SURF C++代码 详细阅读(一)


  • SURF是尺度不变特征变换算法(SIFT)的加速版,比SIFT要快好几倍(≈4),SURF算法用来完成特征点检测并构造相应描述符,可以应用于物体识别、图像拼接、3D重构等领域,由于其速度快、鲁棒性高,尤其为实时应用(目标检测、目标跟踪、视频拼接、3D重建)提供了可能。

蓝色代表亮背景的暗点,红色代表暗背景的亮点 ,线段方向为主方向




1.实现main函数中的方法 需要调用即surflib 中的surfDetDes函数,surfDetDes函数为surfDet和surfDes函数结合,检测特征点并构造描述符。

//! Library function builds vector of described interest points
inline void surfDetDes(IplImage *img,    /* image to find Ipoints in */
                                             std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts, /* reference to vector of Ipoints */
                                             int single_mem_cpy,
                                             bool upright = false, /* run in rotation invariant mode? */
                                             int octaves = OCTAVES, /* number of octaves to calculate */
                                             int intervals = INTERVALS, /* number of intervals per octave */
                                             int init_sample = INIT_SAMPLE, /* initial sampling step */
                                             float thres = THRES /* blob response threshold */)
    // Create integral-image representation of the image
    IplImage *int_img = Integral(img);
    // Create Fast Hessian Object
    FastHessian fh(int_img, ipts, single_mem_cpy, octaves, intervals, init_sample, thres);

    // Extract interest points and store in vector ipts
    clock_t start = clock();
    clock_t end = clock();
    std::cout<< "Extract keypoints took: " << float(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC    << " seconds" << std::endl;

    // Create Surf Descriptor Object
    Surf des(int_img, ipts);
    // Extract the descriptors for the ipts
    start = clock();
    end = clock();
    std::cout<< "Extract descriptor took: " << float(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC    << " seconds" << std::endl;

    // Deallocate the integral image

以 inline 修饰的函数叫做内联函数,编译时C++编译器会在调用内联函数的地方展开,没有函数压栈的开销,提升程序运行的效率。


  1. 创建积分图像 IplImage *int_img = Integral(img);
  2. 创建快速海森矩阵 FastHessian fh(int_img, ipts, single_mem_cpy, octaves, intervals, init_sample, thres);
  3. 提取特征点 fh.getIpoints();
  4. 创建描述符对象并得到描述符 des.getDescriptors(upright);

并通过clock()时钟函数以 float(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC返回每一步用时。



//! Computes the integral image of image img.    Assumes source image to be a 
//! 32-bit floating point.    Returns IplImage of 32-bit float form.

/* 计算图像的积分图 */
IplImage *Integral(IplImage *source)
    // convert the image to single channel 32f
    IplImage *img = getGray(source); //灰度图
    IplImage *int_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);// 建一个宽高与原图一致的单精度浮点数(32位)单通道图像

    // set up variables for data access
    int height = img->height;
    int width  = img->width;
    int step   = img->widthStep/sizeof(float); //存储一行像素需要的字节数(4的倍数)/每一个像素的字节数4 = 每一行的像素数
    float *data     = (float *) img->imageData;    //图像像素的首指针
    float *i_data   = (float *) int_img->imageData;    

    // first row only
	// 第一行的情况
    float rs = 0.0f;
    for(int j=0; j<width; j++) 
        rs += data[j]; 
        i_data[j] = rs;

    // remaining cells are sum above and to the left
    for(int i=1; i<height; ++i) 
        rs = 0.0f;
        for(int j=0; j<width; ++j) //后续每个像素块把上方左方求和 上方和即积分图上一行像素值 左方和遍历一次
            rs += data[i*step+j]; 
            i_data[i*step+j] = rs + i_data[(i-1)*step+j];

    // release the gray image

    // return the integral image
    return int_img;

widthStep:表示存储一行像素需要的字节数。 在cv::Iplimage属性中,widthStep必须是4的倍数,实现字节对齐,有利于提高运算速度。

循环中的++i: i++需要一个暂时变量,然后将i加1后,返回的是暂时变量。而++i就是自增后返回i。在空间损耗上,i++要略高于++i,因此,在不影响代码逻辑的前提下,要尽量使用++i。

补 程序四模块:初始化、运算、控制、释放。

创建灰度图(单精度浮点数(32位)单通道),首先将第一行相加,后续每个像素块把上方左方求和 上方和即积分图上一行像素值 左方和遍历一次。


FastHessian类 主要包含:

  1. 构造函数
  2. 获取特征点 getIpoints() 是最主要的函数,其需要用到其他函数包括:
    构建并计算海森矩阵行列式响应图(DoH) void buildResponseMap(); buildResponseLayer(ResponseLayer *r)
    判断极值 isExtremum
class FastHessian {
        //! Constructor without image
        FastHessian(std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts, 
                                const int single_mem_cpy,
                                const int octaves = OCTAVES, 
                                const int intervals = INTERVALS, 
                                const int init_sample = INIT_SAMPLE, 
                                const float thres = THRES);

        //! Constructor with image
        FastHessian(IplImage *img, 
                                std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts,
                                const int single_mem_cpy, 
                                const int octaves = OCTAVES, 
                                const int intervals = INTERVALS, 
                                const int init_sample = INIT_SAMPLE, 
                                const float thres = THRES);

        //! Destructor

        //! Save the parameters
        void saveParameters(const int octaves, 
                                                const int intervals,
                                                const int init_sample, 
                                                const float thres,
                                                const int single_mem_cpy);

        //! Set or re-set the integral image source
        void setIntImage(IplImage *img);

        //! Find the image features and write into vector of features
        void getIpoints();

        //---------------- Private Functions -----------------//

        //! Build map of DoH responses
        void buildResponseMap();

        //! Calculate DoH responses for supplied layer
        void buildResponseLayer(ResponseLayer *r);

        //! 3x3x3 Extrema test
        int isExtremum(int r, int c, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b);        
        //! Interpolation functions - adapted from Lowe's SIFT implementation
        void interpolateExtremum(int r, int c, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b);//, Ipoint* ipts_tmp, int* changed);
        void interpolateStep(int r, int c, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b,
                                                    double* xi, double* xr, double* xc );
        double** deriv3D(int r, int c, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b);
        double** hessian3D(int r, int c, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b);

        //---------------- Private Variables -----------------//

        //! Pointer to the integral Image, and its attributes 
        IplImage *img;
        int i_width, i_height;

        int single_mem_cpy;

        //! Reference to vector of features passed from outside 
        std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts;

        //! Response stack of determinant of hessian values
        std::vector<ResponseLayer *> responseMap;

        //! Number of Octaves
        int octaves;

        //! Number of Intervals per octave
        int intervals;

        //! Initial sampling step for Ipoint detection
        int init_sample;

        //! Threshold value for blob resonses
        float thresh;



构造一个关于点向量或图像的FastHessian类 都要设置一次参数saveParameters

注意img是积分图像 不然会影响后边计算DoH的逻辑理解

//! Constructor without image
FastHessian::FastHessian(std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts, const int single_mem_cpy,
                                                 const int octaves, const int intervals, const int init_sample, 
                                                 const float thresh) 
                                                 : ipts(ipts), i_width(0), i_height(0)
    // Save parameter set
    saveParameters(octaves, intervals, init_sample, thresh, single_mem_cpy);


//! Constructor with image 注意初始化图像是积分图像
FastHessian::FastHessian(IplImage *img, std::vector<Ipoint> &ipts, const int single_mem_cpy,
                                                 const int octaves, const int intervals, const int init_sample, 
                                                 const float thresh) 
                                                 : ipts(ipts), i_width(0), i_height(0)
    // Save parameter set
    saveParameters(octaves, intervals, init_sample, thresh, single_mem_cpy);

    // Set the current image

每次设置参数(小写) 超出范围则使用全局静态常量(大写)

默认构造金字塔 层数5 每一层间隔(DoH响应图)数4 采样因子2 阈值0.0004

//! Save the parameters
//! 每次设置参数 超出范围则使用全局静态常量
void FastHessian::saveParameters(const int octaves, const int intervals, 
                                            const int init_sample, const float thresh, const int single_mem_cpy)
    // Initialise variables with bounds-checked values
    this->octaves = 
        (octaves > 0 && octaves <= 4 ? octaves : OCTAVES);
    this->intervals = 
        (intervals > 0 && intervals <= 4 ? intervals : INTERVALS);
    this->init_sample = 
        (init_sample > 0 && init_sample <= 6 ? init_sample : INIT_SAMPLE);
    this->thresh = (thresh >= 0 ? thresh : THRES);

    this->single_mem_cpy = single_mem_cpy;

2.2 获取特征点

//! Find the image features and write into vector of features
void FastHessian::getIpoints()
    // filter index map
    static const int filter_map [OCTAVES][INTERVALS] = {{0,1,2,3}, {1,3,4,5}, {3,5,6,7}, {5,7,8,9}, {7,9,10,11}};

    // Clear the vector of exisiting ipts

    std::clock_t start;
    start = std::clock();

    // Build the response map

    std::cout << "buildResponseMap took: " << (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000) << " ms" << std::endl;

    start = std::clock();

    // Get the response layers 判断是否是极值点
    ResponseLayer *b, *m, *t;

    for (int o = 0; o < octaves; ++o) 
        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i)
            b =[o][i]);
            m =[o][i+1]);
            t =[o][i+2]);

            // Ipoint ipts_tmp[t->height][t->width];
            // int changed[t->height][t->width];

            // loop over middle response layer at density of the most 
            // sparse layer (always top), to find maxima across scale and space

            for (int r = 0; r < t->height; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c < t->width; ++c)
                    if (isExtremum(r, c, t, m, b))
                        interpolateExtremum(r, c, t, m, b);//, &ipts_tmp[r][c], &changed[r][c]);

            // for (int r = 0; r < t->height; ++r)
            // {
            //     for (int c = 0; c < t->width; ++c)
            //     {
            //         if (changed[r][c] == 1)
            //         {
            //             ipts.push_back(ipts_tmp[r][c]);
            //         }
            //     }
            // }

     std::cout << "Ipoint vector took: " << (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000) << " ms" << std::endl;

初始化过滤后的图像(DoH)static const int filter_map [OCTAVES][INTERVALS]
创建并计算DoH响应图 buildResponseMap();
在临近的三幅DoH图(ResponseLayer *b, *m, *t)中寻找极值点并进行插值


2.2.1 创建DoH响应图 buildResponseMap()
//! Build map of DoH responses
void FastHessian::buildResponseMap()
    // Calculate responses for the first 4 octaves:
    // Oct1: 9,  15, 21, 27
    // Oct2: 15, 27, 39, 51
    // Oct3: 27, 51, 75, 99
    // Oct4: 51, 99, 147,195
    // Oct5: 99, 195,291,387

    // Deallocate memory and clear any existing response layers
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < responseMap.size(); ++i)    
        delete responseMap[i];

    // Get image attributes
    int w = (i_width / init_sample);
    int h = (i_height / init_sample);
    int s = (init_sample);//采样因子

    int rsize;

    // Calculate approximated determinant of hessian values
    //参数为 宽、高、采样因子、盒滤波器大小
    if (octaves >= 1)
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,     h,     s,     9));
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,     h,     s,     15));
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,     h,     s,     21));
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,     h,     s,     27));
        rsize = 4;
    if (octaves >= 2)
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/2, h/2, s*2, 39));
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/2, h/2, s*2, 51));
        rsize = 6;

    if (octaves >= 3)
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/4, h/4, s*4, 75));
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/4, h/4, s*4, 99));
        rsize = 8;

    if (octaves >= 4)
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/8, h/8, s*8, 147));
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/8, h/8, s*8, 195));
        rsize = 10;

    if (octaves >= 5)
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/16, h/16, s*16, 291));
        responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/16, h/16, s*16, 387));
        rsize = 12;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < responseMap.size(); ++i)
  • 五层金字塔盒滤波器大小在注释中,用过ResponseLayer创建12个不同大小的盒滤波器,利用尺度(盒滤波器大小)的重复性,这12个盒滤波器就可以代表5层Octaves每层4个DoH共5*4=20个盒滤波器响应层。
    接着每一个盒滤波器响应层 通过函数buildResponseLayer(responseMap[i]);得到
  • 这里responseMap是一个响应层数组,每个元素为ResponseLayer
std::vector<ResponseLayer *> responseMap;


ResponseLayer(int width, int height, int step, int filter)
        assert(width > 0 && height > 0);
        this->width = width;
        this->height = height;
        this->step = step;//采样因子
        this->filter = filter;//盒滤波的大小

        responses = new float[width * height];//存放每个大小的filer下的图像像素点的海森矩阵的行列式值 
        laplacian = new unsigned char[width * height];//存放laplacian标识符,判断是暗背景上的亮斑还是亮背景的暗斑
        //开辟一个存放unsigned char的空间,返回一个指向该存储空间的地址

        memset(laplacian,0,sizeof(unsigned char)*width*height);
2.2.2 计算DoH响应层
  • SURF的金字塔和SIFT大致结构一样,主要区别在:且用盒滤波器直接近似了高斯滤波模糊和拉普拉斯二阶导求极值,所以盒滤波器过滤图,即Hessian矩阵行列式的图像(DoH),就相当于SIFT算法中的高斯差分图像(DoG),且一副原图生产一副DoH(用积分图计算),而SIFT金字塔通过不同尺度图像做差产生DoG。


  • DoH的计算过程
//! Calculate DoH responses for supplied layer
void FastHessian::buildResponseLayer(ResponseLayer *rl)
    float *responses = rl->responses;                 // response storage
    unsigned char *laplacian = rl->laplacian; // laplacian sign storage
    int step = rl->step;                                            // step size for this filter
    int b = (rl->filter - 1) / 2 + 1;                 // border for this filter
    int l = rl->filter / 3;                                     // lobe for this filter (filter size / 3)
    int w = rl->filter;                                             // filter size
    float inverse_area = 1.f/(w*w);                     // normalisation factor
    float Dxx, Dyy, Dxy;

    int height = rl->height;
    int width = rl->width;

    int img_step = img->widthStep/sizeof(float); //每一行的像素个数
    int img_height = img->height;
    int img_width = img->width;

    float *img_data = (float *) img->imageData;

    int r, c;

    for(int ar = 0; ar < height; ++ar) 
        for(int ac = 0; ac < width; ++ac) 
            // get the image coordinates
            r = ar * step;//这里的step为盒滤波器的采样因子(构造函数的第三参数),不是图像每一行的像素个数
            c = ac * step; 

            // Compute response components
            // 利用积分图计算海森矩阵的行列式近似值
            //参数:图像首地址 r1 c1 r2与r1差 c2与c1差 每行像素个数 高 宽 
            Dxx = BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - l + 1, c - b, 2*l - 1, w, img_step, img_height, img_width)
                    - BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - l + 1, c - l / 2, 2*l - 1, l, img_step, img_height, img_width)*3;
            Dyy = BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - b, c - l + 1, w, 2*l - 1, img_step, img_height, img_width)
                    - BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - l / 2, c - l + 1, l, 2*l - 1, img_step, img_height, img_width)*3;
            Dxy = BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - l, c + 1, l, l, img_step, img_height, img_width)
                        + BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r + 1, c - l, l, l, img_step, img_height, img_width)
                        - BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - l, c - l, l, l, img_step, img_height, img_width)
                        - BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r + 1, c + 1, l, l, img_step, img_height, img_width);

            // Normalise the filter responses with respect to their size
            Dxx *= inverse_area;
            Dyy *= inverse_area;
            Dxy *= inverse_area;

            responses[ar*width + ac] = (Dxx * Dyy - 0.81 * Dxy * Dxy);//海森矩阵行列式 0.81为近似(积分图+盒滤波近似代替高斯平滑和二阶导)的修正
            laplacian[ar*width + ac] = (Dxx + Dyy >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
            //求得的 近似Hessian矩阵行列式的图像(DoH) 就相当于 SIFT算法中的高斯差分图像(DoG)



r = ar * step; //这里的step为盒滤波器的采样因子(构造函数的第三参数),不是图像每一行的像素个数

  • 参数含义 b:滤波器中心离边缘的距离 ;l:滤波器大小/3 ; w: 滤波器中心离边缘的距离

这里举例大小为9的盒滤波器,图像中每一点的Dxx,Dyy,Dxy(从左到后)分别由 以下滤波器形状与原图像素卷积后形成,滤波器中白色和黑色总和区域系数为+1,黑色区域为-3,灰色区域为0


  • 按其中Dxx计算举例如下:
Dxx = BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - l + 1, c - b, 2*l - 1, w, img_step, img_height, img_width)
                    - BoxIntegral_acc(img_data, r - l + 1, c - l / 2, 2*l - 1, l, img_step, img_height, img_width)*3;
  • BoxIntegral_acc参数:图像首地址 r1 c1 r2与r1差 c2与c1差 每行像素个数 高 宽
  • 将图像任意一点(r,c)的Dxx卷积计算过程如下,:


inline float BoxIntegral_acc(float *img_data, int row, int col, int rows, int cols, int step, int height, int width) 
  // The subtraction by one for row/col is because row/col is inclusive.
  int r1 = std::min(row,          height) - 1;
  int c1 = std::min(col,          width)  - 1;
  int r2 = std::min(row + rows,   height) - 1;
  int c2 = std::min(col + cols,   width)  - 1;

  float A(0.0f), B(0.0f), C(0.0f), D(0.0f);
  if (r1 >= 0 && c1 >= 0) A = img_data[r1 * step + c1];
  if (r1 >= 0 && c2 >= 0) B = img_data[r1 * step + c2];
  if (r2 >= 0 && c1 >= 0) C = img_data[r2 * step + c1];
  if (r2 >= 0 && c2 >= 0) D = img_data[r2 * step + c2];

  return std::max(0.f, A - B - C + D);

接着通过公式 Dxx * Dyy - 0.81 * Dxy * Dxy将近似(积分图+盒滤波近似代替高斯平滑和拉普拉斯二阶导)作修正

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