BEC商务英语词汇宝典(c part)


campaign [ ] (n.) plan of action(商业)活动

[]  advertising campaign


candidate [] (n.) person who puts himself/herself forward for a job候选人,应聘者

[]  Several managers normally interview one candidate because this increases the likelihood of making a good choice.

[同义词]  applicant


capacity [] (n.) amount which can be produced生产能力

[]  We are working at full capacity.


capital [ ] (n.) money, property and assets used in a business(投入)资本

[]  One company can open just one capital account in the bank according to the Chinese regulation.


captive market (n) a situation where buyer’s have no choice of goods or have to deal with only one seller 垄断市场

[] This firm is the only manufacture of CD players in the country and gains a lot from such captive market. [同义词] monopoly


case study (n.) a training technique based on solving a case or problem facing an organization案例分析

[例]  In MBA study, we should learn how to make good case study.


cash [] 1. (n.) money in notes and coins现金

[]  Carrying cash is very dangerous and inconvenient for foreign travelers.

[同义词]  money, currency

           2. (v.) exchange a cheque for cash兑现(支票)


catalogue [] a sales publication which lists products and prices产品目录

[]  When doing import trading, you should get to know the exporter’s catalogue.

[同义词]  list, inventory


channel [ ] (n.) means by which goods pass from one place to another(销售)渠道

[]  The main distribution channel is through supermarkets.

Distribution channel 分销渠道


chart [ ] (n.) diagram which displays information visually 图表

[]  Please draw a chart on sales volume of this month.

[同义词]  diagram,graph


bar chart uses columns to show relative heights直方图


flow chart shows process from first to last step流程图


organization chart (n.) a chart which shows how a job relates to other jobs and where it fits in the overall 组织机构图

[例]  Please give me an organization chart of that company .


pie chart shows data in a circle cut up into segments圆型图


cheque [ ] (n.) [US check] note ordering a bank to pay money to the person/company whose name is written on the cheque支票

[]  You need to have the drawer endorsed first, then go to the bank to encash the cheque.


circular [ ] (n.) a copied leaflet which is sent to people 传单,大量分发的广告页

[]  Have you seen the circular handed out in the street?

[同义词]  notice, advertisement


claim[] 1. (n.) request for money索赔

[]  We put in an insurance claim after the accident.

2. (v.) ask for money索赔

[]  We claimed $50,000 for the damaged car.


clear (v) dispose of goods 抛售

[] The stock sold their goods at cost price in an attempt to clear old stock. pass goods through customs 清关

[]  clear the goods


client [] (n.) person or company buying a service客户

[]  Nowadays good service is a very important aspect to the bank’s clients.


commercial [] (adj.) of or relating to commerce 商业的

[]  commercial area

[同义词]  trading, mercantile


commission [] (n.) proportionate amount of money paid to a sales person/agent, usually a percentage of the sales made佣金

[]  We offered the agent a 10% commission.


public limited company (plc) company whose shares can be bought on the Stock Exchange股票上市公司


compensate [] (v.) give something such as money to someone for loss or damage补偿

[]  The director decided to compensate those who had been hurt in the working accident.

compensation [] (n.) something, usually money, given to someone for loss or damage 赔偿(金)


condition [] (n.) 1. general state 状态2. term of a contract 条款


consultancy [] (n.) a business or agency offering expert or professional advice in a field咨询公司

[]  open a financial consultancy


consultant [] (n.) one that gives expert or professional advice咨询官

[]  She is the No.1 marketing consultant , esp. in promotional strategies.


consumer [] (n.) person who buys goods or services消费者

[]  In this theory the consumer is assumed to be rational.

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