


unsigned char src[24] ={
float kernel[9] = {
    -1., 0., 1., 
    -2., 0., 2.,
    -3., 0., 3.};



bool conv2d(unsigned char* src, float* dst, int nRows, int nCols, 
			float* kernel, int nKernelRows, int nKernelCols)
	if (nKernelRows % 2 == 0 || nKernelCols % 2 == 0) {
		cout << "The kernel size must be an odd" << endl;
		return false;
	// we take the center as the anchor of kernel
	int nCenRow = nKernelRows / 2;
	int nCenCol = nKernelCols / 2;
	int nCenOff = nCenRow * nKernelCols + nCenCol;
	// turn rotate 180 degrees anti-clockwise to the kernel image.
	float* RotateKernel = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * nKernelCols * nKernelRows);
	for (int r = 0; r < nKernelRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nKernelCols; c++) {
			RotateKernel[(nKernelRows - r) * nKernelCols - 1 - c] = kernel[c + r * nKernelRows];
	// test code - show rotate kernel
/*	for(int r = 0; r < nKernelRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nKernelCols; c++) {
			cout << setw(8) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2)
			<< RotateKernel[r * nKernelCols + c];
		cout << endl;
	} */
	for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
			float fTemp = 0.f;
			for (int kr = -nCenRow; kr <= nCenRow; kr++) {
				for (int kc = -nCenCol; kc <= nCenCol; kc++) {
					// border type - constant 0
					if (r + kr >= 0 && r + kr < nRows && c + kc >= 0 && c + kc < nCols) {
						fTemp += src[(r + kr) * nCols + c + kc] * 1.f * 
						RotateKernel[kr * nKernelCols + kc + nCenOff];
/*						cout 
						<< setw(4) << r 
						<< setw(4) << c 
						<< setw(4) << kr 
						<< setw(4) << kc 
						<< setw(4) << src[(r + kr) * nCols + c + kc] * 1.f
						<< setw(4) << RotateKernel[kr * nKernelCols + kc + nCenOff]
						<< setw(4) << fTemp
						<< endl; */
			dst[r * nCols + c] = fTemp;
	return true;

// test
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	cout << ">> ----" << "\n" << endl;
	int nRows = 4;
	int nCols = 6;
	unsigned char src[24] ={1,2,3,4,5,6,
	float dst[24];
	memset(dst, 0, 24*sizeof(float));
	float kernel[9] = {-1., 0., 1., 
					   -2., 0., 2.,
					   -3., 0., 3.};
	int nKernelRows = 3;
	int nKernelCols = 3;
	conv2d(src, dst, nRows, nCols, kernel, nKernelRows, nKernelRows);
	// test code
	for(int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
			cout << setw(8) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << dst[r * nCols + c];
		cout << endl;
	cout << "\n" << ">> ----" << endl;
	return 0;



void filter2D(Mat src,
              Mat dst,
              int ddepth,
              Mat kernel,
              Point anchor,
              double delta,
              int borderType);
src: (input) This is the image that you want to convolve.
dst: (input) This image stores the final result of the convolution. It should be the same size and have the same number of channels as src. This can be the same as src (in place operation is supported).
ddepth: (input) This is the desired bit depth of the final result (8, 16, 32, etc). It it is negative, the depth is the same as the source image.
kernel: (input) The convolution kernel used to convolve the source image. This has to be a single channel, floating point matrix. If you want to apply different kernels to different channels, you need to split the channels, and convolve each of them them individually.
anchor: (input) The relative position of the anchor in the kernel matrix. If this is set to (-1,-1), the center of the kernel is used as the anchor point.
delta: (input) A value that is added to all pixels after convolution.
borderType: (input) Possible values for this include:
BORDER_DEFAULT (same as reflect)

enum BorderTypes {  
    BORDER_CONSTANT    = 0, //!< `iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii`  with some specified `i`  
    BORDER_REPLICATE   = 1, //!< `aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh`  
    BORDER_REFLECT     = 2, //!< `fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb`  
    BORDER_WRAP        = 3, //!< `cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg`  
    BORDER_REFLECT_101 = 4, //!< `gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba`  
    BORDER_TRANSPARENT = 5, //!< `uvwxyz|absdefgh|ijklmno`  
    BORDER_REFLECT101  = BORDER_REFLECT_101, //!< same as BORDER_REFLECT_101  
    BORDER_DEFAULT     = BORDER_REFLECT_101, //!< same as BORDER_REFLECT_101  
    BORDER_ISOLATED    = 16 //!< do not look outside of ROI  




import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def weight_variable(shape):
	initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, mean = 0.0, stddev = 0.1, dtype = tf.float32)
	return tf.Variable(initial)

# Input testing sample (images) #################
InputShape = (6, 5, 2) # rows * columns * channels
aSample    = weight_variable([1, InputShape[0], InputShape[1], InputShape[2]])

# Layer 0 : convolution #########################
L0_KerSize = 3
L0_KerNum  = 4
L0_W       = weight_variable ([L0_KerSize, L0_KerSize, InputShape[2], L0_KerNum])
L0_Conv    = tf.nn.conv2d(aSample, L0_W, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='SAME')

with tf.Session() as session:
	aa = session.run(aSample)
	for i in range(0, aa.shape[3]):
		print '----------------------------------- image ', i
		print aa[0, :, :, i]
	ww = session.run(L0_W)
	for i in range(0, ww.shape[2]):
		for j in range(0, ww.shape[3]):
			print '----------------------------------- W in_channels: ', i, ', kernel: ', j
			print ww[:, :, i, j]

	ke = session.run(L0_Conv)
	for i in range(0, ke.shape[3]):
		print '----------------------------------- result channel: ', i
		print ke[:, :, :, i]
	# save model
	np.savez('./tfModelWandB.npz', l0w = session.run(L0_W))

	# save the sample
	np.savez('./tfModelSample.npz',img = session.run(aSample))
上边代码中,输入图像在尺寸为6×5×2(宽×高×通道),图像在数据我们用随机直。卷积核在尺寸为3×3×2×4(卷积核大小为3×3, 由于输入图像有俩通道,所以共8个核)。


----------------------------------- image  0
[[ 0.12625436 -0.11937501 -0.10891404 -0.02895968 -0.01037076]
 [ 0.10400867 -0.03660493 -0.06411878  0.03639115 -0.07101893]
 [ 0.08615526  0.02973037 -0.07166351  0.09142997 -0.09188165]
 [ 0.03162669  0.10494743  0.11962699  0.0277028   0.03729795]
 [-0.05309613 -0.08204257  0.05443277 -0.03429593 -0.07877157]
 [-0.01566831 -0.04015071 -0.09142643 -0.00112125  0.11420252]]
----------------------------------- image  1
[[-0.11111959 -0.16222687 -0.01761985  0.04520827  0.10118878]
 [-0.09962401 -0.08819477 -0.00178826  0.07190076  0.02236971]
 [ 0.11599306  0.01306704 -0.0909201   0.06941512 -0.08966626]
 [-0.1846966   0.01611226 -0.05774776  0.04476134  0.14001481]
 [ 0.02164672  0.07135325 -0.03206375  0.02136724 -0.05802757]
 [-0.09017277 -0.02534078 -0.0369864   0.02165738  0.08163627]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  0
[[-0.1011525   0.10236194 -0.00020576]
 [-0.00089763 -0.07612719  0.09727343]
 [ 0.0805968  -0.11845497 -0.05366211]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  1
[[-0.076056   -0.06423963 -0.04123518]
 [ 0.07255634  0.06006186 -0.18577591]
 [-0.05044123  0.12277362 -0.02045252]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  2
[[-0.01193008 -0.14593969 -0.09650309]
 [-0.13044347  0.11086304 -0.04400647]
 [ 0.01193826 -0.08462534  0.07637326]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  3
[[-0.13617061  0.01164558 -0.12195086]
 [ 0.07623294  0.0258304   0.13812433]
 [-0.03091484  0.10123607 -0.0035188 ]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  0
[[-0.07265482  0.01244575  0.00212537]
 [ 0.04495018  0.023914   -0.1128113 ]
 [-0.00164994  0.16139059  0.06106531]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  1
[[ 0.00165231  0.04590112 -0.06946135]
 [-0.15189163 -0.19788276 -0.09452266]
 [ 0.17610592 -0.13991795 -0.0667515 ]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  2
[[ 0.02323942  0.03866912  0.01701009]
 [-0.19660048  0.06464723  0.09740929]
 [-0.04083445  0.10340548 -0.01418425]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  3
[[ 0.12228265 -0.07337139 -0.09307034]
 [ 0.06473815  0.11169808 -0.16438608]
 [-0.09561314  0.03154143 -0.00246837]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  0
[[[-0.03739976 -0.00652579 -0.00029235 -0.00252694  0.02010462]
  [ 0.01502605 -0.02524716  0.00445372 -0.00619115  0.01265023]
  [-0.03134274 -0.0185694  -0.00523668  0.02338057  0.0123302 ]
  [ 0.03039362  0.0001417  -0.03971532  0.02063169 -0.02515039]
  [-0.02260888  0.04110029 -0.00449737 -0.00852947  0.00462775]
  [-0.00700756 -0.0101008   0.01076016 -0.00560605 -0.01263588]]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  1
[[[ 0.10042734  0.05935576 -0.0128195  -0.02626312 -0.03063701]
  [ 0.03694522  0.07160199  0.00495993 -0.00277422 -0.00050682]
  [-0.00165216 -0.01934666  0.0072494   0.0039469   0.00272913]
  [ 0.00245166  0.00575879  0.03114944 -0.0073841  -0.03136678]
  [-0.00172585 -0.05503821 -0.03527689 -0.01038689  0.00948465]
  [ 0.02958811  0.04824578  0.00224401 -0.02803131 -0.00762568]]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  2
[[[-0.02438386 -0.02085204  0.05009508  0.02561796  0.00610304]
  [-0.00906303  0.00712102  0.03920614  0.02884112 -0.02172693]
  [-0.01397291 -0.02041199 -0.02616402  0.0495156  -0.0192653 ]
  [-0.02276399  0.05459163 -0.01967556  0.01101356  0.0106208 ]
  [-0.02624287 -0.04140569 -0.01417977 -0.00138508 -0.01365112]
  [ 0.00944899  0.02417353 -0.00302217  0.03445129  0.02398454]]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  3
[[[ 0.00876225 -0.03086763 -0.03310447 -0.01490853 -0.00273006]
  [ 0.05252417 -0.03308056 -0.03416688  0.01424855 -0.01157384]
  [ 0.03530029  0.03657329 -0.01992576  0.01661721  0.00349931]
  [-0.02489512  0.03342621 -0.01179191  0.00639945  0.01237202]
  [-0.02661994 -0.01541688 -0.03310237 -0.03533022 -0.0057847 ]
  [-0.01069926 -0.01741536  0.01016802 -0.00291296  0.02400826]]]


好,接下来在C++ 环境下利用OpenCV的cv::filter2D函数进行卷积,代码如下:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/io.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <iomanip> // setw()
using namespace std;

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
using namespace cv;

#include "opencv2/ximgproc.hpp"
using namespace cv::ximgproc;

#include "cnpy.h";

bool loadImage(std::vector<cv::Mat> &Img);
void loadW(std::vector<cv::Mat> &W);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	cout << ">> ----" << "\n" << endl;
	// load image data
	std::vector<cv::Mat> splitImg;
	// load W
	std::vector<cv::Mat> W;
	// output data opencv memeory
	int nKernelNumber = (int)W.size() / (int)splitImg.size();
	std::vector<cv::Mat> dst;
	for (int i = 0; i < nKernelNumber; i++) {
		cv::Mat tmp = cv::Mat(splitImg[0].rows, splitImg[0].cols, CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	// convolution ops
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)splitImg.size(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < nKernelNumber; j++) {
			cv::Mat tmp;
			cv::filter2D(splitImg[i], tmp, CV_32F, W[i*nKernelNumber + j], 
				         Point(-1, -1), 0, BORDER_CONSTANT);
			cv::add(dst[j], tmp, dst[j]);
	// debug
	if (1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)dst.size(); i++) {
			cout << "----------------------- result channel: " << i << endl;
			for (int r = 0; r < dst[i].rows; r++) { // y
				cout << ">> ";
				for (int c = 0; c < dst[i].cols; c++) { // x
					cout << setw(12) << dst[i].at<float>(r, c); 
				cout << endl;
	cout << "\n" << ">> ----" << endl;
	return 0;

* Read a tensor from file. 
* The tensor format must be [batch, height, width, channel], and here the 
* batch mus be 1
* This means that the data is a single image sample with one or more channels.
bool loadImage(std::vector<cv::Mat> &Img)
	string strFile = "./tfModelSample.npz";
	if (access(strFile.c_str(), 0) == -1) {  
        cout << ">> error. File not exists. Info = " << strFile.c_str() << endl;  
        return false;  
    cnpy::npz_t npzData = cnpy::npz_load(strFile);
    cnpy::NpyArray arr = npzData["img"];
    if (arr.shape.size() != 4) {
			cout << ">> error. shape.size() != 4" << endl;
			return false;
	if (arr.shape[0] != 1) {
		cout << ">> error. the 1st dims must be 1. That is batch = 1 always" << endl;
		return false;
	// Please attention: 
	float *mv1 = arr.data<float>();  
	int nOffset0 = arr.shape[1]*arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
	int nOffset1 = arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
	int nOffset2 = arr.shape[3];
	// opencv memeory
	for (int i = 0; i < arr.shape[3]; i++) {
		cv::Mat tmp = cv::Mat(arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2], CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	// copy data
	for (int c = 0; c < arr.shape[2]; c++) { // x
		for (int r = 0; r < arr.shape[1]; r++) { // y
			for (int k = 0; k < arr.shape[3]; k++) {
				Img[k].at<float>(r, c) = mv1[r*nOffset1 + c*nOffset2 + k];
	// debug
	if (1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)Img.size(); i++) {
			cout << "----------------------- image " << i << endl;
			for (int r = 0; r < Img[i].rows; r++) { 
				cout << ">> ";
				for (int c = 0; c < Img[i].cols; c++) { 
					cout << setw(12) << Img[i].at<float>(r, c); 
				cout << endl;
	return true;

* Read a tensor from file.
* The tensor format is [kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, kernel_number]
* This means the tensor is a W used for convolution like the useage in 
* tf.nn.conv2d().
void loadW(std::vector<cv::Mat> &W)
	string strFile = "./tfModelWandB.npz";
	if (access(strFile.c_str(), 0) == -1) {  
        cout << ">> error. File not exists. Info = " << strFile.c_str() << endl;  
        return false;  
    cnpy::npz_t npzData = cnpy::npz_load(strFile);  
    cnpy::NpyArray arr = npzData["l0w"];  
    // Please attention: if dtype = tf.float32 in tensorflow, here the data type  
    // must be float, if you use double, the data will be wrong.   
    float *mv1 = arr.data<float>();  
    int nOffset0 = arr.shape[1]*arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
    int nOffset1 = arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
    int nOffset2 = arr.shape[3];  
	// opencv memory
	for (int i = 0; i < arr.shape[2] * arr.shape[3]; i++) {
		cv::Mat curMat = cv::Mat(arr.shape[0], arr.shape[1], CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	// copy data
    for (int r = 0; r < arr.shape[0]; r++) {  
        for (int c = 0; c < arr.shape[1]; c++) {  
            for (int chan = 0; chan < arr.shape[2]; chan++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < arr.shape[3]; k++) {  
 					W[chan*arr.shape[3] + k].at<float>(r, c) = 
 					mv1[r*nOffset0 + c*nOffset1 + chan*nOffset2 + k];
	// debug
	if (1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < arr.shape[2]; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < arr.shape[3]; j++) {
					cout << "----------------------- W in_channels: " 
					     << i << ", kernel: " << j << endl;
				for (int r = 0; r < W[i*arr.shape[3] + j].rows; r++) { // y
					cout << ">> ";
					for (int c = 0; c < W[i*arr.shape[3] + j].cols; c++) { // x
						cout << setw(12) << W[i*arr.shape[3] + j].at<float>(r, c); 
					cout << endl;


raintai@ml-high:~/z$ ./main.pio 
>> ----

----------------------- image 0
>>     0.126254   -0.119375   -0.108914  -0.0289597  -0.0103708
>>     0.104009  -0.0366049  -0.0641188   0.0363911  -0.0710189
>>    0.0861553   0.0297304  -0.0716635     0.09143  -0.0918816
>>    0.0316267    0.104947    0.119627   0.0277028   0.0372979
>>   -0.0530961  -0.0820426   0.0544328  -0.0342959  -0.0787716
>>   -0.0156683  -0.0401507  -0.0914264 -0.00112125    0.114203
----------------------- image 1
>>     -0.11112   -0.162227  -0.0176198   0.0452083    0.101189
>>    -0.099624  -0.0881948 -0.00178826   0.0719008   0.0223697
>>     0.115993    0.013067  -0.0909201   0.0694151  -0.0896663
>>    -0.184697   0.0161123  -0.0577478   0.0447613    0.140015
>>    0.0216467   0.0713532  -0.0320638   0.0213672  -0.0580276
>>   -0.0901728  -0.0253408  -0.0369864   0.0216574   0.0816363
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 0
>>    -0.101153    0.102362-0.000205758
>> -0.000897632  -0.0761272   0.0972734
>>    0.0805968   -0.118455  -0.0536621
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 1
>>    -0.076056  -0.0642396  -0.0412352
>>    0.0725563   0.0600619   -0.185776
>>   -0.0504412    0.122774  -0.0204525
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 2
>>   -0.0119301    -0.14594  -0.0965031
>>    -0.130443    0.110863  -0.0440065
>>    0.0119383  -0.0846253   0.0763733
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 3
>>    -0.136171   0.0116456   -0.121951
>>    0.0762329   0.0258304    0.138124
>>   -0.0309148    0.101236  -0.0035188
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 0
>>   -0.0726548   0.0124457  0.00212537
>>    0.0449502    0.023914   -0.112811
>>  -0.00164994    0.161391   0.0610653
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 1
>>   0.00165231   0.0459011  -0.0694614
>>    -0.151892   -0.197883  -0.0945227
>>     0.176106   -0.139918  -0.0667515
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 2
>>    0.0232394   0.0386691   0.0170101
>>      -0.1966   0.0646472   0.0974093
>>   -0.0408345    0.103405  -0.0141843
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 3
>>     0.122283  -0.0733714  -0.0930703
>>    0.0647381    0.111698   -0.164386
>>   -0.0956131   0.0315414 -0.00246837
----------------------- result channel: 0
>>   -0.0373998 -0.00652579-0.000292354 -0.00252695   0.0201046
>>     0.015026  -0.0252472  0.00445372 -0.00619115   0.0126502
>>   -0.0313427  -0.0185694 -0.00523668   0.0233806   0.0123302
>>    0.0303936  0.00014171  -0.0397153   0.0206317  -0.0251504
>>   -0.0226089   0.0411003 -0.00449737 -0.00852947  0.00462775
>>  -0.00700756  -0.0101008   0.0107602 -0.00560604  -0.0126359
----------------------- result channel: 1
>>     0.100427   0.0593558  -0.0128195  -0.0262631   -0.030637
>>    0.0369452    0.071602  0.00495992 -0.00277422-0.000506826
>>  -0.00165216  -0.0193467   0.0072494   0.0039469  0.00272913
>>   0.00245166  0.00575878   0.0311494  -0.0073841  -0.0313668
>>  -0.00172585  -0.0550382  -0.0352769  -0.0103869  0.00948465
>>    0.0295881   0.0482458  0.00224401  -0.0280313 -0.00762568
----------------------- result channel: 2
>>   -0.0243839   -0.020852   0.0500951    0.025618  0.00610305
>>  -0.00906303  0.00712102   0.0392061   0.0288411  -0.0217269
>>   -0.0139729   -0.020412   -0.026164   0.0495156  -0.0192653
>>    -0.022764   0.0545916  -0.0196756   0.0110136   0.0106208
>>   -0.0262429  -0.0414057  -0.0141798 -0.00138508  -0.0136511
>>   0.00944899   0.0241735 -0.00302218   0.0344513   0.0239845
----------------------- result channel: 3
>>   0.00876225  -0.0308676  -0.0331045  -0.0149085 -0.00273006
>>    0.0525242  -0.0330806  -0.0341669   0.0142486  -0.0115738
>>    0.0353003   0.0365733  -0.0199258   0.0166172  0.00349931
>>   -0.0248951   0.0334262  -0.0117919  0.00639945    0.012372
>>   -0.0266199  -0.0154169  -0.0331024  -0.0353302  -0.0057847
>>   -0.0106993  -0.0174154    0.010168 -0.00291295   0.0240083

>> ----







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


