import numpy as np
import torch
class EarlyStopping:
"""Early stops the training if validation loss doesn't improve after a given patience."""
def __init__(self, patience=7, verbose=False, delta=0, path=''):
patience (int): How long to wait after last time validation loss improved.
Default: 7
verbose (bool): If True, prints a message for each validation loss improvement.
Default: False
delta (float): Minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement.
Default: 0
path (str): Path for the checkpoint to be saved to.
Default: ''
self.patience = patience
self.verbose = verbose
self.counter = 0
self.best_score = None
self.early_stop = False
self.val_loss_min = np.Inf = delta
self.path = path
def __call__(self, val_loss, model):
score = -val_loss
if self.best_score is None:
self.best_score = score
self.save_checkpoint(val_loss, model)
elif score < self.best_score +
self.counter += 1
print(f'EarlyStopping counter: {self.counter} out of {self.patience}')
if self.counter >= self.patience:
self.early_stop = True
self.best_score = score
self.save_checkpoint(val_loss, model)
self.counter = 0
def save_checkpoint(self, val_loss, model):
'''Saves model when validation loss decrease.'''
if self.verbose:
print(f'Validation loss decreased ({self.val_loss_min:.6f} --> {val_loss:.6f}). Saving model ...'), self.path)
self.val_loss_min = val_loss
下面在pytorch上面运用早停法(early stopping)
#Train the Model using Early Stopping
def train_model(model, batch_size, patience, n_epochs):
# to track the training loss as the model trains
train_losses = []
# to track the validation loss as the model trains
valid_losses = []
# to track the average training loss per epoch as the model trains
avg_train_losses = []
# to track the average validation loss per epoch as the model trains
avg_valid_losses = []
# initialize the early_stopping object
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(patience=patience, verbose=True)
for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1):
# train the model #
model.train() # prep model for training
for batch, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader, 1):
# clear the gradients of all optimized variables
# forward pass: compute predicted outputs by passing inputs to the model
output = model(data)
# calculate the loss
loss = criterion(output, target)
# backward pass: compute gradient of the loss with respect to model parameters
# perform a single optimization step (parameter update)
# record training loss
# validate the model #
model.eval() # prep model for evaluation
for data, target in valid_loader:
# forward pass: compute predicted outputs by passing inputs to the model
output = model(data)
# calculate the loss
loss = criterion(output, target)
# record validation loss
# print training/validation statistics
# calculate average loss over an epoch
train_loss = np.average(train_losses)
valid_loss = np.average(valid_losses)
epoch_len = len(str(n_epochs))
print_msg = (f'[{epoch:>{epoch_len}}/{n_epochs:>{epoch_len}}] ' +
f'train_loss: {train_loss:.5f} ' +
f'valid_loss: {valid_loss:.5f}')
# clear lists to track next epoch
train_losses = []
valid_losses = []
# early_stopping needs the validation loss to check if it has decresed,
# and if it has, it will make a checkpoint of the current model
early_stopping(valid_loss, model)
if early_stopping.early_stop:
print("Early stopping")
# load the last checkpoint with the best model
return model, avg_train_losses, avg_valid_losses