uva 704 Colour Hash




Colour Hash
This puzzle consists of two wheels. Both wheels can rotate both clock and counter-clockwise. They contain 21 coloured pieces, 10 of which are rounded triangles and 11 of which are separators. Figure 1 shows the final position of each one of the pieces. Note that to perform a one step rotation you must turn the wheel until you have advanced a triangle and a separator.

Figure 1. Final puzzle configuration

Your job is to write a program that reads the puzzle configuration and prints the minimum sequence of movements required to reach the final position. We will use the following integer values to encode each type of piece:

0 grey separator
1 yellow triangle
2 yellow separator
3 cyan triangle
4 cyan separator
5 violet triangle
6 violet separator
7 green triangle
8 green separator
9 red triangle
10 red separator

A puzzle configuration will be described using 24 integers, the first 12 to describe the left wheel configuration and the last 12 for the right wheel. The first integer represents the bottom right separator of the left wheel and the next eleven integers describe the left wheel clockwise. The thirteenth integer represents the bottom left separator of right wheel and the next eleven integers describe the right wheel counter-clockwise.

The final position is therefore encoded like:

0 3 4 3 0 5 6 5 0 1 2 1 0 7 8 7 0 9 10 9 0 1 2 1
If for instance we rotate the left wheel clockwise one position from the final configuration (as shown in Figure 2) the puzzle configuration would be encoded like:

2 1 0 3 4 3 0 5 6 5 0 1 0 7 8 7 0 9 10 9 0 5 0 1

Figure 2. The puzzle after rotating the left wheel on step clockwise from the final configuration.


Input for your program consists of several puzzles. The first line of the input will contain an integer n specifying the number of puzzles. There will then be n lines each containing 24 integers separated with one white space, describing the initial puzzle configuration as explained above.


For each configuration your program should output one line with just one number representing the solution. Each movement is encoded using one digit from 1 to 4 in the following way:

1 Left Wheel Clockwise rotation
2 Right Wheel Clockwise rotation
3 Left Wheel Counter-Clockwise rotation
4 Right Wheel Counter-Clockwise rotation

No space should be printed between each digit. Since multiple solutions could be found, you should print the solution that is encoded as the smallest number. The solution will never require more than 16 movements.

If no solution is found you should print NO SOLUTION WAS FOUND IN 16 STEPS". If you are given the final position you should printPUZZLE ALREADY SOLVED”.

Sample Input

0 3 4 3 0 5 6 5 0 1 2 1 0 7 8 7 0 9 10 9 0 1 2 1
0 3 4 5 0 3 6 5 0 1 2 1 0 7 8 7 0 9 10 9 0 1 2 1
0 9 4 3 0 5 6 5 0 1 2 1 0 7 8 7 0 9 10 3 0 1 2 1
Sample Output





然后我写了一个链表的queue,但似乎然后在运行样例时 段错误了。然后怀疑是不是16层是不是扩展的太多太多了??
然后看了下解题报告,双向bfs,两端同时bfs扩展,这样深度从16降到了8,然后找一个middle common就行。写了下发现还这能过。
2、上面那个点的扩展: 一旦middle common找到不能直接return,一定要当前层的所有扩展都找完才能找到最短的路径,否则这样返回的路径只能是一个 “可行” 路径,而不是 “最短”。


#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#define DM 1000003
int n = 0;
typedef struct stat
    int puz[2][12];// puz[0] is left , puz[1] is right
    int ft[16];
    int ft_len;
    struct stat * next;
        ft_len = 0;
        next = NULL;
}stat, * stat_link;
stat_link front = NULL, rear = NULL, res = NULL;//start -> bfs
stat_link end_front = NULL, end_rear = NULL, res_end = NULL, find_stat = NULL;
int best_left[12] = {0, 3, 4, 3, 0, 5, 6, 5, 0, 1, 2, 1};
int best_right[12] = {0, 7, 8, 7, 0, 9, 10, 9, 0, 1, 2, 1};
int in_left[12], in_right[12];
stat_link hash_table[DM] = {NULL};
stat_link hash_table_end[DM] = {NULL};
bool is_empty()
    if(front == NULL && rear == NULL)
        return true;
        return false;
bool is_empty_end()
    if(end_front == NULL && end_rear == NULL)
        return true;
        return false;
void push(stat_link pot)
        front = rear = pot;
        pot->next= NULL;
        rear->next = pot;
        rear = rear->next;
void push_end(stat_link pot)
        end_front = end_rear = pot;
        pot->next = NULL;
        end_rear->next = pot;
        end_rear = end_rear->next;
stat_link pop()
    if(is_empty() || front == NULL) return NULL;
    stat_link tmp = front;
    front = front->next;
    if(front == NULL) rear = NULL;//the queue only have one elementary
    return tmp;
stat_link pop_end()
    if(is_empty_end() || end_front == NULL) return NULL;
    stat_link tmp = end_front;
    end_front = end_front->next;
    if(end_front == NULL) end_rear = NULL;//the queue only have one elementary
    return tmp;
int BKDR_hash(stat_link sl)
    if(sl == NULL) return -1;
    int seed = 131;
    int res = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i <= 11; i++)//left
        res = (res * seed + sl->puz[0][i]) % DM;
    for(int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)//right
        res = (res * seed + sl->puz[1][i]) % DM;
    return res % DM;
bool is_in_hash(stat_link pot, stat_link table[])
    int h = BKDR_hash(pot);
    stat_link u = table[h];
    while (u)
        if(memcmp(u->puz[0], pot->puz[0], sizeof(pot->puz[0])) == 0 && memcmp(u->puz[1], pot->puz[1], sizeof(pot->puz[1])) == 0)
            find_stat = u;
            return true;
        u = u->next;
    return false;
bool is_reached(stat_link pot)
    if(is_in_hash(pot, hash_table_end))
        return true;
        return false;
bool is_reached_end(stat_link pot)
    if(is_in_hash(pot, hash_table))
        return true;
        return false;
stat_link clone_st(stat_link pot)
    if(pot == NULL)
        return NULL;
    stat_link clone = new stat();
    memmove(clone, pot, sizeof(*pot));
    clone->next = NULL;
    return clone;
int try_to_insert(stat_link sl)
    if(sl == NULL) return 0;
    stat_link nsl = clone_st(sl);
    int h = BKDR_hash(nsl);
    if(h < 0) return 0;
    stat_link u = hash_table[h];
    while (u)
        if(memcmp(u->puz[0], nsl->puz[0], sizeof(nsl->puz[0])) == 0 && memcmp(u->puz[1], nsl->puz[1], sizeof(nsl->puz[1])) == 0)
            return 0;
        u = u->next;
    stat_link tmp = hash_table[h];
    hash_table[h] = nsl;
    hash_table[h]->next = tmp;
    return 1;
int try_to_insert_end(stat_link sl)
    if(sl == NULL) return 0;
    stat_link nsl = clone_st(sl);
    int h = BKDR_hash(nsl);
    if(h < 0) return 0;
    stat_link u = hash_table_end[h];
    while (u)
        if(memcmp(u->puz[0], nsl->puz[0], sizeof(nsl->puz[0])) == 0 && memcmp(u->puz[1], nsl->puz[1], sizeof(nsl->puz[1])) == 0)
            return 0;
        u = u->next;
    stat_link tmp = hash_table_end[h];
    hash_table_end[h] = nsl;
    hash_table_end[h]->next = tmp;
    return 1;
int print_st(stat_link pot)
    if(pot == NULL) return 0;
    if(pot->ft_len == 0)
        printf("PUZZLE ALREADY SOLVED");
        for(int i = 0; i <= pot->ft_len - 1; i++)
            printf("%d", pot->ft[i]);
    return 0;
int get_reverse(int d)
    switch (d)
        case 1:
            return 3;
        case 2:
            return 4;
        case 3:
            return 1;
        case 4:
            return 2;
    return 1;
int print_st(stat_link p1, stat_link p2)
    if(p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) return 0;
    if(p1->ft_len + p2->ft_len == 0)
        printf("PUZZLE ALREADY SOLVED");
        for(int i = 0; i <= p1->ft_len - 1; i++)
            printf("%d", p1->ft[i]);
        for(int i = p2->ft_len - 1; i >=0 ; i--)
            printf("%d", get_reverse(p2->ft[i]));
    return 0;
int BFS()
    //init the first father
    stat_link elem = NULL;
    elem = new stat();
    memmove(elem->puz[0], in_left, sizeof(elem->puz[0]));//memcpy and strcpy for memory overlap problem
    memmove(elem->puz[1], in_right, sizeof(elem->puz[1]));
    try_to_insert(elem);//insert into the hash
    stat_link elem_end = NULL;
    elem_end = new stat();
    memmove(elem_end->puz[0], best_left, sizeof(elem_end->puz[0]));//memcpy and strcpy for memory overlap problem
    memmove(elem_end->puz[1], best_right, sizeof(elem_end->puz[1]));
    try_to_insert_end(elem_end);//insert into the hash
    bool is_conn = false;
    stat_link f1 = NULL, f2 = NULL;//start -> f1 -> f2 -> end
    while (!is_empty() && !is_empty_end())
        //start -> end
        stat_link father = pop(), child = NULL;
            if((f1 == NULL && f2 == NULL) || ((father->ft_len + find_stat->ft_len) < (f1->ft_len + f2->ft_len)))
                if(f1 != NULL)
                    delete f1;
                    f1 = NULL;
                if(f2 != NULL)
                    delete f2;
                    f2 = NULL;
                f1 = clone_st(father);
                f2 = clone_st(find_stat);
            is_conn = true;
        //one turn complete
        if(is_conn && (is_empty() || front->ft_len != father->ft_len))
            res = f1;
            res_end = f2;
            return 1;
        if(father->ft_len >= 8)
            delete father;
            father = NULL;
        //generate children from the father
        for(int m = 1; m <= 4 ; m++)//m is mode, 1 ~ 4 indicate that left+clockwise, right+clockwise ......
            child = clone_st(father);
            int stp = 0;//clockwise 2 or counter clockwise -2
            if(m == 1 || m == 4) stp = 2;
            else stp = -2;
            int whe = (m % 2) ^ 1, un_whe = m % 2;//left 0 or right 1
            int tmp[12];
            for(int i = 0; i <= 12 - 1; i++)
                int next_i = i + stp;
                if(next_i < 0) next_i = 12 + next_i;
                if(next_i > 11) next_i = next_i - 12;
                tmp[next_i] = child->puz[whe][i];
            memmove(child->puz[whe], tmp, sizeof(child->puz[whe]));
            child->puz[un_whe][11] = child->puz[whe][11];
            child->puz[un_whe][10] = child->puz[whe][10];
            child->puz[un_whe][9] = child->puz[whe][9];
            child->ft[child->ft_len++] = m;
            if(child->ft_len <= 8 && try_to_insert(child))
            if(child != NULL) delete child;
            child = NULL;
        if(father != NULL) delete father;
        father = NULL;
        //end -> start
        stat_link father_end = pop_end(), child_end = NULL;
            if((f1 == NULL && f2 == NULL) || ((father_end->ft_len + find_stat->ft_len) < (f1->ft_len + f2->ft_len)))
                if(f1 != NULL)
                    delete f1;
                    f1 = NULL;
                if(f2 != NULL)
                    delete f2;
                    f2 = NULL;
                f2 = clone_st(father_end);
                f1 = clone_st(find_stat);
            is_conn = true;
        //one turn complete
        if(is_conn && (is_empty_end() || end_front->ft_len != father_end->ft_len))
            res = f1;
            res_end = f2;
            return 1;
        if(father_end->ft_len >= 8)
            delete father_end;
            father_end = NULL;
        //generate children from the father
        for(int m = 1; m <= 4 ; m++)//m is mode, 1 ~ 4 indicate that left+clockwise, right+clockwise ......
            child_end = clone_st(father_end);
            int stp = 0;//clockwise 2 or counter clockwise -2
            if(m == 1 || m == 4) stp = 2;
            else stp = -2;
            int whe = (m % 2) ^ 1, un_whe = m % 2;//left 0 or right 1
            int tmp[12];
            for(int i = 0; i <= 12 - 1; i++)
                int next_i = i + stp;
                if(next_i < 0) next_i = 12 + next_i;
                if(next_i > 11) next_i = next_i - 12;
                tmp[next_i] = child_end->puz[whe][i];
            memmove(child_end->puz[whe], tmp, sizeof(child_end->puz[whe]));
            child_end->puz[un_whe][11] = child_end->puz[whe][11];
            child_end->puz[un_whe][10] = child_end->puz[whe][10];
            child_end->puz[un_whe][9] = child_end->puz[whe][9];
            child_end->ft[child_end->ft_len++] = m;
            if(child_end->ft_len <= 16 && try_to_insert_end(child_end))
            if(child_end != NULL) delete child_end;
            child_end = NULL;
        if(father_end != NULL) delete father_end;
        father_end = NULL;
    return 0;
int clear_queue()
    stat_link pot = front;
    stat_link tmp = NULL;
    while(!is_empty() && pot)
        tmp = pot;
        pot = pot->next;
        front = pot;
        if(tmp != NULL) delete tmp;
        tmp = NULL;
    if(res != NULL) delete res;
    front = rear = res = NULL;
    return 0;
int clear_queue_end()
    stat_link pot = end_front;
    stat_link tmp = NULL;
    while(!is_empty_end() && pot)
        tmp = pot;
        pot = pot->next;
        end_front = pot;
        if(tmp != NULL) delete tmp;
        tmp = NULL;
    if(res_end != NULL) delete res_end;
    end_front = end_rear = res_end = NULL;
    return 0;
int clear_hash()
    for(int i = 0; i <= DM - 1; i++)
        stat_link pot = hash_table[i];
        while (pot != NULL)
            stat_link tmp = pot;//hash_table must save new struct that is different from queue's struct
            pot = pot->next;//I know why double free, see try_to_insert() carefully, the insert elem is queue elem , it is same struct , so when queue is clear then the hash_table's elem is deleted too
            if(tmp != NULL) delete tmp;//maybe the memory is overlap
            tmp = NULL;
        hash_table[i] = NULL;
    return 0;
int clear_hash_end()
    for(int i = 0; i <= DM - 1; i++)
        stat_link pot = hash_table_end[i];
        while (pot != NULL)
            stat_link tmp = pot;//hash_table must save new struct that is different from queue's struct
            pot = pot->next;//I know why double free, see try_to_insert() carefully, the insert elem is queue elem , it is same struct , so when queue is clear then the hash_table's elem is deleted too
            if(tmp != NULL) delete tmp;//maybe the memory is overlap
            tmp = NULL;
        hash_table_end[i] = NULL;
    return 0;
int main()
    while (scanf("%d", &n) !=  EOF && n > 0)
        while (n--)
            front = rear = res = NULL;
            for(int i = 0; i <= 12 - 1; i++)
                scanf("%d", &in_left[i]);
            for(int i = 0; i <= 12 - 1; i++)
                scanf("%d", &in_right[i]);
                print_st(res, res_end);
                printf("NO SOLUTION WAS FOUND IN 16 STEPS\n");
            clear_hash();//double free error
    return 0;




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


