3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.2.3 Forwarding Action Rule Handling


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5.2.3 Forwarding Action Rule Handling 转发动作规则处理 General

The CP function shall provision one and only one FAR for each PDR provisioned in a PFCP session. The FAR provides instructions to the UP function on how to process the packets matching the PDR.


By setting the appropriate flag(s) in the Apply Action IE in the FAR (see clause 8.2.26), the CP function may request the UP function to:

通过在FAR中的Apply Action IE中设置适当的标志,CP功能可以请求UP功能

- drop the packets, by setting the DROP flag;


- forward the packets, by setting the FORW flag and by provisioning the Forwarding Parameters providing instructions on how to forward the packets;

-通过设置FORW标志和通过提供关于如何转发分组的指令的Forwarding Parameters来转发分组;

- buffer downlink packets by setting the BUFF flag and by optionally provisioning buffering parameters providing instructions on how to buffer the packets;


- notify the CP function about the arrival of a first DL packet being buffered, by setting the NOCP flag;


- duplicate the packets, by setting the DUPL flag and by provisioning the Duplicating Parameters providing instructions on how to forward the duplicated packets;

-通过设置DUPL标志和通过提供关于如何转发复制包的指令的Duplicating Parameters来复制包;

- accept or deny UE requests to join an IP multicast group (see clause 5.25), by setting the IPMA or IPMD flag;


- duplicate the packets for redundant transmission (see clause 5.24.2), by setting the DFRT flag and by provisioning the Redundant Transmission Parameters IE providing instructions on how to forward the duplicated packets for redundant transmission;

-通过设置DFRT标志和设置Redundant Transmission Parameters IE(即提供关于如何转发用于冗余传输的复制包的指令)来复制用于冗余传输的包;

- eliminate duplicate packets used for redundant transmission (see clause 5.24.2), by setting the EDRT flag and by provisioning the Redundant Transmission Parameters IE providing instructions on how to detect the duplicated packets for redundant transmission.

-通过设置EDRT标志和设置Redundant Transmission Parameters IE(即提供有关如何检测冗余传输的重复数据包的说明),消除用于冗余传输的重复数据包。

The CP function may request the UP function to duplicate packets that are to be dropped, forwarded or buffered.


The CP function may request the UP function to forward the packets and duplicate the packets for redundant transmission.


The CP function may request the UP function to forward the packets and eliminate duplicate packets used for redundant transmission.


The CP function may provision one or more FAR(s) per PFCP session. Different FARs of a same PFCP session may be provisioned with a different Apply Action flags, e.g. to enable the forwarding of downlink data packets for some PDRs while requesting to buffer downlink data packets for other PDRs.

CP功能可以为每个PFCP会话提供一个或多个FAR。同一PFCP会话的Different FAR可以设置有不同的Apply Action标志,例如,以使得能够转发用于一些PDR的下行链路数据分组,同时请求缓冲用于其他PDR的下行链路数据分组。

NOTE 1: This is necessary to establish or release a partial set of radio access bearers in UTRAN.


When instructed to buffer and notify the CP function about the arrival of a DL packet, the UP function shall notify the CP function, when it receives a first downlink packet for a given FAR, by sending a PFCP Session Report Request including a Downlink Data Report IE identifying the PDR(s) for which downlink packets have been received.

当被指示缓冲并通知CP功能DL分组的到达时,UP功能应在其接收到给定FAR的第一下行链路分组时,通过发送包括Downlink Data Report IE的PFCP Session Report Request来通知CP功能,该Downlink Data Report IE识别已接收下行链路分组的PDR。

NOTE 2: Receipt of downlink packets on PDRs associated to different FARs can result in sending multiple PFCP Session Report Request messages for the same PFCP session.


If the UP function indicated support of Header Enrichment of UL traffic (see clause 8.2.25), the CP function may provide the UP function with header enrichment information for uplink traffic, by including one or more Header Enrichment IE(s) in the FAR. In this case, the UP function should use this information to enrich the header of the uplink traffic (e.g. HTTP header enrichment).

如果UP功能指示支持UL流量Header Enrichment,则CP功能可以通过在FAR中包括一个或多个Header Enrichment IE来向UP功能提供上行链路流量的报头扩展信息。在这种情况下,UP功能应该使用该信息来丰富上行链路流量的报头。

NOTE 3: It is not defined how to support SGi PtP tunnelling mechanisms other than based on UDP/IP encapsulation (such as PMIPv6/GRE, L2TP, GTP-C/U, see clause of 3GPP TS 23.401 [14]) for Non-IP PDN connections.

注意3:除了基于UDP / IP封装(例如PMIPv6 / GRE,L2TP,GTP-C / U)之外,未定义如何支持SGi PtP隧道机制,请参阅3GPP TS 23.401的第4.节[14])用于非IP PDN连接。

If the UP function indicated support of PDI optimisation (see clause 8.2.25), the CP function may include in the forwarding parameters of the FAR the Linked Traffic Endpoint ID, if it is available, identifying the traffic Endpoint allocated for this PFCP session to receive the traffic in the reverse direction.

如果UP功能指示支持PDI优化,则CP功能可以在FAR的转发参数中包括Linked Traffic Endpoint ID(如果可用),标识分配给该PFCP会话以接收反向业务的流量端点。

NOTE 4: This information can enable an SGW-U or PGW-U to correlate the UL and DL traffic (i.e. PDRs) sent over a same bearer.


Assuming for instance a PFCP session provisioned in a PGW-U with:


- an UL PDR 1 (for an S5/S8 bearer 1) with Source Interface "Access" associated to an UL Traffic Endpoint ID "1" (comprising the IP address, a local TEID and optionally a network instance),

-具有与UL Traffic Endpoint ID“1”相关联的Source Interface“Access”的UL PDR 1,

- a DL PDR 1 with Source Interface "Core", UE IP address and SDF 1,

-具有Source Interface“Core”、UE IP地址和SDF 1的DL PDR 1,

the CP function sets the Linked Traffic Endpoint in the DL FAR 1 (associated to DL PDR 1) to the UL Traffic Endpoint "1", which allows the PGW-U to correlate the uplink and downlink PDRs for the same bearer (i.e. that UL PDR 1 associated to UL Traffic Endpoint "1", and DL PDR1 associated to DL FAR 1 with Linked Traffic Endpoint set to UL Traffic Endpoint "1", use the same S5/S8 bearer).

CP功能将DL FAR 1中的Linked Traffic Endpoint设置为UL Traffic Endpoint“1”,这允许PGW-U为同一承载关联上行链路和下行链路PDR

NOTE 5: The Linked Traffic Endpoint can possibly refer to a Traffic Endpoint in the reverse direction requested to be created in the same PFCP request.






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