volume Threshold IE,当所测量的话务量0达到阈值时,请求UP功能生成使用情况报告;

- the Volume Quota IE, to request the UP function to stop forwarding packets (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function) and, if no Volume Threshold is provisioned, to also generate a usage report, when the measured traffic reaches the quota;

-Volume Quota IE,请求UP功能停止转发数据包,如果未设置Volume Threshold,则在测量流量达到配额时,也生成使用报告;

- the Dropped DL Traffic Threshold IE, to request the UP function to generate a usage report when the downlink traffic that is being dropped reaches the threshold; and/or

-Dropped DL Traffic Threshold IE,即当被丢弃的下行链路流量达到阈值时请求UP功能生成使用情况报告;和/或

NOTE 1: For EPC, the Dropped DL Traffic Threshold can be armed in a SGW-U for triggering the PGW Pause of Charging feature (see 3GPP TS 23.401 [14]). For 5GC, the Dropped DL Traffic Threshold can be armed in a UPF for triggering the SMF Pause of Charging feature (see 3GPP TS 23.502 [29]).

注意1:对于EPC,可以将丢失的DL流量阈值置于SGW-U中,以触发PGW暂停计费功能(请参阅3GPP TS 23.401 [14])。对于5GC,可以将丢失的DL流量阈值置于UPF中,以触发SMF暂停计费功能(请参阅3GPP TS 23.502 [29])。

- a Measurement Information with the 'Measurement Before QoS Enforcement' flag set to "1", to request the UP function to measure the traffic usage before any enforcement, e.g. bitrate enforcement for QoS, Gate control enforcement (as specified in clause 5.4.3) or packets dropped as requested by the FAR.

-一种Measurement Information,其“Measurement Before QoS Enforcement”标志设置为“1”,以请求UP功能在任何强制执行前测量流量使用情况,例如QoS比特率强制执行、门控制强制执行或FAR请求丢弃的数据包。

- a Measurement Information with the 'Measurement of Number of Packets' flag set to "1", to request the UP function to measure the number of packets be transferred in UL/DL/Total in addition to the measurement in octets, if the UP function supports the MNOP feature.

-一种Measurement Information,其“Measurement for Number of Packets”标志设置为“1”,如果UP功能支持MNOP特性,则请求UP功能除了以八位字节为单位的测量外,还以UL/DL/Total为单位测量要传输的包数。

For the time-based measurement method, the CP function may provision:


- a Time Threshold IE, to request the UP function to generate a usage report when the measured traffic reaches the threshold;

-Time Threshold IE时间阈值IE,当所测量的量达到阈值时请求UP功能生成使用情况报告;

- a Time Quota, to request the UP function to stop forwarding packets (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function) and, if no Time Threshold is provisioned, to also generate a usage report, when the measured traffic reaches the quota;

-Time Quota,用于请求UP功能停止转发分组,并且如果没有设置Time Threshold,则当所测量的流量达到配额时,生成使用情况报告;

- a Measurement Information with the "Immediate Start Time Metering" flag set to "1", to request the UP function to start time metering immediately at receiving the flag; otherwise, the UP function shall start time metering when the first packet is received; and/or

-将“Immediate Start Time Metering”标志设置为“1”的Measurement Information,以请求UP功能在接收到该标志时立即开始时间计量;否则,UP功能应在接收到第一个包时开始时间计量;和/或

- an Inactivity Detection Time, to request the UP function to suspend the time measurement when no packets are received during the provisioned Inactivity Detection Time. The time measurement shall then be resumed by the UP function when subsequent traffic is received. If an Inactivity Detection Time value of zero is provided, or if no Inactivity Detection Time has been provided by the CP function, the time measurement shall be performed continuously until a new non-zero Inactivity Detection Time is received or the time-based usage measurement is stopped. See Figure

-Inactivity Detection Time,当在所提供的Inactivity Detection Time期间没有接收到分组时,请求UP功能暂停时间测量。当接收到后续流量时,UP功能应恢复时间测量。如果提供了零的Inactivity Detection Time,或者如果CP功能未提供Inactivity Detection Time,则应连续执行时间测量,直到收到新的none-zero Inactivity Detection Time或停止time-based的使用测量。见图5.2.2.2-1:

Figure IDT based charging 基于IDT的计费

NOTE 2: The Inactivity Detection Time can be set to the Quota Consumption Timer if received. The Inactivity Detection Time is not used to control when the time metering starts.


- For EPC, a Time Quota Mechanism, including a Base Time Interval Type, which is either Continuous Time Period (CTP) or Discrete Time Period (DTP), and a Base Time Interval (BTI), to the UP function. See clause 6.5.7 in 3GPP TS 32.299[18].

-对于EPC,向UP功能提供一种Time Quota Mechanism,包括Base Time Interval TypeContinuous Time PeriodDiscrete Time Period以及Base Time Interval)

- For CTP (Continuous Time Period), the time measurement starts from the time that traffic has occurred up to the first Base Time Interval (BTI) which contains no traffic. The time measurement shall include the last Base Time Interval, i.e. the one which contained no traffic. The time measurement resumes by the UP function when subsequent traffic is received. See Figure

-对于CTP,时间测量从流量发生的时间开始,直到第一个不包含流量的Base Time Interval。时间测量应包括最后一个Base Time Interval,即不包含流量的时间间隔。当接收到后续流量时,UP功能恢复时间测量。见图5.2.2.2-2:

Figure CTP based charging 基于CTP的计费

- For DTP (Descrete Time Period), the time measurement starts from the time that traffic has occurred up to the Base Time Interval end. The time measurement shall be resumed by the UP function when subsequent traffic is received. See Figure

-对于DTP,时间测量从流量发生开始,Base Time Interval结束。当接收到后续流量时,UP功能应恢复时间测量。见图5.2.2.2-3:


Figure DTP based charging 基于DTP的计费

When the time-based measurement method applies, and when the Envelope Reporting is required for EPC, the CP function shall request the UP function to report the usage by setting the reporting trigger to Envelope Closure in addition to other Reporting Trigger(s), in the Reporting Triggers IE. The CP function may indicate the UP function to report for just time, time and volume, time and events, or time and volume and number of events by setting Measurement Method accordingly. The CP function may set the Reduced Application Detection Information flag in the Measurement Information of the URR, when requesting the detection of start and stop of an application solely for the purpose of envelope reporting for EPC.

time-based的测量方法适用时,当EPC需要Envelope Reporting时,在Reporting Triggers IE发器中CP功能应请求UP功能通过将报告触发器设置为Envelope Closure以及其他Reporting Trigger来报告使用情况CP功能可以指示UP功能,通过相应地设置Measurement Method,只报告时间、时间和流量、时间和事件,或时间和流量以及事件数。当仅为了EPC的信封报告的目的而请求应用的开始和停止的检测时,CP功能可以在URR的Measurement Information中设置Reduced Application Detection Information标志。

The CP function may provision a Volume Threshold, a Volume Quota, or both (and/or respectively a Time Threshold, a Time Quota, or both).

CP功能可以提供Volume ThresholdVolume Quota或两者。

When both a Volume (or Time) Threshold and a Volume (or Time) Quota are provisioned, the UP function shall send a usage report only when reaching the Volume (or Time) Threshold; when subsequently reaching the Volume (or Time) Quota, the UP function shall stop forwarding packets (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function) without sending a new usage report to the CP function.

当同时设置Volume ThresholdVolume Quota时,UP功能只有在达到Volume Threshold卷阈值时才发送使用情况报告;当随后达到Volume Quota时,UP功能停止转发数据包,而不向CP功能发送新的使用情况报告。

NOTE 3: For online charging, the Volume Threshold (or Time Threshold) can be set in a PGW-U or TDF-U to the value of the granted volume (or time) quota minus the volume (or time) quota threshold, such as to get a usage report from the UP function when the volume (or time) based credit falls below the remaining quota thresholds provided by the OCS.


NOTE 4: The Volume Quota or Time Quota can be armed in a PGW-U or TDF-U for online charging to enable the traffic to be forwarded up to an intermediate or final quotas granted by the OCS. The CP function can provision both a Volume (or Time) Threshold and a Volume (or Time) Threshold to request the UP function to:
- send a usage report when the consumed resources reach the volume (or time) usage threshold provided by the OCS, and
- to stop forwarding packets (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function), without sending a second usage report, when the granted volume (or time) quota is exhausted.

注意4:可以在PGW-U或TDF-U中配置音量配额或时间配额,以进行在线计费,以使流量可以转发到OCS授予的中间或最终配额。 CP功能可以同时设置音量(或时间)阈值和音量(或时间)阈值,以请求UP功能: -当消耗的资源达到OCS提供的数量(或时间)使用量阈值时发送使用情况报告,并且 -当授予的数量(或时间)配额用完时,停止转发数据包(或根据UP功能中的操作员策略,仅转发某些有限的用户平面流量),而无需发送第二次使用情况报告。

For event based measurement method, the CP function may provision:


- the Event Threshold IE, to request the UP function to generate a usage report when the number of events reaches the event threshold;

-Event Threshold IE,当事件数达到事件阈值时,请求UP功能生成使用情况报告;

- the Event Quota IE, to request the UP function to stop forwarding packets applicable to the event (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function) and, if no Event threshold is provisioned, to also generate a usage report, when the number of events reaches the event quota;

-Event Quota IE,请求UP功能停止转发适用于该事件的分组,并且如果没有设置事件阈值,则当事件的数目达到事件配额时,也生成使用情况报告;

NOTE 5: An event is preconfigured with one or more event detection logic in the UPF. Each event detection logic is associated with an Application ID. The CP function activates the detection and reporting of an event by provisioning PDR(s) with the PDI set to an Application ID and by provisioning a URR with an event threshold or event quota reporting trigger. The CP function identifies an event reported in a Usage Report by the URR ID.

注5:一个事件已在UPF中预先配置了一个或多个事件检测逻辑。每个事件检测逻辑都与一个应用程序ID相关联。 CP功能通过为PDR设置PDI设置为应用程序ID并为URR设置事件阈值或事件配额报告触发器来激活事件的检测和报告。 CP功能通过URR ID识别使用情况报告中报告的事件。

For all the measurement methods (i.e. volume, time or event), the CP function may also provision:


- a Quota Holding Time, to request the UP function to send a usage report and to also stop forwarding packets (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function) when no packets have been received for the duration indicated in this parameter;

-Quota Holding Time在该参数中指示的时间内没有收到分组,请求UP功能发送使用情况报告并且停止转发数据包

NOTE 6: A Quota Holding Time can be armed in a PGW-U or TDF-U for online charging to request the UP function to send a Usage Report when the Quota Holding Time provided by the OCS (see 3GPP TS 32.299 [18]) expires. The UP function can be instructed in the same Usage Reporting Rule with the Report Triggers – START to generate a new Usage Report upon receiving any subsequent packets associated with this URR.

注6:可以在PGW-U或TDF-U中配置配额保持时间以进行在线计费,以请求UP功能在OCS提供的配额保持时间时发送使用情况报告(请参阅3GPP TS 32.299 [18])到期。可以在与“报告触发器”相同的“使用情况报告规则”中指示UP功能–在收到与该URR相关的任何后续数据包后,开始生成新的使用情况报告。

- a Quota Validity Time, if the VTIME feature is supported by UP function, to request the UP function to send a usage report after the validity duration is over. After Quota validity timer expiry, if packets are received on UPF, the UPF shall stop forwarding packets or only allow forwarding of limited user plane traffic, based on operator's policy in the UP function;

-Quota Validity Time,如果UP功能支持VTIME功能,则请求UP功能在有效期结束后发送使用情况报告。Quota Validity Time计时器到期后,如果UPF接收到数据包,UPF应根据UP功能中的运营商策略,停止转发数据包或只允许转发有限的用户平面流量;

- a Monitoring Time IE and zero or more Additional Monitoring IEs, to request the UP function to measure the network resources usage before and after the monitoring time in separate counts and to re-apply the volume and/or time, and/or event thresholds at the monitoring time. The CP function may additionally provision a Subsequent Volume (or Time or Event) Threshold IE and/or a Subsequent Volume (or Time or Event) Quota IE, for a volume (or time or event) based measurement. When being provisioned with a Monitoring Time, the UP function shall:

-Monitoring Time IE和零个或多个Additional Monitoring IE,请求UP功能以单独计数的方式测量监视时间前后的网络资源使用情况,并在监视时间re-apply流量和/或时间和/或事件阈值。CP功能还可以为基于流量的测量提供Subsequent Volume Threshold IE和/或Subsequent Volume Quota IE。设置Monitoring Time时,UP功能应:

- reset its usage thresholds at the monitoring time to the value provided in the Subsequent Volume (or Time or Event) Threshold IE, if provisioned in the URR, or to the remaining value of the Volume (or Time or Event) threshold used before the monitoring time (i.e. excluding the already accumulated volume or time usage);

-将其在监视时的使用阈值重置为Subsequent Volume Threshold IE中提供的值(如果在URR中提供),或重置为在监视时间之前使用的流量阈值的剩余值;

- shall indicate the usage up to the Monitoring time and usage after the Monitoring time in the first usage report after the Monitoring Time is reached;

-应在达到Monitoring Time后的第一份使用报告中注明截至Monitoring时间的使用情况和Monitoring时间后的使用情况;

- a Measurement Period, indicating the period to generate periodic usage reports to the CP function.

-一个Measurement Period,指示向CP功能生成定期使用情况报告的周期。

Action" IE identifying the substitute FAR the UP function shall apply, for the traffic identified by the PDR to which the URR is associated, when exhausting any of these quotas. This FAR may require the UP function to drop the packets or redirect the traffic towards a redirect destination as specified in clause 5.4.7.

Action IE,当耗尽这些配额中的任何一个时,识别UP功能的替代物应适用于与URR相关联的PDR所识别的流量。这可能需要UP功能丢弃数据包或将流量重定向到重定向目的地。

NOTE 7: A PDR can be associated with multiple URRs. If one of these URRs requires the UP function to drop the user data packets, e.g. when the Quota has been exhausted, the other URRs associated to the PDR need also to stop their measurements, except for URRs including the Measurement Information with the 'Measurement Before QoS Enforcement' flag set to "1".

注7:一个PDR可以与多个URR相关联。如果这些URR之一需要UP功能来丢弃用户数据包,例如当配额用尽时,与PDR相关的其他URR也需要停止其测量,但包括“ QoS强制测量”标志设置为“ 1”的URR包括测量信息除外。

The CP function may request at any time the UP function to activate or deactivate a network resources usage measurement, using the Inactive Measurement flag of the Measurement Information IE of the URR.

CP功能可以在任何时候请求UP功能使用URR的Measurement Information IE的Inactive Measurement标志来激活或停用网络资源使用测量。

NOTE 8: This can be used in a PGW-U for the PGW Pause of Charging procedure (see 3GPP TS 23.401 [14]).

注8:可以在PGW-U中使用PGW暂停计费程序(请参阅3GPP TS 23.401 [14])。

The CP function may request the UP function to measure network resources usage and generate the corresponding Usage Reports only for a number of times, by provisioning the "Number of Reports" IE in a URR, if the UP function supports the NORP feature (see clause 8.2.25-1). If so, the URR shall become inactive in the UP function after the requested "Number of Reports" have been reported.

如果UP功能支持NORP特性,则CP功能可以通过在URR中设置“Number of Reports”IE来请求UP功能测量网络资源使用情况并仅生成相应的使用情况报告若干次。如果是这样,在报告请求的“Number of Reports”后,URR应在UP功能中变为非活动状态。

The CP function may resume the measurement for an inactive URR by setting the Inactive Measurement flag of the Measurement Information IE of the URR to "0" in the Update URR IE in a PFCP Session Modification Request message, with or without the Number of Report IE.  If the CP function wishes the UP function to perform continuous measurement for a URR which was provisioned with a Number of Reports (i.e. to no longer limit the number of reports to be generated), the CP function shall provide the Number of Reports IE in the Update URR with a null length to delete the limit on the number of reports to be generated.

CP功能可通过在PFCP Session Modification Request消息中将URR的Measurement Information IE的Inactive Measurement标志设置为“0”,以恢复非活动URR的测量,包括或不包含Number of Report IE。如果CP功能希望UP功能对提供了Number of Reports的URR执行连续测量,则CP功能应在Update URR中提供Number of Reports IE,即长度为空的报告,以删除对要生成的报告数量的限制。

NOTE 9: The Number of Reports can be provisioned in a URR regardless which Measurement Method is used.

注9:可以使用URR设置报告数量,无论使用哪种度量方法。 Credit pooling (for EPC) 信用池(用于EPC)

For EPC, when the Credit Pool feature is supported and the CP function (e.g. PGW-C) is instructed to handle a Credit Pool for a given Gy Session, the CP function shall create a URR for the Credit Pool, and in this URR, the CP function:

对于EPC,当支持Credit Pool功能并且指示CP功能处理给定Gy会话的Credit Pool时,CP功能应为Credit Pool创建一个URR,在此URR中,CP功能:

- shall include one Aggregated URR ID IE per URR sharing the credit pool, including the URR ID of the URR sharing the credit pool and the associated Multiplier to measure the abstract service units the corresponding traffic consumes from the credit pool;

-应包括一个Aggregated URR ID,即每个共享信用池的URR,包括共享信用池的URR的URR ID和相关的Multiplier,以测量来自信用池的相应流量消耗的抽象服务单元;

- shall set the Time or Volume Threshold or Quota IE to the value calculated as specified in IETF RFC 4006 [16] according to the Measurement Method.

-应将TimeVolume ThresholdQuota IE设置为根据Measurement Method计算的值。

NOTE 1: The value can be calculated using the following formula:


S = Q1*M1 + Q2*M2 + ... + Qn*Mn,
where the S is the quota for the credit pool, Qn is the quota and Mn is the multiplier for each Rating Group (RG) which are provided via the Multiple Services Credit Control from the OCS.
A URRn is defined for each of RG.

S = Q1 * M1 Q2 * M2 ... Qn * Mn, 其中S是信用额度的配额,Qn是额度,Mn是每个评级组(RG)的乘数,每个评级组是通过OCS的多服务信用控制提供的。 为每个RG定义一个URRn。

NOTE 2: When the Measurement Method is set to the combined volume/duration, the Time and Volume Threshold or Quota are calculated indepentently.


- may set the Reporting Trigger to reporting upon reaching a volume or time threshold or quota;

-可将Reporting Trigger设置为在达到流量或时间阈值或配额时报告;

- may set the Measurement Method to the data volume, duration (i.e. time), combined volume/duration according to the Measurement Method set in the URRs in the Credit Pool.

-可根据Credit Pool的URRs中设置的Measurement Method,将Measurement Method设置为数据流量、持续时间、组合流量/持续时间。

NOTE 3: The UP function is instructed to handle a Credit Pool when a G-S-U-Pool-Reference AVP is included within a Multiple Services Credit Control from the OCS. A Credit Pool is identified by the G-S-U-Pool-Identifier AVP. See clause 6.3.11, 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 of 3GPP TS 32.299 [18].

注意3:当OCS的多服务信用控制中包含G-S-U-池参考AVP时,将指示UP功能处理信用池。信用池由G-S-U-池标识符AVP标识。参见3GPP TS 32.299 [18]的6.3.11、6.4.3和6.4.4节。

In addition, the CP function shall also include the Linked URR IE, set to the Credit Pool URR ID, in all the URRs which are sharing the credit pool (i.e. which are associatied with RGs sharing the Credit Pool).

此外,CP功能还应包括在共享信用池的所有URR中设置为Credit Pool URR ID的Linked URR IE。 Reporting of Usage Report to the CP function 向CP功能报告使用情况报告 General

When detecting that a provisioned reporting trigger occurs, the UP function shall generate a Usage Report for the related URR and send it to the CP function by initiating the PFCP Session Report procedure.

当检测到已设置的报告触发器发生时,UP功能应生成相关URR的Usage Report,并通过启动PFCP Session Report过程将其发送给CP功能。

When providing usage report information for a URR in a message, the UP function shall include the UR-SEQN (Usage Report Sequence Number) identifying the order in which a Usage Report is generated for the given URR. The UR-SEQN (Usage Report Sequence Number) shall be set to "0" for the first Usage Report and incremented for every subsequent Usage Report generated by the UP function for the URR. The UP function shall also indicate the trigger that causes the usage report to be generated in the Usage Report Trigger IE.

当在消息中提供URR的使用情况报告信息时,UP功能应包括UR-SEQN,标识为给定URR生成Usage Report的顺序。对于第一个Usage Report,UR-SEQN应设置为“0”,对于URR的UP功能生成的每个后续Usage Report,UR-SEQN应递增。UP功能还应指示导致在Usage Report Trigger IE中生成使用报告的触发器。

Upon generating a usage report for a URR towards the CP function, the UP function shall:


- reset its ongoing measurement counts for the related URR (i.e. the UP function shall report in a usage report the network resources usage measurement since the last usage report for that URR);


- re-apply all the thresholds (Volume/Time/Event Threshold) provisioned for the related URR, if the usage report was triggered due to one of  the thresholds being reached; and


- continue to apply all the provisioned URR(s) and perform the related network resources usage measurement(s), until getting any further instruction from the CP function.


When receiving a new threshold or quota from the CP function for a measurement that is already ongoing in the UP function, the UP function shall consider its ongoing measurements counts for the related URR against the new threshold or quota to determine when to send its next usage report to the CP function.


At receiving a quota with value set to zero, the UP function shall:


- apply the FAR identified in the FAR ID for Quota Action IE if the CP function has provisioned it, otherwise the UP function shall stop forwarding packets (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function); and

-将FAR ID中标识的FAR应用于Quota Action IE,即如果CP功能已提供该FAR,否则UP函数应停止转发数据包;以及

- report in a usage report the network resources usage measurement since the last usage report for that URR, if applicable.


NOTE 1: The UP function determines when to send its next usage report to the CP function by deducting from the newly provisioned threshold or quota the traffic it has forwarded since its last usage report. As an example, if the UP function has forwarded 10 Mbytes of traffic since it last usage report to the CP function and the CP function provisions a new volume threshold or quota of 100 Mbytes, the UP function sends its next usage report upon forwarding an additional 90 Mbytes traffic.

注1:UP功能通过从新设置的阈值或配额中减去自上次使用情况报告以来转发的流量,确定何时将其下一次使用情况报告发送给CP功能。例如,如果UP功能自上次使用报告以来已转发了10 MB的流量到CP功能,并且CP功能规定了新的卷阈值或配额为100 MB,则UP功能在转发附加信息后会发送其下一个使用情况报告90 MB流量。

NOTE 2: When receiving a new threshold or quota from the CP function for a measurement that is already ongoing in the UP function and if the UP function has already generated the usage report but had not sent it, the UP function can send the usage report before performing the update of the URR.


NOTE 3: A URR with the quota set to 0 can be provisioned when a service data flow is not allowed to start before quota is allocated to the service. See clause 5.4.11.


When reporting the network resources usage before and after a Monitoring Time, the UP function shall send two Usage Reports in the PFCP message (e.g. PFCP Session Report Request) for the same URR ID. Each Usage Report shall then include the Usage Information IE indicating whether the reported network resource usage was consumed before or after the Monitoring Time. Omission of this IE in a Usage Report indicates that no monitoring time has occurred. The UP function shall send Usage Reports soon after the occurrence of the Monitoring Time.

当在Monitoring Time前后报告网络资源使用情况时,UP功能应在PFCP消息中为相同的URR ID发送两个Usage Report。每个Usage Report应包括Usage Information IE,即指示所报告的网络资源使用情况是在Monitoring Time之前还是之后消耗的。在Usage Report中省略此IE表示没有发生监视时间。UP功能应在Monitoring Time发生后立即发送Usage Reports

NOTE 4: The UP function needs to take care to smooth the signalling load towards the CP function if Usage Reports need to be generated for a large number of PFCP sessions after the occurrence of the Monitoring Time.


For the volume-based measurement method, the UP function shall report the traffic usage after any QoS enforcement. Additionally, if the CP function requested to measure the traffic usage before QoS enforcement, the UP function shall also report corresponding measurements, when measurements needs to be reported for the traffic usage after QoS enforcement, by sending two Usage Reports in the PFCP message (e.g. PFCP Session Report Request) for the same URR ID. Each Usage Report shall then include the Usage Information IE indicating whether the reported network resource usage corresponds to the traffic before or after QoS enforcement. Thresholds provisioned in a URR shall apply to the traffic usage after any QoS enforcement.

对于volume-based的测量方法,UP功能应在任何QoS实施后报告流量使用情况。另外,如果CP功能要求在QoS实施前对业务量使用情况进行测量,当QoS实施后需要对业务量使用情况进行测量报告时,UP功能还应报告相应的测量,通过在PFCP消息中为相同的URR ID发送两个Usage Report。然后,每个Usage Report应包括Usage Information IE,指示报告的网络资源使用情况是否与QoS实施之前或之后的通信量相对应。URR中规定的阈值应适用于任何QoS实施后的流量使用。

For the volume-based measurement method, the UP function shall include all the counters (Total, Uplink and Downlink) of the URR in the Volume Measurement IE in the Usage Report IE; the UP function shall also include the number of packets counted for Total, Uplink, Downlink in the Volume Measurement IE if requested by the CP function and if the UP function supports the MNOP feature.

对于volume-based的测量方法,UP功能应包括Volume Measurement IE中的所有URR计数器和Usage Report IE中的所有计数器;UP功能还应包括Volume Measurement IE中为TotalUplinkDownlink计数的包数,即如果CP功能要求并且UP功能支持MNOP功能。

A usage report triggered only due to the Dropped DL Traffic Threshold shall not contain any measurement information.

仅因Dropped DL Traffic Threshold而触发的使用情况报告不应包含任何测量信息。

When being instructed to remove a URR or the last PDR associated to a URR, the UP function shall stop its ongoing measurements for the URR and include a Usage Report in the PFCP Session Modification Response or in an additional PFCP Session Report Request if there are non-null measurements to report for the URR. When being instructed to remove the last PDR associated to a URR,  the UP function shall keep the URR  and reset any measurement for the URR.

当被指示删除与URR相关的URR或最后一个PDR时,UP功能应停止其对URR的持续测量,并在PFCP Session Modification Response或附加PFCP Session Report Request中包含Usage Report(如果需要为URR报告non-null测量值)。当被指示移除与URR相关的最后一个PDR时,UP功能应保持URR并重置URR的任何测量值。

NOTE 5: A URR provisioned in a PFCP session can be provisioned/kept in the UP function without being associated with any PDR and the URR can be associated with a PDR in a later stage.


When being instructed to deactivate a network resources usage measurement via the Inactive Measurement flag of the Measurement Information IE of the URR, the UP function shall stop measuring the network resources usage (against the volume/time/event threshold/quota) and store the current measurement counts which will be resumed when the URR is activated again. The UP function shall not generate a usage report upon the deactivation of the URR and it shall send a usage report during the period when the URR is deactivated for the following scenarios:

当通过URR的Measurement Information IE的Inactive Measurement标志指示停用网络资源使用量测量时,UP功能应停止测量网络资源使用量,并存储当前测量计数,该计数将在再次激活URR时恢复。当URR停用时,UP功能不应生成使用情况报告,在下列情况下,UP功能应在URR停用期间发送使用情况报告:

- if the Quota Holding Time is expired and if the reporting trigger QUHTI is set;

-如果“Quota Holding Time”已过期并且设置了报告触发QUUTI;

NOTE 6: The Quota Holding Time can have been started before the URR is deactivated or starts from the moment when the URR is deactivated since no quota will be consumed.


- if it is the time for a periodic reporting and if the reporting trigger PERIO is set;


- if it is required to send a usage report for this URR when a usage report is reported for a linked URR and if the reporting trigger LIUSA is set;


- if it is required to send an immeditate report upon a query for the URR, or the URR is removed, dissociated from the last PDR.


NOTE 7: Multiple usage reports can be required to be reported to the CP function when deleting a PDR that is the last one to be associated to multiple URRs.


The CP function may request the UP function, in a PFCP Session Modification Request, to report its ongoing network resources measurement for one or multiple URRs of the PFCP session. In this case, the UP function shall:

CP功能可在PFCP Session Modification Request中请求UP功能报告其针对PFCP会话的一个或多个urr的正在进行的网络资源测量。在这种情况下,UP功能应:

- generate usage report(s) (based on the existing definition of any URR(s) included in the PFCP Session Modification Request message before any update) for the URR(s) being queried and for any associated linked usage reports (see clause for which there are non-null measurements to report;


- include them in the PFCP Session Modification Response or in additional PFCP Session Report Request messages; and

-将其包括在PFCP Session Modification Response或附加PFCP Session Report Reques消息中;以及

- proceed as specified above upon generating a usage report for a URR towards the CP function, with the following additions:


- if the PFCP Session Modification Request includes the Update URR IE (for the URR being queried) with a Volume or Time Threshold, the UP function shall re-apply the threshold received in the request;

-如果PFCP Session Modification Request包括具有VolumeTime ThresholdUpdate URR IE,则UP功能re-apply请求中接收到的阈值;

- otherwise, if a threshold had been set for the URR that is queried, since the usage report is not triggered due to the threshold being reached, the UP function shall adjust the threshold by subtracting the time/volume reported in the usage report to determine when to generate the next report.


NOTE 8: Upon reaching a threshold that was adjusted due to a URR query as specified above, the UP function re-applies then the threshold that was provisioned in the URR (i.e. not the value of the adjusted threshold).


NOTE 9: The CP function can query a URR without including a Volume or Time Threshold in the PFCP Session Modification Request e.g. when it needs to close a traffic volume/service container (see clause of 3GPP TS 32.251 [17]).

注9:CP功能可以查询URR,而无需在PFCP会话修改请求中包含音量或时间阈值,例如需要关闭流量/服务容器的时间(请参见3GPP TS 32.251 [17]的5.节)。

NOTE 10: The CP function can query a URR including a Volume or Time Threshold in the PFCP Session Modification Request e.g. when it needs to close a CDR (see clause of 3GPP TS 32.251 [17]). In such a case, the CP function can include the same threshold for the URR being queried in the Update URR IE in the PFCP Session Modification Request message to trigger the UP function to re-apply the threshold.

注意10:CP功能可以查询PFCP会话修改请求中包含音量或时间阈值的URR,例如需要关闭CDR时(请参阅3GPP TS 32.251 [17]的5.节)。在这种情况下,CP功能可以在PFCP会话修改请求消息中的更新URR IE中包括与正在查询的URR相同的阈值,以触发UP功能重新应用该阈值。

NOTE 11: It is up to the CP function to request the UP function to generate an immediate report (or not) as specified above when the CP function modifies a URR or any other rules of the PFCP session. As an exception, the UP function always generates an immediate report when being instructed to remove a URR.


When additional PFCP Session Report Request messages need to be sent, the UP function shall indicate, either in the PFCP Session Modification Response or in one PFCP Session Report Request, how many usage reports will be sent in PFCP Session Report Request messages. If this is indicated in one PFCP Session Report Request, the PFCP Session Modification Response shall indicate that more reports will follow by setting the AURI flag of the Additional Usage Reports Information IE. Besides, if the PFCP Session Modification Request included the Query URR Reference IE, usage reports sent in response to the query in the PFCP Session Modification Response and/or additional PFCP Session Report Request messages shall include the Query URR Reference IE set to the same value as received in the PFCP Session Modification Request.

当需要发送额外的PFCP Session Report Request消息时,UP功能应在PFCP Session Modification Response或一个PFCP Session Report Request中指出在PFCP Session Report Request消息中将发送多少个使用情况报告。如果在一个PFCP Session Report Request中指出了这一点,则PFCP Session Modification Response应通过设置Additional Usage Reports Information IE的AURI标志来指示更多报告将跟随。此外,如果PFCP Session Modification Request包括Query URR Reference IE,为响应PFCP Session Modification Response和/或附加PFCP Session Report Request消息中的查询而发送的使用情况报告应包括Query URR Reference IE,设置为与PFCP Session Modification Request中接收到的相同值。

When the reporting trigger "Envelope Closure" is set in the corresponding Usage Reporting Rule, the UP function shall generate a usage report with the measurement of the time and/or volume as instructed in the Measurement Method:

当在相应的Usage Reporting Rule中设置了报告触发器“Envelope Closure”时,UP功能应生成一份使用情况报告,并按照Measurement Method中的指示测量时间和/或流量

- when the Inactivity Detection Time (if included) is expired;

-Inactivity Detection Time到期时;

- when detecting no usage for the first Base Time Interval if the Base Time Interval Type in the Time Quota Mechanism is set to CTP; or

-如果Time Quota Mechanism中的Base Time Interval Type设置为CTP,则在检测到第一个Base Time Interval没有使用时;或者

- at the end of each of base time interval if the Base Time Interval Type in the Time Quota Mechanism is set to DTP.

-如果Time Quota Mechanism中的Base Time Interval Type设置为DTP,则在每个基本时间间隔的末尾。

NOTE 12: Events (e.g. application detection information) are reported individually and independently from the usage report sent for envelope closure.


When the UP function supports the NORP feature and if a URR is provisioned with a "Number of Reports" IE, the number of Usage Reports generated according to the Reporting Trigger(s) defined in the URR shall not be more than the value of "Number of Reports". If the UP function is requested to resume the measurement for an inactive URR, the UP function shall generate a maximum number of Usage Reports equal to the new value of the Number of Reports IE received in the Update URR if any, or equal to the value of the Number of Reports IE previously provisioned in the URR if any; if no Number of Reports IE was provisioned before, there is no limit on the number of reports to send.

当UP功能支持NORP功能时,如果URR配置了“Number of ReportsIE,根据URR中定义的Reporting Trigger生成的Usage Reports数量不得超过“Number of Reports”的值。如果UP功能被请求恢复对非活动URR的测量,则UP功能应生成一个最大Usage Reports数,该值等于Update URR中接收的Number of Reports IE的新值(如果有),或等于先前在URR中提供的Number of Reports IE的值(如果有);如果没有Number of Reports IE以前已设置,对要发送的报告数没有限制。

At the PFCP session termination, the UP function shall indicate to the CP function, in the PFCP Session Deletion Response, the resources that have been consumed for each URR that was provisioned in the PFCP session since the last usage report (respective to each URR). A CP function may indicate support of Additional Usage Reports in PFCP Session Deletion Request by setting the ARDR flag in the CP Function Features IE (see clause 8.2.58). When additional PFCP Session Report Request messages need to be sent:

在PFCP会话终止时,UP功能应在PFCP Session Deletion Response中向CP功能指示自上次使用情况报告以来在PFCP会话中提供的每个URR所消耗的资源。CP功能可以通过在CP Function Featurees IE中设置ARDR标志来指示对PFCP Session Deletion Request中的Additional Usage Reports的支持,即当需要发送附加PFCP Session Report Request消息时:

- the UP function shall:


- set the cause to "More Usage Report to send" in the PFCP Session Deletion Response;

-在PFCP Session Deletion Response中将原因设置为“More Usage Report to send”;

- include the Additional Usage Reports Information IE in PFCP Session Deletion Response with either the AURI flag set to "1" or indicating how many usage reports will be sent in PFCP Session Report Request messages; in the former case, the UP function shall indicate in the subsequent PFCP Session Report Request message how many usage reports will be sent;

-在PFCP Session Deletion Response中包Additional Usage Reports Information IE,AURI标志设置为“1”或指示PFCP Session Report Request消息中将发送多少使用情况报告;在前一种情况下,UP功能应在随后的PFCP Session Report Request消息中指示将发送多少使用情况报告发送;

- set the PSDBU flag to 1 in the last PFCP Session Report Request message.

-在最后一个PFCP Session Report Request消息中将PSDBU标志设置为1。

- when the CP function receives a PFCP Session Deletion Response with the Cause set to "More Usage Report to send", the CP function shall not delete the PFCP session until it receives a PFCP Session Report Request message with the PSDBU flag set to "1" (that indicates this is the last report), or until an implementation specific timer expires otherwise.

-当CP功能收到原因设置为“More Usage Report to send”的PFCP Session Deletion Response时,CP功能在收到PSDBU标志设置为“1”的PFCP Session Report Request消息之前,或在特定于实现的计时器过期之前,不得删除PFCP会话。

Upon receiving the Usage Report from the UP function, the CP function may initiate PFCP Session Modification procedure as result of the communication with the PCRF or OCS, as described in clause 5.3 of 3GPP TS 23.214 [2], e.g. by:

当从UP功能接收到Usage Report时,CP功能可作为与PCRF或OCS的通信的结果而发起PFCP Session Modification过程,例如通过:

- modifying the URR (e.g. changing the Volume/Time threshold, Volume/Time quota, disabling the usage monitoring);


- creating a new FAR (e.g. for redirect) and/or modifying the existing FAR; or


- modifying the QER (s) in the PFCP session.

-在PFCP会话中修改QER。 Credit pooling 信用池

When a URR is received with at least one Aggregated URRs IE included, the UP function:

当接收到至少包含一个Aggregated URRs IE的URR时,UP功能:

- shall calculate the traffic usage of the URR by applying the Multiplier(s) and aggregating the traffic usage from all URRs indicated in the Aggregated URRs IE(s), as specified in IETF RFC 4006 [16];

-应通过应用MultiplierAggregated URRs IE中指示的所有URR的流量使用量来计算URR的流量使用量;

NOTE 1: The usage of this URR is calculated using the following formula:


C1*M1 + C2*M2 + ... + Cn*Mn = U,
where U is the usage counted by this URR, Cn is the usage counted by each aggregated URR (i.e. URR for each RG sharing the credit pool), and Mn is the multiplier for each aggregrated URR.

C1 * M1 C2 * M2 ... Cn * Mn = U, 其中U是此URR计数的使用量,Cn是每个汇总URR(即共享信用池的每个RG的URR)计数的使用量,而Mn是每个汇总URR的乘数。

- shall generate a report when the counted usage exceeds the threshold;


- shall generate a report if the threshold is not provided, and stop packets forwarding (or only allow forwarding of some limited user plane traffic, based on operator policy in the UP function) for all Aggregated URRs when the counted usage exceeds the quota.

-如果未提供阈值,则应生成报告,并在计数的使用量超过配额时停止所有Aggregated URRs的数据包转发。

NOTE 2: The handling of the aggregated URR(s), e.g. generating a Usage Report upon the Reporting Trigger(s) is not impacted by handling of this URR for the Credit Pool.

注2:汇总URR的处理,例如在报告触发器上生成使用情况报告不受此信用池URR的处理影响。 Reporting of Linked Usage Reports to the CP function 向CP功能报告链接的使用情况报告

The CP function may instruct the UP function to generate a Usage Report for a URR "X" when a Usage Report is generated for another URR "Y", by:

CP功能可以指示UP功能在为另一个URR“Y”生成Usage Report时为URR“X”生成Usage Report,方法是:

- provisioning the URR "X" with the Reporting Triggers IE set to Linked Usage Reporting; and

-设置URR“X”,并将Reporting Triggers IE设置为Linked Usage Reporting;以及

- including in the URR "X" the Linked URR ID IE set to the URR ID of the URR "Y".

-在URR“X”中包括Linked URR ID IE设置为URR“Y”的URR ID。

NOTE 1: This can be used by the CP function e.g. to request the UP function to report a Usage Report for an SDF (i.e. URR "X") when the UP function reports a Usage Report for a bearer (i.e. URR "Y").

注意1:CP功能可以使用此功能,例如当UP功能报告承载的使用情况报告(即URR“ Y”)时,请求UP功能报告SDF的使用情况报告(即URR“ X”)。

NOTE 2: This can be used by the CP function e.g. to request the UP function to report a Usage Report for a RG (i.e. URR "X") when the UP function reports a Usage Report for a credit pool to which this RG pertain (i.e. URR "Y").

注意2:CP功能可以使用此功能,例如当UP功能报告该RG所属的贷方池的使用情况报告(即URR“ Y”)时,请求UP函数报告RG的使用情况报告(即URR“ X”)。

When a usage report is to be generated for the URR "Y", regardless of the condition which triggers the report, the UP function shall also send a Usage Report for the URR "X" with the accumulated usage information, and the Usage Report Trigger IE set to Linked Usage Reporting.

当为URR“Y”生成使用报告时,无论触发报表的条件如何,UP功能还应发送带有累计使用信息的URR“X”的Usage ReportUsage Report Trigger IE设置为Linkded Usage Reporting

NOTE 3: This also applies e.g. when an immediate usage report is requested for the URR "Y"within a PFCP session Modification Request.

注意3:这也适用于当在PFCP会话修改请求中请求URR“ Y”立即使用报告时。

The URR "Y" may be linked to more URRs than just URR "X".


A RG level URR may be linked to IP-CAN bearer level URR as well as IP-CAN Session level URR to enable the CP function to generate a CDR on the different level. In such case, a URR "X" may link to more URRs than just URR "Y".






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